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Since we can't test this, it's up to you to find a working solution.1 point
SSD - Set Sound Device Current Version: v4 (2017-Sep-15) Windows XP allows you to output sound to more than one audio device... Vista and newer Windows versions do not. To overcome this "Failure by Design", (IMHO somehow related to DRM, preventing user to make digital copies of analog sources), I have coded SSD - Set Sound Device. SSD enables you to change the default Sound Device by shortcut or command line. It works fine on my Win10-1703 64bit machine. If you find bugs please let me know. The source and executable can be downloaded from my site: http://www.funk.eu Kudos to Ascend4nt and NerdFencer for parts of the code, and Yashied for his most excellent WinAPIEx UDF. Enjoy ...1 point
Detect pixel changes on specific screen area?
Nine reacted to pixelsearch for a topic
Glad this cat didn't eat that crucial space1 point -
Ya keep on staying very vague about your "private" application. Gonna have hard time to find help as nobody can read in crystal ball anymore...1 point
Siwa, The best I can come up with is showing a tooltip showing the hidden data when an item is double-clicked - as shown in this example script. Double-click a "Tom" and the corresponding "Dora" is displayed: #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include "GUIListViewEx.au3" #include <Array.au3> ; Just for display in example Global $iCount_Left = 20, $iCount_Right = 20, $vData, $aRet, $iEditMode = 0 ; Create GUI $hGUI = GUICreate("LVEx Example 2", 640, 430) ; Create Left ListView GUICtrlCreateLabel("Native ListView", 10, 5, 300, 35) $cListView_Left = GUICtrlCreateListView("Tom|Dora", 10, 40, 250, 300, BitOR($LVS_SINGLESEL, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS)) _GUICtrlListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle($cListView_Left, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($cListView_Left, 0, 229) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($cListView_Left, 1, 0) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; Create array and fill Left listview Global $aLV_List_Left[$iCount_Left + 1] = [$iCount_Left] For $i = 1 To UBound($aLV_List_Left) - 1 $aLV_List_Left[$i] = "Tom " & $i - 1 & "|Dora " & $i - 1 GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($aLV_List_Left[$i], $cListView_Left) Next ; Initiate LVEx - count parameter set - blue insert mark- no drag image $iLV_Left_Index = _GUIListViewEx_Init($cListView_Left, $aLV_List_Left, 1, 0x0000FF, False, 512) ; DoubleClick on col 0 runs function to show tooltip _GUIListViewEx_SetEditStatus($iLV_Left_Index, 0, 9, _HiddenColShow) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; Create Right ListView GUICtrlCreateLabel("UDF ListView", 380, 5, 300, 35) $hListView_Right = _GUICtrlListView_Create($hGUI, "Peter", 380, 40, 250, 300, BitOR($LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, $LVS_REPORT, $WS_BORDER)) _GUICtrlListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle($hListView_Right, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($hListView_Right, 0, 229) _GUICtrlListView_SetInsertMarkColor($hListView_Right, 0) ; Create array and fill listview Global $aLV_List_Right[$iCount_Right] For $i = 0 To UBound($aLV_List_Right) - 1 $aLV_List_Right[$i] = "Peter " & $i _GUICtrlListView_AddItem($hListView_Right, $aLV_List_Right[$i]) Next ; Initiate LVEx - no count - green insert parameter - no drag image $iLV_Right_Index = _GUIListViewEx_Init($hListView_Right, $aLV_List_Right, 0, 0x00FF00) ; Create Edit Mode Combos GUICtrlCreateLabel("Edit Modes", 280, 50, 60, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("0" & @CRLF & "1" & @CRLF & "2" & @CRLF & "3", 280, 70, 10, 80) GUICtrlCreateLabel(": Single Edit" & @CRLF & ": Exit Edge" & @CRLF & ": Stay Edge" & @CRLF & ": Loop Edge", 290, 70, 65, 80) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Row Mode", 280, 140, 60, 20) $cCombo_Row = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 280, 160, 75, 20, 0x3) ; $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST GUICtrlSetData($cCombo_Row, "0|1|2|3", 0) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Col Mode", 280, 200, 60, 20) $cCombo_Col = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 280, 220, 75, 20, 0x3) ; $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST GUICtrlSetData($cCombo_Col, "0|1|2|3", 0) GUICtrlCreateLabel("ESC Mode", 280, 260, 75, 20) $cCombo_Reset = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 280, 280, 75, 20, 0x3) ; $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST GUICtrlSetData($cCombo_Reset, "Exit Edit|Reset All", "Exit Edit") ; Create buttons $cInsert_Button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Insert", 10, 350, 200, 30) $cDelete_Button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete", 10, 390, 200, 30) $cUp_Button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Move Up", 220, 350, 200, 30) $cDown_Button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Move Down", 220, 390, 200, 30) $cDisplay_Left_Button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Show Left", 430, 350, 100, 30) $cDisplay_Right_Button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Show Right", 530, 350, 100, 30) $cExit_Button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 430, 390, 200, 30) GUISetState() ; Register for dragging and editing _GUIListViewEx_MsgRegister() ; Set the right ListView as active _GUIListViewEx_SetActive(2) Switch _GUIListViewEx_GetActive() Case 0 $sMsg = "No ListView is active" Case 1 $sMsg = "The LEFT ListView is active" & @CRLF & "<--------------------------" Case 2 $sMsg = "The RIGHT ListView is active" & @CRLF & "---------------------------->" EndSwitch ;MsgBox(0, "Active ListView", $sMsg) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $cExit_Button Exit Case $cInsert_Button ; Prepare data for insertion Switch $aGLVEx_Data[0][1] Case 1 ; Array format with single column native ListView Global $vData[1] = ["Tom " & $iCount_Left] $iCount_Left += 1 _GUIListViewEx_Insert($vData) Case 2 ; String format with single column UDF ListView $vData = "Peter " & $iCount_Right $iCount_Right += 1 _GUIListViewEx_Insert($vData) EndSwitch Case $cDelete_Button _GUIListViewEx_Delete() Case $cUp_Button _GUIListViewEx_Up() Case $cDown_Button _GUIListViewEx_Down() Case $cDisplay_Left_Button $aLV_List_Left = _GUIListViewEx_ReturnArray($iLV_Left_Index) If Not @error Then _ArrayDisplay($aLV_List_Left, "Returned Left") Else MsgBox(0, "Left", "Empty Array") EndIf Case $cDisplay_Right_Button $aLV_List_Right = _GUIListViewEx_ReturnArray($iLV_Right_Index) If Not @error Then _ArrayDisplay($aLV_List_Right, "Returned Right") Else MsgBox(0, "Right", "Empty Array") EndIf Case $cCombo_Row Switch GUICtrlRead($cCombo_Row) Case 0 GUICtrlSetData($cCombo_Col, 0) Case Else If GUICtrlRead($cCombo_Col) = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($cCombo_Col, GUICtrlRead($cCombo_Row)) EndIf EndSwitch $iEditMode = Number(GUICtrlRead($cCombo_Row) & GUICtrlRead($cCombo_Col)) Case $cCombo_Col Switch GUICtrlRead($cCombo_Col) Case 0 GUICtrlSetData($cCombo_Row, 0) Case Else If GUICtrlRead($cCombo_Row) = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($cCombo_Row, GUICtrlRead($cCombo_Col)) EndIf EndSwitch $iEditMode = Number(GUICtrlRead($cCombo_Row) & GUICtrlRead($cCombo_Col)) Case $cCombo_Reset ; Toggle edit mode value to switch ESC modes $iEditMode *= -1 EndSwitch $vRet = _GUIListViewEx_EventMonitor($iEditMode) ; Use combos to change EditMode If @error Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Error", "Event error: " & @error) EndIf Switch @extended Case 0 ; No event detected Case 1 If $vRet = "" Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Edit", "Edit aborted" & @CRLF) Else _ArrayDisplay($vRet, "ListView " & _GUIListViewEx_GetActive() & " content edited", Default, 8) EndIf Case 2 If $vRet = "" Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Header edit", "Header edit aborted" & @CRLF) Else _ArrayDisplay($vRet, "ListView " & _GUIListViewEx_GetActive() & " header edited", Default, 8) EndIf Case 3 MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Sorted", "ListView: " & $vRet & @CRLF) Case 4 MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Dragged", "From : To" & @CRLF & $vRet & @CRLF) EndSwitch WEnd Func _HiddenColShow($hListViewHandle, $iListViewIndex, $iRow, $iCol) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; Get ListView content Local $aContent = _GUIListViewEx_ReturnArray($iListViewIndex, 3) ; Get mouse pos $aMPos = MouseGetPos() ; Show tooltip with hidden data ToolTip($aContent[$iRow + 1][1], $aMPos[0], $aMpos[1]) Sleep(2000) ToolTip("") EndFunc Look for the <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< lines to see how I did it. Any use? M231 point
Siwa, Glad you got your code working. I do not understand the "tooltip" questions. If a column is hidden, how do you expect to show a UDF-generated tooltip which requires you to click on an item to display? And UDF-generated tooltips are set for a column, not a row, Can you clarify the question please. M231 point