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  1. One thing I did, way back when I started in IT and encountered a similar issue, was learn the software they were using to create their homegrown app. Then, when I was able to start pointing out exactly where their coding mistakes were, I began sending "helpful" emails with suggestions on fixes in their code, ensuring I cc'd everyone I could think up the corporate ladder. Having a desktop engineer point out the developers' mistakes was not something anyone wanted to endure for long. Of course, you might not choose to take the jackass route like I did 😃
    2 points
  2. JockoDundee


    well probably not beyond, it’s definitely learnable, but without understanding the concepts about it, and when it may work and what to do when it doesn’t, it could be frustrating at times. one important question: do you have a way for the two endpoints to communicate their public ip and ports to each other? For instance, teamviewer has their own servers which handle the exchange. but it doesn’t have to be a server per se, heck, you could even do it with email, if you don’t mind a few seconds of lag time. maybe somebody has a stun server/state saving public matchmaking server that could do it all. btw, I started with the STUN udf, but once I realized that I still need a way to communicate between the two, I just got a domain from bluehost for $4\month, wrote my own stunnish server with matchmaking in php, and the client using winsock udf (not the built in sock stuff because it doesn’t let you set source port). If you go that route let me know, you’re more than welcome to my php code Good luck!
    2 points
  3. @orphan : I could run your original script LibChemin.au3 without errors, after doing this : * Open Array3381.au3 (same as the original version found in AutoIt, tested) * Copy the following function and paste it at the end of your script LibChemin.au3 * Also the function needs to be renamed, for instance _ArrayInsert3381() , no other change needed. Func _ArrayInsert3381(ByRef $avArray, $iElement, $vValue = "") ; <===== RENAMED function If Not IsArray($avArray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($avArray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ; Add 1 to the array Local $iUBound = UBound($avArray) + 1 ReDim $avArray[$iUBound] ; Move all entries over til the specified element For $i = $iUBound - 1 To $iElement + 1 Step -1 $avArray[$i] = $avArray[$i - 1] Next ; Add the value in the specified element $avArray[$iElement] = $vValue Return $iUBound EndFunc ;==>_ArrayInsert3381 * Change 1 line in your script, to call : _ArrayInsert3381($openlist, $i, $node) Instead of : _ArrayInsert($openlist, $i, $node) * Now you can use in your script the one and only : #include "Array.au3"
    1 point
  4. TheXman

    use 2 versions array.au3

    LibChemin.au3 has errors, globals that are defined as local, and other bad coding practices that could cause problems. I corrected a couple of issues in order to get it to run. Since I have no idea what the correct result should be, I will leave it to you to verify the results. I see 2 array displays when I run the script below. What happens when you run the attached version with array.au3? LibChemin_updated.au3
    1 point
  5. @Zedna: I discovered AutoIt in march 2018 and always used the "short" way to check if a checkbox/radio control was checked/unchecked, without any issue : If GUICtrlRead($idRadio) = $GUI_CHECKED Then instead of : If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($idRadio), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then The help file reflects this change. Let's see what's written under "GUICtrlRead" topic, in 3 different versions of AutoIt : Version (2012) For Checkbox, Radio control several states can be returned as $GUI_FOCUS and $GUI_CHECKED,. So use i.e. BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($Item),$GUI_CHECKED) to test if the control is checked. Version (2013) For Checkbox, Radio control several states can be returned. So use i.e. BitAND(GUICtrlRead($Item), $GUI_CHECKED) to test if the control is checked. Version (2014) until today : For Checkbox and Radio controls only the $GUI_CHECKED (1), $GUI_UNCHECKED (4) or $GUI_INDETERMINATE (2) states are returned so the value can be used directly. Nostalgia... back in 2006, Valuater and SmOke_N already discussed about it : https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/22870-gui_checked-and-gui_unchecked/?do=findComment&comment=159274 Stampy (2008) or mikell (2011) quoting the old help file : https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/61823-radio-button-state-detection/?do=findComment&comment=463753 https://www.autoitscript.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?p=55997#p55997
    1 point
  6. I comunicate with @Danyfirex as to his problem with power and Internet we comunicate mostly by WhatsApp, in our project this is more accurate. He said that he aleady fixed that, yeasterday with regexp. I attach current version ComUDF.au3
    1 point
  7. In au3properties is defined which characters are considered to determine a word: word.characters.$(au3)=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)$(chars.accented).$_@# Add this to your SciTEUser.properties and you will see it stops at the dot: word.characters.$(au3)=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)$(chars.accented)$_@# Don't know for sure what you will break but that is the way SciTE works as far as I know. Jos
    1 point
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