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  1. No idea what you are on about: The first ticket was closed with this comment as it was very vague and totally had nothing to do with a proper bug report nor au3stripper: The second ticket is closed by a commit I made with the fix to our SVN library: So what about you stop playing the victim and start actually reading what was written? I or other have nothing against you personally and we only need you to provide the basics when a problem is reported. As you have seen, when you actually do post the proper replication script, the fix was worked on and provided. Also the 01 reported issue was fixed in the latest available Beta version of au3check as clearly stated by this: This comes across a somebody that is just moaning about something.... so what about you change your attitude, stop these vague "more bugs" claim and start actually posting those replication script here in this thread so we can have a look whether it is an actual bug and Report/fix it in case it is? Jos
    3 points
  2. water

    AD - Active Directory UDF



    Extensive library to control and manipulate Microsoft Active Directory. Threads: Development - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki Previous downloads: 30467 Known Bugs: (last changed: 2020-10-05) None Things to come: (last changed: 2020-07-21) None BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort
    1 point
  3. Yes. I've written scripts that set the desktop's wallpaper, its style, and the desktop's background color.
    1 point
  4. @Danyfirex and I, we are working On ATCmd.au3 UDF. WILL BE FINISHED THIS MONTH.
    1 point
  5. You don't need this. Handle selected item in Button event. This is because $hCombo is a real handle and GuiGetMsg handles only control IDs.
    1 point
  6. Great work, Nine! So I put it in but I ran into a small problem - some of my variables on the right side are of the style $array[$enum]. Whichever way I tried it I couldn’t get Eval to Eval it properly. Using your ternaristical construction as inspiration I amended this: Assign($keyValue[$n][0], IsDeclared($keyValue[$n][1]) ? Eval($keyValue[$n][1]) : $keyValue[$n][1],2) to this: Assign($keyValue[$n][0], IsDeclared($keyValue[$n][1]) ? Eval($keyValue[$n][1]) : Execute($keyValue[$n][1]) ? Execute($keyValue[$n][1]) : $keyValue[$n][1],2) this seems to handle it all, literals, variables with $ and without, expressions arrays etc. thx for your input so far
    1 point
  7. Yep, but you could do this : Local Enum $off, $low, $high Local Enum $tiny, $small, $big Local $keyValue=IniReadSection("cf.ini", "General") For $n=1 To $keyValue[0][0] Assign($keyValue[$n][0], IsDeclared($keyValue[$n][1]) ? Eval($keyValue[$n][1]) : $keyValue[$n][1], 2) Next ConsoleWrite("Values - LOGLEVEL: " & $loglevel & " GUISIZE: " & $guisize & " test: " & $Test & @CRLF) with [General] loglevel=high guisize=small test=7 You could replace isDeclared by StringIsDigit if you prefer...or any other test more appropriate
    1 point
  8. j0kky


    Hi guysssss, have you ever heard of STUN?! No? When you are under a NAT and you try to connect to an online server, you make the request using an internal port and your local IP. But when your request arrives to the router, it uses its own port list and it enstablishes the connection to the final server using a different port (which has a different port number, but it is associated to your internal port) and the public (external) IP. So, the server responds to your request using the couple external IP\port assigned by the router. Well, STUN is a protocol that permits you to know your external IP but, more interesting, your external port associated to your internal port. But, which is the point? Client/Server connections don't require to know these informations, but what about P2P connection? STUN UDF is the second step (the first was my winsock UDF, which is used in this script) to UDP Hole Punching technique: Here you are the function: ; #FUNCTION# ======================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _STUN ; Description ...: Makes a STUN request and processes the response ; Syntax.........: _STUN($iLocalPort, $iStunServer = "", $iStunPort = "") ; Parameters ....: $iLocalPort - The local port to be tested ; |1 : 65535 ; $iStunServer - name of the STUN server [Default = ""] ; $iStunPort - STUN server port, used only if $iStunServer <> "" ; |1 : 65535 - [Default = 3478] ; Return values .: On success it returns an array: ; |[0] - The external IP address ; |[1] - The external port ; On failure it returns -1 and sets @error to non zero: ; |-1 - internal error ; |-2 - missing DLL (Ws2_32.dll) ; |-3 - Unable to connect to internet ; |-4 - $iLocalPort is not a valid port ; |-5 - can't bind to $iLocalPort, try a different port ; |-6 - problem with servers ; Remarks .......: This function is used by a client to know which external port/IP correspond to the indicated internal port. ; By default it is used a STUN server list composed by: ; stun.l.google.com:19302, stun1.l.google.com:19302, stun.ekiga.net:3478, stun.ideasip.com:3478, stun.schlund.de:3478 ; If $iStunServer is indicated, the first element of the list is replaced by $iStunServer:$iStunPort ; Author ........: j0kky ; Modified ......: 1.0.0 ; Links .........: STUN RFC 5389: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5389 ; ==================================================================================================================================== #include "winsock.au3" Func _STUN($iLocalPort, $iStunServer = "", $iStunPort = "") $iLocalPort = Int($iLocalPort) If ($iLocalPort < 1) Or ($iLocalPort > 65535) Then Return SetError(-4, 0, -1) $iExtended = 0 If $iStunServer = Default Then $iStunServer = "" $iStunServer = String($iStunServer) If $iStunServer Then $iStunServer = StringRegExpReplace($iStunServer, "^http.?://", "") If StringRight($iStunServer, 1) = "/" Then $iStunServer = StringTrimRight($iStunServer, 1) If Not StringRegExp($iStunServer, ".+\..{2,}") Then $iStunServer = "" ; invalid parameter $iExtended = -1 EndIf EndIf $hWs2 = DllOpen("Ws2_32.dll") If @error Then Return SetError(-2, $iExtended, -1) $tHeader = DllStructCreate("ushort MessageType; ushort MessageLenght; ulong MagicCookie; byte TransactionID[12]") $aRet = DllCall($hWs2, "ushort", "htons", "ushort", 0x0001) If @error Then DllClose($hWs2) Return SetError(-1, $iExtended, -1) Else DllStructSetData($tHeader, "MessageType", $aRet[0]) ;MessageType EndIf DllStructSetData($tHeader, "MessageLenght", 0x0000) ;MessageLenght $aRet = DllCall($hWs2, "ulong", "htonl", "ulong", 0x2112A442) If @error Then DllClose($hWs2) Return SetError(-1, $iExtended, -1) Else DllStructSetData($tHeader, "MagicCookie", $aRet[0]) ;MagicCookie EndIf For $i = 1 To 12 DllStructSetData($tHeader, "TransactionID", Random(0x00, 0xff, 1), $i) ;TransactionID Next _UDPStartup() If @error Then DllClose($hWs2) Return SetError(-1, $iExtended, -1) EndIf $sLocalIP = _GetIPs() If @error Then _UDPShutdown() DllClose($hWs2) Return SetError(-3, $iExtended, -1) EndIf $sLocalIP = $sLocalIP[0] If $iStunServer Then $sFirstServer = $iStunServer If $iStunPort Then $nFirstPort = $iStunPort Else $nFirstPort = 3478 EndIf Else $sFirstServer = "stun.l.google.com" $nFirstPort = 19302 EndIf Local $aStunServer[5][2] = [[$sFirstServer, $nFirstPort], ["stun1.l.google.com", 19302], ["stun.ekiga.net", 3478], ["stun.ideasip.com", 3478], ["stun.schlund.de", 3478]] $nBindSocket = _UDPBind($sLocalIP, $iLocalPort) If @error Then Return SetError(-5, $iExtended, -1) For $j = 0 To 4 $iError = 0 $sServerName = $aStunServer[$j][0] $sServerIP = _TCPNameToIP($sServerName) If @error Then $iError = -6 If Not $iError Then ;RFC indicates that $nRcMaxValue should be equal to 7 and $nRm should be equal to 16, ;but, following those rules, if the server doesn't respond quickly, the script is blocked for more than 1 minute $tByteHeader = DllStructCreate("byte[" & DllStructGetSize($tHeader) & "]", DllStructGetPtr($tHeader)) Local $nRTO = 500, $hTime = TimerInit(), $nRTOTotal = 0, $nRc = 0, $nRcMaxValue = 2, $aRecv = "", $nRm = 2 Do If ($nRc < $nRcMaxValue) And (TimerDiff($hTime) >= $nRTOTotal) Then _UDPSendTo($sServerIP, $aStunServer[$j][1], DllStructGetData($tByteHeader, 1), $nBindSocket) If @error Then $iError = -1 $nRTOTotal += $nRTO * (2 ^ $nRc) $nRc += 1 If $nRc = $nRcMaxValue Then $hTime = TimerInit() EndIf $aRecv = _UDPRecvFrom($nBindSocket, 2048, 1) If @error Then $iError = -1 Sleep(100) Until ($aRecv <> -1) Or (($nRc = $nRcMaxValue) And (TimerDiff($hTime) >= $nRTO * $nRm)) If Not IsArray($aRecv) Then $iError = -1 EndIf If Not $iError Then $dResponse = $aRecv[0] $aRet = DllCall($hWs2, "ushort", "ntohs", "ushort", BinaryMid($dResponse, 3, 2)) ;MessageLenght If @error Then $iError = -1 Else $nMessageLenght = $aRet[0] EndIf If Not ($nMessageLenght > 0) Then $iError = -6 EndIf If Not $iError Then $dResponse = BinaryMid($dResponse, 1, $nMessageLenght + 20) ;message lenght plus header size $aRet = DllCall($hWs2, "ushort", "ntohs", "ushort", BinaryMid($dResponse, 1, 2)) ;MessageType If @error Then $iError = -1 Else $nMessageType = $aRet[0] If Not (($nMessageType = 0x0101) Or ($nMessageType = 0x0111)) Then $iError = -6 EndIf EndIf If Not $iError Then $nByteNumber = 1 If $nMessageType = 0x0101 Then ;Binding success response Do $iError = 0 $aRet = DllCall($hWs2, "ushort", "ntohs", "ushort", BinaryMid($dResponse, 20 + $nByteNumber, 2)) ;Attribute Type If @error Then $iError = -1 Else $nAttributeType = $aRet[0] EndIf If Not $iError And (($nAttributeType = 0x0001) Or ($nAttributeType = 0x0020)) Then ;MAPPED-ADDRESS or XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS $aRet = DllCall($hWs2, "ushort", "ntohs", "ushort", BinaryMid($dResponse, 24 + $nByteNumber, 2)) ;Family If @error Then $iError = -1 Else $nFamily = $aRet[0] EndIf EndIf If Not $iError Then Local $aResult[2] If $nAttributeType = 0x0020 Then ;XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS $aRet = DllCall($hWs2, "ushort", "ntohs", "ushort", BinaryMid($dResponse, 26 + $nByteNumber, 2)) ;Port If @error Then $iError = -1 Else $aResult[1] = BitXOR($aRet[0], 0x2112) ;Xored with the most significant 16 bit of Magic Cookie EndIf If Not $iError Then If $nFamily = 0x0001 Then ;IPv4 $dNBOIP = BinaryMid($dResponse, 28 + $nByteNumber, 4) $dNBOCookie = Binary("0x" & Hex(0x2112A442)) $tNBOXoredIP = DllStructCreate("byte[4]") For $i = 1 To 4 DllStructSetData($tNBOXoredIP, 1, BitXOR(BinaryMid($dNBOIP, $i, 1), BinaryMid($dNBOCookie, $i, 1)), $i) Next $aRet = DllCall($hWs2, "ptr", "inet_ntoa", "ulong", Int(DllStructGetData($tNBOXoredIP, 1))) If @error Then $iError = -1 ElseIf $aRet[0] = Null Then $iError = -6 Else $aResult[0] = DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate("char[15]", $aRet[0]), 1) ;IP address xored with Magic Cookie EndIf Else ;IPv6 $dNBOIP = BinaryMid($dResponse, 28 + $nByteNumber, 16) $dNBOConcatenation = BinaryMid($dResponse, 5, 16) $tNBOXoredIP = DllStructCreate("byte[16]") For $i = 1 To 16 DllStructSetData($tNBOXoredIP, 1, BitXOR(BinaryMid($dNBOIP, $i, 1), BinaryMid($dNBOConcatenation, $i, 1)), $i) Next $tIP = DllStructCreate("char[46]") $aRet = DllCall($hWs2, "ptr", "inet_ntop", _ "int", 23, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tNBOXoredIP), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tIP), "ULONG_PTR", DllStructGetSize($tIP)) If @error Then $iError = -1 ElseIf $aRet[0] = Null Then $iError = -6 Else $aResult[0] = DllStructGetData($tIP, 1) ;IP address EndIf EndIf EndIf ExitLoop 2 ElseIf $nAttributeType = 0x0001 Then ;MAPPED-ADDRESS $aRet = DllCall($hWs2, "ushort", "ntohs", "ushort", BinaryMid($dResponse, 26 + $nByteNumber, 2)) ;Port If @error Then $iError = -1 Else $aResult[1] = $aRet[0] EndIf If Not $iError Then If $nFamily = 0x0001 Then ;IPv4 $aRet = DllCall($hWs2, "ptr", "inet_ntoa", "ulong", BinaryMid($dResponse, 28 + $nByteNumber, 4)) If @error Then $iError = -1 ElseIf $aRet[0] = Null Then $iError = -6 Else $aResult[0] = DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate("char[15]", $aRet[0]), 1) ;IP address EndIf Else ;IPv6 $tNBOIP = DllStructCreate("byte[16]") DllStructSetData($tNBOIP, 1, BinaryMid($dResponse, 28 + $nByteNumber, 16)) $tIP = DllStructCreate("char[46]") $aRet = DllCall($hWs2, "ptr", "inet_ntop", _ "int", 23, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tNBOIP), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tIP), "ULONG_PTR", DllStructGetSize($tIP)) If @error Then $iError = -1 ElseIf $aRet[0] = Null Then $iError = -6 Else $aResult[0] = DllStructGetData($tIP, 1) ;IP address EndIf EndIf EndIf ExitLoop 2 Else $aRet = DllCall($hWs2, "ushort", "ntohs", "ushort", BinaryMid($dResponse, 22 + $nByteNumber, 2)) ;Attribute Lenght If @error Then $iError = -1 Else $nAttributeLenght = $aRet[0] If Not (Mod($nAttributeLenght, 4) = 0) Then $nAttributeLenght += 4 - Mod($nAttributeLenght, 4) ;padding $nByteNumber += 4 + $nAttributeLenght ;TLV EndIf EndIf EndIf Until $nByteNumber > $nMessageLenght Else ;0x0111 = Binding error response $iError = -6 EndIf EndIf Next _UDPCloseSocket($nBindSocket) _UDPShutdown() DllClose($hWs2) If $iError Then $aResult = -1 If $iStunServer And ($iStunServer <> $sServerName) Then $iExtended = -2 Return SetError($iError, $iExtended, $aResult) EndFunc ;==>_STUN Please test it (especially if you have an IPv6 interface) and report every bug you can try STUN.zip
    1 point
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