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ImGui in AutoIt - Advanced UI
kevinalberts and one other reacted to thedemons for a topic
Introduction ImGui is a popular library written by ocornut, it can make awesome user interface based on directx. It is being used by many big apps/games. The UI is nice and flexible, easy to use because of frame-by-frame drawing. So I decided to convert the entire ImGui library to AutoIt At first it's just an experiment, i converted some basic draw functions of imgui, compile to a dll, then using DllCall in autoit to call the functions. I was testing to see how much FPS i can get in autoit, and i was expected a low FPS, since autoit is slow. Suprisingly, the FPS turned out to be so high, it works really fast, even when drawing 1000 buttons at the same time. Features More than +270 functions converted from ImGui (compiled dll). Has 90% of the capability of what you can do in C++; Usable ImGuiIO and ImGuiStyle, so you can set whatever configurations you like. Preview Usage #include <WinAPI.au3> #include "ImGui.au3" ; Create a window Local $hwnd = _ImGui_GUICreate("AutoIt ImGui", 1024, 768) _WinAPI_ShowWindow($hwnd) ; Set style color _ImGui_StyleColorsLight() ;~ _ImGui_StyleColorsDark() Local $f_value = 5 While 1 ; when the user click close button on the window, this will return false if Not _ImGui_PeekMsg() Then Exit ; must call _ImGui_BeginFrame() _ImGui_Begin("Another window") _ImGui_Text("Hello there..") If _ImGui_Button("click me") Then $f_value = 5 _ImGui_SliderFloat("slider", $f_value, 2, 20) If _ImGui_IsItemHovered() Then _ImGui_ToolTip("what r u doing?") _ImGui_End() ; must call _ImGui_EndFrame() Wend Remark Most of the functions were converted automatically. I haven't tested all of them yet, if some function doesn't work for you, please tell me. Still missing some features of ImGui, please tell me if you needed any. Run \tools\imgui-au3-setup.au3 to add _ImGui functions to SciTE auto-complete. Source Code Require: DirectX GitHub: imgui-autoit2 points -
LAST VERSION - 1.1 18-May-12 Control Viewer (CV) is a replacement of AutoIt Window Info with a number of advantages. I tried to stick to the interface of the last, so you almost do not have to be retrained. During testing, I never managed to find any controls that could not be identified by CV (on the contrary, shows a lot of hidden controls, especially for the system windows). The all program settings are stored in the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareY'sControl Viewer The main differences CV from AWI Shows the complete list of all existing controls for the window that are interested (visible, hidden and deleted controls are displayed with different colors that can be changed to any other).Dynamically changing information during search for the windows and their controls.Ability to quickly switch between controls in the list.Ability to show/hide any controls from the list (useful for the overlaping controls).Information for the Style and ExStyle parameters shown in the form of hexadecimal values, and as its flags.Added the PID and Path parameters in the Window tab and ability to quickly open a folder that containing the process file.Added the coordinate system relative to the selected control.Shows a color of the selected pixel in RGB and BGR formats.Shows an example fill of the selected color.Ability to select the text encoding (affects the Text parameter in the Control tab).The complete change the appearance of pop-up frame for the selected controls.Simple and convenient tool to get a screenshot of the part screen of interest for publication on the forum (Capture tab).Create a report in the clipboard or a text file for subsequent publication on the forum.Search all running AutoIt scripts and their windows in the system (AutoIt tab).User-friendly interface. Used shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+T - Enable/Disable "Always On Top" mode (also available from the menu). Ctrl+Alt+H - Enable/Disable highlight selected controls (also available from the menu). Ctrl+A - Select all text (works in any input field). Ctrl - Hold down when moving the mouse to scroll the screenshot (Capture tab). Shift - Hold down when stretching/compression of the contour frame for an equilateral resizing screenshots (Capture tab). DoubleClick (on the screenshot) - Save the image to a file (Capture tab). DoubleClick (on any list item) - Open a folder with the file of the process or AutoIt script (AutoIt tab). Del (on any list item) - Close process (AutoIt tab). F5 - Updating the list (AutoIt tab). If anyone have any questions or comments about CV, please post it in this thread. I will be glad to any feedback and suggestions. Files to download Binary (x86 and x64) Redirection to CV_bin.zip, 1.14 MB CV_bin.html Source Redirection to CV_source.zip, 691 KB CV_source.html1 point
Resizing images script
coronatuss reacted to pixelsearch for a topic
Hi everybody I just ended a script and wanted to share it with you. It allows you to resize files and save them automatically, after you choose a whole folder (with or without recursion) or maybe you prefer to pick the files individually and you can do that too. You decide what to do with the resized files (saving them with new names or overwriting the originals, be careful) Just check the image types you need, so the filters will automatically be generated in the appropriate functions. During the resizing & saving phase, you can press the Escape key if you want to pause or exit the script Your personal computation is to be placed in the function named _Calc_New_Size() so you can bring your own rules concerning the resizing process, based on width and height of the original images (that's why I wrote the script), skipping a file depending on certain conditions etc... In this example, I just divided width and length by 2, so it's an easy resizing method Watch out if you check the gif image type, in case you got animated gifs and choose to overwrite them, the animation will be lost. That's why gif default is unchecked, but you can have it checked by default after changing ["GIF", 0, 999] to ["GIF", 1, 999] in the very beginning of the script. There are comments in the script that may be useful if you decide to modify it to your needs. Also several _ArrayDisplay (and MsgBox) are left commented out, they were used for debug in case you need them. Please be careful when choosing the "overwrite" option in case you don't get a copy of the originals. In all cases, just try the script on a sample folder the first times, to be secure. Image quality of the resized files should be the best one as $GDIP_INTERPOLATIONMODE_HIGHQUALITYBICUBIC is the default in _GDIPlus_ImageResize() and I kept it that way. Thanks to UEZ for his useful comments found here and there, that helps a lot. Not forgetting our best friend... the help file. If you guys got any ideas to improve this script, please be kind enough to share your thoughts so we can make it better #include <Array.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIDlg.au3> #include <WinAPISysWin.au3> ; ======= ; Gui checkboxes placed in an Array to avoid plenty of lines here and there in the script Global $iMaxImageTypes = 8, $idCheckbox[$iMaxImageTypes] Global $aContentCheckbox[$iMaxImageTypes][3] = _ [["JPG", 1, 999], ["PNG", 1, 999], ["BMP", 1, 999], ["GIF", 0, 999], _ ["TIFF", 0, 999], ["EXIF", 0, 999], ["WMF", 0, 999], ["EMF", 0, 999]] ; 1 = already checked in GUI. 999 = Checkboxes id's (updated during their creation) Global $iHow_Choose_img = 1 ; 1 = folder, 2 = folder (recurse), 3 = pick them individually Global $iNewname_or_Overwrite = 1 ; 1 = new name (ex ..._resized.jpg), 2 = Overwrite F10() ; displays the GUI so the user will choose : ; 1) how to select image files, using FileSelectFolder() or FileOpenDialog() ; 2) give a new name to resized images or overwrite ? ; 3) check the image types desired (at least 1 is mandatory) ; ======= ; Both variables $sPath and $aListe_img will be updated in Select_img_folder OR Select_img() Global $sPath ; will always end with a "\" Global $aListe_img ; Array containing the list of images to resize (1-based) If $iHow_Choose_img = 3 Then ; pick files individually Select_img() Else ; 1 (folder, no recursion) or 2 (folder, with recursion) Select_img_folder() EndIf ; ======= Global $aSummary[5][2] ; informative MsgBox when all is done $aSummary[0][1] = (($iNewname_or_Overwrite = 1) ? ("new name") : ("overwritten")) $aSummary[1][1] = " image(s) resized and saved (" & $aSummary[0][1] & ")" $aSummary[2][1] = " image(s) skipped (due to calculation rules)" $aSummary[3][1] = " image(s) skipped (name ended with '_resized.')" $aSummary[4][1] = " image(s) skipped (not overwritten as read-only)" For $i = 0 to 4 $aSummary[$i][0] = 0 ; number of images related to each category Next ; _ArrayDisplay($aSummary, "Debug $aSummary") ; note that [0][0] will be unused Global $iX, $iX_resized, $iY, $iY_resized, $hImage, $hImage_Resized ; for GDI+ Global $bTest_ReadOnly = True ; test read-only when savefile => @error = 10 And @extended = 7 Global $iTest_ReadOnly = 0 ; 2 if Overwrite all read-only files, 4 if Skip all read-only files ; ======= _ArrayDisplay($aListe_img, _ $aListe_img[0] & " image(s) to resize", _ "", 0, Default, "Image name") If $iNewname_or_Overwrite = 2 Then ; 2 = Overwrite If MsgBox(BitOr($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONWARNING, $MB_OKCANCEL, $MB_DEFBUTTON2), _ "You choosed to OVERWRITE", "Original files will be lost." & @CRLF & _ "Proceed anyway ?") = $IDCANCEL Then Exit EndIf ; ======= HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Wanna_Quit") ; user keys Esc while images are resizing ProgressOn("Resizing images (Esc to abort)", "File in treatment...", "", -1, -1, 16) ; 16 = $DLG_MOVEABLE AdlibRegister("AdlibProgressBar", 1000) ; each 1000ms (1s) _GDIPlus_Startup() For $iNum_img = 1 To $aListe_img[0] ; this sounds good : do not resize again a file already "_resized." If StringInStr($aListe_img[$iNum_img], "_resized.", 0, -1) <> 0 Then $aSummary[3][0] += 1 ; skipped (name ended with '_resized.') ContinueLoop EndIf ; full path is already included in file name only if recursion has been chosen ; if not, add path to filename $sFileName = (($iHow_Choose_img <> 2) ? ($sPath) : ("")) & $aListe_img[$iNum_img] $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($sFileName) If @error Or Not $hImage Then _ _Exit("_GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile", $sFileName, @error, @extended) $iX = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage) If @error Then _Exit("_GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth", $sFileName, @error, @extended) $iY = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage) If @error Then _Exit("_GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight", $sFileName, @error, @extended) ; note that _GDIPlus_ImageGetDimension() could have been used instead ; $aDim = _GDIPlus_ImageGetDimension($hImage) ; $aDim[0] = width, $aDim[1] = height If _Calc_New_Size() = False Then ; False = skip image, True = resize and save _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) $aSummary[2][0] += 1 ; skipped (due to calculation rules) ContinueLoop EndIf $hImage_Resized = _GDIPlus_ImageResize($hImage, $iX_resized, $iY_resized) If @error Then _Exit("_GDIPlus_ImageResize", $sFileName, @error, @extended) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) ; place it here, needed if file will be overwritten If $iNewname_or_Overwrite = 1 Then ; 1 = save with new file name (ex ..._resized.jpg) $iLastDot = StringInStr($sFileName, ".", 0, -1) ; -1 = search 1st dot from right side If $iLastDot = 0 Then _Exit("StringInStr (no extension dot found)", _ $sFileName, @error, @extended) ; impossible $sFileName = StringLeft($sFileName, $iLastDot - 1) & _ "_resized" & StringMid($sFileName, $iLastDot) ; ex. "image01_resized.jpg" Endif _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hImage_Resized, $sFileName) If @error Then ; could be a read-only file error (tried it: @error = 10 and @extended =7) $iKeep_error = @error $iKeep_extended = @extended If Not ($iKeep_error = 10 And $iKeep_extended = 7) Then _Exit("_GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile", $sFileName, $iKeep_error, $iKeep_extended) Else ; $iKeep_error = 10 And $iKeep_extended = 7 : maybe a read-only file ? _Treat_SaveToFile($hImage_Resized, $sFileName, $iKeep_error, $iKeep_extended) EndIf Else $aSummary[1][0] += 1 ; resized & saved EndIf _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage_Resized) Next _GDIPlus_Shutdown() AdlibStop() $sMsgBoxText = "" For $i = 1 to 4 If $aSummary[$i][0] <> 0 Then $sMsgBoxText &= $aSummary[$i][0] & @TAB & $aSummary[$i][1] & @CRLF & @CRLF EndIf Next MsgBox(BitOr($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONINFORMATION), _ "Summary of " & $aListe_img[0] & " processed image(s)", _ StringTrimRight($sMsgBoxText, 2)) ; remove last @CRLF ; ==================================================== Func _Treat_SaveToFile($hImage_Resized, $sFileName, $iKeep_error, $iKeep_extended) ; always $iKeep_error = 10 And $iKeep_extended = 7 : maybe a read-only file ? ; test on possible read-only file as Save => @error = 10 And @extended = 7 If $bTest_ReadOnly = True Then If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sFileName), "R") = 0 Then ; NOT a Read only file _Exit("_GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile", _ $sFileName & @CRLF & "(NOT read-only)", _ $iKeep_error, $iKeep_extended) Else ; read-only File ; hide this window temporarily (too crowded with Splash & GUI coming) WinSetState("Resizing images (Esc to abort)", "", @SW_HIDE) ; display the image in a Splash window, create a 5-buttons GUI to ask user. Local $sExt = StringTrimLeft($sFileName, StringInStr($sFileName, ".", 0, -1)) If $sExt = "jpg" Or $sExt = "jpeg" Or $sExt = "bmp" Or $sExt = "gif" Then ; no png Local $iX_splash, $iY_splash If $iX <= 800 And $iY <= 600 Then ; max Splash image size will be 800 x 600 $iX_splash = $iX ; keep real width as <= 800 $iY_splash = $iY ; keep real height as <= 600 Else ; $iX > 800 OR $iY > 600 $iRatio = $iX / $iY If $iRatio <= 4/3 Then ; height forced to 600 will always have width <= 800 $iY_splash = 600 $iX_splash = $iX * $iY_splash / $iY Else ; > 4/3 then any width forced to 800 will always have height < 600 $iX_splash = 800 $iY_splash = $iY * $iX_splash / $iX EndIf EndIf SplashImageOn(StringTrimLeft($sFileName, StringInStr($sFileName, "\", 0, -1)), _ $sFileName, $iX_splash, $iY_splash, Default, Default, 2+16) EndIf HotKeySet("{ESC}") ; unset the Esc Hotkey to control Escape behavior in the GUI Opt("GUICloseOnESC", 0) ;1=ESC closes, 0=ESC won't close Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Read-only file", 500, 150, -1, -1, _ BitOR($WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU), @SW_SHOWDEFAULT) ; 40 = large height in case of 2 lines (very long file name & path) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sFileName, 10, 10, 480, 40) GUICtrlCreateLabel("This file is read-only. What do you want to do ?", _ 10, 55, 480, 20) Local $idButton1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Overwrite it", 10, 100, 80, 40) Local $idButton2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Overwrite all" & @CRLF & "read-only files", _ 110, 100, 80, 40, $BS_MULTILINE) Local $idButton3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Skip it", 210, 100, 80, 40) Local $idButton4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Skip all" & @CRLF & "read-only files", _ 310, 100, 80, 40, $BS_MULTILINE) Local $idButton5 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit script", 410, 100, 80, 40) GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ; Red X, as Escape key deact by Opt("GUICloseOnESC", 0) MsgBox($MB_TOPMOST, "", "Please check a button to make your choice") Case $idButton1 ; Overwrite it (re-ask if another read-only is found) FileSetAttrib($sFileName, "-R") _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hImage_Resized, $sFileName) $aSummary[1][0] += 1 ; resized & saved ExitLoop Case $idButton2 ; Overwrite all read-only files FileSetAttrib($sFileName, "-R") _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hImage_Resized, $sFileName) $aSummary[1][0] += 1 ; resized & saved $bTest_ReadOnly = False ; don't ask if others read-only files encountered $iTest_ReadOnly = 2 ; (2 because of $idButton2, for fun) ExitLoop Case $idButton3 ; Skip it (re-ask if another read-only is found) $aSummary[4][0] += 1 ; not overwritten as read-only ExitLoop Case $idButton4 ; Skip all read-only files $aSummary[4][0] += 1 ; not overwritten as read-only $bTest_ReadOnly = False ; don't ask if others read-only files encountered $iTest_ReadOnly = 4 ; (4 because of $idButton4, for fun) ExitLoop Case $idButton5 ; Exit script GUIDelete($hGui) SplashOff() AdlibStop() ; _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) ; already disposed before Save in main _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage_Resized) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGui) SplashOff() WinSetState("Resizing images (Esc to abort)", "", @SW_SHOW) Opt("GUICloseOnESC", 1) ;1=ESC closes, 0=ESC won't close HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Wanna_Quit") Endif Else ; $bTest_ReadOnly = False (means already tested for 1 read-only file encountered) Switch $iTest_ReadOnly Case 2 ; Overwrite all read-only files FileSetAttrib($sFileName, "-R") _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hImage_Resized, $sFileName) $aSummary[1][0] += 1 ; resized & saved Case 4 ; Skip all read-only files $aSummary[4][0] += 1 ; not overwritten as read-only Case Else MsgBox($MB_TOPMOST, "Impossible error", _ "$iTest_ReadOnly = " & $iTest_ReadOnly) AdlibStop() ; _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) ; already disposed before Save in main _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage_Resized) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit EndSwitch EndIf EndFunc ; _Treat_SaveToFile() ; ==================================================== Func _Calc_New_Size() ; user's function to calculate new width & height, compute etc... ; Return True => will resize the image and save <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; Return False => won't do anything (no resize and no save) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; example for Forum $iX_resized = $iX / 2 $iY_resized = $iY / 2 Return True ;~ ; personal example ;~ If $iX = 1024 OR $iY = 768 Then Return False ; skip image (in case already reworked) ;~ $iRatio = $iX / $iY ;~ If $iRatio <= 4/3 Then ; then any height forced to 768 will always have width <= 1024 ;~ If $iY > 768 Then ;~ $iY_resized = 768 ;~ Else ; $iY < 768 ;~ If $iY * 4/3 < 768 Then ; 4/3 = arbitrary 33pc, more would be too pixelized ;~ $iY_resized = $iY * 4/3 ;~ Else ;~ $iY_resized = 768 ;~ EndIf ;~ EndIf ;~ $iX_resized = $iX * $iY_resized / $iY ;~ Else ; > 4/3 then any width forced to 1024 will always have height < 768 ;~ If $iX > 1024 Then ;~ $iX_resized = 1024 ;~ Else ; $iX < 1024 ;~ If $iX * 4/3 < 1024 Then ; 4/3 = arbitrary 33pc, more would be too pixelized ;~ $iX_resized = $iX * 4/3 ;~ Else ;~ $iX_resized = 1024 ;~ EndIf ;~ EndIf ;~ $iY_resized = $iY * $iX_resized / $iX ;~ EndIf ;~ Return True ; True will resize & save EndFunc ; _Calc_New_Size() ; ==================================================== Func AdlibProgressBar() ; updated each second ; Update the progress value of the progress bar window ProgressSet($iNum_img / $aListe_img[0] * 100, $iNum_img & " / " & $aListe_img[0]) EndFunc ; AdlibProgressBar() ; ==================================================== Func AdlibStop() ; called before exiting the script AdlibUnRegister("AdlibProgressBar") ProgressOff() EndFunc ; AdlibStop() ; ==================================================== Func _Exit($sError_title, $sError_msg, $iKeep_error, $iKeep_extended) ; bad error AdlibStop() MsgBox($MB_TOPMOST, "Error : " & $sError_title, _ $sError_msg & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "@error = " & $iKeep_error & " @extended = " & $iKeep_extended) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage_Resized) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit EndFunc ; _Exit() ; ==================================================== Func _Wanna_Quit() ; user keys Esc while images are resizing HotKeySet("{ESC}") If MsgBox(BitOr($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_OKCANCEL, $MB_DEFBUTTON2), _ "Esc was keyed", "Quit script ?") = $IDOK Then AdlibStop() _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage_Resized) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit EndIf HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Wanna_Quit") EndFunc ; _Wanna_Quit() ; ==================================================== Func Select_img_folder() ; user wants to choose a whole folder Local $iRecursion = 0, $sRecursion_Msg = "" ; no recursion by default If $iHow_Choose_img = 2 Then ; user choosed folder and all subfolders $iRecursion = 1 $sRecursion_Msg = " (WITH recursion)" EndIf ; Create a variable in Local scope of the message to display in FileSelectFolder Local $sMessage = "Resize images - Choose folder to convert" & $sRecursion_Msg ; FileSelectFolder on top is great, so use @SW_SHOWDEFAULT in an invisible GUI Local $hGui = GUICreate("", 0, 0, 0, 0, Default, @SW_SHOWDEFAULT) ; Display an open dialog to select a folder : $sPath updated here or in Select_img() $sPath = FileSelectFolder( _ $sMessage, _ "", _ 2+4, _ "", _ $hGui) ; On Top (because of last parameter $hGui) ; 2+4 : 2 = Use New Dialog Style and 4 = Show Edit Control (XP only) Local $iKeep_error = @error GUIDelete($hGui) If $iKeep_error <> 0 Then MsgBox(BitOr($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONWARNING), "End of script", _ "No folder selected ") ; Cancel, Red X or Esc key in FileSelectFolder() Exit Else ; Display the selected chosen folder ; MsgBox($MB_TOPMOST, "", "You chose the following folder:" & @CRLF & $sPath) If StringRight($sPath, 1) <> "\" Then $sPath &= "\" ; "C:\" => "C:\" "C:\Temp" => "C:\Temp\" EndIf Local $Path_and_Filter = "", $sTypeImageName, $sFilter For $i = 0 To $iMaxImageTypes - 1 If $aContentCheckbox[$i][1] = 1 Then ; 1 = image type is checked $sTypeImageName = StringLower($aContentCheckbox[$i][0]) ; ex. "jpg" $sFilter = "*." & $sTypeImageName $Path_and_Filter &= chr(34) & $sPath & $sFilter & chr(34) & " " If $sTypeImageName = "jpg" Then $Path_and_Filter &= chr(34) & $sPath & "*.jpeg" & chr(34) & " " EndIf EndIf Next $Path_and_Filter = StringTrimRight($Path_and_Filter, 1) ; remove last " " ; MsgBox($MB_TOPMOST, "$Path_and_Filter", $Path_and_Filter) $aListe_img = _FileListFromDir($Path_and_Filter, $iRecursion) ; when Recursion (1), all files names have full path included in array. ; if no Recursion (0 or no 2nd parameter) then no full path is included. Switch @error Case 0 ; all good Case 1 Exit MsgBox($MB_TOPMOST, "_FileListFromDir", _ "error 1 : No files found") Case 2 Exit MsgBox($MB_TOPMOST, "_FileListFromDir", _ "error 2 : Strange, no @CRLF at end !") Case Else Exit MsgBox($MB_TOPMOST, "_FileListFromDir", _ "unknown error = " & @error) EndSwitch ; Display the results returned by _FileListFromDir ; _ArrayDisplay($aListe_img, "Debug _FileListFromDir") EndIf ; @WorkingDir not changed by FileSelectFolder() EndFunc ; Select_img_folder() ; ==================================================== Func _FileListFromDir($sMask, $iRecurse = 0) ; called by Select_img_folder() Local $sList = "", $sCommand = " /c dir /a-d /b /o " If $iRecurse = 1 Then $sCommand = " /c dir /a-d /b /o /s " Local $iPid = Run(@ComSpec & $sCommand & $sMask, $sPath, @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD) ProcessWaitClose($iPid) Local $sList = StdoutRead($iPid) If $sList = "" Then Return SetError(1) ; no files found If StringRight($sList, 2) <> @CRLF Then Return SetError(2) ; shouldn't happen $sList = StringTrimRight($sList, 2) ; delete last @CRLF Local $aList = StringSplit($sList, @CRLF, 1) Switch @error Case 0 ; ok (at least 2 files found) ; _ArrayDisplay($aList, "0 => $aList") Case 1 ; no delimiters found in $sList during StringSplit => 1 file ; _ArrayDisplay($aList, "1 => $aList") Case Else Exit MsgBox($MB_TOPMOST, "StringSplit", "unknown error = " & @error) EndSwitch Return $aList EndFunc ; _FileListFromDir() ; ==================================================== Func Select_img() ; user wants to pick images individually Local $sTypeImageName, $sFilter = "Image files (" For $i = 0 To $iMaxImageTypes - 1 If $aContentCheckbox[$i][1] = 1 Then ; 1 = image type is checked $sTypeImageName = StringLower($aContentCheckbox[$i][0]) ; ex. "jpg" $sFilter &= "*." & $sTypeImageName & ";" If $sTypeImageName = "jpg" Then $sFilter &= "*.jpeg;" EndIf Next $sFilter = StringTrimRight($sFilter, 1) & ")" ; remove last ";" then add ")" ; Create a variable in Local scope of the message to display in FileOpenDialog Local $sMessage = "Resize images - Select image file(s) individually" ; FileOpenDialog on top is great, so use @SW_SHOWDEFAULT in an invisible GUI Local $hGui = GUICreate("", 0, 0, 0, 0, Default, @SW_SHOWDEFAULT) ; Display an open dialog to select a list of file(s) Local $sFileOpenDialog = FileOpenDialog( _ $sMessage, _ @ScriptDir, _ $sFilter, _ BitOR($FD_FILEMUSTEXIST, $FD_PATHMUSTEXIST, $FD_MULTISELECT), _ "", _ $hGui) ; On Top (because of last parameter $hGui) Local $iKeep_error = @error GUIDelete($hGui) If $iKeep_error <> 0 Then MsgBox(BitOr($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONWARNING), "End of script", _ "No file(s) selected ") ; Cancel, Red X or Esc key in FileOpenDialog() Exit Else $aListe_img = StringSplit($sFileOpenDialog, "|") ; _ArrayDisplay($aListe_img, "1") ; for debug ; $sPath updated here or in Select_img_folder() Switch $aListe_img[0] Case 0, 2 MsgBox(BitOr($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONERROR), "End of script", _ "Impossible value of $aListe_img[0] = " & $aListe_img[0] & " ") Exit Case 1 ; 1 selected image Local $iPos_AntiSlash = StringInStr($aListe_img[1], "\", 0, -1) If $iPos_AntiSlash = 0 Then MsgBox(BitOr($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONERROR), "End of script", _ "No antislash (\) found in " & $aListe_img[1] & " ") ; impossible ! Exit Else $sPath = StringLeft($aListe_img[1], $iPos_AntiSlash) $aListe_img[1] = StringMid($aListe_img[1], $iPos_AntiSlash + 1) EndIf Case Else ; 3+ when at least 2 images have been selected $sPath = $aListe_img[1] & ((StringRight($aListe_img[1], 1) = "\") ? ("") : ("\")) ; "C:\" => "C:\" "C:\Temp" => "C:\Temp\" _ArrayDelete($aListe_img, 1) $aListe_img[0] -= 1 ; _ArrayDisplay($aListe_img, "2") ; for debug _ArraySort($aListe_img, 0, 1) ; 0 = ascending sort, 1 = start from 1st element ; _ArrayDisplay($aListe_img, "2a") ; for debug EndSwitch EndIf ; change the working directory (@WorkingDir) back to the location of the script directory ; as FileOpenDialog sets it to the last accessed folder. FileChangeDir(@ScriptDir) EndFunc ; Select_img() ; ==================================================== Func F10() ; create and displays the GUI for user to choose 3 kind of options Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Resize image files", 400, 274, -1, -1, _ BitOR($WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU), @SW_SHOWDEFAULT) GUICtrlCreateGroup(" How to select image files ? ", 13, 8, 193, 97) $idRadio_1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Choose a folder", 29, 33, 153, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) $idRadio_2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Choose a folder + all subfolders", 28, 58, 169, 17) $idRadio_3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Pick them individually", 29, 83, 169, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateGroup(" How to save resized files ? ", 12, 136, 193, 81) $idRadio_11 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("New names (ex ..._resized.jpg)", 28, 161, 169, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) $idRadio_12 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Overwrite", 28, 186, 161, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateGroup(" Which image types ? ", 224, 8, 161, 209) ; comment out Checkbox id's lines generated by Koda as we'll use an array instead ;~ $idCheckbox_jpg = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("JPG", 240, 32, 97, 17) ;~ GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) ;~ $idCheckbox_png = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("PNG", 240, 54, 97, 17) ;~ GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) ;~ $idCheckbox_bmp = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("BMP", 240, 76, 97, 17) ;~ GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) ;~ $idCheckbox_gif = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("GIF", 240, 99, 97, 17) ;~ $idCheckbox_tiff = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("TIFF", 240, 121, 97, 17) ;~ $idCheckbox_exif = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("EXIF", 240, 143, 97, 17) ;~ $idCheckbox_wmf = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("WMF", 240, 166, 97, 17) ;~ $idCheckbox_emf = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("EMF", 240, 188, 97, 17) Local $iRow = 10 ; to be incremented in For loop, Koda's coordinates For $i = 0 To $iMaxImageTypes - 1 $iRow += 22 $idCheckbox[$i] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($aContentCheckbox[$i][0], 240, $iRow, 97, 17) If $aContentCheckbox[$i][1] = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) $aContentCheckbox[$i][2] = $idCheckbox[$i] ; keep id's in Checkbox's array Next GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $idButton_OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 123, 235, 75, 25, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) $idButton_Cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 228, 235, 75, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $idButton_Cancel ; or Esc GUIDelete($hGui) MsgBox(BitOr($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONWARNING), "End of script", _ "You choosed to Cancel ") Exit Case $idRadio_1 $iHow_Choose_img = 1 ; a whole folder (no recursion) using FileSelectFolder() Case $idRadio_2 $iHow_Choose_img = 2 ; a whole folder + subfolders, using FileSelectFolder() Case $idRadio_3 $iHow_Choose_img = 3 ; pick files individually, using FileOpenDialog() Case $idRadio_11 $iNewname_or_Overwrite = 1 ; New files names (add _resized at the end) Case $idRadio_12 $iNewname_or_Overwrite = 2 ; Overwrite Case $idCheckbox[0] To $idCheckbox[$iMaxImageTypes - 1] Local $idFocus = _WinAPI_GetDlgCtrlID(_WinAPI_GetFocus()) ; handle => id Local $iIndex = _ArrayBinarySearch($aContentCheckbox, $idFocus, 0, 0, 2) If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_TOPMOST, "_ArrayBinarySearch", _ "impossible error = " & @error) $aContentCheckbox[$iIndex][1] = _ ((GUICtrlRead($idFocus) = $GUI_CHECKED) ? (1) : (0)) ; _ArrayDisplay($aContentCheckbox, "Debug", "", 0, Default, _ ; "Image type|Checked|Id") Case $idButton_OK For $i = 0 To $iMaxImageTypes - 1 If $aContentCheckbox[$i][1] = 1 Then ; at least 1 image type checked GUIDelete($hGui) Return EndIf Next MsgBox(BitOr($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONWARNING), "Which image types ?", _ "You need to check at least 1 of them ") EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ; F10() ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/199830-resizing-images-script/ August 6, 2019 * User is now asked what to do when read-only images are found. * Add a warning display when the Overwrite option is ticked : August 7, 2019 * Added SplashImageOn to show the read-only image in case the user is gonna overwrite it. Works for jpg, bmp and gif (no png) * Filenames ending with ..._resized.(ext) won't be treated again, in case the user runs the script a 2nd time choosing the same folder. August 9, 2019 * Added a final summary showing the details of what has been processed :1 point -
ImGui in AutoIt - Advanced UI
argumentum reacted to thedemons for a topic
This is an example docking space, please call MainDockSpace() after _ImGui_BeginFrame(), and remember to _ImGui_EnableDocking() first. Func MainDockSpace($transparent_bg = True) Local $io = _ImGui_GetIO() if BitAND($io.ConfigFlags, $ImGuiConfigFlags_DockingEnable) = False Then Return False Local $opt_fullscreen_persistant = true Local $opt_fullscreen = $opt_fullscreen_persistant Local $dockspace_flags = $transparent_bg ? $ImGuiDockNodeFlags_PassthruCentralNode : $ImGuiDockNodeFlags_None Local $window_flags = $ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDocking $viewport = _ImGui_GetMainViewport() _ImGui_SetNextWindowPos($viewport.Pos_x, $viewport.Pos_y) _ImGui_SetNextWindowSize($viewport.Size_x, $viewport.Size_y) _ImGui_SetNextWindowViewport($viewport.ID) _ImGui_PushStyleVar($ImGuiStyleVar_WindowRounding, 0) _ImGui_PushStyleVar($ImGuiStyleVar_WindowBorderSize, 0) $window_flags = BitOR($window_flags, $ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar, $ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse, $ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize, $ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove) $window_flags = BitOR($window_flags, $ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus, $ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavFocus) if BitAND($dockspace_flags, $ImGuiDockNodeFlags_PassthruCentralNode) Then $window_flags = BitOR($window_flags, $ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground) _ImGui_PushStyleVarPos($ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding, 0, 0) _ImGui_Begin("main_dockspace", False, $window_flags) _ImGui_PopStyleVar() if ($opt_fullscreen) Then _ImGui_PopStyleVar(2) $dockspace_id = _ImGui_GetID("MyDockSpace") _ImGui_DockSpace($dockspace_id, 0, 0, $dockspace_flags) _ImGui_End() EndFunc1 point -
ImGui in AutoIt - Advanced UI
thedemons reacted to argumentum for a topic
In the demo you've posted, the main gui, is not docked, nor dock-able. My question is if the docker can be planted first and the the main gui be docked in the docker. And, thanks for sharing, this was a lot of work.1 point -
It seems it's not possible with _FileListToArrayRec to use a regex in the mask parameter. You can do it in two times : 1 - Get the list of files $array = _FileListToArrayRec($PATH, "*.ai;*.psd;*.blend") 2 - A loop from 1 to $array[0] which checks if the pattern matches with each file name and build the array that you want1 point
Script executes only once
Alok_Arora reacted to Jos for a topic
Go to your IT department and get support when you are that deep in trouble, that is what hey are there for! Come back here when you can provide the basics and work with us ... till then simply stop begging for support. This thread is now closed and don't open a new discussion till that time.1 point -
Script executes only once
Alok_Arora reacted to Jos for a topic
Then you will have to deal with that somehow when you need support from us .... else please don't bother as this has till now be a total waste of time for me and others..1 point -
Script executes only once
Alok_Arora reacted to Jos for a topic
You must be able to copy the Autoit3 script source from you PC into this forum .... right?1 point -
Script executes only once
Alok_Arora reacted to Jos for a topic
Please stop posting images of code and simply post the actual source in a CodeBlock (<>) !1 point -
Script executes only once
argumentum reacted to Danp2 for a topic
Too late... I already signed him up for thousands of sites via MailBait!1 point -
Script executes only once
seadoggie01 reacted to jchd for a topic
Are you going to spam every forum section and old irrelated posts for long? Do what @water said that I didn't have enough time to type before he posted.1 point -
Each service is associated to an executable. So you just have to retrieve the COMPANYNAME of the executable : #Include <FileConstants.au3> Local $version = FileGetVersion ( "c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe", $FV_COMPANYNAME ) MsgBox(0, "", $version)1 point
Emulator Name DLL Name HLLAPI Function Name Attachmate EXTRA! and Attachmate myEXTRA! Terminal Viewer ehlapi32.dll hllapi Attachmate INFOConnect ihlapi32.dll WinHLLAPI Hummingbird HostExplorer ehllap32.dll HLLAPI32 IBM Personal Communications PCOM) and IBM WebSphere Host On-Demand pcshll32.dll hllapi NetManage RUMBA and NetManage RUMBA Web-To-Host ehlapi32.dll hllapi PuTTY Not applicable Not applicable Seagull BlueZone WHLAPI32.dll hllapi WRQ Reflection hllapi32.dll hllapi Zephyr (PC/Web to Host) PassHll.dll hllapi To complete this post Just lately I had to deal with a mainframe and mostly above dll's are installed to "talk" to the emulator. Little harder then the activeX object models but these are frequently not installed. reading this http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQ5Y_5.9.0/com.ibm.pcomm.doc/books/html/emulator_programming06.htm and this http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/power/software/i/access/windows/toolkit/vb.html then all knowledge together to do it from AutoIT1 point
We want the forum to be a pleasant place for everyone to discuss AutoIt scripting, and we also want to protect the reputation of AutoIt. So we ask you to respect these simple rules while you are here: Forum Posting 1. Do not ask for help with AutoIt scripts, post links to, or start discussion topics on the following subjects: Malware of any form - trojan, virus, keylogger, spam tool, "joke/spoof" script, etc. Bypassing of security measures - log-in and security dialogs, CAPTCHAs, anti-bot agents, software activation, etc. Automation of software/sites contrary to their EULA (see Reporting bullet below). Launching, automation or script interaction with games or game servers, regardless of the game. Running or injecting any code (in any form) intended to alter the original functionality of another process. Decompilation of AutoIt scripts or details of decompiler software. This list is non-exhaustive - the Moderating team reserve the right to close any thread that they feel is contrary to the ethos of the forum. 2. Do not post material that could be considered pornographic, violent or explicit - or express personal opinions that would not be acceptable in a civilized society. Do not post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this site. 3. To protect this community, any files posted by you are subject to checks to ensure that they do not contain malware. This includes, but is not limited to, decompilation and reverse engineering. 4. Do not flame or insult other members - and just report the thread to a Moderator (see below) if you are so attacked. 5. Do not PM other users asking for support - that is why the forum exists, so post there instead. 6. Do not create multiple accounts - if you inadvertently created multiple accounts then contact a Moderator to close the unwanted ones. 7. Do not repost the same question if the previous thread has been locked - particularly if you merely reword the question to get around one of the prohibitions listed above. 8. Do not delete your posts, nor completely remove their content, if doing so will interrupt the flow of the thread. 9. Do not post in a thread while the Moderating team are actively trying to determine whether it is legal. The Moderation team will do their best to act in fair and reasonable manner. Sanctions will only be applied as a last resort and any action taken will be explained in the relevant thread. If moderation action is taken, you will need to acknowledge this through a dialog or you will be unable to post further in the forum. Please note that this dialog is not an agreement that the warning was justified - it is only there so that members are aware that moderation action has been taken and that they may have certain restrictions applied to their account. If you feel that you have been unfairly moderated then contact the Moderator concerned - using a PM or the "Report" button is preferable to opening a new thread (although new members may have to do this). But do be aware that the Moderation team has the final word - the rules are set out by the site owner and you are only welcome here if you respect his wishes. Signatures and Avatars There is no formal policy for the use of signatures but if a moderator thinks it is too big and/or distracting then you may be asked to tone it down. No-one likes wading through signatures that are a page high. Similarly for avatars, expect distracting flashing and animated gifs to be removed. Reporting If you feel a post needs Moderator attention, please use the "Report" button next to the post date at the top. You can then enter details of why you have reported the post - but there is no need to include the content of the post as that is done automatically. The Moderating team will be alerted to the post and will deal with it as soon as they can. If you suspect a EULA violation, do not expect the Moderating team to do all the work - please provide some evidence in the report such as a copy of (or link to) the EULA in question, as well as the section you believe has been violated. Finally, please do not enter into an argument with the original poster - that is why we have Moderators. Spam Please do not react to spam in any way other than reporting it. Multiple reports are combined by the forum software, so there is no need to announce that you have reported the spam - in fact doing so only increases the work for the Moderator who deals with it. Interacting with this website Anyone found abusing the website is subject to harsh punishment without warning. A non-exhaustive list of potential abuses include: Automated forum registration or login. Automated posting or sending messages on the forum. Automated manipulation of polls, user reputation or other forum features. Automated creation or comments on issue tracker tickets. Automated creation or editing of wiki pages. Other abuses which are either examples of excessive bandwidth usage or automation of the site. Use common sense. If you do not have common sense, don't do anything. Do not automate the forum, wiki or issue tracker in any way at all. Scripts which automatically update AutoIt such as AutoUpdateIt are acceptable as long as they are not abused and do not generate excessive bandwidth usage.1 point
1 point