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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/2022 in all areas

  1. This isn't exactly an anchor question, but simply a question of satisfying the pattern, backtracking and restarting the pattern after a failure. |1a2a3c4c5c6 |(?U)a[^a]*c Option is parsed once |1a2a3c4c5c6 (?U)|a[^a]*c 1 doesn't match a in pattern 1|a2a3c4c5c6 (?U)|a[^a]*c a matches 1a|2a3c4c5c6 (?U)a|[^a]*c 2 matches [^a]* 1a2|a3c4c5c6 (?U)a[^a]*|c not followed by c in subject : pattern failed backtrack to 2 and restart pattern from there 1a|2a3c4c5c6 (?U)|a[^a]*c 2 doesn't match a 1a2|a3c4c5c6 (?U)|a[^a]*c a3c matches a[^a]*c : success 1a2a3c|4c5c6 (?U)a[^a]*c|
    2 points
  2. "the regex engine is eager to return a match" (Jan Goyvaerts)
    2 points
  3. This is my experiment to achieve multi-threading in AutoIt 😅 Source code, usage and examples in this github repo: https://github.com/nomi-san/true-autoit-multi-threading
    1 point
  4. Thanks jchd So finally, it would be the same behavior as you just explained, when "33" and * are used. When the subject and pattern reach this state, everything before being the same as previously:  1a2a|33c4c5c6 (?U)a|[^a]*c  "The pattern expects 0 or more characters (not a) followed by c" and 33 rightly match that expectation : 1a2a33|c4c5c6 (?U)a[^a]*|c No vertical bar between 3's lol... ... or why not, something like that during the possible "multicharacter checking phase", moving one vertical bar to the right (in subject) but not the other vertical bar (in pattern) until the checking phase ends : 1a2a3|3c4c5c6 (?U)a|[^a]*c Glad we have you here
    1 point
  5. jchd

    Regex selects all at start.

    No problem. When the subject and pattern reach this state, everything before being the same as previously: 1a2a|33c4c5c6 (?U)a|[^a]{2}c the pattern expects 2 characters not a and 33 rightly match that expectation. 1a2a33|c4c5c6 (?U)a[^a]{2}|c then the pattern requires c and we have a match as well with the string a33c.
    1 point
  6. water




    The F1 key in SciTE displays the documentation for the word on which the cursor is located. Up to now this was only available for AutoIt. But times change and we change with them Now with Advanced.Help ANY CHM help file (Compressed HTML Help) can be called with the F1 key. The only prerequisite: All function names have to start with the same identifier (like _AD_, _OL_ etc.). This tool, created by BugFix from the german forum and the help of Musashi, allows custom CHM help files to be included in SciTE. The existing help key is used to call either the AutoIt help or the corresponding custom help. Depending on which keyword the cursor is currently on. For unknown keywords the AutoIt help is called. For AutoIt a separate window is opened and for the user-defined UDFs another window is opened, so you can work with both helps at the same time. The ZIP file contains an installation guide in German (Install_Deutsch.txt) and English (Install_English.txt) in which the installation and configuration is described in detail. Most CHM help files come with UDFs you can download from this forum section (AD, OutlookEX, TaskScheduler). In addition we have added the preliminary release of the WebDriver help file. The most current CHM help file is now only distributed with the WebDriver UDF. BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort Known Bugs: (last changed: 2022-07-20) None
    1 point
  7. Subz

    List all users in AD

    This is normally what I use to get account expiry date: #include <AD.au3> _GetUsers() Func _GetUsers() _AD_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(16, "Active Directory Error", "Function _AD_Open encountered a problem. @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) ; Search all of AD for contractors and exclude _DT accounts. $aUserObjects = _AD_GetObjectsInOU("", "(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user) (!(sAMAccountName=*_dt)(|(title=*contractor*) (title=*consultant*)(description=*contractor*) (description=*consultant*))))", 2, "sAMAccountName,accountExpires") For $i = 0 To UBound($aUserObjects) - 1 If IsObj($aUserObjects[$i][1]) Then $aUserObjects[$i][1] = _GetADDateTime($aUserObjects[$i][1], 1) Next _ArrayDisplay($aUserObjects) _AD_Close() EndFunc ;==>_GetUsers Func _GetADDateTime($_oADObject, $_iFlag = 0) Local $sAD_DTStruct, $sTemp3 If $_iFlag = 1 Then If $_oADObject.LowPart = -1 Then Return 0 If $_oADObject.LowPart > 0 And $_oADObject.HighPart > 0 Then $sAD_DTStruct = DllStructCreate("dword low;dword high") DllStructSetData($sAD_DTStruct, "Low", $_oADObject.LowPart) DllStructSetData($sAD_DTStruct, "High", $_oADObject.HighPart) $sAD_Temp = _Date_Time_FileTimeToSystemTime(DllStructGetPtr($sAD_DTStruct)) $sTemp3 = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(DllStructGetPtr($sAD_Temp)) Return _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($sTemp3, 1) EndIf EndIf ; Convert IADsLargeInteger parts to 100ns count $iLowPart = $_oADObject.LowPart $iHighPart = $_oADObject.HighPart If $iLowPart < 0 Then $iHighPart += 1; Compensate for IADsLargeInteger interface error $iDateParts= $iHighPart * 2 ^ 32 $iDateParts+= $iLowPart ; Check if user ever logged in If $iDateParts= 0 Then Return "n/a" Else ; Convert 100ns count to integer seconds $iSeconds = Floor($iDateParts/ 10000000) ; Convert seconds since 12:00AM January 01, 1601 to date string $sDateTime = _DateAdd("S", $iSeconds, "1601/01/01 00:00:00") ; Display result Return $sDateTime EndIf EndFunc
    1 point
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