That is called in SciTE: Calltip.
Calltip uses the au3.api file that comes with the AutoIt3 Installer and has these possible options for ControlListView():
ControlListView ( "title", "text", "classnameNN", "DeSelect", From [, To] ) Deselects one or more items.
ControlListView ( "title", "text", "classnameNN", "FindItem", "string to find" [, SubItem] ) Returns the item index of the string. Returns -1 if the string is not found.
ControlListView ( "title", "text", "classnameNN", "GetItemCount" ) Returns the number of list items.
ControlListView ( "title", "text", "classnameNN", "GetSelected" [, option] ) Returns a string containing the item index of selected items. If option=0 (default) only the first selected item is returned. If option=1 then all the selected items are returned delimited by |, e.g: "0|3|4|10". If no items are selected a blank "" string is returned.
ControlListView ( "title", "text", "classnameNN", "GetSelectedCount" ) Returns the number of items that are selected.
ControlListView ( "title", "text", "classnameNN", "GetSubItemCount" ) Returns the number of subitems.
ControlListView ( "title", "text", "classnameNN", "GetText", Item, SubItem ) Returns the text of a given item/subitem.
ControlListView ( "title", "text", "classnameNN", "IsSelected", Item ) Returns 1 if the item is selected, otherwise returns 0.
ControlListView ( "title", "text", "classnameNN", "Select", From [, To] ) Selects one or more items.
ControlListView ( "title", "text", "classnameNN", "SelectAll" ) Selects all items.
ControlListView ( "title", "text", "classnameNN", "SelectClear" ) Clears the selection of all items.
ControlListView ( "title", "text", "classnameNN", "SelectInvert" ) Inverts the current selection.
ControlListView ( "title", "text", "classnameNN", "ViewChange", "view" ) Changes the current view. Valid views are "list", "details", "smallicons", "largeicons". somewhere in the generation of the au3.api file the 3rd parameter for this function, and ControlCommand as well, is change. It isn't wrong but don't know why that is happening. These functions have multiple options defined by "@@ControlCommandTable@@" in the helpfile generation txt file, so this needs to be checked.