Using XP, the Inet* funcs don't work anymore on some (on most) https sites, so a third party tool is needed
Try this
#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
Local $iPID = Run("curl -s -k", "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD)
Local $output = StdoutRead($iPID)
A little research shows the following clause in the TOS of that site:
So the thread does fall foul of the Forum rules and is therefore locked again - this time permanently and without appeal.
Finally I strongly suggest that you do NOT complain using the same manner as after the previous lock - as I explained above, you have used up any flex I was prepared to show you and will look upon such communications with extreme prejudice.
Ah ... the victim role. I am not shedding any tears as you know that you were not banned because nobody helped you.
You will be on a very short leece so 1 single "mistake" will get you banned.