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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2019 in all areas

  1. You could also take a look at FileGetTime and FileGetSize. Those function could also be used to check changes... Enjoy !
    1 point
  2. You could make a copy of the ini file and compare both files. If they are identical then don't execute the function. When the original file gets modified, you replace the copy file...you should do that comparaison every 10 secs or something alike...
    1 point
  3. Thanks for your offer! @Nine has already tested with Excel 2003 and the solution that works for Excel > 2007 works for Excel <= 2007 as well. So there is no additional code for older versions to fix the problem reported by TheDcoder. Thanks to everyone for testing! I think I will fix code and docu in the near future
    1 point
  4. Have a look in the event logs. https://www.ultimatewindowssecurity.com/securitylog/encyclopedia/event.aspx?eventID=4723 https://www.ultimatewindowssecurity.com/securitylog/encyclopedia/event.aspx?eventID=4724 https://www.ultimatewindowssecurity.com/securitylog/encyclopedia/event.aspx?eventID=4738 Adam
    1 point
  5. UEZ

    Resize & Rotate Image

    Try this: #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Global $hBitmap, $hImage, $hImage_new, $sCLSID, $tData, $tParams _GDIPlus_StartUp() $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile("c:\CAM00879.jpg") $hImage_new = _GDIPlus_ImageResize($hImage, 100, 80) ;resize image _GDIPlus_ImageRotateFlip($hImage_new, 1) _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hImage_new, "c:\AutoItImage2.jpg") _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage_new) _GDIPlus_ShutDown() Run("MSPaint.exe " & '"c:\AutoItImage2.jpg"') Br, UEZ
    1 point
  6. Hi, try this: ; =================================================================== ; _RefreshSystemTray($nDealy = 1000) ; ; Removes any dead icons from the notification area. ; Parameters: ; $nDelay - IN/OPTIONAL - The delay to wait for the notification area to expand with Windows XP's ; "Hide Inactive Icons" feature (In milliseconds). ; Returns: ; Sets @error on failure: ; 1 - Tray couldn't be found. ; 2 - DllCall error. ; =================================================================== Func _RefreshSystemTray($nDelay = 1000) ; Save Opt settings Local $oldMatchMode = Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) Local $oldChildMode = Opt("WinSearchChildren", 1) Local $error = 0 Do; Pseudo loop Local $hWnd = WinGetHandle("classname=TrayNotifyWnd") If @error Then $error = 1 ExitLoop EndIf Local $hControl = ControlGetHandle($hWnd, "", "Button1") ; We're on XP and the Hide Inactive Icons button is there, so expand it If $hControl <> "" And ControlCommand($hWnd, "", $hControl, "IsVisible") Then ControlClick($hWnd, "", $hControl) Sleep($nDelay) EndIf Local $posStart = MouseGetPos() Local $posWin = WinGetPos($hWnd) Local $y = $posWin[1] While $y < $posWin[3] + $posWin[1] Local $x = $posWin[0] While $x < $posWin[2] + $posWin[0] DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetCursorPos", "int", $x, "int", $y) If @error Then $error = 2 ExitLoop 3; Jump out of While/While/Do EndIf $x = $x + 8 WEnd $y = $y + 8 WEnd DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetCursorPos", "int", $posStart[0], "int", $posStart[1]) ; We're on XP so we need to hide the inactive icons again. If $hControl <> "" And ControlCommand($hWnd, "", $hControl, "IsVisible") Then ControlClick($hWnd, "", $hControl) EndIf Until 1 ; Restore Opt settings Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", $oldMatchMode) Opt("WinSearchChildren", $oldChildMode) SetError($error) EndFunc; _RefreshSystemTray() Mega
    1 point
  7. ProgAndy

    Image Resize, How?

    Use something like this: ; Load Image $oldImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile() ;Create New image $GC = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($oldImage) $newBmp = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($newW,$newH,$GC) $newGC = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($newBmp) ;Draw _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($newGC,$oldImage,0,0,$newW,$newH) _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($newBmp,$newFileName) ;Clenaup _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($GC) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($newGC) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($newBmp) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($oldImage)
    1 point
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