I added the English version.
This is not so, I use a language translator (QTranslate). I'm tired, but there is still a lot of work to translate (toolbar buttons, as well as scripts that I wrote without thinking about the translation). Advanced user scripts have translation. I removed the spelling dictionaries of the Russian language and the archive became almost 2 times smaller
I updated the English version. Translated toolbar and scripts.
Differences from Notepad++ :
1. I liked the fact that regular expressions can be used to highlight tokens.
2. With autocompletion, you can make a snippet from this, as it allows you to insert multi-line text. Try typing "zz" or "gg", this abbreviation can be used to insert snippets.
Generate data for autocompletion
#include <Array.au3>
$Out = ""
$sText = FileRead(@ScriptDir & '\SciTe\api\au3.api') ; Put the script in the AutoIt3 folder and it will see au3.api
; $aText=StringRegExp($sText, '(?m)(\w+) \( ([\w,\[\]\h"]+) \).*$', 3)
$aText=StringRegExp($sText, '(?m)(\w+) \( ([^()\r\n]*) \).*$', 3) ; we capture only functions
; _ArrayDisplay($aText, 'Array')
For $i = 0 To UBound($aText)-2 Step 2
$s = StringReplace($aText[$i + 1], '[', '')
$s = StringReplace($s, ']', '')
$s = StringReplace($s, '$', '$$') ; Escaping parameters
$a = StringSplit($s, ',')
$s = ''
For $j = 1 To $a[0]
$a[$j] = StringStripWS ($a[$j], 3)
$s &= '$[' & $a[$j] & '], ' ; format the string to switch the cursor on the parameters
$s = StringTrimRight($s, 2)
; one element of completion. Flag 2 for case insensitive
$Out &= '$(2)~' & $aText[$i] & @CRLF & $aText[$i] & '(' & $s & ')' & @CRLF & @CRLF
ClipPut($Out) ; the result to the clipboard, immediately paste it into a file
; Two functions of Word were not captured, because in them brackets inside parameters