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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2021 in all areas

  1. And your wish was my command. And projects should be done in the same year. Therefore today on New Year's Eve a new version of Au3toCmd. Just click on my signature. Happy New Year .
    1 point
  2. #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> Global Const $_FILEPATH_LOG = @ScriptDir & '\_CheckLogFile.txt' Global Const $_FILEPATH_INI = @ScriptDir & '\_CheckLogFile.ini' Global $_LAST_LOG_LINE_POSITION = IniRead($_FILEPATH_INI,"Options","Last checked position", 0) ;for testing purposes FileWrite($_FILEPATH_LOG, 'Markus and Ben are late again'&@CRLF&'Today is a fine day'&@CRLF&'And where are Markus, Ben and Tammy'&@CRLF) _CheckLogFile("Markus|Ben|Tammy") Func _CheckLogFile($sSearchTerms) Local $sFileRead Local $iPosition Local $aResults[0] Local $iTotalFound = 0 Local $aSearchTerms = StringSplit($sSearchTerms, '|', 2) If Not FileExists($_FILEPATH_LOG) Then ConsoleWrite('!>!'&@ScriptLineNumber&': File not found ['&$_FILEPATH_LOG&']'&@CRLF) ;Red/Brown Else Local $iLineCount = _FileCountLines($_FILEPATH_LOG) If Not $iLineCount Or $iLineCount = $_LAST_LOG_LINE_POSITION Then Local $sStr = @ScriptLineNumber&': ' ConsoleWrite($iLineCount > 0 ? '>-> '& $sStr &'NO NEW LOG UPDATED - ['&$_FILEPATH_LOG&']' &@CRLF : '' & _ ;Yellow '!>! '& $sStr &'Log File is Emptied - ['&$_FILEPATH_LOG&']'&@CRLF) ;Red Else ; making sure log file new or got reset If $iLineCount < $_LAST_LOG_LINE_POSITION Then $_LAST_LOG_LINE_POSITION = 0 IniWrite($_FILEPATH_INI, "Options", "Last checked position", 0) EndIf Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($_FILEPATH_LOG, $FO_READ) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred when reading the file.") Return False EndIf ; only check from: previous line position + 1 to: end of file Local $iReposition = $_LAST_LOG_LINE_POSITION + 1 ;<--- prevent from re-checking the last known line position For $i = $iReposition To $iLineCount ;~ For $i = $iLineCount To 1 Step -1 $sFileRead = FileReadLine($hFileOpen, $i) ;~ $iPosition = StringInStr($sFileRead, $sSearchTerms) Local $iPosition = False Local $jPosition = 0 Local $sPosition = '' Local $sSearchTerms_result = '' ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aSearchTerms, UBound($aSearchTerms)) For $j = 0 To UBound($aSearchTerms)-1 $jPosition = StringInStr($sFileRead, $aSearchTerms[$j]) If $jPosition Then $iPosition = True $sPosition = $sPosition &','& $jPosition $sSearchTerms_result = $sSearchTerms_result&','&$aSearchTerms[$j] ConsoleWrite('>->'&@ScriptLineNumber&': Line# '&$i&' | Item# '&$j&' - '&$jPosition&'='&$aSearchTerms[$j]&@CRLF) ;Blue/Cyan EndIf Next If $iPosition Then $sPosition = StringTrimLeft($sPosition, 1) $sSearchTerms_result = StringTrimLeft($sSearchTerms_result, 1) EndIf ;debug Local $sStr = @ScriptLineNumber&': line-'& $i &' | position-('& $sPosition &') | ' ConsoleWrite($iPosition > 0 ? ' '& $sStr &'found-('& $sSearchTerms_result &')'&@CRLF : '!>! '& $sStr &'NOT FOUND for neither [' &$sSearchTerms&']'&@CRLF) ;White/Red ;--opt 1--- ;keep track all ;~ $iTotalFound += 1 ;~ _ArrayAdd($aResults, '#'& $iTotalFound &' - line: ' & $i &'/'& $iLineCount & _ ;~ ' pos: ' & $sPosition & _ ;~ ' str: ' & $sSearchTerms) ;--opt 2--- ;keep track only found If Not $iPosition Then ContinueLoop $iTotalFound += 1 _ArrayAdd($aResults, 'result #'& $iTotalFound &')|'&@CRLF& _ ' log_line: (' & $i &'/'& $iLineCount &')|'& _ ' at_pos: (' & $sPosition &')|'& _ ' matched: (' & $sSearchTerms_result &')') Next ; remember and prevent from reading old log lines in case of system crash/shutdown/or script terminated If $iLineCount > $_LAST_LOG_LINE_POSITION Then $_LAST_LOG_LINE_POSITION = $iLineCount IniWrite($_FILEPATH_INI, "Options", "Last checked position", $_LAST_LOG_LINE_POSITION) EndIf FileClose($hFileOpen) _ArrayInsert($aResults, 0, $iTotalFound) If UBound($aResults)-1 Then ;MsgBox(0,"Found", $iTotalFound &" ["& $sSearchTerms &"] found", 5) _ArrayDisplay($aResults, @ScriptLineNumber&' | Found '&$iTotalFound) Else MsgBox($MB_ICONWARNING,"Not Found", $iTotalFound &" ["& $sSearchTerms &"] found", 5) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc
    1 point
  3. You might use in StringInStr the 'occurence' parameter and increment it Something like this (untested) func _CheckString() Local Static $occ = 1 Consolewrite("Entering at the function at " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & @CRLF) If StringInStr($read, "Markus", 0, $occ) Then $position = StringInStr($read, "Markus", 0, $occ) $occ += 1 MsgBox(0,"","Alert Found - Logs Line No "&$position, 5) FileClose($file) Else MsgBox(0,"","No Alert found", 5) FileClose($file) EndIf EndFunc This could also be done using the 'start' parameter
    1 point
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