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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2021 in all areas

  1. Jos


    Please go somewhere else when you can't behave and am dumb enough to report this and remove all your post. *click*
    3 points
  2. This is good place do discuss. As to reporting you can create ticket selecting SciTE4AutoIt as a Component. But do not know what @Jos prefers.
    1 point
  3. There was a number of typos in your snippet, but here a clean working example : #include <Word.au3> Local $oWord = _Word_Create() Local $oDoc = _Word_DocOpen($oWord, @ScriptDir & "\V.doc", Default, Default, True) $oSearchRange = _Word_DocRangeSet($oDoc, -1) $oRangeFound = _Word_DocFind($oDoc, "Dijon", $oSearchRange) $oSearchRange = _Word_DocRangeSet($oDoc, $oRangeFound, $wdParagraph, 1) _Word_DocPictureAdd($oDoc, @ScriptDir & "\Pic1.jpg", Default, Default, $oRangeFound)
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Danp2

    ASC wrong number

    @mike1950r You should be able to do it with a single regex -- Func StringIsANSI($sString) Local $bSuccess, $iLen $bSuccess = True $iLen = StringLen($sString) If $iLen And StringRegEx($sString, "[^\x00-\xFF]") Then $bSuccess = False EndIf Return $bSuccess EndFunc ;==>StringIsANSI This returns True for an empty string, but otherwise it should match your earlier code.
    1 point
  6. @Luke94 Thanks for the help. I figured it out after some poking around. The issue turned out to be: Adding msgbox to debug was causing windows to go out of focus. Seems obvious now, but was why I couldn't get your code to work immediately. Handles behaving weird for rdp window when using [button, instance] combo. Turns out ID is the best way to locate a button according to the doc. Turns out, Send( ) does wonders. Here is the snip of the final working code. Thanks again, hopefully we both learned something today.
    1 point
  7. Danp2


    The admins may disagree, but the only thing I see to report here is that you deleted all of your prior posts. 🙄
    1 point
  8. Danp2


    Glad you found a solution that works for you. FWIW, the script you posted is useless because we can't actually run it against a live website. P.S. I refuse to work harder than you to solve your problem. 😉
    1 point
  9. This is fantastic!! Will you let us know when (if?) you get the site up and running? Thank you for this project.
    1 point
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