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  1. Next thing to come will be the WebDriver help file
    3 points
  2. Virtual listviews are lightning fast and can handle millions of rows. Virtual listviews are of interest when you have to insert more than 10,000 rows. When there are less than 10,000 rows, the standard listviews are sufficiently rapid. See the section "Using standard listviews" below. In a virtual listview data are not stored directly in the listview. Data are stored in an array, a structure (DllStructCreate), a flat fixed-length record file, a database or similar. The listview only contains the rows which are visible depending on the height of the listview. See About List-View Controls in the MicroSoft documentation for more information. An array or a structure can be used for listviews with 10,000 - 100,000 rows. If there are more than 100,000 rows a fixed-length record file or a database seems to be the best solution, because they have low impact on memory usage. But you get nothing for free. The costs is that a part of the built-in features does not work, and you will have to implement these features yourself. Because data isn't stored in the listview the Set- and Get-functions to manipulate data doesn't work. You have to manipulate the data source directly. And sorting is not supported at all by virtual listviews. If you need sorting, a database seems to be the best solution in all cases, because sorting can be handled by the database. Below you'll find the following sections: Data stored in arrays Data stored in databases Data stored in fixed-length record files Sorting rows in a virtual listview $LVN_ODFINDITEM notifications Using standard listviews Updates Zip file Examples The next two sections shows how to use virtual listviews, when data are stored in arrays or databases. In first section data are stored in 3 arrays with 10,000/50,000/100,000 rows and 10 columns. In second section data are stored in 3 databases with 100,000/1,000,000/10,000,000 rows and 10 columns. Data stored in arrays For a virtual listview rows are displayed with $LVN_GETDISPINFO notifications and the $tagNMLVDISPINFO structure. Code for $LVN_GETDISPINFO messages in the WM_NOTIFY function can be implemented in this manner: Case $LVN_GETDISPINFOW Local $tNMLVDISPINFO = DllStructCreate( $tagNMLVDISPINFO, $lParam ) If BitAND( DllStructGetData( $tNMLVDISPINFO, "Mask" ), $LVIF_TEXT ) Then Local $sItem = $aItems[DllStructGetData($tNMLVDISPINFO,"Item")][DllStructGetData($tNMLVDISPINFO,"SubItem")] DllStructSetData( $tText, 1, $sItem ) DllStructSetData( $tNMLVDISPINFO, "Text", $pText ) DllStructSetData( $tNMLVDISPINFO, "TextMax", StringLen( $sItem ) ) EndIf Run LvVirtArray.au3. It takes some time to create the arrays. But when the arrays are created, switching from one array to another (which means updating the listview) is instantaneous. Data stored in databases When data are stored in a database, $LVN_ODCACHEHINT notifications and the $tagNMLVCACHEHINT structure is used to insert the rows in an array cache before they are displayed with $LVN_GETDISPINFO messages. The $tagNMLVCACHEHINT structure is defined in this way: Global Const $tagNMLVCACHEHINT = $tagNMHDR & ";int iFrom;int iTo" Note that $tagNMLVCACHEHINT is not included in GuiListView.au3 or StructureConstants.au3. Code for $LVN_ODCACHEHINT messages in the WM_NOTIFY function can be implemented in this manner: Case $LVN_ODCACHEHINT Local $tNMLVCACHEHINT = DllStructCreate( $tagNMLVCACHEHINT, $lParam ), $iColumns $iFrom = DllStructGetData( $tNMLVCACHEHINT, "iFrom" ) Local $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM lvdata WHERE item_id >= " & $iFrom & _ " AND item_id <= " & DllStructGetData( $tNMLVCACHEHINT, "iTo" ) & ";" _SQLite_GetTable2d( -1, $sSQL, $aResult, $iRows, $iColumns ) $aResult is the array cache. The purpose of the cache is to limit the number of SELECT statements. When the listview is displayed for the first time, all visible rows (in this example about 20) have to be updated. In this case $aResult will contain 20 rows and 10 columns. 20 rows is also the maximum number of rows in $aResult. A virtual listview will never update more than the visible number of rows at one time. Code for $LVN_GETDISPINFO messages can be implemented in this way: Case $LVN_GETDISPINFOW Local $tNMLVDISPINFO = DllStructCreate( $tagNMLVDISPINFO, $lParam ) If BitAND( DllStructGetData( $tNMLVDISPINFO, "Mask" ), $LVIF_TEXT ) Then Local $iIndex = DllStructGetData( $tNMLVDISPINFO, "Item" ) - $iFrom + 1 If $iIndex > 0 And $iIndex < $iRows + 1 Then Local $sItem = $aResult[$iIndex][DllStructGetData($tNMLVDISPINFO,"SubItem")] DllStructSetData( $tText, 1, $sItem ) DllStructSetData( $tNMLVDISPINFO, "Text", $pText ) DllStructSetData( $tNMLVDISPINFO, "TextMax", StringLen( $sItem ) ) EndIf EndIf The zip below contains a small GUI, CreateDB.au3, to create 3 SQLite databases with 100,000/1,000,000/10,000,000 rows. The databases will use about 10/100/1000 MB of diskspace, and the creation will take about ½/5/40 minutes (on an old XP). You must select a database and click a button to start the creation. If you get tired of waiting, you can cancel (checked for every 10,000 rows) the process and continue another time. The process will continue where it stopped. You can run the examples even though the databases might only contain 30,000/200,000/1,500,000 rows. You do not have to create all three databases. Run LvVirtDB.au3. Data stored in fixed-length record files (update 2015-04-01) Extracting data directly from a fixed-length record file by setting the file pointer to the current record and reading the required number of bytes is another example, where $LVN_ODCACHEHINT messages should be used to insert records in an array cache before they are displayed. Code for $LVN_ODCACHEHINT and $LVN_GETDISPINFO messages can be implemented as shown: Case $LVN_ODCACHEHINT Local $tNMLVCACHEHINT = DllStructCreate( $tagNMLVCACHEHINT, $lParam ) $iFrom = DllStructGetData( $tNMLVCACHEHINT, "iFrom" ) $iRows = DllStructGetData( $tNMLVCACHEHINT, "iTo" ) - $iFrom + 1 FileSetPos( $hFile, $iFrom * 12, 0 ) ; Each line is 10 chars + CR + LF $aCache = StringSplit( FileRead( $hFile, $iRows * 12 - 2 ), @CRLF, 3 ) The purpose of the cache is to limit the number of FileRead statements. Case $LVN_GETDISPINFOW Local $tNMLVDISPINFO = DllStructCreate( $tagNMLVDISPINFO, $lParam ) If BitAND( DllStructGetData( $tNMLVDISPINFO, "Mask" ), $LVIF_TEXT ) Then Local $iIndex = DllStructGetData( $tNMLVDISPINFO, "Item" ) - $iFrom If -1 < $iIndex And $iIndex < $iRows Then DllStructSetData( $tText, 1, $aCache[$iIndex] ) DllStructSetData( $tNMLVDISPINFO, "Text", $pText ) DllStructSetData( $tNMLVDISPINFO, "TextMax", 10 ) ; Each line is 10 chars EndIf EndIf Run LvVirtFile.au3. A fixed-length record file with 10,000 records (LvVirtFile.txt) is included in the zip. I have tested this example on a 1,1 GB file and 100,000,000 rows. The listview responds immediately. The solution with a flat fixed-length record file is extremely fast. Much faster than a database. But also with very much limited functionality compared to a database. Sorting rows in a virtual listview (update 2015-04-01) Sorting is not supported at all by virtual listviews. If you want rows to be sorted, you have to feed the listview with the rows in sorted order. If the rows are stored in an array, you have to sort the array before you feed the listview. If you want to sort the rows by two or more columns, you have to store the rows in two or more arrays which are sorted for the current column. Or you have to create two or more indexes to handle the sorting. Sorting arrays and creating indexes is time consuming. If you need sorting, a database seems to be the best solution, because sorting can be handled by the database. Nevertheless, here's an example that stores 10,000/20,000/30,000 rows and 3 columns in arrays, and creates indexes to handle the sorting. The columns are strings, integers and floating point numbers, and indexes are calculated for all 3 columns. To be able to create the indexes as fast as possible, structures (DllStructCreate) are used to create the indexes. This is the function to create indexes for integers and floating point numbers. The function for strings is equivalent. $tIndex = DllStructCreate( "uint[" & $iRows & "]" ) Func SortNumbers( ByRef $aItems, $iRows, $iCol, $pIndex, $tIndex ) Local $k, $n, $lo, $hi, $mi, $gt HourglassCursor( True ) WinSetTitle( $hGui, "", "Virtual ListViews. Sort numbers: 0 rows" ) For $i = 0 To $iRows / 10000 - 1 $k = $i * 10000 For $j = 0 To 9999 $n = $aItems[$k+$j][$iCol] ; Binary search $lo = 0 $hi = $k + $j - 1 While $lo <= $hi $mi = Int( ( $lo + $hi ) / 2 ) If $n < $aItems[DllStructGetData($tIndex,1,$mi+1)][$iCol] Then $gt = 0 $hi = $mi - 1 Else $gt = 1 $lo = $mi + 1 EndIf WEnd ; Make space for the new value DllCall( $hKernel32Dll, "none", "RtlMoveMemory", "struct*", $pIndex+($mi+1)*4, "struct*", $pIndex+$mi*4, "ulong_ptr", ($k+$j-$mi)*4 ) ; Insert new value DllStructSetData( $tIndex, 1, $k+$j, $mi+1+$gt ) Next WinSetTitle( $hGui, "", "Virtual ListViews. Sort numbers: " & $k + 10000 & " rows" ) Next HourglassCursor( False ) WinSetTitle( $hGui, "", "Virtual ListViews (sorted)" ) EndFunc Run LvVirtArraySort.au3. It takes some time to create the arrays and indexes. But when everything is created, sorting by different columns and switching from one array to another is instantaneous. Because it's easy and fast to save/load a structure to/from a binary file, it may be advantageous to calculate the arrays and indexes in another script before the GUI is opened. $LVN_ODFINDITEM notifications (update 2015-04-01) Three notifications are important for virtual listviews. $LVN_GETDISPINFO (to get information about the rows to display in the listview) and $LVN_ODCACHEHINT (to store rows from a file or database in an array cache before they are displayed with $LVN_GETDISPINFO messages) are already mentioned above. The last is $LVN_ODFINDITEM, which is used to find a row when you press one or a few keys on the keyboard. Information from $LVN_ODFINDITEM is stored in the $tagNMLVFINDITEM structure. The codebox shows the code for $LVN_ODFINDITEM notifications: Case $LVN_ODFINDITEMW Local $tNMLVFINDITEM = DllStructCreate( $tagNMLVFINDITEM, $lParam ) If BitAND( DllStructGetData( $tNMLVFINDITEM, "Flags" ), $LVFI_STRING ) Then Return SearchText( DllStructGetData( $tNMLVFINDITEM, "Start" ), _ ; Start DllStructGetData( DllStructCreate( "wchar[20]", DllStructGetData( $tNMLVFINDITEM, "Text" ) ), 1 ) ) ; Text EndIf Start is the row where you start the search. Text contains the key presses to search for. You have to implement the search function (here SearchText) yourself. If the function finds a row, it should return the index of the row. If not, it should return -1. Run LvVirtArrayFind.au3. Using standard listviews (update 2015-04-01) If not more than 10,000 rows have to be inserted in a listview, a standard listview is sufficiently rapid. Because of speed you should use native (built-in) functions to fill the listview and not functions in GuiListView.au3 UDF. When the listview is filled, you can use all the functions in the UDF. This code shows how to quickly fill a listview with native functions: Func FillListView( $idLV, ByRef $aItems, $iRows ) Local $tLVITEM = DllStructCreate( $tagLVITEM ) Local $pLVITEM = DllStructGetPtr( $tLVITEM ), $k, $s DllStructSetData( $tLVITEM, "Mask", $LVIF_IMAGE ) ; Icon (or image) DllStructSetData( $tLVITEM, "SubItem", 0 ) ; First column HourglassCursor( True ) For $i = 0 To $iRows / 10000 - 1 $k = $i * 10000 For $j = 0 To 9999 ; Text $s = $aItems[$k+$j][0] For $l = 1 To 9 $s &= "|" & $aItems[$k+$j][$l] Next GUICtrlCreateListViewItem( $s, $idLV ) ; Add item and all texts ; Icon Select Case Mod( $k + $j, 3 ) = 0 DllStructSetData( $tLVITEM, "Image", 2 ) ; Icon index Case Mod( $k + $j, 2 ) = 0 DllStructSetData( $tLVITEM, "Image", 1 ) Case Else DllStructSetData( $tLVITEM, "Image", 0 ) EndSelect DllStructSetData( $tLVITEM, "Item", $k + $j ) ; Row GUICtrlSendMsg( $idLV, $LVM_SETITEMW, 0, $pLVITEM ) ; Add icon Next WinSetTitle( $hGui, "", "GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ListViews. Fills listview: " & $k + 10000 & " rows" ) Next HourglassCursor( False ) WinSetTitle( $hGui, "", "GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ListViews" ) EndFunc Run LvStandard.au3. LvStandardIni.au3 shows how to quickly load an inifile (LvStandardIni.ini, created with IniWriteSection) into a listview. Because an inifile is a small file (only the first 32767 chars are read) it should always be loaded into a standard listview. Updates Update 2015-03-24 Added two array-examples. An example (LvVirtArrayIcons.au3) that shows how to use checkboxes and icons, and an example (LvVirtArrayColors.au3) that shows how to draw every second row with a different background color. In this post you can find an example where all items are drawn with a random background color. Update 2015-04-01 Cleaned up code in previous examples. Added more examples as described above. Zip updated. UDF versions (2018-04-27) Over the past weeks, new display functions have been added to Data display functions based on virtual listviews, and new functions have been added to use the listviews as embedded GUI controls. All the functions work and are used in much the same way. Apart from the data source, the function parameters are the same for all functions. The display functions support a wide range of features, all specified via a single function parameter $aFeatures, which is the last parameter. The central code to handle $LVN_ODCACHEHINT and $LVN_GETDISPINFO notifications is very optimized code. First of all, the code is implemented through the subclassing technique. This means that messages are received directly from the operating system and not from AutoIt's internal message management code. Messages are returned again directly to the operating system and again without interference with AutoIt's internal message handling code. Next, the code is divided into different include files each taking care of a particular feature. That way, it's avoided that a lot of control statements makes the code slow. And it's enough to include the code that's actually used. One reason why so much work has been done in optimizing code and developing features is that these functions will also work as UDF versions for the examples here. It's far from a trivial task to develop UDF versions of examples like these. Since the first version of the display functions was created in this thread 2½ years ago and then has been continuously developed, it's obvious to use the functions as UDF versions of these examples. The following examples are implemented as UDF versions: Data stored in arrays Data stored in CSV files Data stored in SQLite databases Zip file Examples in zip: LvVirtArray.au3 - Data stored in arrays LvVirtArrayColors.au3 - Alternating row colors LvVirtArrayFind.au3 - $LVN_ODFINDITEM notifications LvVirtArrayIcons.au3 - Checkboxes and icons LvVirtArraySort.au3 - Sorting rows in a virtual listview LvVirtDB.au3 - Data stored in databases (use CreateDB.au3 to create DBs) LvVirtFile.au3 - Data stored in fixed-length record files LvStandard.au3 - Using standard listviews LvStandardIni.au3 - Load inifile into a listview The size of the zip is caused by a 118 KB txtfile, LvVirtFile.txt, used by LvVirtFile.au3, and a 28 KB inifile, LvStandardIni.ini, used by LvStandardIni.au3. Tested with AutoIt 3.3.10 on Windows 7 64 bit and Windows XP 32 bit. Should work on all AutoIt versions from 3.3.10 and all Windows versions. Virtual ListViews.7z Examples Examples based on virtual listviews. Array examples: A lot of rows and random background colors for each cell - This post in another thread Incremental search (update as you type) in a virtual listview - Post 29 Sorting arrays: Rows can be sorted by strings, integers, floats and checkboxes, checked rows in top - Post 48 File sources: A CSV-file with 100,000 rows and 10 columns is data source - Post 56 SQLite examples: Various issues related to the use of a database - Post 34, 35, 43 An example that shows a way to implement a search box - Post 41
    1 point
  3. Welcome to the AutoIt forum. Unfortunately you appear to have missed the Forum rules on your way in. Please read them now - particularly the bit about not discussing game automation - and then you will understand why you will get no help and this thread will now be locked. See you soon with a legitimate question I hope. The Moderation team
    1 point
  4. Well, I forgot about this magical corner. There are many examples of displaying data from a database. I have to prepare something ... I think I will refactor my current function and show it here. Then the conversation will be more precise.
    1 point
  5. Version 3.4 of the bundle has been released, with some significant upgrades; with special thanks to Partner-in-Crypt TheXman, and a fond farewell to Ward's AES UDF, which is now no longer part of the bundle.
    1 point
  6. Zedna's ListView with checkboxes (scroll down the page) would be one way.
    1 point
  7. MightyWeird, The code in this thread should help you. M23
    1 point
  8. Not entirely sure how your code works, if C:\File.ini doesn't exist (could use If FileExists("C:\File.ini") Then...) when would C:\File.ini be created?
    1 point
  9. Turns out I didn't put a proper community name in. I thought leaving it as public was good enough. Network traffic and disk writing was not available through MIB, so I'm using disk load and space in combination instead. So far everything is working as it should, just throwing scenarios at it to make sure it doesn't break down somewhere. Thanks.
    1 point
  10. @VIP posted a function called _IsWindows11()...
    1 point
  11. Version 3.4


    The CodeScannerCrypterBundle (ca. 2.9 MB unzipped) contains the following UDFs and utilities: CodeScanner: analyse AutoIt script structure and content, identify potential issues, generate MCF data files CodeCrypter: front-end GUI for the MCF library, for script encryption (without storing the decryption key(s) in the script!) MetaCodeFile UDF (MCF library): for analysis and user-defined alterations of AutoIt script structure and content MCFinclude.au3: #include this UDF in any AutoIt script that you wish CodeCrypter to process CryptoNG, by TheXman; encryption UDF using Bcrypt dll calls (32/64-bit; various algorithms) StoreCCprofile.au3/readCSdatadump.au3/helloworld.au3: auxiliary utilities and example script HowToCodeCrypt.pdf: a simple guide in five steps CodeCrypterFAQ.pdf: questions and answers, partly based upon exchanges in the CodeCrypter thread. MetaCodeTutorial.pdf: the MCF engine explained; useful for encryption, GUI translation, code translation, and much more... Please follow the links for additional information.
    1 point
  12. digrom

    OpenJson UDF Library

    OpenJson is a library that allows the extraction of data from text encoded in JSON format in a simple way. #include "OpenJson.au3" $json_text = FileRead('json.txt') $dict = _OJParse($json_text) ; #GET COUNT OF ITEMS# =========================================================================================================== ConsoleWrite('GET COUNT OF ITEMS' & @CRLF) $count = $dict.Item('rows').Item(1).Item('elements').Count ConsoleWrite('Items count: ' & $count & @CRLF & @CRLF) ; #SHOW SINGLE VALUES# =========================================================================================================== ConsoleWrite('SHOW SINGLE VALUES' & @CRLF) For $i = 1 To $count ConsoleWrite($dict.Item('rows').Item(1).Item('elements').Item($i).Item('duration').Item('text') & @CRLF) Next ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) ; #SHOW ALL KEYS# =========================================================================================================== ConsoleWrite('SHOW ALL KEYS' & @CRLF) $keys = $dict.Keys For $k In $keys ConsoleWrite($k & @CRLF) Next ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) ; #SHOW ALL VALUES# =========================================================================================================== ConsoleWrite('SHOW ALL VALUES' & @CRLF) $items = $dict.Item('destination_addresses').Items For $i In $items ConsoleWrite($i & @CRLF) Next ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) ; #CHECK IF KEY EXISTS# =========================================================================================================== ConsoleWrite('CHECK IF KEY EXISTS' & @CRLF) $exists = $dict.Item('rows').Item(1).Exists('elements') ConsoleWrite("Exists key 'elements'?: " & $exists & @CRLF) ; #OUTPUT# =========================================================================================================== ;~ GET COUNT OF ITEMS ;~ Items count: 6 ;~ SHOW SINGLE VALUES ;~ 3 hours 54 mins ;~ 1 hour 44 mins ;~ 1 day 18 hours ;~ 18 hours 43 mins ;~ 1 day 2 hours ;~ 1 day 18 hours ;~ SHOW ALL KEYS ;~ destination_addresses ;~ origin_addresses ;~ rows ;~ status ;~ SHOW ALL VALUES ;~ Washington, DC, USA ;~ Philadelphia, PA, USA ;~ Santa Barbara, CA, USA ;~ Miami, FL, USA ;~ Austin, TX, USA ;~ Napa County, CA, USA ;~ CHECK IF KEY EXISTS ;~ Exists key 'elements'?: True ; #OUTPUT# =========================================================================================================== ;================================================================== The object returned by the _OJParse function contains 5 methods for extracting the information: Count: returns the number of items contained within an element Item('key') or Item(index): returns a specific item Keys: gets the list of keys for a specific element Items: gets the list of items of a specific element Exists('key'): or Exists(index): check if an element exists ;================================================================== Elements must be chained to get sub elements: Example: File example.txt { "persons":[ {"name":"Diego","age":27}, {"name":"Juan","age":19}, {"name":"Andres","age":43}, {"name":"Emilio","age":35} ] } Autoit code: #include "OpenJson.au3" $json_text = FileRead('example.txt') $dict = _OJParse($json_text) $name = $dict.Item('persons').Item(3).Item('name') ConsoleWrite($name) OUTPUT: Andres ;================================================================== ;There are three considerations that must be taken when using this library 1.- You should not to use double quotes within the texts. Double quotes within a text should be avoided, otherwise the library will throw an error. For example double quotes should not be in any of the following ways: "Hello" world" "hello "world"" But single quotes are allowed within the text: "Hello 'world' " 2.- Be careful with the structure of the text in JSON format Although it is obvious, it is worth remembering that if the provided JSON text structure has an error, the library will throw an error or return incomplete or empty data. This library uses the recursion process to build a tree of data in memory, so it is very sensitive to the quality of the JSON text that is processed. Please make sure that the JSON text to be processed is correct. None of the following five special characters must be missing or excess: [] {} " Otherwise the library will throw an error, but be sure that if the text in JSON format is syntactically correct, the library will work correctly. 3.- Keys are case sensitive Make sure the keys have the exact same name as supplied in the JSON-formatted text. $dict.Item('name') is not the same as $dict.Item('Name') ;================================================================== Three files are included in the attached archive: OpenJson.au3 - The UDF Library OJTest.au3 - Contains examples of the five functions available for manipulating JSON data json.txt - Contains sample text in JSON format OpenJson_v1.2.zip
    1 point
  13. Jon

    Forum Rules

    We want the forum to be a pleasant place for everyone to discuss AutoIt scripting, and we also want to protect the reputation of AutoIt. So we ask you to respect these simple rules while you are here: Forum Posting 1. Do not ask for help with AutoIt scripts, post links to, or start discussion topics on the following subjects: Malware of any form - trojan, virus, keylogger, spam tool, "joke/spoof" script, etc. Bypassing of security measures - log-in and security dialogs, CAPTCHAs, anti-bot agents, software activation, etc. Automation of software/sites contrary to their EULA (see Reporting bullet below). Launching, automation or script interaction with games or game servers, regardless of the game. Running or injecting any code (in any form) intended to alter the original functionality of another process. Decompilation of AutoIt scripts or details of decompiler software. This list is non-exhaustive - the Moderating team reserve the right to close any thread that they feel is contrary to the ethos of the forum. 2. Do not post material that could be considered pornographic, violent or explicit - or express personal opinions that would not be acceptable in a civilized society. Do not post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this site. 3. To protect this community, any files posted by you are subject to checks to ensure that they do not contain malware. This includes, but is not limited to, decompilation and reverse engineering. 4. Do not flame or insult other members - and just report the thread to a Moderator (see below) if you are so attacked. 5. Do not PM other users asking for support - that is why the forum exists, so post there instead. 6. Do not create multiple accounts - if you inadvertently created multiple accounts then contact a Moderator to close the unwanted ones. 7. Do not repost the same question if the previous thread has been locked - particularly if you merely reword the question to get around one of the prohibitions listed above. 8. Do not delete your posts, nor completely remove their content, if doing so will interrupt the flow of the thread. 9. Do not post in a thread while the Moderating team are actively trying to determine whether it is legal. The Moderation team will do their best to act in fair and reasonable manner. Sanctions will only be applied as a last resort and any action taken will be explained in the relevant thread. If moderation action is taken, you will need to acknowledge this through a dialog or you will be unable to post further in the forum. Please note that this dialog is not an agreement that the warning was justified - it is only there so that members are aware that moderation action has been taken and that they may have certain restrictions applied to their account. If you feel that you have been unfairly moderated then contact the Moderator concerned - using a PM or the "Report" button is preferable to opening a new thread (although new members may have to do this). But do be aware that the Moderation team has the final word - the rules are set out by the site owner and you are only welcome here if you respect his wishes. Signatures and Avatars There is no formal policy for the use of signatures but if a moderator thinks it is too big and/or distracting then you may be asked to tone it down. No-one likes wading through signatures that are a page high. Similarly for avatars, expect distracting flashing and animated gifs to be removed. Reporting If you feel a post needs Moderator attention, please use the "Report" button next to the post date at the top. You can then enter details of why you have reported the post - but there is no need to include the content of the post as that is done automatically. The Moderating team will be alerted to the post and will deal with it as soon as they can. If you suspect a EULA violation, do not expect the Moderating team to do all the work - please provide some evidence in the report such as a copy of (or link to) the EULA in question, as well as the section you believe has been violated. Finally, please do not enter into an argument with the original poster - that is why we have Moderators. Spam Please do not react to spam in any way other than reporting it. Multiple reports are combined by the forum software, so there is no need to announce that you have reported the spam - in fact doing so only increases the work for the Moderator who deals with it. Interacting with this website Anyone found abusing the website is subject to harsh punishment without warning. A non-exhaustive list of potential abuses include: Automated forum registration or login. Automated posting or sending messages on the forum. Automated manipulation of polls, user reputation or other forum features. Automated creation or comments on issue tracker tickets. Automated creation or editing of wiki pages. Other abuses which are either examples of excessive bandwidth usage or automation of the site. Use common sense. If you do not have common sense, don't do anything. Do not automate the forum, wiki or issue tracker in any way at all. Scripts which automatically update AutoIt such as AutoUpdateIt are acceptable as long as they are not abused and do not generate excessive bandwidth usage.
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