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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2019 in all areas

  1. Guys, why are you ruining my "chess" game? my next move ... @HTRN, I am pretty sure Line 103 is coded wrong don't you think? Jos
    3 points
  2. AZWPlug updated, to v5.1, see Post #3. This includes AZWDrop v2.9. (v5.1) A Query has been added for sorting, due to sort time with a large list and chance of accidental column click with first entry selection. 'Show Status Of All' option is now available in 'Latest' mode. Minor improvements. Added a 'Color Legend' right-click option.
    1 point
  3. Use the ADO udf. Time for you to learn something
    1 point
  4. Or use the extended GuiCtrlRead #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> $Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 195, 125) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("ok", 86, 64, 75, 34) Dim $Checkbox[3] $Checkbox[0] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(".JPG", 14, 32, 49, 17) $Checkbox[1] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(".PNG", 68, 32, 49, 17) $Checkbox[2] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(".GIF", 127, 32, 49, 17) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Button1 For $i = 0 To UBound($Checkbox) - 1 If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox[$i]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ConsoleWrite(GuiCtrlRead($Checkbox[$i], $GUI_READ_EXTENDED) & @CRLF) Next EndSwitch WEnd
    1 point
  5. Like a so Global $Checkbox[3][2] ; Store the ControlID of the CheckBox in the first row and first column of the array $Checkbox[0][0] = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox(".JPG", 14, 32, 49, 17) $Checkbox[1][0] = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox(".PNG", 68, 32, 49, 17) $Checkbox[2][0] = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox(".GIF", 127, 32, 49, 17) ; Store the additional information in the first row and the second column of the array $Checkbox[0][1] = ".JPG" $Checkbox[1][1] = ".PNG" $Checkbox[2][1] = ".GIF" Maybe this will be helpful visualize aid to understand how the array indexes are used. Const $iCheckboxCount = 3, $iCheckboxArrayParams = 2 ;Define How Many Checkboxes and How Many "Parameters" about the Checkbox to store Enum $iCheckboxParamCtrlID, $iCheckboxParamText ;Define the Array Indexes for the Checkbox "Parameters" (Checkbox Ctrl IDs and Checkbox Text values) Enum $iCheckbox1, $iCheckbox2, $iCheckbox3 ;Define The Checkbox Instances Global $Checkbox[$iCheckboxCount][$iCheckboxArrayParams] ;Build Array for storing Checkboxes and "Parameters" $Checkbox[$iCheckbox1][$iCheckboxParamCtrlID] = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox(".JPG", 14, 32, 49, 17) $Checkbox[$iCheckbox2][$iCheckboxParamCtrlID] = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox(".PNG", 68, 32, 49, 17) $Checkbox[$iCheckbox3][$iCheckboxParamCtrlID] = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox(".GIF", 127, 32, 49, 17) $Checkbox[$iCheckbox1][$iCheckboxParamText] = ".JPG" $Checkbox[$iCheckbox2][$iCheckboxParamText] = ".PNG" $Checkbox[$iCheckbox3][$iCheckboxParamText] = ".GIF" I'm not saying this is how it should be done; it's just to help illustrate. Nothing wrong with doing it this way though (using enums to make meaningful/readable names for array index values). I will say that declaring each checkbox index (i.e. $iCheckbox1, $iCheckbox2, etc.) is overkill, especially if the Array name is already meaningful to denote what is contained in the array. Having said all of that, I still don't particularly see the value or need to store the text when it can easily be retrieved on demand--with negligible performance impact--using the GUICtrlRead function @mikell laid out above.
    1 point
  6. Updated to v2.2. See first post. IMPORTANT BUGFIX. (v2.2) BUGFIX for mixup with TRACK ARTIST, ALBUM ARTIST and ALBUMARTIST tag definitions. Those first two TAG names are wrong. ARTIST and ALBUMARTIST are the only two correct ones. NOTE - Updating previous processed FLAC files with the program, should correct previous incorrect values set by the program. APOLOGY - MP3Tag showed me the error of my ways, but I still don't know how I made those two errors. Something led me astray in any case, so my apology to all those affected. I have over a thousand FLAC files to correct now for myself. IMPORTANT - This really only affects in a significant way, albums where the track artist is different to the album artist. That said, you may wish to remove any mislabeled tags anyway. (v2.1) Added a 'Get TAG From CUE' button and ability to the FLAC TAG Editor window. Browse for Artwork now has a CTRL option for selecting current FLAC folder as root.
    1 point
  7. AZWPlug updated, to v5.0, see Post #3. This includes AZWDrop v2.9. (v5.0) Bugfix for sorting the Latest. Improved personal usage of Excel code for me. Added a 'Prune Latest' right-click option.
    1 point
  8. UpdateFromOPF updated, to v3.4 , see Post #5. Two new screenshots added, to show the results of either Fetch process. (v3.4) Added FETCH buttons for both Metadata and the Cover, which obtains those elements from the web, and displays in a relevant window, for selection to ADD or REPLACE the existing for current ebook. Please Note - Only minimal testing has occurred for this version so far.
    1 point
  9. @youtuber Take the array as a table, in which the first dimension is the row index, and the second dimension is the column index. In the first column, you store the ControlID of the checkbox, so, you do something like this: ; Global array with three rows and two columns Global $arrCheckBoxes[3][2] ; Store the ControlID of the CheckBox in the first row and first column of the array $arrCheckBoxes[0][0] = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox(...) ; Store the additional information in the first row and the second column of the array $arrCheckBoxes[0][1] = ".JPG" ; Go on as many rows you have (three in this case) If you want to know more about arrays, you can find a Wiki here and a more in-depth thread here. By the way, feel free to ask if you need any help
    1 point
  10. It works! Thank you! I have now successfully ripped some of my DVDs. I still need to work on some of error catching/reporting and clean up my code a bit. Then I plan to post it.
    1 point
  11. @nbarrosuriburu everything you state above is well known to the community. You are finding that, like other languages such as python, no one can control what a few bad apples choose to do with it. All we can do is keep the forum as free of that kind of stupidity as possible, to protect the reputation of the language. That is why you will see the forum rules specifically forbid things such as keyloggers, game bots, security measure bypasses, etc.
    1 point
  12. I GET IT RUNNING ... Very amazing. I have to start the compiled script as Administrator. I am working in an active directory controlled company network. My account already have local administration rights, but it seems thats not enough. Thanks for help anyway!
    1 point
  13. Hmm, I too was curious about this one-API-call-does-it-all, so I tested it out. But alas, it doesn't work with ConsoleWrite. Here's the way I got it to work for me: DllCall("kernel32.dll","bool","AllocConsole") $hConsole=DllCall("kernel32.dll","handle","GetStdHandle","int",-11) ConsoleWrite("Console handle:"&$hConsole[0]&", Error:"&@error&@CRLF) $aRet=DllCall("kernel32.dll","bool","WriteConsoleW","handle",$hConsole[0],"wstr","Testing123","dword",10,"dword*",0,"ptr",0) MsgBox(0,"see any consoles?","look harder!") Note that WriteConsole must be called with a handle retrieved through GetStdHandle, and the program must not be run from SciTE (otherwise you won't get a valid handle).
    1 point
  14. Hello, I have created two simple master/slave AutoIT scripts that use TCP to send a command from my PC to a remote one. The remote PC has a TV tuner card in it, and streams content over the LAN to our other PCs. The "master" script runs on client/desktop PCs and can send commands to the "slave" script that is running on the remote PC with the tuner card, the commands send to remote PC make the script send keys to the tuner software to change the channel. This works fine, but I have now got a PDA that has WiFi and runs WindowsCE and I want to create a version of the master software that can runs on Windows CE send commands to the slave software. I'm not a developer so I'll have to learn a language to create this with, since AutoIT doesn't support CE, but that is something I have been wanting to do anyway. My question is what language would be easiest to create a gui based program that can send simple TCP commands with (that hopefully can interact with my slave AutoIT script because I don't want to re-write that too)?
    1 point
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