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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2020 in all areas

  1. _ArrayAdd will split it both ways #include <Array.au3> Local $aServerList[0][2] Local $sServerList = "www.address1.com:|www.address2.com:" _ArrayAdd($aServerList, $sServerList , 0 , ":" , "|") _ArrayDisplay($aServerList)
    2 points
  2. Subz

    Reg write Help.

    Just look at help file for RegWrite function, example : RegWrite("HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main", "PlaySounds", "REG_DWORD", 1)
    1 point
  3. Have you tried using #RequireAdmin ?
    1 point
  4. This is only a function call, but it probably originates from the UDF zipau3-udf-in-pure-autoit ; Function Name: _Zip_UnzipAll() ; Description: Extract all files contained in a ZIP Archieve. ; Parameter(s): $hZipFile - Complete path to zip file that will be created (or handle if existant) ; $hDestPath - Complete path to where the files will be extracted ; $flag = 1 ; - 1 no progress box ; - 0 progress box Try to use 1 instead of 0 as the last parameter. Unless you have a problem with the external program 7-Zip (standalone versions), I would recommend it. EDIT : 7-Zip, especially the standalone components, are among the few external programs that I use without hesitation. I have already written various articles on this topic. If you need help with the syntax, feel free to ask .
    1 point
  5. Moved to the appropriate forum, as the AutoIt Example Scripts forum very clearly states: Moderation Team
    1 point
  6. #include <Array.au3> Global $ipList = "www.address1.com:|www.address2.com:|address3.de:" $aResult = StringRegExp($ipList, "(\w.+?)\:(\d*\.\d*\.\d*\.\d*)", 3) _ArrayDisplay($aResult)
    1 point
  7. Just use a loop then split each array item, have them added to another array, basic example, although you could also do this with regexp. #include <Array.au3> Local $aServerList[0][2] Local $sServerList = "www.address1.com:|www.address2.com:" Local $aServers = StringSplit($sServerList, "|") For $i = 1 To $aServers[0] $aServer = StringSplit($aServers[$i], ":") If UBound($aServer) - 1 = 2 Then _ArrayAdd($aServerList, $aServer[1] & "|" & $aServer[2]) Next _ArrayDisplay($aServerList)
    1 point
  8. Yes. SciTE is one thing, mostly independent of the complementary functions created on it for AutoIt. So you can have an older SciTE version running a functional AutoIt v3.x.x.x without (much) problems. So much so, that I have portable versions of AutoIt : v3.2.0.1, v3.2.12.1, v3.3.6.1, v3.3.8.1, v3.3.14.2, v3.3.14.5 running currentish SciTE. You should be able to run your setup, without necessarily having to have a full SciTE setup but just the components you actually use. Then again, it's your project, you decide what you understand to be better, under your experience and current needs
    1 point
  9. Ah Sorry I wasn't aware you weren't in charge of PSpad as well The only issue is that it then proceeds to pop up that display anytime you change a setting It also tries to overwrite my paths I've set in PSPad4AutoIt3.ini -- but you say the installer version takes care of this Here is the array display that comes after the error message
    1 point
  10. Which part? on first start it should ask 'Can I Check for updates?' Needs an option to stop showing version errors with ArrayDisplay Variable decaration is misspelled should be 'Variable declaration'
    1 point
  11. k, I have not started to use it yet. Is there a dark theme that can be applied ? Edit: maybe import the colors from SciTE or have a better "color chooser"/"Scheme changer" for PSPad ?. TIA
    1 point
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