(simplified description)
AutoIt works internally with the data type Variant.
For example, if you pass a string "500" to the Sleep function, AutoIt tries to get the numeric part of it, starting with the first character.
Try for demonstration purposes :
#include <Timers.au3>
Local $hStarttime = _Timer_Init()
Sleep("500,2500") ; -> 500
ConsoleWrite("Time elapsed (ms) = " & _Timer_Diff($hStarttime) & @CRLF)
$hStarttime = _Timer_Init()
Sleep("2500,500") ; -> 2500
ConsoleWrite("Time elapsed (ms) = " & _Timer_Diff($hStarttime) & @CRLF)
$hStarttime = _Timer_Init()
Sleep("1500A0") ; -> 1500
ConsoleWrite("Time elapsed (ms) = " & _Timer_Diff($hStarttime) & @CRLF)
PixelGetColor expects at least 2 parameters (x-coordinate , y-coordinate).
If you pass a string like "10, 100", then only the value 10 is evaluated as a parameter.
@ManualIT : Additional Info :
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
Local $sInput = "10, 100"
Local $aPosition = StringSplit($sInput, ",", 2) ; 2=$STR_NOCOUNT
Local $iColor = PixelGetColor($aPosition[0], $aPosition[1])
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL,"","Hex Color: " & Hex($iColor, 6))
However, I would not make this "AutoIt feature" a habit, instead I would pass the data types that the respective function expects .