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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2021 in all areas

  1. This is a printing UDF which allows you to print text in any font, size and colour at any position on the page, draw lines, curves, elipses, pies in any colour, and print images. Useful for labels, reports, graphs and standard forms. Can also print barcodes. It uses my printmg.dll. It is not intended to do the sorts of thing you can do with the Word UDF by big_daddy. Note the dll is 32 bit and so only works with 32 bit applications. printout from the code in the example in the download. Functions available are - Start using/Finish using the UDF _PrintDllStart _PrintDllClose _PrintVersion - Returns version of UDF or dll _PrintSetTitle Printer control _PrintStartPrint _PrintAbort _PrintEndPrint _PrintNewPage Printer selection, getting & setting parameters _PrintListPrinters - lists all installed printers _PrintSetPrinter - manual printer selection dialogue _PrintSelectPrinter - programmatically set the printer. _PrintGetPageWidth _PrintGetPaperWidth _PrintGetPageHeight _PrintGetPaperHeight _PrintGetHorRes _PrintGetVertRes _PrintGetXOffset _PrintGetYOffset _PrintPageOrientation - set portrait or landsacpe Text printing _PrintSetFont - Font, size, attributes and colour _PrintText - At x,y and angle. _PrintGetextWidth _PrintGetTextHeight Graphics _PrintSetLineCol _PrintSetLIneWid _PrintSetBrushCol - sets the colour used for filling _PrintLine _PrintEllipse - Filled ellipse or circle _PrintPie - for filled pie slice _PrintArc - Elliptical or circular arcs _PrintRectangle - filled rectangle _PrintRoundedRectangle _PrintImage - prints jpg, bmp and ico files (Has problems with some icons bigger than 64 x 64) _PrintImageFromDC Latest change = 25th February 2011 Added example to the download which was missing. Get the UDF, dll and example from here. ================================================================= See also these udf's for printing from AutoIt using the Windows API and not using a dll. by GRS - http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/...m-autoit/page__view__findpost_ by Prog@ndy -http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/...gdi-udfs/page__view__findpost_ and this one which embeds a dll in the script for creating pdf files. printing to a pdf by taietel see
    1 point
  2. For anyone interested: https://github.com/WinMerge/winmerge/releases/tag/v2.16.10 You can also take a look here: https://github.com/WinMerge/winmerge/issues/446 Download link: https://winmerge.org/downloads/?lang=en I wish you many benefits from this change. Keep calm and healthy. Regards, mLipok
    1 point
  3. igana. With that code only pressing the "Cancel" button will prevent shutdown - closing the ExtMsgBox with [X] or allowing the timeout will run the shutdown code. If you want ONLY the timeout to shutdown then you need this: If $x = 9 Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, 0, "Shutdown", "Shutting down") ; shutdown code Else MsgBox(0, "Shutdown Aborted", "Please remember to power off your computer when you are done.") EndIf M23
    1 point
  4. @igana Could you please post the code so we can take a look EDIT: just use the reply to this topic instead of quoting the whole reply, so the thread structure remains more fluid and less long
    1 point
  5. @igana Since a "Cancel only" MsgBox seems not be available, you could use the style $MB_OKCANCEL, and maybe a timeout. If the user presses "OK" or the Timeout has been reached, than shutdown the PC; else, if the user presses "Cancel", then don't shutdown the PC and display the other MsgBox Alternatively, you have to create your own MsgBox, or (I don't know if it would be the case), an amazing UDF by Melba23
    1 point
  6. ..thanks to you I have learned "boot to the head". Thank you
    1 point
  7. More information on Larry the Logger can be found here: https://youtu.be/NaT8t4hNahg
    1 point
  8. Child processes can be hard to track
    1 point
  9. Beware you don't automate yourself out of a job! Bread on the table is always more important than a nice layout on a financial report.
    1 point
  10. It is all about managing resources. You will find you need the following: 1. Money 2. Time 3. Experience 4. Enthusiasm All of which when you are starting out you do not have much of (except point 4). Best surround yourself with expertise and focus on what you are best at - the business, and leave the backroom stuff like programming to the experts that have been there before, solved the problems you are about to encounter, and focus on maximising point 1 and point 3 will come with passage of 2. Point 4 will possibly fade if the previous 3 are overwhelming. If you wish to save money by coding your own software to run your business, the software will eventually become your business, and you will not have any time to actually work towards your business goals, and the money will dry up. Getting experienced people on board will save you the grief of learning from your own mistakes as they have learned from other people's mistakes and can bring that knowledge to benefit you. Comment: Cashflow is king. Always pay yourself first. Pay good money for good people. Always listen and continue to ask questions. Your workers are an asset, not an expense. Lawyers and accountants are expensive, but not using them is vastly more expensive. At the risk of being shouted down in these forums, writing accounting and database packages in AutoIT is not an efficient use of resources. In a business environment, it is useful for wrapping around other mature packages to make them jump through hoops, but not as fundamental software to perform large data processing needs. Best of luck.
    1 point
  11. #include <GUIConstants.au3> Const $WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112 Const $SC_MOVE = 0xF010 $gui = GUICreate("", 300, 200) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SYSCOMMAND, "On_WM_SYSCOMMAND") While GUIGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE WEnd Func On_WM_SYSCOMMAND($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) If BitAND($wParam, 0xFFF0) = $SC_MOVE Then Return EndFunc
    1 point
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