Many people wanted to see the content of an array inside another array using either _ArrayDisplay or _DebugArrayDisplay. Now it is possible with this UDF.
But first I want to give my sincere congratulations to those who have invested long efforts to create ArrayDisplayInternals.au3 (Melba23, jpm, LarsJ, pixelsearch). Most of the code and ingenuity come from those authors. I would say over 90% of the code comes from the original UDF.
With this new UDF, you can dig into a tree of arrays inside arrays as deep as you want. There is no limit on the levels of recursion. When you click on an {array} cell, it will bring you a new window (either _ArrayDisplay or _DebugArrayDisplay depending what was called first).
Although there is no limit on recursion levels, there is a few limitations that must be mentioned :
You need to close all windows before ending the UDF (you can exit script on any level in debug mode)
You can only show one array per level at a giving time
You cannot manipulate a lower level window untill its child has been closed
Example :
#include "ArrayDisplayInternalsEX.au3"
Local $a = ["a", 2, 3]
Local $b = [["x", "y", $a, "z"], [1, $a, 2, 3], [$a, "a", "b", "c"]]
Local $c = ["x", "y", 1, $b, "a", 8 ,9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, "abcdef"]
_DebugArrayDisplayEX($c, "Test")
Enjoy !