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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2019 in all areas

  1. @ShrutiW If you use _Excel_RangeRead() that reads the UsedRange from E to R columns, the function returns a 2-Dimension array, which you can iterate through, and extract only the values you're interested of. On the other side, if you only need to extract 5 values (E1, F1, G1, P1 and R1), use _Excel_RangeRead() specifying the cells you want to read, and you're done. From the Forum Etiquette:
    1 point
  2. Let's say you have read the whole worksheet into an array named $aUsedRange (and the used range in the sheet starts with column "A") then you will find the data you mentioned in $sE1 = $aUsedRange[0][4] ; Cell E1 $sF1 = $aUsedRange[0][5] ; Cell F1 ...
    1 point
  3. @polaski You need to hold the split in another array, so, create a new variable and hold that information in it
    1 point
  4. Try it like this Run("D:\20190201_RT\hmi_runtime_v2.0.0-Beta12.exe") <---FULL path to the file
    1 point
  5. Hi, isnĀ“t it strange that this question is asked again and again? What have these people been working on in their lives, and what tools have been used by them? How do I have to imagine a questioner who is not able to solve the simplest problem creatively? Using the right tool to solve a problem is one of the basic components of human existence. People who use a shoe to "hammer" a nail into a wall use possibly the wrong tool, but they DO something to solve the problem by themselves. People who ask in a internet forum "is a shoe the right tool to put a nail into a wall?" do NOTHING. They leave other people to find a solution. Creative? No. Will they ever become a good craftsman or programmer? EVER? No... Writing computer programs to solve problems is (most of the time) a very creative, exhausting and demanding process. For some of us it is fun most of the time, sometimes it is really hard work. We have to use MANY tools every single day, and yes, we often use "wrong" tools, but we DO everything to solve the actual problem. If we find a better tool, we use it instead. But the question of "usefulness"? The answer to the question "AutoIT as main programming language: is it useful enough?" is only "YES" or "NO". Depending only to the personal experience of the answering people. But....is "I have (not) the experience to solve a computer problem with this language!" the answer which helps the OP in any way? And does this answer helps other people who find this thread? Will this answer make them DO something? Is this thread "useful"? If the question would be "Which programming language/UDF/API/Script/Snippet/Function/Framework/Library/Method/Object/Class/techniqe.... do YOU (as a experienced programmer) recommend to solve THIS/MY (described below) problem?", then the "experienced" (or not) programmer could give a (more or less) helpful answer. And possibly show a nice Autoit script. Or refer to other "useful" programming languages like ....(placeholder for ANY programming language). Yes, ANY! I am sure that people asking for "usefulness" of a programming language are not able to program. I'm not even sure if they'll ever DO anything "useful".... And with a little hope that this post is not completely "useless", a following link: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
    1 point
  6. Full-stack OO programming language? No. Go-To tool for anything that touches the Windows API? Definitely. Right choice for anything else? Maybe I have been developing custom scripts and apps for companies with AutoIt since 2009. In my own experience, your 3500 lines is about middle of the road when automating suites like SCCM, Altiris, A.D. integrations, etc. There is always an opportunity to consolidate code, but in the end number of lines should not be your first concern over readability and best practices. There are definitely cases where AutoIt will not be the choice, and for those you have to turn to the right tool for the job. But my thought process when presented with new requests even to this day (literally working on one for a customer as I browse the forum) is "Can I do this with AutoIt?", "If not, am I sure I can't do it with AutoIt?", and finally "If not, what would the best tool for the job be?"
    1 point
  7. guinness

    Call another script

    I just ran this and got 5 message boxes as I suspected. If you're having problems Mikeman27294 please post a re-producing script of the problem. AU3_Example.txt file: MsgBox(0, "It Works", "Hello World") AutoIt Script: _RunAU3("AU3_Example.txt") _RunAU3("AU3_Example.txt") _RunAU3("AU3_Example.txt") _RunAU3("AU3_Example.txt") _RunAU3("AU3_Example.txt") Func _RunAU3($sFilePath, $sWorkingDir = "", $iShowFlag = @SW_SHOW, $iOptFlag = 0) Return Run('"' & @AutoItExe & '" /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & $sFilePath & '"', $sWorkingDir, $iShowFlag, $iOptFlag) EndFunc ;==>_RunAU3 SmartAlec, This is an example of how to do it, though I still expect you to do a bit of research on the subject.
    1 point
  8. i try this asap ! Thx alot to all !
    1 point
  9. I can't test this right now, but it should get a connection to LDAP using alternative credentials. It's just AutoIt conversion of some VBScript examples floating around on MSDN via Google: Global Const $ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION = 0x1 Global Const $ADS_SERVER_BIND = 0x200 Global $sLDAPServer = "MyServerName" Global $sLDAPPath = "LDAP://" & $sLDAPServer & "/DC=MySubDomain,DC=MyDomain,DC=com" Global $sUserName = "MyUser" Global $sPassword = "MyPa$$word" Global $iFlags = $ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION + $ADS_SERVER_BIND Global $oDSO = ObjGet("LDAP:") Global $oLDAP = $oDSO.OpenDSObject($sLDAPPath, $sUserName, $sPassword, $iFlags) Post the results if you get to try it.
    1 point
  10. See ProductName & ProductVersion you want to grab those and since it grabs other things after that just stop grabbing once you have those, that will prevent the error.
    0 points
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