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  1. ioa747

    SciTE PlusBar

    @bladem2003 Thank you very much. I searched a lot to find it, finally this found me, thanks to you, I appreciate it I updated the PutSelectedInRegion.au3
    2 points
  2. Well, I answered my own question. Just as you can set the default data folder with SetEnv(), you can also set the default background color of WebView2 with SetEnv(). However, all calls to SetEnv() must be made BEFORE the WebView2 controller is initialized. To set the window to black: SetEnv( "WEBVIEW2_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR", "FF000000" ) Format of the color is: AARRGGBB in hex format where AA is the transparency of the window. When AA=FF the WebView2 window will be fully opaque and when AA=00 the WebView2 window will be fully transparent.
    1 point
  3. jpm

    Asynchronous callbacks?

    I need some time to work on it I will report ASAP
    1 point
  4. bladem2003

    SciTE PlusBar

    Hi, here is another way to get the line number selected in scite. if you change the view in the status bar, no line number is displayed and you don't get the line number read out. #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <SendMessage.au3> Global $hScite_Editor_hWnd = ControlGetHandle("[CLASS:SciTEWindow]", '', '[CLASS:Scintilla; INSTANCE:1]') MsgBox(0,"", _SciTE_GetSelectedLineNumber()) Func _SciTE_GetSelectedLineNumber() $hScite_Editor_hWnd = ControlGetHandle("[CLASS:SciTEWindow]", '', '[CLASS:Scintilla; INSTANCE:1]') Return _SciTE_GetLineFromPosition(_SciTE_GetCurrentPosition()) EndFunc ;==>_SciTE_GetSelectedLineNumber Func _SciTE_GetCurrentPosition() Local Const $SCI_GETCURRENTPOS = 2008 Return _SendMessage($hScite_Editor_hWnd, $SCI_GETCURRENTPOS) EndFunc ;==>_SciTE_GetCurrentPosition Func _SciTE_GetLineFromPosition($iLineNumber) Local Const $SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION = 2166 Return _SendMessage($hScite_Editor_hWnd, $SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, $iLineNumber) EndFunc ;==>_SciTE_GetLineFromPosition
    1 point
  5. Well show some code you have made with this (like a simple reach to Google). So we can evaluate how incredible this solution is. Stating grandiosity is not enough in this forum.
    1 point
  6. Dan_555

    SciTE PlusBar

    Hi, here is a small change suggestion, which will let the 1st time user to seek the scite.exe and write it into the ini file: ;Check if $ProcessStr is running else start it Global $FindProcess $FindProcess = 0 While $FindProcess = 0 If Not ProcessExists($ProcessStr) Then If FileExists($Process_Path) Then Run($Process_Path) $FindProcess = 1 Else $Process_Path = FileOpenDialog("Please locate the Autoit Scite.exe", @ScriptDir, "scite(scite.exe)", BitOR($FD_FILEMUSTEXIST, $FD_PATHMUSTEXIST), "scite.exe") If @error > 0 Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Can't find " & $ProcessStr & " to start it", "Please, set the $Process_Path manually in Config.ini ") GoToExit() Else If StringInStr($Process_Path, "scite.exe") > 0 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Config.ini", "Configuration", "Process_Path", $Process_Path) EndIf EndIf Else $FindProcess = 1 EndIf WEnd $FindProcess = "" #Region === Read Setting and Create Items === I have noticed that you are using the fixed path in the Func MakeExecuteShortcut: ; Create a shortcut FileCreateShortcut("C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoIt3.exe", _ ;file Not everyone is having the scite installed in the program files folder.
    1 point
  7. Darkbeo

    Dynamic HotKeySet

    Thanks, worked perfectly as I wanted. File.ini [Section1] Key1=Alt+F1 Key2=Ctrl+F1 Func KeySets($pSection, $pKey, $pFunc) #comments-start ! = Alt + = Shift ^ = Ctrl #comments-end If StringInStr( IniRead($arq, $pSection, $pKey, ""), "+" ) > 0 Then $cKey = StringLeft( IniRead($arq, $pSection, $pKey, ""), StringInStr( IniRead($arq, $pSection, $pKey, ""), "+" )-1 ) Switch $cKey Case "Ctrl" $cReturn = "^{"& StringRight ( IniRead($arq, $pSection, $pKey, ""), StringInStr( IniRead($arq, $pSection, $pKey, ""), "+" )-2 ) &"}" Case "Alt" $cReturn = "!{"& StringRight ( IniRead($arq, $pSection, $pKey, ""), StringInStr( IniRead($arq, $pSection, $pKey, ""), "+" )-2 ) &"}" Case "Shift" $cReturn = "+{"& StringRight ( IniRead($arq, $pSection, $pKey, ""), StringInStr( IniRead($arq, $pSection, $pKey, ""), "+" )-2 ) &"}" EndSwitch Else $cReturn = "{"&IniRead($arq, $pSection, $pKey, "")&"}" EndIf HotKeySet( $cReturn, $pFunc) EndFunc KeySets("Section1", "Key1", "FuncA") -=> HotKeySet("!{F1}", "FuncA") KeySets("Section1", "Key2", "FuncB") -=> HotKeySet("^{F1}", "FuncB")
    1 point
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