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  1. Jefrey

    Static Marquee

    Hi! I needed a simple marquee for a project. There are very good Marquee UDFs here on the forum that rely on a IEFrame on your GUI, but I had some systems restrictions that lead me to make this quick and dirty only. I might revisit this UDF in the future but so far it works for my needs as is. It doesn't work by scrolling the text as a real marquee should do, but by cutting letters of the string. The usage is very simple: Start by creating a standard label: GUICtrlCreateLabel("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit...", 3, 3, 200, 16) Now use the _GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Create function instead: _GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Create("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit...", 3, 3, 200, 16) As you can see, the functions accepts the same arguments. This also means that the two GUICtrlCreateLabel optional arguments (style and exStyle) also function. Yet, both functions will return you a handle to the label, so you can use it to change colors, fonts etc, just like with a standard label. But two additional parameters are accepted: $iScrollDelay: how many ms between one update and another (default: 300) $iScrollAmount: how many characters to scroll per update (default: 1) For specifying these parameters, remember to include GUICtrlCreateLabel's style and exStyle (you can pass the keyword Default). _GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Create("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit...", 3, 3, 200, 16, Default, Default, 500, 2) You can also change the marquee text (don't do it with GUICtrlSetData) and the above two parameters using the function below. Remember you can always use the Default keyword for keeping one parameter untouched. _GUICtrlStaticMarquee_SetData($hWnd, $sText, $iScrollDelay, $iScrollAmount) Here's the UDF: #include-once Global $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls = [0] Global $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_IsAdlibEnabled = False #cs $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls will contain all created static marquees. Each one will be an array with the following items: [ $hWnd $iLastUpdateTimestampMs $iScrollDelay $iScrollAmount $sText $iStep ] #ce Func _GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Create($sText, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth = Default, $iHeight = Default, $iStyle = Default, $iExStyle = Default, $iScrollDelay = 300, $iScrollAmount = 1) Local $hWnd = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sText, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStyle, $iExStyle) ; add new item to controls array Local $aItem[] = [ _ $hWnd, _ TimerInit(), _ $iScrollDelay, _ $iScrollAmount, _ $sText, _ 0 _ ] Local $iOldLength = $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls[0] ReDim $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls[$iOldLength + 2] $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls[0] = $iOldLength + 1 $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls[$iOldLength + 1] = $aItem If Not $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_IsAdlibEnabled Then __GUICtrlStaticMarquee_StartInterval() EndIf Return $hWnd EndFunc Func _GUICtrlStaticMarquee_SetData($hWnd, $sText = Default, $iScrollDelay = Default, $iScrollAmount = Default) For $iControl = 1 To $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls[0] Local $aControl = $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls[$iControl] If $aControl[0] = $hWnd Then $aControl[1] = TimerInit() If $sText <> Default Then $aControl[4] = $sText If $iScrollDelay <> Default Then $aControl[2] = $iScrollDelay If $iScrollAmount <> Default Then $aControl[3] = $iScrollAmount If $sText <> Default Then $aControl[4] = $sText GUICtrlSetData($hWnd, $sText) EndIf $aControl[5] = 0 $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls[$iControl] = $aControl Return True EndIf Next Return False EndFunc Func __GUICtrlStaticMarquee_StartInterval($iDelay = 100) $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_IsAdlibEnabled = True AdlibRegister("__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Loop", $iDelay) EndFunc Func __GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Loop() If UBound($__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls) = 1 Then Return EndIf For $iControl = 1 To $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls[0] Local $aControl = $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls[$iControl] If Not GUICtrlGetHandle($aControl[0]) Then ; item was removed ContinueLoop EndIf If TimerDiff($aControl[1]) > $aControl[2] Then Local $sCurrentText = GUICtrlRead($aControl[0]) ; update text Local $iTotalSteps = Floor(StringLen($aControl[4]) / $aControl[3]) Local $iNextStep = $aControl[5] + 1 ; reached end of string, reset to position 0 If ($iNextStep > $iTotalSteps) Then $iNextStep = 0 EndIf $sNewText = __GUICtrlStaticMarquee_CalcText($aControl[4], $iNextStep, $aControl[3]) Local $aItem = $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls[$iControl] ; save current step $aItem[5] = $iNextStep ; set text to input GUICtrlSetData($aControl[0], $sNewText) $__GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Controls[$iControl] = $aItem EndIf Next EndFunc Func __GUICtrlStaticMarquee_CalcText($sText, $iStep, $iScrollAmount) Return StringTrimLeft($sText, $iStep * $iScrollAmount) & ' ' & StringLeft($sText, $iStep * $iScrollAmount) EndFunc Example: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include "GUICtrlStaticMarquee.au3" $Form1 = GUICreate("Example", 300, 200, 300, 200) $Label1 = _GUICtrlStaticMarquee_Create("Hello world", 3, 3, 200, 16) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; changing text: Sleep(5500) _GUICtrlStaticMarquee_SetData($Label1, "Ola mundo!") While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd
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