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  1. Logging: Will post an example as soon as I return to my windows PC. OU: Function _AD_GetAllOUs of the UDF returns an array of OUs which can be used to populate your combo box.
    1 point
  2. Let's descibe some basics: The AD UDF uses an API to directly access Active Directory - it doesn't automate a GUI. That's what your mmc does with with the input you provide via the gui. Can you please describe what you want to achieve? I got from the code you posted: create a new user and set firstname, lastname, account name, password, options (must change passwort at first logon etc.), create a home directory ... Logging is quite easy. If you want I can provide the code I use for similar tasks.
    1 point
  3. @Aelc What website are you trying to access? I tested with https://transporteg.com/ and it works as expected with both Chrome and Firefox. Also, what version of ChromeDriver are you using?
    1 point
  4. Two possibilities come to mind - 1. Any frames in use on the page? If so, then you likely need to switch to the correct frame before the element can be located 2. It looks like the colon is being removed from the element name. I would need to research this to see where this is occurring
    1 point
  5. Look at line 18 -- Local Const $_TestType = $eFireFox If you want to use chrome, then change that to $eChrome instead of $eFirefox. Me either... because you didn't show the error message and my crystal ball is broken.
    1 point
  6. This is what Jos meant: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Global $b_on_off = 0 ; state of button: 0-off 1-on ; create borderless, chromeless form into which image will be placed $Form1 = GUICreate("Welcome", 500, 500, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_SYSMENU,$WS_POPUP), 0) ; place image file in form $Pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("Welcometest.bmp", 0, 0, 500, 500) ; needed for some reason GuiCtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_DISABLE) ; display "Click to Continue" button $C2CBtn = GUICtrlCreatePic("C2C_off.bmp", 300, 300) ; display all of the above as a unit GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $ggci = GUIGetCursorInfo($Form1) If $ggci[4] = $C2CBtn Then If $b_on_off = 0 Then GUICtrlSetImage($C2CBtn,"C2C_on.bmp") $b_on_off = 1 EndIf Else If $b_on_off = 1 Then GUICtrlSetImage($C2CBtn,"C2C_off.bmp") $b_on_off = 0 EndIf EndIf $nMsg = GuiGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $C2CBtn Exit EndSwitch ;~ Sleep(100) WEnd
    1 point
  7. Try this WinList("[REGEXPTITLE:(?i)(.*text 1.*|.*text 2.*)]")
    1 point
  8. Couple of pointers: Only set the control image when it needs changing, not 10 times per second! Never use a Sleep() in a GUI message loop! as that could lead to slowness in response or missed actions. Jos
    1 point
  9. Here's a much shorter way to do the conversion, just 1 line. $xLittleEndianValue = Binary("0x308C") $iValue = BitShift(Int($xLittleEndianValue), 6) ConsoleWrite(StringFormat("Initial Value = %s (Little-Endian)", $xLittleEndianValue) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(StringFormat("Result (Decimal) = %i", $iValue) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(StringFormat("Result (Little-Endian) = %s", BinaryMid($iValue, 1, 2)) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(StringFormat("Result (Big-Endian) = 0x%04X", $iValue) & @CRLF) Output Initial Value = 0x308C (Little-Endian) Result (Decimal) = 560 Result (Little-Endian) = 0x3002 Result (Big-Endian) = 0x0230
    1 point
  10. Never used FileMove() to rename a file ?
    1 point
  11. What should be the expected result if the last 2 numbers are 00, 90, 09, 99 ? Edit If the way to do must be the same than the one used in this thread , then the answer could be #include <Array.au3> Local $sTimeInput = "190" $aTimeInput = StringSplit($sTimeInput, "") $a = $aTimeInput[$aTimeInput[0] - 1] +10 $b = $aTimeInput[$aTimeInput[0]] + 10 Local $aResults[4] $aResults[0] = Mod($a-1, 10) & Mod($b-1, 10) $aResults[1] = Mod($a+1, 10) & Mod($b+1, 10) $aResults[2] = Mod($a-1, 10) & Mod($b+1, 10) $aResults[3] = Mod($a+1, 10) & Mod($b-1, 10) _ArrayDisplay($aResults)
    1 point
  12. I'm going to use these menus. I've updated the UDF, ModernMenuRaw.au3. Of the posts it appears that Holger updated the code on a regular basis until May 2008. ProgAndy made some updates in August 2008. These updates were about the background color of the menubar, the ability to use icon handles, and better cleanup code on exit. The updates I've made are based on the UDF by ProgAndy attached to post 213. It's my intention to update the UDF to make it run under the current versions of AutoIt, and to get rid of errors. Especially already known errors, which can be fixed in a few lines of code. It's not my intention to add a lot of new code to the UDF. Updates 2014-10-18 This update is based on original code by Holger (first post) and updates by ProgAndy (posts 211 - 213). The update supports AutoIt 3.3.10 and later. Code relating to Windows versions not supported by 3.3.10 is deleted. WindowsConstants.au3 is included and double-defined global constants are commented out. Added an update to be able to use colored controls e.g. buttons with this UDF. Post 222. Update (one line) for x64 support. Post 266 by Holger. Added x64 support to functions by ProgAndy. Declared a few local variables. Updates 2014-10-19 Updates to pass Au3Check. (-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6) Updates 2015-01-24 Updates for tray menus suggested by nickston (posts 298, 299, 312) Most important is an update that makes it possible to use a flashing tray menu icon. There are also a few code optimizations. Updates 2021-11-12 Disabled $IDI_ global constants in ModernMenuRaw.au3. $IDI_ constants are included in AutoItConstants.au3. None of the updates above are script breaking. If you are using tray menus and want to compile your script, you should pay attention to posts 268 - 270. Note also that _TrayIconCreate creates a GUI to receive messages from tray icons. After calling this function you should probably use GUISwitch($hGui) or something. Post 227. In the top of ModernMenuRaw.au3 I've included commands.txt from the original zip by Holger. Two commands of ProgAndy to handle the background color of the menubar are added. I've also added an alphabetical list of functions, and a list of Windows messages (used with GUIRegisterMsg). Examples In order to make it easy the examples are included in the zip. The original examples by Holger are included with no changes at all. The 32 examples by AZJIO in the post above are also included with no changes. There are two versions of the examples: an english and a russian. The examples demonstrates the commands one by one and are named with the name of the command. Copied an example by AZJIO and renamed it to _TrayIconSetState-flashing.au3. Added one line of code to make the tray menu icon flash. Only an english version. A new example by nickston that demonstrates a flashing tray menu icon. The example shows how to turn flashing on and off. Two new examples _GUICtrlCreateODTopMenu.au3 and _GUIMenuBarSetBkColor.au3 that demonstrates the commands by ProgAndy to set the background color of the menubar. _GUIMenuBarSetBkColor.au3 is not working on Windows 7. A new example that shows how to use a bitmap from an image list as an icon in a menu item. The example shows also how to use icon handles. 7z-file ModernMenuRaw.au3 - update on 12.11.2021 ModernMenuRaw.au3 - all previous versions ExamplesAZJIO - 32 examples by AZJIO in english and russian versions ExamplesHolger - the original examples by Holger Examplesnickston - flashing tray menu icon ExampleszNew - three new examples Tested with AutoIt 3.3.10 on Windows 7 32/64 bit and Windows XP 32 bit. 2014-10-19: ModernMenuRaw.7z 2015-01-24: ModernMenuRaw.7z Tested with AutoIt and beta on Windows 7/10 32/64 bit. ModernMenuRaw.7z
    1 point
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