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  1. Trong

    Image Search UDF

    Version 2021.8.30.2


    Use MouseClick() need: #RequireAdmin Dll is already integrated in UDF ! ; #INDEX# =============================================================== ; Title .........: ImageSearch ; AutoIt Version : 3.x ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Check image Appears or Not and Return the position of an image on the desktop ; Author(s) .....: Dao Van Trong - TRONG.LIVE ; ======================================================================= ; #CURRENT# ============================================================= ; _ImageSearch ; _ImageSearch_Area ; _ImageSearch_Wait ; _ImageSearch_WaitArea ; ======================================================================== ;========================================================================= ; ; Author:...........: AutoIT VietNam : Dao Van Trong - TRONG.LIVE ; Description:......: Check image Appears or Not ; Find and return the position of an image on the desktop ; Syntax:........... _ImageSearch_Area, _ImageSearch ; Parameter(s):..... $_ImagePath: The image to locate on the desktop ; May be a list of image by delimited by "|" ; i.e: $_ImagePath = "image1.bmp|image2.bmp|image3.bmp" ; $P_x1 $P_y1: Position of 1st point ; $P_x2 $P_y2: Position of 2nd point - Default is last botton right of desktop ; $_Tolerance: 0 for no tolerance (0-255). Needed when colors of image differ from desktop. e.g GIF ; $_CenterPos: boolen. True will return $array[1] x $array[2] is center of image found. ; False will return top-left position ; Return Value(s):.. Return an array has 3 item ; On Success: $array[0] 1 ; On Failure: $array[0] 0 ; DLL not found or other error: $array[0] -1 ; $array[1] x $array[2]: position of image what found on desktop ; ; Note:............. Use _ImageSearch to search the entire desktop ; _ImageSearch_Area to specify a desktop region to search ; $_ImagePath with more item need more time appear on screen before function can detect. ; Decrease sleep time in the loop to detect faster. But less performance. I.e CPULoad increased ; ;======================================================================== EG 1: ;~ Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;~ #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y ;~ #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y #RequireAdmin #include "_ImageSearch_UDF.au3" HotKeySet("{Esc}", "_Exit") ; Press ESC for exit Func _Exit() Exit 0 EndFunc ;==>_Exit Global Const $Ask_On_Found = 0 Global Const $Mouse_Move_On_Found = 1 Global Const $Mouse_Click_On_Found = 0 Global Const $iSleep_Time=500 Global $sCount = 0, $_Image_1 = @ScriptDir & "\example.bmp" ; First, use this function to create a file bmp, maybe a desktop icon for example') MsgBox(64 + 262144, 'ImageSearch', 'At first, create a file bmp,' & @CRLF & 'photos that will search on the screen!') _ImageSearch_Create_BMP($_Image_1) ConsoleWrite("! Search for images: " & $_Image_1 & @CRLF & '! Searching on the screen ...' & @CRLF) While 1 ToolTip('(Press ESC for EXIT) Searching ...', 1, 1) Sleep($iSleep_Time) $sCount += 1 Local $return = _ImageSearch($_Image_1) If $return[0] = 1 Then ConsoleWrite('- [' & $sCount & '] Image found:' & " X=" & $return[1] & " Y=" & $return[2] & @CRLF) If $Mouse_Move_On_Found Then MouseMove($return[1], $return[2]) Sleep($iSleep_Time) EndIf If $Mouse_Click_On_Found Then MouseClick("left", $return[1], $return[2]) ToolTip('(Press ESC for EXIT) - [' & $sCount & "] Image found:" & " X=" & $return[1] & " Y=" & $return[2], 1, 1) If $Ask_On_Found Then Local $ask = MsgBox(6 + 262144, 'Success [' & $sCount & ']', 'Image found:' & " X=" & $return[1] & " Y=" & $return[2]) If $ask = 2 Or $ask = 3 Or $ask = 5 Or $ask = 7 Then Exit ;No, Abort, Cancel, and Ignore If $ask = 10 Then _ImageSearch_Create_BMP($_Image_1) ; Continue ;Try Again EndIf EndIf Sleep(200) WEnd Video demo: [+] When any problem or error occurs, please make sure that:- Downloaded and used the latest version.- Set screen Screen Scale and layout = 100%- Installed display driver.- Tried turning off the antivirus- Full installation: Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2005->2022 [+] You can download the AIO version of the Visual C++ Redistributable here: -> https://www.mediafire.com/file/0ak8dcj9mdn7nyq/VisualCppRedist_AIO_2005-2022_x86_x64_%5Btrong.live%5D.zip/file -> FOR Windows XP: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5m5lnr1kfg73tc9/VisualCppRedist_AIO_2005-2019_x86_XP_%5Btrong.live%5D.zip/file <!> Password for Extract: trong.live [+] The last full version of SCITE4AutoIT supports windows XP: https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/download/archive/v19.1127.1402.0-SciTE4AutoIt3.exe
    1 point
  2. 64 is the info symbol, one of a few values I know by heart. 30 is the timout value for the MsgBox() As @OJBakker mentioned already, pls have a look at the documentation for MsgBox() A very nice tool is the Message Box Code Wizzard, available by pressing [alt]+[w] from SciTE editor. There you can set a lot of things to design your message boxes. Many things are done through this numeric, fist value to be passed to the MsgBox() function. The wizzard will calculate the value as needed to match your selections. And finally a suggestion: MsgBox(64"blahblah"m30) is messed up, broken sample code. Pls. try to be precisely!
    1 point
  3. Hi all, I'm back with an Excel file generation UDF that can manage multi-sheet workbook but without the need to have Excel installed on the computer... You can add more functions if you want but keep always my name in the post of greetings. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Copyright Jerome DERN 2010 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Include <File.au3> ; Const for cell format Const $XMLXLS_STRING = "String" Const $XMLXLS_NUMBER = "Number" Const $XMLXLS_SDATE = "Short Date" Const $XMLXLS_PERCENT = "Percent" Const $XMLXLS_SCIENTIFIC= "Scientific" Const $XMLXLS_DATE = "[$-F400]h:mm:ss\ AM/PM" Const $XMLXLS_FRACTION = "#&quot; &quot;?/?" Const $XMLXLS_COMPTAB = "_-* #,##0.00\ &quot;€&quot;_-;\-* #,##0.00\ &quot;€&quot;_-;_-* &quot;-&quot;??\ &quot;€&quot;_-;_-@_-" ; Constants for cell alignment Const $XMLXLS_CENTER = "Center" Const $XMLXLS_RIGHT = "Right" Const $XMLXLS_LEFT = "Left" Const $XMLXLS_BOTTOM = "Bottom" Const $XMLXLS_TOP = "Top" Const $XMLXLS_JUSTIFIED = "Justify" ; Font style Global Enum Step *2 $XMLXLS_BOLD, $XMLXLS_ITALIC, $XMLXLS_STRIKETHROUGH, $XMLXLS_UNDERLINE, $XMLXLS_SUBSCRIPT, $XMLXLS_SUPERSCRIPT ; BitOr Values for border Global Enum Step *2 $XMLXLS_BDRIGHT, $XMLXLS_BDLEFT, $XMLXLS_BDTOP, $XMLXLS_BDBOTTOM, $XMLXLS_BDCROSS1, $XMLXLS_BDCROSS2 ; Page Set up Const $XMLXLS_LANDSCAPE = "Landscape" Const $XMLXLS_PORTRAIT = "Portrait" $demo1 = True $file = FileOpen("text.xls", 2) ; Create Workbook, active sheet will be se second one (2) _XLSCreateWorkbook($file, 2) ; Define styles _XLSCreateStyles($file) ; Define a new personal style _XLSAddStyle($file, "Header", "Arial", 11, $XMLXLS_BOLD, "000000", "", $XMLXLS_CENTER, $XMLXLS_CENTER, BitOR($XMLXLS_BDRIGHT, $XMLXLS_BDLEFT, $XMLXLS_BDTOP, $XMLXLS_BDBOTTOM)) _XLSAddStyle($file, "Table", "Arial", 11, 0, "000000", "", $XMLXLS_LEFT, $XMLXLS_CENTER, BitOR($XMLXLS_BDRIGHT, $XMLXLS_BDLEFT, $XMLXLS_BDTOP, $XMLXLS_BDBOTTOM)) ; Finish style definition _XLSCloseStyles($file) ; In demo1 case the sheets are generated from an array in memory ; limitation: named area can't be defined If $demo1 Then ; a typical excel sheet memory reservation (can be adjusted to real need) Dim $Sheet1[65536][255] Dim $Sheet2[65536][255] ; Create sheet 1 _XLSInitSheet($Sheet1, "Page 1") _XLSSetRowHeight($Sheet1, 1, 40) _XLSSetColumnWidth($Sheet1, 1, 100) _XLSSetColumnWidth($Sheet1, 2, 110) _XLSSetColumnWidth($Sheet1, 3, 120) _XLSSetCell($Sheet1, 1, 1, "Qty", "", "", "Header") _XLSSetCell($Sheet1, 1, 2, "Value", "", "", "Header") _XLSSetCell($Sheet1, 1, 3, "Total", "", "", "Header") _XLSSetCell($Sheet1, 2, 1, 2, "", $XMLXLS_NUMBER, "Table", "qty") _XLSSetCell($Sheet1, 2, 2, 4, "", $XMLXLS_NUMBER, "Table", "value") ;_XLSSetCell($Sheet1, 2, 3, 0, "RC[-2]*RC[-1]", $XMLXLS_NUMBER, "Table") _XLSSetCell($Sheet1, 2, 3, 0, "qty*value", $XMLXLS_NUMBER, "Table") _XLSGenerateFromArray($file, $Sheet1, $XMLXLS_LANDSCAPE) ; Create sheet 2 _XLSInitSheet($Sheet2, "Page 2") _XLSSetCell($Sheet2, 1, 1, "Name", "", "", "Header") _XLSSetCell($Sheet2, 1, 2, "Value", "", "", "Header") _XLSSetCell($Sheet2, 2, 1, "Beer", "", $XMLXLS_STRING, "Table") _XLSSetCell($Sheet2, 2, 2, 4.0, "", $XMLXLS_NUMBER, "Table") _XLSGenerateFromArray($file, $Sheet2) Else ; in this demo, sheets are generated from direct commands to library ; Create a new worksheet _XLSAddWorkSheet($file, "Sheet1") ; Define specific names of this sheet (optional) _XLSCreateWSNames($file) ; Print area is a specific name for printing zone _XLSAddWSName($file, "Print_Area", "Sheet1!R1C1:R65535C255") ; Finish definition of names _XLSCloseWSNames($file) ; Start Worksheet content _XLSStartWSDefinition($file) ; Create a row _XLSAddRowInWorkSheet($file) ; Add data to first row, column 1 _XLSAddCellInRow($file, "C1", "", $XMLXLS_STRING, "Table") ; Add data to first row, column 2 _XLSAddCellInRow($file, "C2", "", $XMLXLS_STRING) ; Finish row definition _XLSCloseRow($file) ; Create a new row (2nd one) _XLSAddRowInWorkSheet($file) ; Add data to second row, column 1 _XLSAddCellInRow($file, "1", "", $XMLXLS_NUMBER) ; Add data to second row, column 2 _XLSAddCellInRow($file, "2", "RC[-1]*2", $XMLXLS_NUMBER) ; Finish row definition _XLSCloseRow($file) ; Close Worksheet content _XLSCloseWorkSheet($file, $XMLXLS_PORTRAIT, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5) ; Add a second Worksheet _XLSAddWorkSheet($file, "Sheet2") _XLSStartWSDefinition($file) ; Create first row definition _XLSAddRowInWorkSheet($file) ; Add data to first row, column 1 _XLSAddCellInRow($file, "CC1", "", $XMLXLS_STRING) ; Add data to first row, column 2 _XLSAddCellInRow($file, "CC2", "", $XMLXLS_STRING) ; Finish row definition _XLSCloseRow($file) ; Close Worksheet content _XLSCloseWorkSheet($file) EndIf ; Close Worksbook content, file is ready to use _XLSCloseWorkBook($file) ShellExecute("text.xls") ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ARRAY TO XML PRIMITIVES ----------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Initialize sheet : Set sheet name and set active size to 1 cell ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSInitSheet(ByRef $array, $name) ; $array[0][0] store the name of the sheet;the maximum row number used;the maximum column number used $array[0][0] = $name & ";1;1" EndFunc ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set row height ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSSetRowHeight(ByRef $array, $row, $height) ; array[x][0] store the height of each row $array[$row][0] = $height EndFunc Func _XLSSetColumnWidth(ByRef $array, $col, $width) ; array[0][x] store the width of each column $array[0][$col] = $width EndFunc ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; This format a cell in case of an array usage + generation with _XLSGenerateFromArray function ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Func _XLSSetCell(ByRef $array, $row, $col, $data, $formulae, $type=$XMLXLS_STRING, $style="Default", $name="") Local $decode If $formulae<>"" Then $data="" if $type = "" Then $type = $XMLXLS_STRING If $style = "" Then $style = "Default" $array[$row][$col] = $data & @CR & $formulae & @CR & $type & @CR & $style & @CR & $name ; check if max of row and column are to be updated $decode = StringSplit($array[0][0], ";") If $decode[0]<3 Then Return If $row>$decode[2] Then $decode[2]=$row If $col>$decode[3] Then $decode[3]=$col $array[0][0]=$decode[1]&";"&$decode[2]&";"&$decode[3] EndFunc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Generate a sheet from a 2D array. array[0][0] has the sheet name, other array[row][col] ; are strings formatted using _XLSBuildCell function ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSGenerateFromArray($file, ByRef $array, $orientation=$XMLXLS_PORTRAIT, $mbottom = 0.98, $mleft=0.78, $mright=0.78, $mtop=0.98, $hmargin=0.5, $fmargin=0.5) Local $col, $row, $sname, $decode, $data, $formula, $type, $style, $name, $height ; get array real size $decode = StringSplit($array[0][0], ";") If $decode[0] < 3 Then Return $sname = $decode[1] $maxrow = $decode[2] $maxcol = $decode[3] ; Create a new worksheet _XLSAddWorkSheet($file, $sname) ; Define specific names of this sheet (optional) _XLSCreateWSNames($file) ; Print area is a specific name for printing zone _XLSAddWSName($file, "Print_Area", "'"&$sname&"'" & "!R1C1:R"&$maxrow&"C"&$maxcol) ; Small patch in order to Manage here named cells Local $temp = $file, $nbnames=0 Dim $cellnames[1000][2] $file =_TempFile() ; Finish definition of names _XLSCloseWSNames($file) ; Start Worksheet content _XLSStartWSDefinition($file) ; Write column size if needed For $col=1 to $maxcol If $array[0][$col] <> "" Then _XLSColumnSize($file, $col, $array[0][$col]) Next ; generate sheet content For $row=1 to $maxrow $height = -1 If $array[$row][0] <> "" Then $height = $array[$row][0] ; Create a row _XLSAddRowInWorkSheet($file, $height) For $col=1 to $maxcol $data = "" $formula = "" $type = $XMLXLS_STRING $style = "Default" $name = "" If $array[$row][$col]<>"" Then $e = StringSplit($array[$row][$col], @CR) If $e[0]=5 Then $data = $e[1] $formula = $e[2] $type = $e[3] $style = $e[4] $name = $e[5] ;, named cell not yet implemented If $name<>"" Then $cellnames[$nbnames][0] = $name $cellnames[$nbnames][1] = "'"&$sname&"'"&"!R"&$row&"C"&$col $nbnames+=1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $type="" Then $type = $XMLXLS_STRING If $style="" Then $style = "Default" ; Add data to first row, column 1 _XLSAddCellInRow($file, $data, $formula, $type, $style) Next ; Finish row definition _XLSCloseRow($file) Next ; Add named cell found For $col=1 to $nbnames _XLSAddWSName($temp, $cellnames[$col-1][0], $cellnames[$col-1][1]) Next ; merge files Dim $aRecords _FileReadToArray($file,$aRecords) FileDelete($file) $file = $temp For $col = 1 to $aRecords[0] FileWriteLine($file, $aRecords[$col]) Next ; Close Worksheet content _XLSCloseWorkSheet($file, $orientation, $mbottom, $mleft, $mright, $mtop, $hmargin, $fmargin) EndFunc ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- XML BASE PRIMITIVES --------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Create (Define) a new Excel workbook ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSCreateWorkbook($file, $activesheet=1) If IsString($file) Then FileDelete($file) $activesheet -= 1 FileWriteLine($file, '<?xml version="1.0"?>') FileWriteLine($file, '<Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">') FileWriteLine($file, '<DocumentProperties xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"><Author>XLSXMLGenerator</Author><Created>'&@YEAR&'-'&@MON&'-'&@MDAY&'T'&@HOUR&':'&@MIN&':'&@SEC&'</Created><Company>XLSXML</Company></DocumentProperties>') FileWriteLine($file, '<ExcelWorkbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"><ActiveSheet>'&$activesheet&'</ActiveSheet></ExcelWorkbook>') EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Create (Define) a Style section ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSCreateStyles($file) FileWriteLine($file, ' <Styles>') FileWriteLine($file, ' <Style ss:ID="Default" ss:Name="Normal"><Alignment ss:Vertical="Bottom"/><Borders/><Font ss:Size="11"/></Style>') EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Create (Define) a new style. Borders must be constructed with BitOR() of desired border attribute ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSAddStyle($file, $name="S21", $font="Arial", $size=11, $fstyle=0, $pcolor="000000", $icolor="", $AlignHor=$XMLXLS_CENTER, $AlignVer=$XMLXLS_BOTTOM, $Border=0) Local $f, $fontfam="Swiss" FileWriteLine($file, ' <Style ss:ID="' & $name &'">') FileWriteLine($file, ' <Alignment ss:Horizontal="' & $AlignHor & '" ss:Vertical="' & $AlignVer &'"/>') ;$Border = BitOR($XMLXLS_BDRIGHT, $XMLXLS_BDLEFT, $XMLXLS_BDTOP, $XMLXLS_BDBOTTOM, $XMLXLS_BDCROSS1, $XMLXLS_BDCROSS2) If $Border>0 Then FileWriteLine($file, ' <Borders>') If BitAnd($Border, $XMLXLS_BDBOTTOM)>0 Then FileWriteLine($file, ' <Border ss:Position="Bottom" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>') If BitAnd($Border, $XMLXLS_BDLEFT)>0 Then FileWriteLine($file, ' <Border ss:Position="Left" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>') If BitAnd($Border, $XMLXLS_BDRIGHT)>0 Then FileWriteLine($file, ' <Border ss:Position="Right" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>') If BitAnd($Border, $XMLXLS_BDTOP)>0 Then FileWriteLine($file, ' <Border ss:Position="Top" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>') If BitAnd($Border, $XMLXLS_BDCROSS1)>0 Then FileWriteLine($file, ' <Border ss:Position="DiagonalLeft" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>') If BitAnd($Border, $XMLXLS_BDCROSS2)>0 Then FileWriteLine($file, ' <Border ss:Position="DiagonalRight" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>') If $Border>0 Then FileWriteLine($file, ' </Borders>') $f = ' <Font ss:FontName="' & $font & '" x:Family="' & $fontfam & '" ss:Size="' & $size & '" ' ;$fstyle = BitOR($XMLXLS_BOLD, $XMLXLS_ITALIC, $XMLXLS_STRIKETHROUGH, $XMLXLS_UNDERLINE, $XMLXLS_SUBSCRIPT) If BitAnd($fstyle, $XMLXLS_BOLD)>0 Then $f &= 'ss:Bold="1" ' If BitAnd($fstyle, $XMLXLS_ITALIC)>0 Then $f &= 'ss:Italic="1" ' If BitAnd($fstyle, $XMLXLS_STRIKETHROUGH)>0 Then $f &= 'ss:StrikeThrough="1" ' If BitAnd($fstyle, $XMLXLS_UNDERLINE)>0 Then $f &= 'ss:Underline="Single" ' If BitAnd($fstyle, $XMLXLS_SUBSCRIPT)>0 Then $f &= 'ss:VerticalAlign="Subscript" ' If BitAnd($fstyle, $XMLXLS_SUPERSCRIPT)>0 Then $f &= 'ss:VerticalAlign="Superscript" ' If $pcolor <>"" Then $f &= 'ss:Color="#'&$pcolor&'" ' $f &= '/>' If $icolor<>"" Then FileWriteLine($file, '<Interior ss:Color="#'&$icolor&'" ss:Pattern="Solid"/>') FileWriteLine($file, $f) FileWriteLine($file, ' </Style>') EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Close styles definitions ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSCloseStyles($file) FileWriteLine($file, ' </Styles>') EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Create (Define) a new Excel worksheet ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSAddWorkSheet($file, $sheet) FileWriteLine($file, ' <Worksheet ss:Name="' & $sheet & '">') EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Create (Define) an range named section ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSCreateWSNames($file) FileWriteLine($file, ' <Names>') EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Create (Define) a new range name ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSAddWSName($file, $name="Print_Area", $location="'Sheet1'!R1C1:R65535C255") FileWriteLine($file, ' <NamedRange ss:Name="' & $Name & '" ss:RefersTo="=' & $location & '"/>') ; Ex: <NamedRange ss:Name="qty" ss:RefersTo="='Page 1'!R2C1"/> ; Ex: <NamedRange ss:Name="value" ss:RefersTo="='Page 1'!R2C2"/> EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Close Worksheet named range section ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSCloseWSNames($file) FileWriteLine($file, ' </Names>') EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Begin WorkSheet definition ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSStartWSDefinition($file) FileWriteLine($file, ' <Table x:FullColumns="1" x:FullRows="1">') EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Define column size ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSColumnSize($file, $col, $size) FileWriteLine($file, ' <Column ss:Index="'&$col&'" ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="'&$size&'"/>') EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Add a new row in current worksheet ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSAddRowInWorkSheet($file, $height=-1) If $height = -1 Then FileWriteLine($file, ' <Row ss:AutoFitHeight="1">') Else FileWriteLine($file, ' <Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0" ss:Height="'& $height &'">') EndIf EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Add a cell (column) in the cirrent row of the current worksheet ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSAddCellInRow($file, $data, $formula="", $type=$XMLXLS_STRING, $style="Default") Local $Cell =' <Cell ' If $formula <> "" Then $Cell &= 'ss:Formula="=' & $formula & '" ' ; formulae example: RC[-1]*2 or R1C1*2 ; formulae example: Sheet2!R[1]C*2 FileWriteLine($file, $Cell & 'ss:StyleID="' & $style & '"><Data ss:Type="' & $type & '">' & $data & '</Data></Cell>') EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Close current row definition ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSCloseRow($file) FileWriteLine($file, ' </Row>') EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Close current worksheet definition ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSCloseWorkSheet($file, $orientation=$XMLXLS_PORTRAIT, $mbottom = 0.98, $mleft=0.78, $mright=0.78, $mtop=0.98, $hmargin=0.5, $fmargin=0.5) FileWriteLine($file, ' </Table>') FileWriteLine($file, ' <WorksheetOptions xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">') FileWriteLine($file, ' <PageSetup>') FileWriteLine($file, ' <Layout x:Orientation="'&$orientation&'"/>') FileWriteLine($file, ' <Header x:Margin="'&$hmargin&'"/>') FileWriteLine($file, ' <Footer x:Margin="'&$fmargin&'"/>') FileWriteLine($file, ' <PageMargins x:Bottom="'&$mbottom&'" x:Left="'&$mleft&'" x:Right="'&$mright&'" x:Top="'&$mtop&'"/>') FileWriteLine($file, ' </PageSetup>') FileWriteLine($file, ' </WorksheetOptions>') FileWriteLine($file, ' <ss:ActiveSheet>Page 2</ss:ActiveSheet>') FileWriteLine($file, ' </Worksheet>') EndFunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Close Excel workbook, the file now is readable by excel ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSCloseWorkBook($file) FileWriteLine($file, '</Workbook>') If Not IsString($file) Then FileClose($file) EndFunc ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Create a relative (to $l,$c) formulae to access to $l2,$c2 in sheet $sheet ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _XLSlc2rc($l1, $c1, $l2, $C2, $sheet) Local $dc, $dl, $f $dc = $c2-$c1 $dl = $l2-$l1 $f="R" if $sheet <> "" Then $f = $sheet & "!" & $f if $dl<>0 Then $f &= '[' & $dl & ']' $f &= "C" if $dc<>0 Then $f &= '[' & $dc & ']' Return $f EndFunc
    1 point
  4. Ok here is the fix for my problem above: Replace this in the udf: Func _XLSAddStyle($file, $name="S21", $font="Arial", $size=11, $fstyle=0, $pcolor="000000", $icolor="", $AlignHor=$XMLXLS_CENTER, $AlignVer=$XMLXLS_BOTTOM, $Border=0) Local $f, $fontfam="Swiss" FileWriteLine($file, ' <Style ss:ID="' & $name &'">') FileWriteLine($file, ' <Alignment ss:Horizontal="' & $AlignHor & '" ss:Vertical="' & $AlignVer &'"/>') With this: Func _XLSAddStyle($file, $name="S21", $font="Arial", $size=11, $fstyle=0, $pcolor="000000", $icolor="", $AlignHor=$XMLXLS_CENTER, $AlignVer=$XMLXLS_BOTTOM, $Border=0, $WrapText=1) Local $f, $fontfam="Swiss" FileWriteLine($file, ' <Style ss:ID="' & $name &'">') FileWriteLine($file, ' <Alignment ss:Horizontal="' & $AlignHor & '" ss:Vertical="' & $AlignVer &'" ss:WrapText="' & $WrapText & '"/>')
    1 point
  5. jerome, nice work! I have added a line in your script, Func _XLSCreateWorkbook($file, $activesheet=1) If IsString($file) Then FileDelete($file) $activesheet -= 1 FileWriteLine($file, '<?xml version="1.0"?>') FileWriteLine($file, '<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>') ;<<<<<<<<<<<< this line FileWriteLine($file, '<Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">') FileWriteLine($file, '<DocumentProperties xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"><Author>XLSXMLGenerator</Author><Created>'&@YEAR&'-'&@MON&'-'&@MDAY&'T'&@HOUR&':'&@MIN&':'&@SEC&'</Created><Company>XLSXML</Company></DocumentProperties>') FileWriteLine($file, '<ExcelWorkbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"><ActiveSheet>'&$activesheet&'</ActiveSheet></ExcelWorkbook>') EndFunc to avoid the message that appears when using Office2007/2010. Thanks for sharing. M.I.
    1 point
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