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BETA: SciTE v5x & lua Dynamic_include and "Smart" AutoComplete for Vars/UDFs/Abbrevs
argumentum and one other reacted to Jos for a topic
After a long period of development& alpha testing with a few other members, I moved this thread into the General form and am sharing this Beta with all that want to play with it. See the first page for a detailed description of this project and a link where to get this version: These are the latest updates to the zip file: @mLipok, I will remove all the links you made to the Alpha as that version is now removed!2 points -
Need to read files created in a folder like 1-100 in a loop but numerically
pixelsearch reacted to mikell for a topic
My 2 cents about the script in post #1 : This Global $aMatches = StringRegExp($sFileContents, "(?s)" & $sStartString & "(.*?)" & $sEndString, 4) If IsArray($aMatches) Then ; String was found between the start and end strings Global $sMatch = $aMatches[0] ; MsgBox (0, "test", $sMatch) <============= can't work ! EndIf is actually incorrect. Using flag 4, $aMatches[0] is an array, not a string, so the syntax $sMatch = $aMatches[0] is wrong Voilà ...1 point -
Need to read files created in a folder like 1-100 in a loop but numerically
SOLVE-SMART reacted to argumentum for a topic
.. how about inline ASM ?. That would save us from calling and external file. https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/86672-autoit-inline-assembly-udf/ https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/173919-inline-assembler-snippets/ not that I know anything about ... anything, but I thought that it would be good to look at for you actual programmers1 point -
Why does script looses the menueitems if running in x64 mode?
SOLVE-SMART reacted to AutoBert for a topic
The problem was the ModernMenuRaw.au3. Replaced with this one: #include-once #include <ApiShellExConstants.au3> ;autoBert 10.03.2023 #include <WindowsConstants.au3> ;******************************************************************** ; ModernMenu UDF by Holger Kotsch ; Version-date: 06.05.2008 ;******************************************************************** ; Modified by ProgAndy ; Modify-date: 08.08.2008 ;******************************************************************** ; Modified by LarsJ ; Modify-date: 19.10.2014 ; Modify-date: 24.01.2015, updates suggested by nickston ;******************************************************************** #cs ModernMenu possible commands: ---------------------------- *** Common parameters *** bUseAdvMenu - switch on/off GUI advanced menu bUseAdvTrayMenu - switch on/off Tray advanced menu bUseRGBColors - use RGB colors instead of BGR colors (default BGR) ---------------------------- *** GUI menu color commands *** _SetMenuBkColor(Color) _SetMenuIconBkColor(Color) _SetMenuIconBkGrdColor(Color) _SetMenuSelectBkColor(Color) _SetMenuSelectRectColor(Color) _SetMenuSelectTextColor(Color) _SetMenuTextColor(Color) *** GUI menu item commands *** _GUICtrlCreateODTopMenu($sText, $nParentGUI) ; <--- ProgAndy _GUICtrlCreateODMenuItem(Text, ParentMenuID [, IconFile [, IconID [, Radio]]]) _GUICtrlCreateODMenu(Text, ParentMenuID [, IconFile [, IconID]]) _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetText(MenuID, Text) _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetIcon(MenuID [, IconFile], IconID]]) _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetSelIcon(MenuID [, IconFile ], IconID]]) _GUICtrlODMenuItemDelete(MenuID) _GUIMenuBarSetBkColor($nParentGUI,$nMenuBkClr) ; <--- ProgAndy ---------------------------- *** Tray menu color/flash commands *** _SetTrayBkColor(Color) _SetTrayIconBkColor(Color) _SetTrayIconBkGrdColor(Color) _SetTraySelectBkColor(Color) _SetTraySelectRectColor(Color) _SetTraySelectTextColor(Color) _SetTrayTextColor(Color) _SetFlashTimeOut([ToggleTimeout]) *** Tray menu item commands *** _TrayCreateContextMenu([TrayIconID]) _TrayCreateItem(Text [, TrayParentMenuID [, MenuEntryPos [, Radio]]]) _TrayCreateMenu(Text [, TrayParentMenuID [, MenuEntryPos]]) _TrayItemSetIcon(TrayMenuID [, IconFile [, IconID]]) _TrayItemSetSelIcon(TrayMenuID [, IconFile [, IconID]]) _TrayItemSetText([TrayMenuID [, Text]]) _TrayDeleteItem(TrayMenu/itemID) *** Tray icon commands *** _TrayIconCreate([ToolTip [, IconFile [, IconID [, Callback [, Msg [, hIcon]]]]]]) _TrayIconSetState([TrayIconID [, State]]) _TrayIconSetClick(TrayIconID, Clicks) _TrayIconSetIcon([TrayIconID [, IconFile [, IconID]]]) _TrayIconSetToolTip([TrayIconID [, ToolTip]]) _TrayIconDelete(TrayIconID) _TrayTip(TrayIconID, Title, Text [, TimeOut [, InfoFlags]]) _TrayGetMenuHandle(TrayIconID) ---------------------------- *** Side Menu commands *** _CreateSideMenu(MenuID) ; returns a SideMenuID/index _DeleteSideMenu(SideMenuID) ; delete a menu sidebar _SetSideMenuText(SideMenuID, Text) ; set a text for the sidebar _SetSideMenuColor(SideMenuID, Color) ; set text color _SetSideMenuBkColor(SideMenuID, Color) ; set text background color _SetSideMenuBkGradColor(SideMenuID, Color) ; set text background gradient color _SetSideMenuImage(SideMenuID, Bitmapfile [, Resourcename/number [, Expand/Compress Bitmap]]) #ce ; Alphabetical list of functions ; ------------------------------ ; _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) ; _ColorGetClr($nColor, $nMode) ; _CreateBlankIcon() ; _CreateMenuFont(ByRef $hFont, $bBold = FALSE, $bSide = FALSE) ; _CreateMenuFontByName($sFontName, $nHeight = 8, $nWidth = 400) ; _CreateSideMenu($nMenuID) ; _DeleteSideMenu($nIdx) ; _FillGradientRect($hDC, $stRect, $nClr1, $nClr2, $bVert = FALSE) ; _GetBGRColor($nColor) ; _GetIconID($nID, $sFile) ; _GetMenuHandle($nMenuItemID) ; _GetMenuIconIndex($nMenuItemID, ByRef $nIconIndex, ByRef $nSelIconIndex) ; _GetMenuIndex($hMenu, $nMenuItemID) ; _GetMenuInfos(ByRef $nS, ByRef $nX) ; _GetMenuIsRadio($nMenuItemID) ; _GetMenuMaxTextWidth($hDC, $hMenu, ByRef $nMaxWidth, ByRef $nMaxAccWidth) ; _GetMenuText($nMenuItemID) ; _GetNewTrayIndex() ; _GetNewItemIndex() ; _GetNewSideItemIndex() ; _GetSideMenuColors($nIdx, ByRef $nColor, ByRef $nBkColor, ByRef $nBkGradColor) ; _GetSideMenuImage($nIdx) ; _GetSideMenuImageSize($nIdx, ByRef $nWidth, ByRef $nHeight, ByRef $bStretch) ; _GetSideMenuIndex($hMenu) ; _GetSideMenuText($nIdx) ; _GetSideMenuTextWidth($hDC, $sText) ; _GetTrayNotifyIdx($nID) ; _GUICtrlCreateODMenu($sText, $nParentMenu = "", $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0) ; _GUICtrlCreateODMenuItem($sMenuItemText, $nParentMenu, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0, $bRadio = 0) ; _GUICtrlCreateODTopMenu($sText, $nParentGUI) ; <--- ProgAndy ; _GUICtrlODMenuItemDelete($nID) ; _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0) ; _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetSelIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0) ; _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetText($nMenuID, $sText) ; _GUIMenuBarSetBkColor($nParentGUI,$nMenuBkClr) ; <--- ProgAndy ; _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) ; _IsTrayItem($nMenuItemID) ; _ReplaceMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID, $nReplaceIndex) ; _SetFlashTimeOut($nTime = 750) ; _SetItemRect(ByRef $stStruct, $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4) ; _SetMenuBkColor($nColor) ; _SetMenuIconBkColor($nColor) ; _SetMenuIconBkGrdColor($nColor) ; _SetMenuSelectBkColor($nColor) ; _SetMenuSelectRectColor($nColor) ; _SetMenuSelectTextColor($nColor) ; _SetMenuTextColor($nColor) ; _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $MenuItemID, $sText, $bOwnerDrawn = TRUE) ; _SetSideMenuBkColor($nIdx, $nColor = -2) ; _SetSideMenuBkGradColor($nIdx, $nColor = -2) ; _SetSideMenuColor($nIdx, $nColor = -2) ; _SetSideMenuColors($nIdx, $nColor = -1, $nBkColor = -1, $nBkGrdColor = -1) ; _SetSideMenuImage($nIdx, $sFile, $sResName = "", $bStretch = FALSE) ; _SetSideMenuText($nIdx, $sText, $sResName = "", $bIsBitmap = FALSE, $bStretch = FALSE) ; _SetTrayBkColor($nColor) ; _SetTrayIconBkColor($nColor) ; _SetTrayIconBkGrdColor($nColor) ; _SetTraySelectBkColor($nColor) ; _SetTraySelectRectColor($nColor) ; _SetTraySelectTextColor($nColor) ; _SetTrayTextColor($nColor) ; _TrayCreateContextMenu($nID = -1) ; _TrayCreateItem($sText, $nMenuID = -1, $nMenuEntry = -1, $bRadio = 0) ; _TrayCreateMenu($sText, $nMenuID = -1, $nMenuEntry = -1) ; _TrayDeleteItem($nID) ; _TrayGetMenuHandle($nID) ; _TrayIconCreate($sToolTip = "", $sIconFile = @AutoItExe, $nIconID = 0, $sCallback = "", $nMsg = 0, $hIcon = 0) ; _TrayIconDelete($nID) ; _TrayIconSetClick($nID, $nClicks) ; _TrayIconSetIcon($nID = -1, $sIconFile = @AutoItExe, $nIconID = 0) ; _TrayIconSetState($nID = -1, $nState = 1) ; _TrayIconSetToolTip($nID = -1, $sToolTip = $sDefaultTT) ; _TrayItemSetIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = -1) ; _TrayItemSetSelIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = -1) ; _TrayItemSetText($nMenuID = -1, $sText = "") ; _TrayNotifyIcon($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ; _TrayTip($nID, $sTitle, $sText, $nTimeOut = 10, $nInfoFlags = 0) ; _TrayWndProc($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ; Windows messages: ; $WM_DRAWITEM ; $WM_MEASUREITEM ; $WM_SETTINGCHANGE ; $WM_TIMER ; $TRAYTIPMSG = $WM_USER + 1 Global $sLOGFONT = "int;" & _ ; Height "int;" & _ ; Average width "int;" & _ ; Excapement "int;" & _ ; Orientation "int;" & _ ; Weight "byte;" & _ ; Italic "byte;" & _ ; Underline "byte;" & _ ; Strikeout "byte;" & _ ; Charset "byte;" & _ ; Outprecision "byte;" & _ ; Clipprecision "byte;" & _ ; Quality "byte;" & _ ; Pitch & Family "wchar[32]" ; Font name Global Const $sNONCLIENTMETRICS = "uint;" & _ ; Struct size "int;" & _ ; "int;" & _ ; "int;" & _ ; "int;" & _ ; "int;" & _ ; $sLOGFONT & ";" & _ ; Caption LogFont structure "int;" & _ ; "int;" & _ ; $sLOGFONT & ";" & _ ; Small caption LogFont structure "int;" & _ ; "int;" & _ ; $sLOGFONT & ";" & _ ; Menu LogFont structure $sLOGFONT & ";" & _ ; Statusbar LogFont structure $sLOGFONT ; Message box LogFont structure Global Const $sMENUITEMINFO = "uint;" & _ ; "uint;" & _ ; "uint;" & _ ; "uint;" & _ ; "uint;" & _ ; "hwnd;" & _ ; "hwnd;" & _ ; "hwnd;" & _ ; "long;" & _ ; "ptr;" & _ ; "uint;" & _ ; "hwnd" ; ;********************************************************************** ; NotifyIconData struct ;********************************************************************** Global $sNOTIFYICONDATAW = "dword;" & _ ; Struct size "hwnd;" & _ ; Callback window handle "uint;" & _ ; Icon ID "uint;" & _ ; Flags "uint;" & _ ; Callback message ID "hwnd;" & _ ; Icon handle "wchar[128];" & _ ; ToolTip text "dword;" & _ ; Icon state "dword;" & _ ; Icon state mask "wchar[256];" & _ ; Balloon ToolTip text "uint;" & _ ; Timeout / Version -> NIM_SETVERSION values 0, 3, 4 "wchar[64];" & _ ; Balloon ToolTip title text "dword" ; Balloon ToolTip info flags ;********************************************************************** ; Notify icon constants ;********************************************************************** If Not IsDeclared("NIN_SELECT") Then Global Const $NIN_SELECT = 0x0400 If Not IsDeclared("NINF_KEY") Then Global Const $NINF_KEY = 0x1 If Not IsDeclared("NIN_KEYSELECT") Then Global Const $NIN_KEYSELECT = BitOr($NIN_SELECT, $NINF_KEY) If Not IsDeclared("NIN_BALLOONSHOW") Then Global Const $NIN_BALLOONSHOW = 0x0400 + 2 If Not IsDeclared("NIN_BALLOONHIDE") Then Global Const $NIN_BALLOONHIDE = 0x0400 + 3 If Not IsDeclared("NIN_BALLOONTIMEOUT") Then Global Const $NIN_BALLOONTIMEOUT = 0x0400 + 4 If Not IsDeclared("NIN_BALLOONUSERCLICK") Then Global Const $NIN_BALLOONUSERCLICK = 0x0400 + 5 If Not IsDeclared("NIN_POPUPOPEN") Then Global Const $NIN_POPUPOPEN = 0x0400 + 6 If Not IsDeclared("NIN_POPUPCLOSE") Then Global Const $NIN_POPUPCLOSE = 0x0400 + 7 #cs ;Alreay declared in #include <ApiShellExConstants.au3> ;autoBert 10.03.2023 If Not IsDeclared("NIM_ADD") Then Global Const $NIM_ADD = 0x00000000 If Not IsDeclared("NIM_MODIFY") Then Global Const $NIM_MODIFY = 0x00000001 If Not IsDeclared("NIM_DELETE") Then Global Const $NIM_DELETE = 0x00000002 If Not IsDeclared("NIM_SETFOCUS") Then Global Const $NIM_SETFOCUS = 0x00000003 If Not IsDeclared("NIM_SETVERSION") Then Global Const $NIM_SETVERSION = 0x00000004 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_MESSAGE") Then Global Const $NIF_MESSAGE = 0x00000001 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_ICON") Then Global Const $NIF_ICON = 0x00000002 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_TIP") Then Global Const $NIF_TIP = 0x00000004 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_STATE") Then Global Const $NIF_STATE = 0x00000008 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_INFO") Then Global Const $NIF_INFO = 0x00000010 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_REALTIME") Then Global Const $NIF_REALTIME = 0x00000040 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_SHOWTIP") Then Global Const $NIF_SHOWTIP = 0x00000080 If Not IsDeclared("NIS_HIDDEN") Then Global Const $NIS_HIDDEN = 0x00000001 If Not IsDeclared("NIS_SHAREDICON") Then Global Const $NIS_SHAREDICON = 0x00000002 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_NONE") Then Global Const $NIIF_NONE = 0x00000000 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_INFO") Then Global Const $NIIF_INFO = 0x00000001 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_WARNING") Then Global Const $NIIF_WARNING = 0x00000002 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_ERROR") Then Global Const $NIIF_ERROR = 0x00000003 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_USER") Then Global Const $NIIF_USER = 0x00000004 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_ICON_MASK") Then Global Const $NIIF_ICON_MASK = 0x0000000F If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_NOSOUND") Then Global Const $NIIF_NOSOUND = 0x00000010 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_LARGE_ICON") Then Global Const $NIIF_LARGE_ICON = 0x00000020 #ce ;********************************************************************** ; Constants for LoadIcon() ;********************************************************************** ;If Not IsDeclared("IDI_APPLICATION") Then Global Const $IDI_APPLICATION = 32512 ;If Not IsDeclared("IDI_HAND") Then Global Const $IDI_HAND = 32513 ;If Not IsDeclared("IDI_QUESTION") Then Global Const $IDI_QUESTION = 32514 ;If Not IsDeclared("IDI_EXCLAMATION") Then Global Const $IDI_EXCLAMATION = 32515 ;If Not IsDeclared("IDI_ASTERISK") Then Global Const $IDI_ASTERISK = 32516 ;If Not IsDeclared("IDI_WINLOGO") Then Global Const $IDI_WINLOGO = 32517 ;********************************************************************** ; Mouse constants ;********************************************************************** ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_MOUSEMOVE") Then Global Const $WM_MOUSEMOVE = 0x0200 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_LBUTTONDOWN") Then Global Const $WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x0201 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_LBUTTONUP") Then Global Const $WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x0202 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK") Then Global Const $WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0203 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_RBUTTONDOWN") Then Global Const $WM_RBUTTONDOWN = 0x0204 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_RBUTTONUP") Then Global Const $WM_RBUTTONUP = 0x0205 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK") Then Global Const $WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0206 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_MBUTTONDOWN") Then Global Const $WM_MBUTTONDOWN = 0x0207 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_MBUTTONUP") Then Global Const $WM_MBUTTONUP = 0x0208 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK") Then Global Const $WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0209 ;******************************************************************** ; Main Creation Part ;******************************************************************** Global $hComctl32Dll = DllOpen("comctl32.dll") Global $hGdi32Dll = DllOpen("gdi32.dll") Global $hKernel32Dll = DllOpen("kernel32.dll") Global $hShell32Dll = DllOpen("shell32.dll") Global $hUser32Dll = DllOpen("user32.dll") Global $hMsimg32Dll = DllOpen("msimg32.dll") Global $bUseAdvMenu = TRUE Global $bUseAdvTrayMenu = TRUE Global $bUseRGBColors = FALSE ; Set default color values if not given Global $nMenuBkClr = 0xFFFFFF Global $nMenuIconBkClr = 0xDBD8D8 Global $nMenuSelectBkClr = 0xD2BDB6 Global $nMenuSelectRectClr = 0x854240 Global $nMenuSelectTextClr = 0x000000 Global $nMenuTextClr = 0x000000 Global $nMenuSideBkClr = 0xD00000 Global $nMenuSideTxtClr = 0xFFFFFF Global $nTrayBkClr = 0xFFFFFF Global $nTrayIconBkClr = 0xD1D8DB Global $nTraySelectBkClr = 0xD2BDB6 Global $nTraySelectRectClr = 0x854240 Global $nTraySelectTextClr = 0x000000 Global $nTrayTextClr = 0x000000 If $bUseRGBColors Then $nMenuIconBkClr = 0xD8D8DB $nMenuSelectBkClr = 0xB6BDD2 $nMenuSelectRectClr = 0x404285 $nMenuSideBkClr = 0x0000D0 $nTrayIconBkClr = 0xDBD8D1 $nTraySelectBkClr = 0xB6BDD2 $nTraySelectRectClr = 0x404285 EndIf Global $nMenuIconBkClr2 = $nMenuIconBkClr Global $nMenuSideBkClr2 = $nMenuSideBkClr Global $nTrayIconBkClr2 = $nTrayIconBkClr ; Store here the menu item: ; ID/Text/IconIndex/ParentMenu/Tray/SelIconIndex/IsMenu Global $arMenuItems[1][8] $arMenuItems[0][0] = 0 Global $nMenuItemsRedim = 10 ; Store here the side item: ; MenuHandle/Text/TextColor/BkColor/GradientColor/IsBitmap/BitmapHandle/Width/Height/Stretch Global $arSideItems[1][10] $arSideItems[0][0] = 0 ; Create a usable font for using in ownerdrawn menus Global $hMenuFont = 0 _CreateMenuFont($hMenuFont) ; Create an image list for saving/drawing our menu icons Global $hMenuImageList = ImageList_Create(16, 16, BitOr(0x0001, 0x0020), 0, 1) Global $hBlankIcon = 0 ; Store here the tray icon: ; NotifyID/TrayIcon/Menu/Click/ToolTip/Callback/OnlyMsg/Flash/FlashBlank Global $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[1][9] $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] = 0 Global $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Global $TRAYNOTIFYID = -1 Global $TRAYLASTID = -1 Global $MENULASTITEM = -1 Global $TRAYLASTITEM = -1 Global $TRAYLASTMENU = -1 Global $TRAYTIPMSG = $WM_USER + 1 ; This message ID will be used in a GUIRegisterMsg() procdure Global $FLASHTIMERID = 3 Global $FLASHTIMEOUT = 750 Global $sDefaultTT = "AutoIt - " & @ScriptName GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DRAWITEM, "WM_DRAWITEM") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_MEASUREITEM, "WM_MEASUREITEM") GUIRegisterMsg($TRAYTIPMSG, "_TrayWndProc") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SETTINGCHANGE, "WM_SETTINGCHANGE") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_TIMER, "WM_TIMER") ; Cleanup Func OnAutoItExit() For $i = 0 To UBound($TRAYNOTIFYIDS)-1 _TrayIconDelete($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[ $i ][0]) Next ImageList_Destroy($hMenuImageList) DeleteObject($hMenuFont) For $i = 1 To $arSideItems[0][0] If $arSideItems[$i][6] <> 0 Then _ DeleteObject($arSideItems[$i][6]) Next DllClose($hComctl32Dll) DllClose($hGdi32Dll) DllClose($hKernel32Dll) DllClose($hShell32Dll) DllClose($hUser32Dll) DllClose($hMsimg32Dll) $arMenuItems = 0 $arSideItems = 0 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS = 0 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Define the colors for the menu/selection bar ;******************************************************************** Func _SetMenuBkColor($nColor) $nMenuBkClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetMenuIconBkColor($nColor) $nMenuIconBkClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) $nMenuIconBkClr2 = $nMenuIconBkClr EndFunc Func _SetMenuIconBkGrdColor($nColor) $nMenuIconBkClr2 = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetMenuSelectBkColor($nColor) $nMenuSelectBkClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetMenuSelectRectColor($nColor) $nMenuSelectRectClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetMenuSelectTextColor($nColor) $nMenuSelectTextClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetMenuTextColor($nColor) $nMenuTextClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetTrayBkColor($nColor) $nTrayBkClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetTrayIconBkColor($nColor) $nTrayIconBkClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) $nTrayIconBkClr2 = $nMenuIconBkClr EndFunc Func _SetTrayIconBkGrdColor($nColor) $nTrayIconBkClr2 = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetTraySelectBkColor($nColor) $nTraySelectBkClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetTraySelectRectColor($nColor) $nTraySelectRectClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetTraySelectTextColor($nColor) $nTraySelectTextClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetTrayTextColor($nColor) $nTrayTextClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetSideMenuColor($nIdx, $nColor = -2) Return _SetSideMenuColors($nIdx, _GetBGRColor($nColor)) EndFunc Func _SetSideMenuBkColor($nIdx, $nColor = -2) Return _SetSideMenuColors($nIdx, -1, _GetBGRColor($nColor)) EndFunc Func _SetSideMenuBkGradColor($nIdx, $nColor = -2) Return _SetSideMenuColors($nIdx, -1, -1, _GetBGRColor($nColor)) EndFunc Func _SetFlashTimeOut($nTime = 750) $FLASHTIMEOUT = $nTime If $FLASHTIMEOUT < 50 Then $FLASHTIMEOUT = 50 EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Return an BGR color to a given RGB color ;********************************************************************** Func _GetBGRColor($nColor) If $bUseRGBColors And $nColor <> -2 Then Return BitOr(BitShift(BitAnd($nColor, 0xFF), -16), BitAnd($nColor, 0xFF00), BitShift($nColor, 16)) Else Return $nColor EndIf EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Get the icon ID like in newer Autoit versions ;********************************************************************** Func _GetIconID($nID, $sFile) If StringRight($sFile, 4) = ".exe" Then If $nID < 0 Then $nID = - ($nID + 1) ElseIf $nID > 0 Then $nID = - $nID EndIf ElseIf StringRight($sFile, 4) = ".icl" And $nID < 0 Then $nID = - ($nID + 1) Else If $nID > 0 Then $nID = - $nID ElseIf $nID < 0 Then $nID = - ($nID + 1) EndIf EndIf Return $nID EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Main functions: ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayWndProc($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) If $hWnd = $TRAYMSGWND Then _TrayNotifyIcon($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) EndIf EndFunc Func _TrayNotifyIcon($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $Msg Local $nClick = 0 Local $nID = $wParam If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][5] <> "" And _ ($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][6] = 0 Or _ $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][6] = $lParam) Then Call($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][5], $nID, $lParam) EndIf Switch $lParam Case $WM_LBUTTONDOWN $nClick = 1 case $WM_LBUTTONUP $nClick = 2 case $WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK $nClick = 4 case $WM_RBUTTONDOWN $nClick = 8 case $WM_RBUTTONUP $nClick = 16 case $WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK $nClick = 32 case $WM_MOUSEMOVE $nClick = 64 EndSwitch If BitAnd($nClick, $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][3]) And $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][2] > 0 Then Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][2]) If $hMenu <> 0 Then Local $stPoint = DllStructCreate("int;int") GetCursorPos(DllStructGetPtr($stPoint)) SetForegroundWindow($hWnd) TrackPopupMenuEx($hMenu, 0, DllStructGetData($stPoint, 1), DllStructGetData($stPoint, 2), $hWnd, 0) PostMessage($hWnd, 0, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Create a new tray notify ID ;********************************************************************** Func _GetNewTrayIndex() Local $i, $bFreeFound = FALSE For $i = 1 To $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][0] = 0 Then $bFreeFound = TRUE ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bFreeFound Then $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] += 1 Local $nSize = UBound($TRAYNOTIFYIDS) ;If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] > $nSize - 10 Then _ ; nickston ; Redim $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nSize + 10][9] If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] > $nSize - 1 Then _ Redim $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nSize + 10][9] $i = $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] EndIf Return $i EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Check for existing tray notify ID ;********************************************************************** Func _GetTrayNotifyIdx($nID) If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Then Return 0 Local $i, $nResult = 0 If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID For $i = 1 To $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][0] = $nID Then $nResult = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $nResult EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Change the menu item icon ;******************************************************************** Func _TrayItemSetIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = -1) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $TRAYLASTITEM If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) Local $i, $sText = "", $hMenu = 0 For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuID Then $sText = $arMenuItems[$i][1] $hMenu = $arMenuItems[$i][3] If $sIconFile = "" And $nIconID = -1 Then $arMenuItems[$i][2] = -1 _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $nMenuID, $sText, FALSE) GUICtrlSetData($nMenuID, $sText) Else If $sIconFile <> "" Then $arMenuItems[$i][2] = _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) Else $arMenuItems[$i][2] = -1 EndIf _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $nMenuID, $sText) EndIf Return 1 EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set the selected menu item icon ;******************************************************************** Func _TrayItemSetSelIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = -1) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $TRAYLASTITEM If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) Local $i, $sText = "", $hMenu = 0 For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuID Then $sText = $arMenuItems[$i][1] $hMenu = $arMenuItems[$i][3] If $sIconFile = "" And $nIconID = -1 Then $arMenuItems[$i][6] = -1 _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $nMenuID, $sText, FALSE) GUICtrlSetData($nMenuID, $sText) Else If $sIconFile <> "" Then $arMenuItems[$i][6] = _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) Else $arMenuItems[$i][6] = -1 EndIf _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $nMenuID, $sText) EndIf Return 1 EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set the text of an menu item ;******************************************************************** Func _TrayItemSetText($nMenuID = -1, $sText = "") If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $TRAYLASTITEM If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $i For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuID Then $arMenuItems[$i][1] = $sText ;_SetOwnerDrawn($arMenuItems[$i][3], $nMenuID, $sText, FALSE) GUICtrlSetData($nMenuID, $sText) ;_SetOwnerDrawn($arMenuItems[$i][3], $nMenuID, $sText) Return 1 EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; _TrayIconCreate([ToolTip [, IconFile [, IconID]]]) ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayIconCreate($sToolTip = "", $sIconFile = @AutoItExe, $nIconID = 0, $sCallback = "", $nMsg = 0, $hIcon = 0) If $sToolTip = "" Then $sToolTip = $sDefaultTT $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) If $sIconFile = "" Then If $hIcon = 0 Then If $nIconID = 0 Then $sIconFile = @AutoItExe Else $hIcon = LoadIcon(0, $nIconID) EndIf EndIf EndIf If $sIconFile <> "" Then Local $stIcon = DllStructCreate("hwnd") If ExtractIconExW($sIconFile, $nIconID, 0, DllStructGetPtr($stIcon), 1) > 0 Then $hIcon = DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1) Else $hIcon = LoadIcon(0, 32516) EndIf EndIf If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Then $TRAYMSGWND = GUICreate("", 1, 1, 9999, 9999, -1, 0x00000080) GUISetState() ShowWindow($TRAYMSGWND, @SW_HIDE) EndIf Local $nNID = _GetNewTrayIndex() If $nNID = 0 Then DestroyIcon($hIcon) Return 0 EndIf $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][0] = $nNID $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][1] = $hIcon $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][2] = 0 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][3] = 9 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][4] = $sToolTip $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][5] = $sCallback $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][6] = $nMsg $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][7] = FALSE $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][8] = FALSE $TRAYLASTID = $nNID Return $nNID EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; _TrayIconDelete($NotificationID) ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayIconDelete($nID) If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $stNID ; = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) ; nickston ;DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) ; nickston ;DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) ;DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) Local $nResult = 0 Local $i For $i = 1 To $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] If $nID = $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][0] Then $stNID = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) $nResult = Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_DELETE, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) DestroyIcon($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][1]) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][8] = FALSE $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][7] = FALSE $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][6] = 0 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][5] = "" $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][4] = "" $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][3] = 0 If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][2] <> 0 Then GUIDelete($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][2]) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][2] = 0 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][1] = 0 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][0] = 0 ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $nResult EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; _TrayIconSetState($NotificationID, $NewState) ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayIconSetState($nID = -1, $nState = 1) If $nState = 0 Then Return 1 ; No change If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $i, $nResult = 0, $bFound = FALSE For $i = 1 To $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] If $nID = $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][0] Then $bFound = TRUE ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bFound Then Return 0 Local $stNID = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) If BitAnd($nState, 1) Then DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 4, BitOr($NIF_ICON, $NIF_MESSAGE)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 5, $TRAYTIPMSG) DllStructSetData($stNID, 6, $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][1]) $nResult = Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_ADD, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) If $nResult Then _TrayIconSetToolTip($nID, $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][4]) ElseIf BitAnd($nState, 2) Then DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) $nResult = Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_DELETE, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) EndIf If BitAnd($nState, 4) Then If Not $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][7] Then If $hBlankIcon = 0 Then _CreateBlankIcon() If $hBlankIcon <> 0 Then ;SetTimer($TRAYMSGWND, $FLASHTIMERID, $FLASHTIMEOUT, 0) ; nickston SetTimer($TRAYMSGWND, $nID, $FLASHTIMEOUT, 0) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][7] = TRUE EndIf EndIf ElseIf BitAnd($nState, 8) Then ;KillTimer($TRAYMSGWND, $FLASHTIMERID) ; nickston KillTimer($TRAYMSGWND, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 4, $NIF_ICON) DllStructSetData($stNID, 6, $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][1]) $nResult = Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_MODIFY, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][7] = FALSE $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][8] = FALSE EndIf Return $nResult EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; _TrayIconSetIcon($NotificationID, IconFile [, IconID]) ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayIconSetIcon($nID = -1, $sIconFile = @AutoItExe, $nIconID = 0) If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) Local $hIcon = 0 If $sIconFile = "" Then If $nIconID = 0 Then $sIconFile = @AutoItExe Else $hIcon = LoadIcon(0, $nIconID) EndIf EndIf If $sIconFile <> "" Then Local $stIcon = DllStructCreate("hwnd") If ExtractIconExW($sIconFile, $nIconID, 0, DllStructGetPtr($stIcon), 1) > 0 Then $hIcon = DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1) Else $hIcon = LoadIcon(0, 32516) EndIf EndIf Local $stNID = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 4, $NIF_ICON) DllStructSetData($stNID, 6, $hIcon) DestroyIcon($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][1]) Local $nResult = Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_MODIFY, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) If $nResult Then $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][1] = $hIcon Else DestroyIcon($hIcon) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][1] = 0 EndIf Return $nResult EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; _TrayIconSetToolTip($NotificationID, $sToolTip) ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayIconSetToolTip($nID = -1, $sToolTip = $sDefaultTT) If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $stNID = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 4, $NIF_TIP) DllStructSetData($stNID, 7, $sToolTip) Return Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_MODIFY, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; _TrayGetMenuHandle($NotificationID) ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayGetMenuHandle($nID) If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 Return $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][2] EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Return a free index in the item array or create a new index ;********************************************************************** Func _GetNewItemIndex() Local $i = 0, $bFreeFound = FALSE For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = 0 Then $bFreeFound = TRUE ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bFreeFound Then $arMenuItems[0][0] += 1 Local $nSize = UBound($arMenuItems) If $arMenuItems[0][0] > $nSize - $nMenuItemsRedim Then _ Redim $arMenuItems[$nSize + $nMenuItemsRedim][8] $i = $arMenuItems[0][0] EndIf Return $i EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Return a free index in the item array or create a new index ;********************************************************************** Func _GetNewSideItemIndex() Local $i = 0, $bFreeFound = FALSE For $i = 1 To $arSideItems[0][0] If $arSideItems[$i][0] = 0 Then $bFreeFound = TRUE ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bFreeFound Then $arSideItems[0][0] += 1 Local $nSize = UBound($arSideItems) If $arSideItems[0][0] > $nSize - $nMenuItemsRedim Then _ Redim $arSideItems[$nSize + $nMenuItemsRedim][10] $i = $arSideItems[0][0] EndIf Return $i EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Create a context menu for a tray notify ID ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayCreateContextMenu($nID = -1) Local $nIdx = _GetTrayNotifyIdx($nID) If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 Local $nContext = 0 If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nIdx][2] = 0 Then Local $nDummy = GUICtrlCreateDummy() $nContext = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($nDummy) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nIdx][2] = $nContext $TRAYLASTMENU = $nContext EndIf Return $nContext EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Create a (context) menu for a tray notify ID ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayCreateMenu($sText, $nMenuID = -1, $nMenuEntry = -1) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $TRAYLASTMENU Local $nMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu($sText, $nMenuID, $nMenuEntry) If $nMenu > 0 Then Local $nIdx = _GetNewItemIndex() If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 $TRAYLASTITEM = $nMenu Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($nMenuID) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][0] = $nMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][1] = $sText $arMenuItems[$nIdx][2] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][3] = $hMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][4] = 0 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][5] = TRUE $arMenuItems[$nIdx][6] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][7] = TRUE EndIf Return $nMenu EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Create a menuitem for a tray notify ID ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayCreateItem($sText, $nMenuID = -1, $nMenuEntry = -1, $bRadio = 0) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $TRAYLASTMENU Local $nMenuItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($sText, $nMenuID, $nMenuEntry, $bRadio) If $nMenuItem > 0 Then Local $nIdx = _GetNewItemIndex() If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 $TRAYLASTITEM = $nMenuItem Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($nMenuID) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][0] = $nMenuItem $arMenuItems[$nIdx][1] = $sText $arMenuItems[$nIdx][2] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][3] = $hMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][4] = $bRadio $arMenuItems[$nIdx][5] = TRUE $arMenuItems[$nIdx][6] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][7] = FALSE EndIf Return $nMenuItem EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Delete a menu (item) ;********************************************************************** Func _GUICtrlODMenuItemDelete($nID) Return _TrayDeleteItem($nID) EndFunc Func _TrayDeleteItem($nID) Local $i, $k, $nResult = 0, $bFound = FALSE Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($nID) Local $bIsMenu = FALSE If $hMenu <> 0 Then $bIsMenu = TRUE For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = 0 Then ContinueLoop If $bIsMenu Then For $k = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$k][3] = $hMenu And _ $arMenuItems[$i][0] <> $arMenuItems[$k][0] Then _TrayDeleteItem($arMenuItems[$k][0]) ;$k <> $i Then _TrayDeleteItem($arMenuItems[$k][0]) Next EndIf If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nID Then If GUICtrlDelete($nID) Then $arMenuItems[$i][0] = 0 $arMenuItems[$i][1] = "" $arMenuItems[$i][2] = -1 $arMenuItems[$i][3] = 0 $arMenuItems[$i][4] = 0 $arMenuItems[$i][5] = FALSE $arMenuItems[$i][6] = -1 $arMenuItems[$i][7] = FALSE $nResult = 1 $bFound = TRUE EndIf ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bFound And $nID <> 0 Then GUICtrlDelete($nID) Return $nResult EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Sets the possible clicks ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayIconSetClick($nID, $nClicks) If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][3] = $nClicks EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; TrayTip() ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayTip($nID, $sTitle, $sText, $nTimeOut = 10, $nInfoFlags = 0) If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $stNID = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 4, $NIF_INFO) DllStructSetData($stNID, 10, $sText) DllStructSetData($stNID, 11, $nTimeOut * 1000) DllStructSetData($stNID, 12, $sTitle) DllStructSetData($stNID, 13, $nInfoFlags) Local $nResult = Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_MODIFY, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) Return $nResult EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WM_MEASURE procedure ;******************************************************************** Func WM_MEASUREITEM($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $Msg, $wParam Local $nResult = FALSE Local $stMeasureItem = DllStructCreate("uint;uint;uint;uint;uint;dword", $lParam) If DllStructGetData($stMeasureItem, 1) = 1 Then Local $nIconSize = 0 Local $nCheckX = 0 Local $nSpace = 2 _GetMenuInfos($nIconSize, $nCheckX) If $nIconSize < $nCheckX Then $nIconSize = $nCheckX Local $nMenuItemID = DllStructGetData($stMeasureItem, 3) Local $hDC = GetDC($hWnd) Local $hMenu = _GetMenuHandle($nMenuItemID) Local $nState = GetMenuState($hMenu, $nMenuItemID, 0) ; Reassign the current menu font to the menuitem Local $hMFont = 0 Local $bBoldFont = FALSE If BitAnd($nState, 0x00001000) And Not BitAnd($nState, 0x00000010) Then _CreateMenuFont($hMFont, TRUE) $bBoldFont = TRUE Else $hMFont = $hMenuFont EndIf Local $hFont = SelectObject($hDC, $hMFont) Local $sText = _GetMenuText($nMenuItemID) Local $nSideIdx = _GetSideMenuIndex($hMenu) Local $sSideText = _GetSideMenuText($nSideIdx) Local $hSideImage = _GetSideMenuImage($nSideIdx) Local $nSideWidth = 0 If $sSideText <> "" Then If $hSideImage = 0 Then Local $hSideFont = 0 _CreateMenuFont($hSideFont, TRUE, TRUE) Local $hOldObj = SelectObject($hDC, $hSideFont) $nSideWidth = _GetSideMenuTextWidth($hDC, $sSideText) + 2 ; 1 x 1 left + right SelectObject($hDC, $hOldObj) DeleteObject($hSideFont) Else Local $nSideHeight = 0 Local $bStretch = FALSE _GetSideMenuImageSize($nSideIdx, $nSideWidth, $nSideHeight, $bStretch) EndIf EndIf Local $nMaxTextWidth = 0 Local $nMaxTextAccWidth = 0 _GetMenuMaxTextWidth($hDC, $hMenu, $nMaxTextWidth, $nMaxTextAccWidth) If $nMaxTextAccWidth > 0 Then $nMaxTextAccWidth += 4 Local $nHeight = 2 * $nSpace + $nIconSize Local $nWidth = 0 ; Set a default separator height If $sText = "" Then $nHeight = 4 Else $nWidth = 6 * $nSpace + 2 * $nIconSize + $nMaxTextWidth + $nMaxTextAccWidth + $nSideWidth If $hMenu = "TOP" Then $nWidth = 4 * $nSpace+$nMaxTextWidth + $nMaxTextAccWidth ; Maybe this differs - have no emulator here at the moment $nWidth = $nWidth - $nCheckX + 1 EndIf DllStructSetData($stMeasureItem, 4, $nWidth) ; ItemWidth DllStructSetData($stMeasureItem, 5, $nHeight) ; ItemHeight SelectObject($hDC, $hFont) If $bBoldFont Then DeleteObject($hMFont) ReleaseDC($hWnd, $hDC) $nResult = TRUE EndIf $stMeasureItem = 0 Return $nResult EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WM_DRAWITEM procedure ;******************************************************************** Func WM_DRAWITEM($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $wParam Local $nResult = "GUI_RUNDEFMSG" ;Local $stDrawItem = DllStructCreate("uint;uint;uint;uint;uint;dword;dword;int[4];dword", $lParam) Local $stDrawItem = DllStructCreate("uint;uint;uint;uint;uint;hwnd;hwnd;int[4];dword", $lParam) ; Works on x64 If DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 1) = 1 Then ; 1 = ODT_MENU $nResult = FALSE Local $nMenuItemID = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 3) Local $nAction = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 4) Local $nState = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 5) Local $hMenu = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 6) Local $hDC = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 7) Local $bChecked = BitAnd($nState, 0x0008) Local $bGrayed = BitAnd($nState, 0x0002) Local $bSelected = BitAnd($nState, 0x0001) Local $bDefault = BitAnd($nState, 0x0020) Local $bNoAcc = BitAnd($nState, 0x0100) Local $bIsRadio = _GetMenuIsRadio($nMenuItemID) Local $nSideIdx = _GetSideMenuIndex($hMenu) Local $sSideText = _GetSideMenuText($nSideIdx) Local $hSideImage = _GetSideMenuImage($nSideIdx) Local $hSideFont = 0 Local $hOldObj = 0 Local $nSideWidth = 0 Local $nSideHeight = 0 Local $bHasSide = FALSE Local $bStretch = FALSE If $sSideText <> "" Then If $hSideImage = 0 Then _CreateMenuFont($hSideFont, TRUE, TRUE) $hOldObj = SelectObject($hDC, $hSideFont) $nSideWidth = _GetSideMenuTextWidth($hDC, $sSideText) + 2 ; 1 left + 1 right SelectObject($hDC, $hOldObj) Else _GetSideMenuImageSize($nSideIdx, $nSideWidth, $nSideHeight, $bStretch) EndIf $bHasSide = TRUE EndIf Local $arIR[4] $arIR[0] = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 8, 1) + $nSideWidth $arIR[1] = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 8, 2) $arIR[2] = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 8, 3) $arIR[3] = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 8, 4) Local $stItemRect = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int") _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0], $arIR[1], $arIR[2], $arIR[3]) ; Set default menu values if info function fails Local $nIconSize = 16 Local $nCheckX = 16 Local $nSpace = 2 _GetMenuInfos($nIconSize, $nCheckX) Local $nMBkClr = $nMenuBkClr Local $nMIconBkClr = $nMenuIconBkClr Local $nMIconBkClr2 = $nMenuIconBkClr2 Local $nMSelectBkClr = $nMenuSelectBkClr Local $nMSelectRectClr = $nMenuSelectRectClr Local $nMSelectTextClr = $nMenuSelectTextClr Local $nMTextClr = $nMenuTextClr Local $bIsTrayItem = _IsTrayItem($nMenuItemID) Local $IsMenuBarItem = (_GetMenuHandle($nMenuItemID)== "TOP") And Not $bIsTrayItem If $nState = 320 And $IsMenuBarItem Then $nMBkClr = $nMSelectBkClr $nMTextClr = $nMSelectTextClr EndIf If $bIsTrayItem Then $nMBkClr = $nTrayBkClr $nMIconBkClr = $nTrayIconBkClr $nMIconBkClr2 = $nTrayIconBkClr2 $nMSelectBkClr = $nTraySelectBkClr $nMSelectRectClr = $nTraySelectRectClr $nMSelectTextClr = $nTraySelectTextClr $nMTextClr = $nTrayTextClr EndIf ; Select our at beginning selfcreated menu font into the item device context Local $hMFont = 0 Local $bBoldFont = FALSE If $bDefault Then _CreateMenuFont($hMFont, TRUE) $bBoldFont = TRUE Else $hMFont = $hMenuFont EndIf Local $hBrush = 0 Local $hOldBrush = 0 Local $nClrSel = 0 Local $hBorderBrush = 0 Local $nLen = 0 ; Show side menu only if action = ODA_DRAWENTIRE If $nAction = 1 Then Local $nCount = GetMenuItemCount($hMenu) Local $nID = GetMenuItemID($hMenu, $nCount - 1) If $nID = -1 Then Local $stMII = DllStructCreate($sMENUITEMINFO) DllStructSetData($stMII, 1, DllStructGetSize($stMII)) DllStructSetData($stMII, 2, 0x00000002) ; MIIM_ID If GetMenuItemInfo($hMenu, $nCount - 1, TRUE, DllStructGetPtr($stMII)) Then _ $nID = DllStructGetData($stMII, 5) EndIf If $nID = $nMenuItemID And $bHasSide Then Local $stSideRect = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int") _SetItemRect($stSideRect, 0, 0, $nSideWidth, $arIR[3]) Local $nSideClr = $nMenuSideTxtClr Local $nSideBkClr = $nMenuSideBkClr Local $nSideBkClr2 = $nMenuSideBkClr2 _GetSideMenuColors($nSideIdx, $nSideClr, $nSideBkClr, $nSideBkClr2) If $nSideBkClr <> -1 Then If $nSideBkClr = $nSideBkClr2 Or _ $nSideBkClr2 = -1 Then SetBkColor($hDC, $nSideBkClr) $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nSideBkClr) $hOldBrush = SelectObject($hDC, $hBrush) FillRect($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stSideRect), $hBrush) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldBrush) DeleteObject($hBrush) $hBrush = 0 $hOldBrush = 0 Else _FillGradientRect($hDC, $stSideRect, $nSideBkClr2, $nSideBkClr, TRUE) EndIf EndIf If $hSideImage = 0 Then $nLen = StringLen($sSideText) Local $stSideText = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $nLen + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stSideText, 1, $sSideText) $hOldObj = SelectObject($hDC, $hSideFont) Local $nOldMode = SetBkMode($hDC, 1) SetTextColor($hDC, $nSideClr) DllStructSetData($stSideRect, 2, 8) DllStructSetData($stSideRect, 4, DllStructGetData($stSideRect, 4) + 8) DrawTextW($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stSideText), _ StringLen($sSideText), _ DllStructGetPtr($stSideRect), _ BitOr(0x00000008, 0x00000020, 0x00000100)) SetBkMode($hDC, $nOldMode) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldObj) Else Local $hCDC = CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) Local $hObjOld = SelectObject($hCDC, $hSideImage) If $bStretch Then StretchBlt($hDC, 0, 0, $nSideWidth, $arIR[3], $hCDC, 0, 0, $nSideWidth, $nSideHeight, 0x00CC0020) Else BitBlt($hDC, 0, 0, $nSideWidth, $arIR[3], $hCDC, 0, $nSideHeight - $arIR[3], 0x00CC0020) EndIf SelectObject($hCDC, $hObjOld) DeleteDC($hCDC) EndIf EndIf EndIf If $hSideFont <> 0 Then DeleteObject($hSideFont) Local $hFont = SelectObject($hDC, $hMFont) ; Only show a menu bar when the item is enabled If $bSelected Then ;And Not $bGrayed Then If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then $hBorderBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMSelectRectClr) If $bGrayed Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMBkClr) $nClrSel = $nMBkClr Else $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMSelectBkClr) ; BGR color value $nClrSel = $nMSelectBkClr EndIf Else $hBrush = GetSysColorBrush(13) $nClrSel = GetSysColor(13) EndIf Else If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMBkClr) $nClrSel = $nMBkClr Else $hBrush = GetSysColorBrush(4) $nClrSel = GetSysColor(4) EndIf EndIf Local $nClrTxt = 0 If $bSelected And Not $bGrayed Then If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then $nClrTxt = SetTextColor($hDC, $nMSelectTextClr) Else $nClrTxt = SetTextColor($hDC, GetSysColor(14)) EndIf ElseIf $bGrayed Then $nClrTxt = SetTextColor($hDC, GetSysColor(17)) Else If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then $nClrTxt = SetTextColor($hDC, $nMTextClr) Else $nClrTxt = SetTextColor($hDC, GetSysColor(7)) EndIf EndIf Local $nClrBk = SetBkColor($hDC, $nClrSel) $hOldBrush = SelectObject($hDC, $hBrush) FillRect($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $hBrush) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldBrush) DeleteObject($hBrush) If $IsMenuBarItem Then $nIconSize = 0 $nCheckX = 0 $nSpace = 2 EndIf If Not $IsMenuBarItem And ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then ; Create a small gray edge If Not $bSelected Or $bGrayed Then ; Reassign the item rect _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0], $arIR[1], $arIR[0] + 2 * $nSpace + $nIconSize + 1, $arIR[3]) If $nMIconBkClr = $nMIconBkClr2 Or _ $nMIconBkClr2 = -1 Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMIconBkClr) $hOldBrush = SelectObject($hDC, $hBrush) FillRect($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $hBrush) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldBrush) DeleteObject($hBrush) Else _FillGradientRect($hDC, $stItemRect, $nMIconBkClr, $nMIconBkClr2) EndIf EndIf EndIf If $bChecked Then _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0] + 1, $arIR[1] + 1, $arIR[0] + $nIconSize + $nSpace + 1, $arIR[1] + $nIconSize + $nSpace + 1) If $bSelected Then If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMSelectBkClr) Else $hBrush = GetSysColorBrush(13) EndIf Else If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMBkClr) Else $hBrush = GetSysColorBrush(4) EndIf EndIf $hOldBrush = SelectObject($hDC, $hBrush) FillRect($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $hBrush) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldBrush) DeleteObject($hBrush) ; Create a checkmark/bullet for the checked/radio items Local $hDCBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) Local $hbmpCheck = CreateBitmap($nIconSize, $nIconSize, 1, 1, 0) Local $hbmpOld = SelectObject($hDCBitmap, $hbmpCheck) Local $x = DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 1) + ($nIconSize + $nSpace - $nCheckX) / 2 Local $y = DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 2) + ($nIconSize + $nSpace - $nCheckX) / 2 - $nSpace _SetItemRect($stItemRect, 0, 0, $nIconSize, $nIconSize) Local $nCtrlStyle = 0x0001 If $bIsRadio Then $nCtrlStyle = 0x0002 DrawFrameControl($hDCBitmap, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), 2, $nCtrlStyle) BitBlt($hDC, $x, $y + 1, $nCheckX, $nCheckX, $hDCBitmap, 0, 0, 0x00CC0020) If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0] + 1, $arIR[1] + 1, $arIR[0] + $nIconSize + $nSpace + 1, $arIR[1] + $nIconSize + $nSpace + 1) $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMSelectRectClr) $hOldBrush = SelectObject($hDC, $hBrush) FrameRect($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $hBrush) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldBrush) DeleteObject($hBrush) EndIf SelectObject($hDCBitmap, $hbmpOld) DeleteObject($hbmpCheck) DeleteDC($hDCBitmap) EndIf ; Reassign the item rect _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0], $arIR[1], $arIR[2], $arIR[3]) If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then ;If $bSelected And Not $bGrayed Then If $bSelected Then ; Show also a rect around a disabled item $hOldBrush = SelectObject($hDC, $hBorderBrush) FrameRect($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $hBorderBrush) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldBrush) DeleteObject($hBorderBrush) EndIf EndIf Local $sText = _GetMenuText($nMenuItemID) If $bNoAcc Then $sText = StringReplace($sText, "&", "") Local $nWidth = 0 Local $sAcc = "" Local $arText = StringSplit($sText, @Tab) Local $bTab = FALSE If IsArray($arText) And $arText[0] > 1 Then $sText = $arText[1] $sAcc = $arText[2] $bTab = TRUE EndIf $nLen = StringLen($sText) Local $stText = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $nLen + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stText, 1, $sText) Local $nSaveLeft = DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 1) Local $nLeft = $nSaveLeft $nLeft += $nSpace ; Left border $nLeft += $nSpace ; Space after gray border $nLeft += $nIconSize ; Icon width $nLeft += $nSpace + 2 ; Right after the icon DllStructSetData($stItemRect, 1, $nLeft) Local $nFlags = BitOr(0x00000100, 0x00000020, 0x00000004) DrawTextW($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stText), $nLen, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $nFlags) ; Draw accelerator text If $bTab Then Local $nMaxTextWidth = 0 Local $nMaxTextAccWidth = 0 _GetMenuMaxTextWidth($hDC, $hMenu, $nMaxTextWidth, $nMaxTextAccWidth) If $nMaxTextAccWidth > 0 Then $nMaxTextAccWidth += 4 $nWidth = 6 * $nSpace + 2 * $nIconSize + $nMaxTextWidth ; Maybe this differs - have no emulator here at the moment $nWidth = $nWidth - $nCheckX + 1 $nLen = StringLen($sAcc) $stText = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $nLen + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stText, 1, $sAcc) ; Set rect for acc text _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0] + $nWidth, $arIR[1], $arIR[0] + $nWidth + $nMaxTextAccWidth, $arIR[3]) DrawTextW($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stText), $nLen, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $nFlags) ; Reset rect values _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0], $arIR[1], $arIR[2], $arIR[3]) EndIf Local $nNoSelIconIndex = -1 Local $nSelIconIndex = -1 _GetMenuIconIndex($nMenuItemID, $nNoSelIconIndex, $nSelIconIndex) Local $nIconIndex = $nNoSelIconIndex If $bSelected And $nSelIconIndex > -1 Then $nIconIndex = $nSelIconIndex If $nIconIndex > -1 Then If Not $bChecked Then If $bGrayed Then ; An easy way to draw something that looks deactivated ImageList_DrawEx($hMenuImageList, _ $nIconIndex, _ $hDC, _ $nSpace + $nSideWidth, _ DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 2) + 2, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0xFFFFFFFF, _ 0xFFFFFFFF, _ BitOr(0x0004, 0x0001)) Else ; Draw the icon "normal" ImageList_Draw($hMenuImageList, _ $nIconIndex, _ $hDC, _ $nSpace + $nSideWidth, _ DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 2) + 2, _ 0x0001) EndIf EndIf EndIf DllStructSetData($stItemRect, 1, $nSaveLeft) ; Draw a "line" for a separator item If StringLen($sText) = 0 Then If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then DllStructSetData($stItemRect, 1, DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 1) + 4 * $nSpace + $nIconSize) Else DllStructSetData($stItemRect, 1, DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 1)) EndIf DllStructSetData($stItemRect, 2, DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 2) + 1) DllStructSetData($stItemRect, 4, DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 1) + 2) DrawEdge($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), 0x0006, 0x0002) EndIf $stText = 0 $stItemRect = 0 SelectObject($hDC, $hFont) If $bBoldFont Then DeleteObject($hMFont) SetTextColor($hDC, $nClrTxt) SetBkColor($hDC, $nClrBk) $nResult = TRUE EndIf $stDrawItem = 0 Return $nResult EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get color part ;******************************************************************** Func _ColorGetClr($nColor, $nMode) Local $nClr = $nColor If $bUseRGBColors Then $nClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) Switch $nMode Case 1 $nClr = BitShift($nClr, 16) Case 2 $nClr = BitShift(BitAnd($nClr, 0xFF00), 8) Case 3 $nClr = BitAnd($nClr, 0xFF) EndSwitch Return $nClr EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Fill background rect with gradient colors ;******************************************************************** Func _FillGradientRect($hDC, $stRect, $nClr1, $nClr2, $bVert = FALSE) Local $stVert = DllStructCreate("long;long;ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort;" & _ "long;long;ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort") DllStructSetData($stVert, 1, DllStructGetData($stRect, 1)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 2, DllStructGetData($stRect, 2)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 3, BitShift(_ColorGetClr($nClr1, 3), -8)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 4, BitShift(_ColorGetClr($nClr1, 2), -8)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 5, BitShift(_ColorGetClr($nClr1, 1), -8)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 6, 0) DllStructSetData($stVert, 7, DllStructGetData($stRect, 3)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 8, DllStructGetData($stRect, 4)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 9, BitShift(_ColorGetClr($nClr2, 3), -8)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 10, BitShift(_ColorGetClr($nClr2, 2), -8)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 11, BitShift(_ColorGetClr($nClr2, 1), -8)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 12, 0) Local $stGradRect = DllStructCreate("ulong;ulong") DllStructSetData($stGradRect, 1, 0) DllStructSetData($stGradRect, 2, 1) If $bVert Then GradientFill($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stVert), 2, DllStructGetPtr($stGradRect), 1, 1) Else GradientFill($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stVert), 2, DllStructGetPtr($stGradRect), 1, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Sets 4 values to a itemrect struct ;******************************************************************** Func _SetItemRect(ByRef $stStruct, $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4) DllStructSetData($stStruct, 1, $p1) DllStructSetData($stStruct, 2, $p2) DllStructSetData($stStruct, 3, $p3) DllStructSetData($stStruct, 4, $p4) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WM_SETTINGCHANGE procedure ;******************************************************************** Func WM_SETTINGCHANGE($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $lParam If $wParam = 0x002A Then _CreateMenuFont($hMenuFont) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WM_TIMER procedure ;******************************************************************** Func WM_TIMER($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $lParam Local $nID = Number($wParam) If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][0] > 0 Then If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][7] Then Local $stNID = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 4, $NIF_ICON) If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][8] Then DllStructSetData($stNID, 6, $hBlankIcon) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][8] = FALSE Else DllStructSetData($stNID, 6, $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][1]) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][8] = TRUE EndIf Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_MODIFY, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) EndIf EndIf KillTimer($TRAYMSGWND, $FLASHTIMERID) SetTimer($TRAYMSGWND, $FLASHTIMERID, $FLASHTIMEOUT, 0) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Create a menu item and set its style to OwnerDrawn ;******************************************************************** Func _GUICtrlCreateODMenuItem($sMenuItemText, $nParentMenu, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0, $bRadio = 0) Local $nMenuItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($sMenuItemText, $nParentMenu, -1, $bRadio) $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) If $nMenuItem > 0 Then Local $nIdx = _GetNewItemIndex() If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 $MENULASTITEM = $nMenuItem Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($nParentMenu) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][0] = $nMenuItem $arMenuItems[$nIdx][1] = $sMenuItemText $arMenuItems[$nIdx][2] = _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][3] = $hMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][4] = $bRadio $arMenuItems[$nIdx][5] = FALSE $arMenuItems[$nIdx][6] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][7] = FALSE _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $nMenuItem, $sMenuItemText) EndIf Return $nMenuItem EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Create a menu and set its style to OwnerDrawn ;******************************************************************** Func _GUICtrlCreateODMenu($sText, $nParentMenu = "", $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0) Local $nMenu If $nParentMenu = "" Then $nMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu($sText) Else $nMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu($sText, $nParentMenu) EndIf $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) If $nMenu > 0 Then Local $nIdx = _GetNewItemIndex() If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 $MENULASTITEM = $nMenu Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($nParentMenu) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][0] = $nMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][1] = $sText $arMenuItems[$nIdx][2] = _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][3] = $hMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][4] = 0 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][5] = FALSE $arMenuItems[$nIdx][6] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][7] = TRUE _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $nMenu, $sText) EndIf Return $nMenu EndFunc Func _GUICtrlCreateODTopMenu($sText, $nParentGUI) Local $nMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu($sText) If $nMenu > 0 Then Local $nIdx = _GetNewItemIndex() If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 $MENULASTITEM = $nMenu Local $hMenu = DllCall("User32.dll", "hwnd", "GetMenu", "hwnd", $nParentGUI) If @error Or $hMenu[0]=0 Then Return SetError(1,0,0) ;~ GetMenuItemInfo(GUICtrlGetHandle($nMenu) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][0] = $nMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][1] = $sText $arMenuItems[$nIdx][2] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][3] = "TOP" $arMenuItems[$nIdx][4] = 0 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][5] = FALSE $arMenuItems[$nIdx][6] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][7] = TRUE _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu[0], $nMenu, $sText) MenuBarBKColor($hMenu[0],$nMenuBkClr) EndIf Return $nMenu EndFunc Func _GUIMenuBarSetBkColor($nParentGUI,$nMenuBkClr) Local $hMenu = DllCall("User32.dll", "hwnd", "GetMenu", "hwnd", $nParentGUI) If @error Then Return 0 Local $r = MenuBarBKColor($hMenu[0],$nMenuBkClr) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "DrawMenuBar", "hwnd",$nParentGUI) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "RedrawWindow", "hwnd", $nParentGUI, "ptr", 0, "handle", 0, "uint", 0x0400) ;DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "RedrawWindow", "hwnd", $nParentGUI, "ptr", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0x400) Return $r EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set the text of an menu item ;******************************************************************** Func _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetText($nMenuID, $sText) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $MENULASTITEM If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $i For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuID Then $arMenuItems[$i][1] = $sText _SetOwnerDrawn($arMenuItems[$i][3], $nMenuID, $sText, FALSE) GUICtrlSetData($nMenuID, $sText) _SetOwnerDrawn($arMenuItems[$i][3], $nMenuID, $sText) Return 1 EndIf Next EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set the icon of an menu item ;******************************************************************** Func _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $MENULASTITEM If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) Local $i For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuID Then If $sIconFile = "" Then $arMenuItems[$i][2] = -1 Else If $arMenuItems[$i][2] = -1 Then $arMenuItems[$i][2] = _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) Else _ReplaceMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID, $arMenuItems[$i][2]) EndIf EndIf Return 1 EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set the selected icon of an menu item ;******************************************************************** Func _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetSelIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $MENULASTITEM If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) Local $i For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuID Then If $sIconFile = "" Then $arMenuItems[$i][6] = -1 Else If $arMenuItems[$i][6] = -1 Then $arMenuItems[$i][6] = _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) Else _ReplaceMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID, $arMenuItems[$i][6]) EndIf EndIf Return 1 EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Add an icon to our menu image list ;******************************************************************** Func _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) If IsHWnd($sIconFile) Or Number($sIconFile)>0 Then Return ImageList_AddIcon($hMenuImageList, $sIconFile) Local $stIcon = DllStructCreate("hwnd") Local $nCount = ExtractIconExW($sIconFile, $nIconID, 0, DllStructGetPtr($stIcon), 1) Local $nIndex = -1 If $nCount > 0 Then $nIndex = ImageList_AddIcon($hMenuImageList, DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1)) DestroyIcon(DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1)) EndIf $stIcon = 0 Return $nIndex EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Replace an icon in our menu image list ;******************************************************************** Func _ReplaceMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID, $nReplaceIndex) If $nReplaceIndex < 0 Then Return -1 If IsHWnd($sIconFile) Or Number($sIconFile)>0 Then Return ImageList_ReplaceIcon($hMenuImageList, $nReplaceIndex, $sIconFile) Local $stIcon = DllStructCreate("hwnd") Local $nCount = ExtractIconExW($sIconFile, $nIconID, 0, DllStructGetPtr($stIcon), 1) If $nCount > 0 Then ImageList_ReplaceIcon($hMenuImageList, $nReplaceIndex, DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1)) DestroyIcon(DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1)) EndIf $stIcon = 0 Return 1 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the parent menu handle for a menu item ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuHandle($nMenuItemID) Local $i, $hMenu = 0 For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuItemID Then $hMenu = $arMenuItems[$i][3] ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $hMenu EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the index of a menu item in our store ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuIndex($hMenu, $nMenuItemID) Local $nIndex = -1 Local $nCount = GetMenuItemCount($hMenu) Local $nPos, $nID For $nPos = 0 To $nCount[0] - 1 $nID = GetMenuItemID($hMenu, $nPos) If $nID = $nMenuItemID Then $nIndex = $nPos ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $nIndex EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the menu item text ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuText($nMenuItemID) Local $i, $sText = "" For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuItemID Then $sText = $arMenuItems[$i][1] ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $sText EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Creates a menu side ;******************************************************************** Func _CreateSideMenu($nMenuID) If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($nMenuID) If $hMenu = 0 Then Return 0 Local $i = _GetNewSideItemIndex() If $i = 0 Then Return 0 $arSideItems[$i][0] = $hMenu $arSideItems[$i][1] = "" $arSideItems[$i][2] = -1 $arSideItems[$i][3] = -1 $arSideItems[$i][4] = -1 $arSideItems[$i][5] = FALSE $arSideItems[$i][6] = 0 $arSideItems[$i][7] = 0 $arSideItems[$i][8] = 0 $arSideItems[$i][9] = FALSE Return $i EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Check menu side index ;******************************************************************** Func _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) If $nIdx <= 0 Or $nIdx > $arSideItems[0][0] Then Return FALSE If $arSideItems[$nIdx][0] = 0 Then Return FALSE Return TRUE EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Delete menu side ;******************************************************************** Func _DeleteSideMenu($nIdx) If Not _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) Then Return FALSE $arSideItems[$nIdx][0] = 0 $arSideItems[$nIdx][1] = "" $arSideItems[$nIdx][2] = -1 $arSideItems[$nIdx][3] = -1 $arSideItems[$nIdx][4] = -1 If $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] And $arSideItems[$nIdx][6] <> 0 Then _ DeleteObject($arSideItems[$nIdx][6]) $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] = FALSE $arSideItems[$nIdx][6] = 0 $arSideItems[$nIdx][7] = 0 $arSideItems[$nIdx][8] = 0 $arSideItems[$nIdx][9] = FALSE If $nIdx = $arSideItems[0][0] Then $arSideItems[0][0] -= 1 Return TRUE EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get a menu side index ;******************************************************************** Func _GetSideMenuIndex($hMenu) Local $i For $i = 1 To $arSideItems[0][0] If $arSideItems[$i][0] = $hMenu Then Return $i ExitLoop EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get a menu side text ;******************************************************************** Func _GetSideMenuText($nIdx) If Not _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) Then Return "" Return $arSideItems[$nIdx][1] EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get a menu side image ;******************************************************************** Func _GetSideMenuImage($nIdx) If Not _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) Then Return 0 If Not $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] Then Return 0 Return $arSideItems[$nIdx][6] EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get a menu side image dimensions ;******************************************************************** Func _GetSideMenuImageSize($nIdx, ByRef $nWidth, ByRef $nHeight, ByRef $bStretch) If Not _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) Then Return FALSE If Not $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] Then Return FALSE $nWidth = $arSideItems[$nIdx][7] $nHeight = $arSideItems[$nIdx][8] $bStretch = $arSideItems[$nIdx][9] Return TRUE EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set menu side bitmap ;******************************************************************** Func _SetSideMenuImage($nIdx, $sFile, $sResName = "", $bStretch = FALSE) Return _SetSideMenuText($nIdx, $sFile, $sResName, TRUE, $bStretch) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set menu side text ;******************************************************************** Func _SetSideMenuText($nIdx, $sText, $sResName = "", $bIsBitmap = FALSE, $bStretch = FALSE) If Not _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) Then Return FALSE Local $hBitmap = 0 Local $nW = 0 Local $nH = 0 If $bIsBitmap Then Local $stFile = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & StringLen($sText) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stFile, 1, $sText) If $sResName = "" Then $hBitmap = LoadImageW(0, DllStructGetPtr($stFile), 0, 0, 0, _ BitOr(0x0010, 0x0040, 0x2000, 0x0020)) Else Local $hLib = LoadLibraryExW(DllStructGetPtr($stFile), 0, 0x00000002) If $hLib <> 0 Then If IsNumber($sResName) Then $hBitmap = LoadImageW($hLib, $sResName, 0, 0, 0, _ BitOr(0x0040, 0x2000, 0x0020)) Else Local $stRes = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & StringLen($sResName) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stRes, 1, $sResName) $hBitmap = LoadImageW($hLib, DllStructGetPtr($stRes), 0, 0, 0, _ BitOr(0x0040, 0x2000, 0x0020)) EndIf FreeLibrary($hLib) EndIf EndIf If $hBitmap = 0 Then Return FALSE Else Local $nSize = GetObjectW($hBitmap, 0, 0) Local $stBMP = DllStructCreate("long;long;long;long;ushort;ushort") If GetObjectW($hBitmap, $nSize, DllStructGetPtr($stBMP)) = 0 Then DeleteObject($hBitmap) Return FALSE Else $nW = DllStructGetData($stBMP, 2) $nH = DllStructGetData($stBMP, 3) EndIf EndIf EndIf $arSideItems[$nIdx][1] = $sText If $bIsBitmap Then If $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] <> 0 Then DeleteObject($arSideItems[$nIdx][5]) $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] = TRUE $arSideItems[$nIdx][6] = $hBitmap $arSideItems[$nIdx][7] = $nW $arSideItems[$nIdx][8] = $nH If $bStretch Then $arSideItems[$nIdx][9] = TRUE Else $arSideItems[$nIdx][9] = FALSE EndIf Else $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] = FALSE $arSideItems[$nIdx][6] = 0 EndIf Return TRUE EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set menu side colors ;******************************************************************** Func _SetSideMenuColors($nIdx, $nColor = -1, $nBkColor = -1, $nBkGrdColor = -1) If Not _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) Then Return FALSE If $nColor <> -1 Then If $nColor = -2 Then $arSideItems[$nIdx][2] = $nMenuSideTxtClr Else $arSideItems[$nIdx][2] = $nColor EndIf EndIf If $nBkColor <> -1 Then If $nBkColor = -2 Then $arSideItems[$nIdx][3] = $nMenuSideBkClr Else $arSideItems[$nIdx][3] = $nBkColor EndIf EndIf If $nBkGrdColor <> -1 Then If $nBkGrdColor = -2 Then $arSideItems[$nIdx][4] = $nMenuSideBkClr2 Else $arSideItems[$nIdx][4] = $nBkGrdColor EndIf EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get menu side colors ;******************************************************************** Func _GetSideMenuColors($nIdx, ByRef $nColor, ByRef $nBkColor, ByRef $nBkGradColor) If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 $nColor = $arSideItems[$nIdx][2] $nBkColor = $arSideItems[$nIdx][3] $nBkGradColor = $arSideItems[$nIdx][4] Return 1 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the maximum text width in a menu ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuMaxTextWidth($hDC, $hMenu, ByRef $nMaxWidth, ByRef $nMaxAccWidth) Local $i, $stSize, $stText, $nLen Local $nWidth = 0 Local $nAccWidth = 0 Local $arString For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][3] = $hMenu Then $arString = StringSplit($arMenuItems[$i][1], @Tab) If Not IsArray($arString) Then ContinueLoop If $arString[0] > 1 Then $nLen = StringLen($arString[2]) $stSize = DllStructCreate("int;int") $stText = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $nLen + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stText, 1, $arString[2]) GetTextExtentPoint32W($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stText), $nLen, DllStructGetPtr($stSize)) $nAccWidth = DllStructGetData($stSize, 1) $stText = 0 $stSize = 0 If $nAccWidth > $nMaxAccWidth Then $nMaxAccWidth = $nAccWidth EndIf $nLen = StringLen($arString[1]) $stSize = DllStructCreate("int;int") $stText = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $nLen + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stText, 1, $arString[1]) GetTextExtentPoint32W($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stText), $nLen, DllStructGetPtr($stSize)) $nWidth = DllStructGetData($stSize, 1) $stText = 0 $stSize = 0 If $nWidth > $nMaxWidth Then $nMaxWidth = $nWidth EndIf Next EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the maximum side text width ;******************************************************************** Func _GetSideMenuTextWidth($hDC, $sText) If $sText = "" Then Return 0 Local $nLen = StringLen($sText) Local $stSize = DllStructCreate("int;int") Local $stText = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $nLen + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stText, 1, $sText) GetTextExtentPoint32W($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stText), $nLen, DllStructGetPtr($stSize)) Return DllStructGetData($stSize, 2) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the index of an icon from our store ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuIsRadio($nMenuItemID) Local $i, $bRadio = 0 For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuItemID Then $bRadio = $arMenuItems[$i][4] ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $bRadio EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the index of an icon from our store ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuIconIndex($nMenuItemID, ByRef $nIconIndex, ByRef $nSelIconIndex) Local $i For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuItemID Then $nIconIndex = $arMenuItems[$i][2] $nSelIconIndex = $arMenuItems[$i][6] ExitLoop EndIf Next EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Check if the item is from a tray menu ;******************************************************************** Func _IsTrayItem($nMenuItemID) Local $i, $bTray = FALSE For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuItemID Then $bTray = $arMenuItems[$i][5] ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $bTray EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get some system menu constants ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuInfos(ByRef $nS, ByRef $nX) $nS = GetSystemMetrics(49) $nX = GetSystemMetrics(71) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Convert a normal menu item to an ownerdrawn menu item ;******************************************************************** Func _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $MenuItemID, $sText, $bOwnerDrawn = TRUE) Local $nType = 0 ; MF_STRING If StringLen($sText) = 0 Then $nType = 0x00000800 If $bOwnerDrawn Then $nType = BitOr($nType, 0x00000100) Local $stMII = DllStructCreate($sMENUITEMINFO) DllStructSetData($stMII, 1, DllStructGetSize($stMII)) DllStructSetData($stMII, 2, 0x00000010) ; MIIM_TYPE DllStructSetData($stMII, 3, $nType) Local $stTypeData = DllStructCreate("uint") DllStructSetData($stTypeData, 1, $MenuItemID) DllStructSetData($stMII, 10, DllStructGetPtr($stTypeData)) SetMenuItemInfo($hMenu, $MenuItemID, FALSE, DllStructGetPtr($stMII)) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the default menu font ;******************************************************************** Func _CreateMenuFont(ByRef $hFont, $bBold = FALSE, $bSide = FALSE) Local $stNCM = DllStructCreate($sNONCLIENTMETRICS) DllStructSetData($stNCM, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNCM)) If SystemParametersInfo(0x0029, DllStructGetSize($stNCM), DllStructGetPtr($stNCM), 0) Then Local $stMenuLogFont = DllStructCreate($sLOGFONT) Local $i For $i = 1 To 14 DllStructSetData($stMenuLogFont, $i, DllStructGetData($stNCM, $i + 38)) Next If $bSide Then DllStructSetData($stMenuLogFont, 3, 900) DllStructSetData($stMenuLogFont, 4, 900) EndIf If $bBold Then DllStructSetData($stMenuLogFont, 5, 700) If $hFont > 0 Then DeleteObject($hFont) $hFont = CreateFontIndirect(DllStructGetPtr($stMenuLogFont)) If $hFont = 0 Then $hFont = _CreateMenuFontByName("MS Sans Serif") EndIf EndFunc Func _CreateMenuFontByName($sFontName, $nHeight = 8, $nWidth = 400) Local $stFontName = DllStructCreate("char[260]") DllStructSetData($stFontName, 1, $sFontName) Local $hDC = GetDC(0) ; Get the Desktops DC Local $nPixel = GetDeviceCaps($hDC, 90) $nHeight = 0 - MulDiv($nHeight, $nPixel, 72) ReleaseDC(0, $hDC) Local $hFont = CreateFont($nHeight, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ $nWidth, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ DllStructGetPtr($stFontName)) $stFontName = 0 Return $hFont EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Create a blank icon for flash functionality ;******************************************************************** Func _CreateBlankIcon() If $hBlankIcon = 0 Then If @OSVersion <> "WIN_XP" And @OSVersion <> "WIN_XPe" And @OSVersion <> "WIN_2003" Then Local $stIcon = DllStructCreate("hwnd") If ExtractIconExW("shell32.dll", 50, 0, DllStructGetPtr($stIcon), 1) Then _ $hBlankIcon = DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1) Else Local $stAndMask = DllStructCreate("byte[64]") memset(DllStructGetPtr($stAndMask), 0xFF, 64) Local $stXorMask = DllStructCreate("byte[64]") memset(DllStructGetPtr($stXorMask), 0x0, 64) $hBlankIcon = CreateIcon(0, 16, 16, 1, 1, DllStructGetPtr($stAndMask), DllStructGetPtr($stXorMask)) EndIf EndIf Return $hBlankIcon EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; CommCtrl.h - functions ;******************************************************************** Func ImageList_Create($nImageWidth, $nImageHeight, $nFlags, $nInitial, $nGrow) Local $hImageList = DllCall($hComctl32Dll, "hwnd", "ImageList_Create", _ "int", $nImageWidth, _ "int", $nImageHeight, _ "int", $nFlags, _ "int", $nInitial, _ "int", $nGrow) Return $hImageList[0] EndFunc Func ImageList_AddIcon($hIml, $hIcon) Local $nIndex = DllCall($hComctl32Dll, "int", "ImageList_AddIcon", _ "hwnd", $hIml, _ "hwnd", $hIcon) Return $nIndex[0] EndFunc Func ImageList_Destroy($hIml) Local $bResult = DllCall($hComctl32Dll, "int", "ImageList_Destroy", _ "hwnd", $hIml) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func ImageList_Draw($hIml, $nIndex, $hDC, $nX, $nY, $nStyle) Local $bResult = DllCall($hComctl32Dll, "int", "ImageList_Draw", _ "hwnd", $hIml, _ "int", $nIndex, _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "int", $nX, _ "int", $nY, _ "int", $nStyle) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func ImageList_DrawEx($hIml, $nIndex, $hDC, $nX, $nY, $nDx, $nDy, $nBkClr, $nFgClr, $nStyle) Local $bResult = DllCall($hComctl32Dll, "int", "ImageList_DrawEx", _ "hwnd", $hIml, _ "int", $nIndex, _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "int", $nX, _ "int", $nY, _ "int", $nDx, _ "int", $nDy, _ "int", $nBkClr, _ "int", $nFgClr, _ "int", $nStyle) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func ImageList_ReplaceIcon($hIml, $nIndex, $hIcon) Local $bResult = DllCall($hComctl32Dll, "int", "ImageList_ReplaceIcon", _ "hwnd", $hIml, _ "int", $nIndex, _ "hwnd", $hIcon) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; ShellApi.h - functions ;******************************************************************** Func ExtractIconExW($sIconFile, $nIconID, $ptrIconLarge, $ptrIconSmall, $nIcons) Local $nCount = DllCall($hShell32Dll, "int", "ExtractIconExW", _ "wstr", $sIconFile, _ "int", $nIconID, _ "ptr", $ptrIconLarge, _ "ptr", $ptrIconSmall, _ "int", $nIcons) Return $nCount[0] EndFunc Func Shell_NotifyIcon($nMessage, $pNID) Local $nResult = DllCall($hShell32Dll, "int", "Shell_NotifyIconW", _ "int", $nMessage, _ "ptr", $pNID) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WinBase.h - functions ;******************************************************************** Func MulDiv($nInt1, $nInt2, $nInt3) Local $nResult = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "MulDiv", _ "int", $nInt1, _ "int", $nInt2, _ "int", $nInt3) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func LoadLibraryExW($pFile, $hFile, $nFlags) Local $hResult = DllCall($hKernel32Dll, "hwnd", "LoadLibraryExW", _ "ptr", $pFile, _ "hwnd", $hFile, _ "dword", $nFlags) Return $hResult[0] EndFunc Func FreeLibrary($hLib) Local $nResult = DllCall($hKernel32Dll, "int", "FreeLibrary", _ "hwnd", $hLib) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WinGDI.h - functions ;******************************************************************** Func SelectObject($hDC, $hObj) Local $hOldObj = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "SelectObject", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "hwnd", $hObj) Return $hOldObj[0] EndFunc Func DeleteObject($hObj) Local $bResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "DeleteObject", _ "hwnd", $hObj) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func GetObjectW($hObj, $nSize, $pObj) Local $nResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "GetObjectW", _ "hwnd", $hObj, _ "int", $nSize, _ "ptr", $pObj) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func CreateFont($nHeight, $nWidth, $nEscape, $nOrientn, $fnWeight, $bItalic, $bUnderline, $bStrikeout, $nCharset, $nOutputPrec, $nClipPrec, $nQuality, $nPitch, $ptrFontName) Local $hFont = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "hwnd", "CreateFont", _ "int", $nHeight, _ "int", $nWidth, _ "int", $nEscape, _ "int", $nOrientn, _ "int", $fnWeight, _ "long", $bItalic, _ "long", $bUnderline, _ "long", $bStrikeout, _ "long", $nCharset, _ "long", $nOutputPrec, _ "long", $nClipPrec, _ "long", $nQuality, _ "long", $nPitch, _ "ptr", $ptrFontName) Return $hFont[0] EndFunc Func CreateFontIndirect($pLogFont) Local $hFont = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "hwnd", "CreateFontIndirectW", _ "ptr", $pLogFont) Return $hFont[0] EndFunc Func GetTextExtentPoint32W($hDC, $ptrText, $nTextLength, $ptrSize) Local $bResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "GetTextExtentPoint32W", _ "hwnd" ,$hDC, _ "ptr", $ptrText, _ "int", $nTextLength, _ "ptr", $ptrSize) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func SetBkColor($hDC, $nColor) Local $nOldColor = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "SetBkColor", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "int", $nColor) Return $nOldColor[0] EndFunc Func SetTextColor($hDC, $nColor) Local $nOldColor = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "SetTextColor", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "int", $nColor) Return $nOldColor[0] EndFunc Func CreateSolidBrush($nColor) Local $hBrush = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "hwnd", "CreateSolidBrush", _ "int", $nColor) Return $hBrush[0] EndFunc Func GetDeviceCaps($hDC, $nIndex) Local $nResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "GetDeviceCaps", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "int", $nIndex) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) Local $hCompDC = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "hwnd", "CreateCompatibleDC", _ "hwnd", $hDC) Return $hCompDC[0] EndFunc Func DeleteDC($hDC) Local $bResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "DeleteDC", _ "hwnd", $hDC) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func CreateBitmap($nWidth, $nHeight, $nCPlanes, $nCBitsPerPixel, $ptrCData) Local $hBitmap = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "hwnd", "CreateBitmap", _ "int", $nWidth, _ "int", $nHeight, _ "int", $nCPlanes, _ "int", $nCBitsPerPixel, _ "ptr", $ptrCData) Return $hBitmap[0] EndFunc Func BitBlt($hDCDest, $nXDest, $nYDest, $nWDest, $nHDest, $hDCSrc, $nXSrc, $nYSrc, $nOpCode) Local $bResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "BitBlt", _ "hwnd", $hDCDest, _ "int", $nXDest, _ "int", $nYDest, _ "int", $nWDest, _ "int", $nHDest, _ "hwnd", $hDCSrc, _ "int", $nXSrc, _ "int", $nYSrc, _ "long", $nOpCode) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func StretchBlt($hDCDest, $nXDest, $nYDest, $nWDest, $nHDest, $hDCSrc, $nXSrc, $nYSrc, $nWSrc, $nHSrc, $nOpCode) Local $bResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "StretchBlt", _ "hwnd", $hDCDest, _ "int", $nXDest, _ "int", $nYDest, _ "int", $nWDest, _ "int", $nHDest, _ "hwnd", $hDCSrc, _ "int", $nXSrc, _ "int", $nYSrc, _ "int", $nWSrc, _ "int", $nHSrc, _ "long", $nOpCode) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func SetBkMode($hDC, $nMode) Local $nResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "SetBkMode", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "int", $nMode) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func GradientFill($hDC, $pVert, $nNumVert, $pRect, $nNumRect, $nFillMode) Local $nResult = DllCall($hMsimg32Dll, "int", "GradientFill", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "ptr", $pVert, _ "ulong", $nNumVert, _ "ptr", $pRect, _ "ulong", $nNumRect, _ "ulong", $nFillMode) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WinUser.h - functions ;******************************************************************** Func GetDC($hWnd) Local $hDC = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "hwnd", "GetDC", _ "hwnd", $hWnd) Return $hDC[0] EndFunc Func ReleaseDC($hWnd, $hDC) Local $bResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "ReleaseDC", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "hwnd", $hDC) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func GetSysColor($nIndex) Local $nColor = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetSysColor", _ "int", $nIndex) Return $nColor[0] EndFunc Func GetSysColorBrush($nIndex) Local $hBrush = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "hwnd", "GetSysColorBrush", _ "int", $nIndex) Return $hBrush[0] EndFunc Func LoadIcon($hInstance, $nIcon) Local $hIcon = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "hwnd", "LoadIcon", _ "hwnd", $hInstance, _ "int", $nIcon) Return $hIcon[0] EndFunc Func DestroyIcon($hIcon) Local $bResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "DestroyIcon", _ "hwnd", $hIcon) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func CreateIcon($hInstance, $nWidth, $nHeight, $nPlanes, $nBitsPixel, $pAndBits, $pXorBits) Local $hResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "hwnd", "CreateIcon", _ "hwnd", $hInstance, _ "int", $nWidth, _ "int", $nHeight, _ "byte", $nPlanes, _ "byte", $nBitsPixel, _ "ptr", $pAndBits, _ "ptr", $pXorBits) Return $hResult[0] EndFunc Func GetSystemMetrics($nIndex) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetSystemMetrics", _ "int", $nIndex) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func DrawTextW($hDC, $ptrText, $nLenText, $ptrRect, $nFlags) Local $nHeight = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "DrawTextW", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "ptr", $ptrText, _ "int", $nLenText, _ "ptr", $ptrRect, _ "int", $nFlags) Return $nHeight[0] EndFunc Func GetMenuItemCount($hMenu) Local $nCount = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetMenuItemCount", _ "hwnd", $hMenu) Return $nCount[0] EndFunc Func GetMenuItemID($hMenu, $nPos) Local $nID = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetMenuItemID", _ "hwnd", $hMenu, _ "int", $nPos) Return $nID[0] EndFunc Func GetMenuItemInfo($hMenu, $nID, $bPos, $pMII) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetMenuItemInfo", _ "hwnd", $hMenu, _ "uint", $nID, _ "int", $bPos, _ "ptr", $pMII) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func SetMenuItemInfo($hMenu, $nID, $bPos, $pMII) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "SetMenuItemInfo", _ "hwnd", $hMenu, _ "uint", $nID, _ "int", $bPos, _ "ptr", $pMII) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func GetMenuState($hMenu, $nID, $nFlags) Local $nState = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetMenuState", _ "hwnd", $hMenu, _ "int", $nID, _ "int", $nFlags) Return $nState[0] EndFunc Func FillRect($hDC, $ptrRect, $hBrush) Local $bResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "FillRect", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "ptr", $ptrRect, _ "hwnd", $hBrush) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func DrawEdge($hDC, $ptrRect, $nEdgeType, $nBorderFlag) Local $bResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "DrawEdge", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "ptr", $ptrRect, _ "int", $nEdgeType, _ "int", $nBorderFlag) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func FrameRect($hDC, $ptrRect, $hBrush) Local $bResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "FrameRect", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "ptr", $ptrRect, _ "hwnd", $hBrush) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func DrawFrameControl($hDC, $ptrRect, $nType, $nState) Local $bResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "DrawFrameControl", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "ptr", $ptrRect, _ "int", $nType, _ "int", $nState) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func SystemParametersInfo($nAction, $nParam, $pParam, $nWinini) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "SystemParametersInfoW", _ "uint", $nAction, _ "uint", $nParam, _ "ptr", $pParam, _ "uint", $nWinini) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func GetCursorPos($pPoint) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetCursorPos", _ "ptr", $pPoint) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func SetForegroundWindow($hWnd) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "SetForegroundWindow", _ "hwnd", $hWnd) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func TrackPopupMenuEx($hMenu, $nFlags, $nX, $nY, $hWnd, $pParams) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "TrackPopupMenuEx", _ "hwnd", $hMenu, _ "uint", $nFlags, _ "int", $nX, _ "int", $nY, _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "ptr", $pParams) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func PostMessage($hWnd, $nMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "PostMessage", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "uint", $nMsg, _ "dword", $wParam, _ "dword", $lParam) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func ShowWindow($hWnd, $nState) DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "ShowWindow", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "int", $nState) EndFunc Func SetTimer($hWnd, $nID, $nTimeOut, $pFunc) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "uint", "SetTimer", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "uint", $nID, _ "uint", $nTimeOut, _ "ptr", $pFunc) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func KillTimer($hWnd, $nID) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "KillTimer", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "uint", $nID) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func LoadImageW($hInst, $pName, $nType, $nX, $nY, $nLoad) Local $hResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "hwnd", "LoadImageW", _ "hwnd", $hInst, _ "dword", $pName, _ "uint", $nType, _ "int", $nX, _ "int", $nY, _ "uint", $nLoad) Return $hResult[0] EndFunc Func memset($pDest, $nChr, $nCount) Local $pResult = DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "ptr:cdecl", "memset", _ "ptr", $pDest, _ "int", $nChr, _ "int", $nCount) Return $pResult[0] EndFunc Func MenuBarBKColor($hMenu, $nColor) Local $tInfo,$aResult Local $hBrush = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'hwnd', 'CreateSolidBrush', 'int', $nColor) If @error Then Return ;$tInfo = DllStructCreate("int Size;int Mask;int Style;int YMax;int hBack;int ContextHelpID;ptr MenuData") $tInfo = DllStructCreate("int Size;int Mask;int Style;int YMax;handle hBack;int ContextHelpID;ptr MenuData") DllStructSetData($tInfo, "Mask", 2) DllStructSetData($tInfo, "hBack", $hBrush[0]) DllStructSetData($tInfo, "Size", DllStructGetSize($tInfo)) $aResult = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetMenuInfo", "hwnd", $hMenu, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tInfo)) Return $aResult[0] <> 0 EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlMenu_SetMenuBackground solves the problem.1 point -
Need to read files created in a folder like 1-100 in a loop but numerically
SOLVE-SMART reacted to AspirinJunkie for a topic
You could get even more out of it by not only outsourcing the sorting logic, but by doing without AutoIt completely and writing the whole program in C++. Not surprisingly, a compiled programming language is vastly superior to an interpreter-based language. And you could possibly get even more out of it, for example, if you let the data be sorted via CUDA or OpenCL on the gpu. Probably you could also speed up the whole thing massively if you use powershell instead of autoit and would even be able to keep the code size smaller. In the end, you always end up balancing effort and benefit, which results in the question of which tool you should use for a certain task. By the way, I can't test your DLL, because I would have to compile it first and I don't want to set up a compiler for it. But of course I assume that it massively outperforms my solution. This is already done by the solution of ioa747. His solution is specialized for the case here and is therefore faster. In contrast, the solution can hardly be used for other cases without major adjustments. It is therefore a matter of weighing up exactly what is needed.1 point -
Properly display the NotifyIconOverflowWindow programmatically
mistersquirrle reacted to TimRude for a topic
@mistersquirrle Thanks for the input. I'm finding that ControlClick is working reliably (so far) every time for this use, without having to ControlFocus or WinActivate. I've ended up with the following code that seems to be working well. It assumes that the first visible Button control it finds on the Shell_TrayWnd window is the ^ button. On my Win10 64 system, like yours, that's the only visible Button control that's found even if I turn on all of the stuff (toolbars, search, news, cortana, task view, people, ink, keyboard) that I normally keep turned off. I also tested this to see what would happen if you had your notification settings like this: Even if you do this so the overflow area isn't used, the button for it is still listed as visible by the code (even if not visible to the eye onscreen) but ControlClick-ing it does nothing good or bad. #include <WinAPISysWin.au3> Example() Func Example() Local $id = _GetTrayOverflowButtonID() If $id <> 0 Then Local $hWnd = @extended ControlClick("[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]", "", $id, "main") MsgBox(0, "Tray Overflow Button", "ID = " & $id & @TAB & "Handle = 0x" & Hex($hWnd)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Example Func _GetTrayOverflowButtonID() Local $aControls = _WinAPI_EnumChildWindows(WinGetHandle("[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]"), True) ; only enumerate visible controls Local $idBtn = 0, $hBtn = 0 If IsArray($aControls) Then For $i = 1 To $aControls[0][0] If $aControls[$i][1] = "Button" Then ; there should only be one visible Button control $hBtn = $aControls[$i][0] $idBtn = _WinAPI_GetDlgCtrlID($hBtn) ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf Return SetExtended($hBtn, $idBtn) ; return control ID (with hWnd in @extended) EndFunc ;==>_GetTrayOverflowButtonID Anyone care to try this on a Win11 system to see if it works there?1 point -
DllCall function pauses script
NMS reacted to mistersquirrle for a topic
I have some C# dot net code that I run using that I have spawn up a separate monitor for some things, and update variables in C#, then retrieve them in AutoIt periodically. Here's how the separate monitor in C# is launched: public bool LaunchMonitor() { ShouldRun = true; new Thread(delegate() { Monitor(); }).Start(); return true; } From AutoIt it's just: #include "..\DotNet\Includes\DotNetAll.au3" Local $fFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\Program.cs") Local $oNetCode = DotNet_LoadCScode( _ FileRead($fFile), _ "System.dll | System.Management.dll | " & _ "", Default, Default, "/unsafe /optimize /platform:x64") FileClose($fFile) Local $oNetClass = DotNet_CreateObject($oNetCode, "MonitorMain") $oNetClass.InitializeVars() $oNetClass.LaunchMonitor()1 point -
Collection of GitHub users (with AutoIt projects)
TheSaint reacted to SOLVE-SMART for a topic
Hi folks, just as an tiny update for those of you who are interested in: The collection list (post #1) increased and we now have 40 members who share their code on GitHub. So don't hesitate to contribute on their projects if you like to 😇 . Best regards Sven1 point -
Google Profiles chrome://version/
mLipok reacted to SOLVE-SMART for a topic
Hi @mLipok, I guess you missed this post of @nitekram where he explained it a bit more 😇 . I also was wondering about the "why", but with this answer I got the idea. Best regards Sven1 point -
Simply let the dll func create a separate thread to execute the function asynchronously. (see for example here and here).1 point
DllCall will always wait for completion of a function. But there is a number of overlapped functions that windows has created allowing asynchronous processing. The approach is basically that you define a callback function that is called under defined circumstances (see ReadDirectoryChangesW for example). You can also start secondary processes (with Run for example) to execute tasks in background while the main script continues. If you need a more complex communication between processes you can use IPC (see WCD IPC in my signature) FYI, SoundPlay has a nowait flag (see AutoIt help file)1 point
Look at this thread. We have been largely discussing about your request (although a tad in different way). All you need is in there :1 point
Ah silly me. ConsoleWrite(@AutoItVersion) Returns I fear this issue may be hard to troubleshoot so i looked for alternative options. Encase others find this thread one day here is what i used instead $BinaryData = InetRead($sURL, 9) If @Error Then Return SetError(404, 404, "Not Found") Else Return $BinaryData EndIf and i starting to get my head around the the incredible work of @trancexx winhttp.au31 point
It is a great thing to handle already awesome winapi dll files like some of tutorials show you already but what about using your own dll files? To spice up your imagination, if you could handle your own dll code and incorporate it to AutoIt, there are simply no limits! I dont see it covered anywhere so i thought to start this with a simple tutorial how to create your basic dll in c/c++ then hopefully some guys will jump in and contribute If you are new to dll files, this post will show you how to create basic Dll. So i say great, lets test some basic dll file, open up visual studio(anything else should be fine unless you are complete noob) and lets define few things, first thing first // note: i changed the code a bit so pictures might show different code Chose New Project - Chose Win32ConsoleApplication - Enter desired name, click Next Pick that you want to Create Dll File - Make sure you select Dll - Make sure you select Empty Project First We Create header file - Right Click on "Header Files" folder icon and chose "Add New", then lets pick "basicdll" as the name Simply paste this code into the header file #ifndef _DLL_TUTORIAL_H_ #define _DLL_TUTORIAL_H_ // This is basically to tell compiler that we want to include this code only once(incase duplication occurs), you include it in .cpp file(which we will soon do) #include <iostream> // Inlcude basic c++ standard library output header(this is used for output text on the screen in our code) #define DECLDIR __declspec(dllexport) // We #define __declspec(dllexport) as DECLDIR macro so when compiler sees DECLDIR it will just take it as __declspec(dllexport)(say that DECLDIR is for readability) // Note that there is also __declspec(dllimport) for internal linking with others programs but since we just need to export our functions so we can use them with Autoit, thats all we need! extern "C" // this extern just wraps things up to make sure things work with C and not only C++ { // Here we declare our functions(as we do with normal functions in c header files, our cpp file will define them(later). Remember that DECLDIR is just a shortcut for __declspec(dllexport) DECLDIR int Add( int a, int b ); DECLDIR void Function( void ); } #endif // closing #ifndef _DLL_TUTORIAL_H_ - Save it up and move on And finally create .cpp file - Right Click on the "Source Files" folder icon, chose add new, pick "basicdll" as the name and follow on ... - Again just paste the .cpp file code... #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> // this is where MessageBox function resides(Autoit also uses this function) #include "basicdll.h" // We include our header file which contains function declarations and other instructions extern "C" // Again this extern just solves c/c++ compatability [b]Make sure to use it because Autoit wont open dll for usage without it![/b] { DECLDIR int Add( int a, int b ) { return( a + b ); // Finally we define our basic function that just is a sum of 2 ints and hence returns int(c/c++ type) } DECLDIR void Function( void ) { std::cout << "DLL Called! Hello AutoIt!" << std::endl; // This silly function will just output in our Autoit script "Dll Called!" MessageBox(0, TEXT("DLL from Autoit"), TEXT("Simple Dll..."),0); // Use good old Message Box inside Windows Api Functions but this time with your own dll } } And thats it, we are done with configuration of header and source and we can compile our DLL file for later usage(note that you must set configuration properties of your project to use Unicode character set (so TEXT() macro in our .cpp works well)(Autoit) - Right Click on the project/solution or just pick Build from menu and select build project/solution and get to here... Navigate to your project dir(should be in debug folder) and there is your basic dll file with 2 simple functions to use! So lets use them Copy/paste your basicdll.dll file into the dir of your script, now lets use it with autoit Lets use this simple function we named "Function", open up autoit script, place dll file inside same folder $dll = DllOpen("basicdll.dll") DllCall($dll, "none", "Function") Results: You should also get a MessageBox but this time you will let AutoIt rest and call it with your own dll to access WinApi by itself. Not everything is always sexy and perfect, so if you just think puting "int" as return type for our Add() function, you are wrong. Our function returns int type indeed but we need to modify it a bit. NOTE - this Add function crushes autoit script, so instead pointing "int" as our return type like this... DllCall($dll, "int", "Add", "int", 3, "int", 5) We need to do this: DllCall($dll, "int:cdecl", "Add", "int", 3, "int", 5) if you can combine the power of language like c/c++ with simplicity of Autoit by creating our own .dll's and not just using the winapi dlls and other prebuilt goodies there is no limit of what you could do with Autoit, hopefully this will be your starting point to show you that c++ is indeed worth to learn! Thats it for now, this tutorial is based on http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/cpp/cpp_mfc/tutorials/article.php/c9855 (source that got me into dll files), i hope you will learn from this and everyone can benefit on the end. Happy New Year and Cheers to the forums!1 point