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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2023 in all areas

  1. _FTP_ProgressDownload()?
    1 point
  2. It looks more stable, no crashes yet. Can you compile the DLL for x86 also?
    1 point
  3. Never jumped on the Python bandwagon myself either. From what I read at stackoverflow in various threads, you should be able to get significantly better performance when replacing numPy with raw Eigen/C++, even without GPU/CUDA/MPI refactoring. If you're serious about setting up ML in this way, I can probably help you. Because many of Eigen's speed optimisations are obtained at compile-time (e.g. lazy evaluation, smart loop unrolling, and matrix operation-specific stuff), if you were to present a snippet of E4A code (say, a UDF that applies a number of E4A functions to some input matrices), I could duplicate/optimise/rewrite that and present you with single pre-compiled E4A dllcall. I first suggested this when I started the E4A thread many years ago, but so far nobody has taken me up on this. Up to you of course. If you're worried about your intellectual property, you can PM me instead. In any case, hope it helps.
    1 point
  4. jchd

    Kobo Cover Fixer

    As a sidenote: remember that hot journal files may exist on a device running SQLite. So an SQLite database may consist of a main DB file and (possibly) 1 or 2 journal files depending on journaling mode and termination mode of the application.
    1 point
  5. The term you are looking for is "natural sort". There are several functions here in the forum for this. With >>this UDF<< your example would be solved like this: #include "ArrayPlus.au3" Global $aArray[11] = [10, "InventorySave_1.lvs", "InventorySave_10.lvs", "InventorySave_2.lvs", "InventorySave_3.lvs", "InventorySave_4.lvs", "InventorySave_5.lvs", "InventorySave_6.lvs", "InventorySave_7.lvs", "InventorySave_8.lvs", "InventorySave_9.lvs"] ; sort with natural comparison function _ArraySortFlexible($aArray, __ap_cb_comp_Natural, 1) ; display the array _ArrayDisplay($aArray)
    1 point
  6. TheSaint

    Kobo Cover Fixer

    I am finally back working on this program again, as I did yet another update to one of those two other mentioned programs of mine yesterday. No testing as yet, as I had some other thoughts, and decided to code most of that instead. I did this chiefly, because I am no longer sure I should be working with the current copy of 'KoboReader.sqlite' that I am using (working copy). The following screenshot probably best explains why. Those dialogs are part of my new additional code, added to the 'Program Settings' window, where I have changed the 'Other Options' section and added two new buttons to it - Copy Device SQLite and Replace Device SQLite. Both now fully coded, except for the Update Copied SQLite File checkbox, which has been moved and renamed, and while coded itself, does not yet impact anything ... as in no code yet done anywhere to write to the working copy of 'KoboReader.sqlite'. At this point, I don't feel I have made many changes to the 'KoboReader.sqlite' file on my Kobo device, other than read a few ebooks, resulting in at least one 'Finished' and at least one page reading location change. So at the very least, I now need to be working with the updated copy of that file, instead of the one I have been using. That is as simple as copying that file from my Kobo device to my program folder, and overwriting the existing copy there. To that aim, I decided to code an even easier method to do that, hence the new Copy Device SQLite button. Adding and coding both new buttons has been a preemptive strike, working on the presumption I will actually need to modify the 'KoboReader.sqlite' file at some point, perhaps sooner rather than later. I still also need to check that my drive detection code does indeed discover my Kobo device drive ... depending on what type of drive it might be seen as. My code currently checks for Fixed and Removable drives, but maybe it will come up as Unknown or something. Because of the flaky nature of the USB connection of my Kobo device, I am refraining from plugging it in until I really need to. We are almost there now. DOWNLOAD Kobo Cover Fixer.au3 (52 downloads) SEE THE FIRST POST in this topic for the latest version. 131.88 kB
    1 point
  7. InetGet('ftp://username:password@servername/<filename>', '<filename>')
    1 point
  8. Version 1.0.0


    PDH Performance Counters Measure Process, CPU, Network, Process, Disk (etc) Usage ...read all about it at /topic/90736-performance-counters-in-windows-measure-process-cpu-network-disk-usage/ you can reach the old site via the WaybackMachine, and get any other material you may need from there.
    1 point
  9. Update: as of version 5.4 (released: 29 May 2023), E4A supports direct retrieval of the angle between two vectors with function _Eigen_GetVectorAngle ( $vecA, $vecB, $returnRadians = False ). A zero-degree angle signifies parallel vectors (aligned and pointing in the exact same direction), a 90-degree angle perpendicular ones, and a 180-degree angle implies the vectors are anti-parallel (aligned, but pointing in opposite directions). #include "C:\AutoIt\Eigen\Eigen4AutoIt.au3" ; NB adjust path to wherever you put it Local $embedding1[3] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] Local $embedding2[3] = [4.0, 5.0, 6.0] _Eigen_StartUp() $vec1=_Eigen_CreateMatrix_FromArray($embedding1) $vec2=_Eigen_CreateMatrix_FromArray($embedding2) MsgBox(0, "", "Cosine similarity: " & _Eigen_GetVectorAngle($vec1,$vec2)) _Eigen_CleanUp()
    1 point
  10. You can print debug info in a second gui window ... Here is an example of adding (limited by deleting the oldest entry) debug text to a listbox: #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Dan_555 Script Function: Displaying important debugging text in a listbox The maximum item numer in this listbox can be limited so that the old items get deleted, when a new entry comes in #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <GuiListBox.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> ; Script Start - Add your code below here Global $debugComboMaxLines = 8, $debug_on = 1 ;Debug_on: enables-disables the debugging window. $debugCombomaxlines: How many items shall be always present in the list box. If $debug_on = 1 Then Global $debug = GUICreate("DebugLog", 320, 170, Default, Default, BitOR($WS_THICKFRAME, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX)) Global $debug_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Debug Last Active = 00:00:00", 4, 4,312,17) Global $idDEBUGListBox = GUICtrlCreateList("", 2, 22, 300, 130) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $debug) EndIf Func DebugLogText($txt) If $debug_on = 1 Then _GUICtrlListBox_BeginUpdate($idDEBUGListBox) If _GUICtrlListBox_GetCount($idDEBUGListBox) >= $debugComboMaxLines Then _GUICtrlListBox_DeleteString($idDEBUGListBox, $debugComboMaxLines) _GUICtrlListBox_InsertString($idDEBUGListBox, @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " - " & $txt, 0) _GUICtrlListBox_EndUpdate($idDEBUGListBox) EndIf EndFunc ;==>DebugLogText ;example code Local $hTimeI = TimerInit() While GUIGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE If $debug_on = 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($debug_label, "Loop Last Active =" & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) ;Debugging only If TimerDiff($hTimeI) > 1000 Then DebugLogText("Action #" & Int(Random(0, 100)) & " occured") $hTimeI = TimerInit() EndIf WEnd
    1 point
  11. This UDF contains functions to make the handling of arrays more effective and elegant. Besides functions which are inspired by Python's range-create and its array-slicing, most of the functions are based on the principle of being able to specify user-defined functions for subtasks. E.g. with the classic _ArraySort() it is not possible to sort "naturally" or to sort 2D arrays by multiple columns or instead by string length or or or... With these functions here you can usually realize this in only one function call. Also the possibility to display arrays nicely formatted as string (quasi the counterpart to _ArrayDisplay) was missing until now. The function list of the UDF: Therefore, here are a few code examples for selected functions: _ArrayCreate(): _ArraySlice(): _Array2String(): _ArraySortFlexible(): _ArrayBinarySearchFlex(): _ArrayGetNthBiggestElement(): >>sourcecode and download on github<<
    1 point
  12. Try... ConsoleWrite( __checkConn("https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/bullshitpage") & @LF) ConsoleWrite( __checkConn("https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/") & @LF) ConsoleWrite( __checkConn("http://www.narcolepticmonkeytumor.com") & @LF) Func __checkConn($url) Return (StringLen(InetRead($url, 1)) > 0) EndFunc
    1 point
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