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Automate all windows and browser applications with one UDF function library. Based on the microsoft automation API this library high level supports Recognition of conttrols from EDGE, Chrome, FF, Opera, Safari and Windows native apps Small testing framework to split object repository from coding away Introduction Quickstart - Getting started quickly Simple scripts With this module you can automate all applications/programs that support ui automation and/or accesibility api from microsoft you can recognize more controls than AutoIT can recognize "out of the box" you can use concepts from other testing frameworks like http://download.freedesktop.org/ldtp/doc/ldtp-tutorial.pdf http://safsdev.sourceforge.net/Default.htm coded ui testing from microsoft Some of those controls / applications are chrome browser (partly mainwindow has to be done with MSAA for navigating) chrome://accessibility in the adress bar of chrome or start with "--force-renderer-accessibility" silverlight controls Ribbon control controlbars of Excel/Word IE and FF browsers Windows Media Player Windows clock AFX .. controls (partly) .... Based on the initial AIO Object I now have made the interface file to work with objCreateInterface function which is in the latest beta's automate clicking and querying basic information It gives you a lot of basic information to be able to automate clicking, querying basic information where it goes further in certain situations than AutoIt is identifying Starting threads for background on the ui automation api of microsoft (not for starters) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_UI_Automation http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms747327.aspx Previous threads in general help/support Interface AutoItObject IUIAutomation ObjCreateInterface and struct tagPoint in method ElementFromPoint Be aware that API is not allways installed under XP/Vista see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/971513 Within Windows 7 and Windows 8 it should be preinstalled by default. Be aware on 32 and 64 bits way of running your script #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=Y or N Basic example of usage / showing and retrieving the default information, will post multiple examples later Hover your mouse to an area of interest and press ctrl+w and information will be shown in the edit box of the form Simple spy demo (see simplespy.au3 or use latest ZIP attachment for latest version) Main features Recognize windows and html controls for the major browsers Logical and physical description for controls (UI mapping, Application map) Simple repository logic to abstract logical and physical descriptions Store Runtime Type Information in RTI. variables Rubberbanding/highlighting of objects Simple spy to help in making / identifying the physical description Support of regular expression(s) in identifying objects recognize objects on multiple properties supported properties: name ,title, automationid, classname, class, iaccessiblevalue, iaccessiblechildId, controltype, processid, acceleratorkey The actions provided so far "leftclick", "left", "click", "leftdoubleclick", "leftdouble", "doubleclick", _ "rightclick", "right", "rightdoubleclick", "rightdouble", _ "middleclick", "middle", "middledoubleclick", "middledouble", "mousemove", "movemouse" "setvalue","settextvalue" "setvalue using keys" "setValue using clipboard" "getvalue" "sendkeys", "enterstring", "type", "typetext" "invoke" "focus", "setfocus", "activate" "close" "move","setposition" "resize" "minimize", "maximize", "normal", "close", "exist", "exists" "searchcontext", "context" "highlight" "getobject","object" "attach" "capture","screenshot", "takescreenshot" "dump", "dumpthemall" "propertyvalue", "property" match on multiple properties like: name:=((Zoeken.*)|(Find.*)); ControlType:=Button; acceleratorkey:=Ctrl+F Support for 117 different properties see $UIA_propertiesSupportedArray in uiawrappers like for example title, regexptitle, class, regexpclass, iaccessiblevalue, iaccessiblechildid, name, accesskey, automationid, classname IAccessible, IAccessible2, ISimpleDom interfaces debuglogging to a file log.txt (no output in scitewindow) Examples Example 1 Iterating thru the different ways of representing the objects in the tree (#comment-1105548) Example 2 Finding the taskbar and clicking on the start menu button (#comment-1105680) Example 3 Clicking a litlle more and in the end displaying all items from the clock (thats not directly possible with AU3Info) (#comment-1108849) Example 4 that demonstrates the calculator Example 5 Automating chrome Example 6 Demonstrates all stuff within chrome to navigate html pages, find hyperlink, click hyperlink, find picture, click picture, enter data in inputbox Example 7 The chrome example modified to a firefox example Example 8 The other major browser Internet Explorer automated (made on Example 6 and 7) Example 9 Windows media player Example 10 Automating mach 3 (AFX windows and other hard to get recognized by AutoIT) Lot of links are broken due to forum upgrade just search for the text like "Example 11 Demonstrate Word, Notepad and Calculator actions" Example 11 Demonstrate Word, Notepad and Calculator actions ... Example 13 Details 1 about the right pane of the windows explorer Example 14 Details 2 about the right pane of the windows explorer Example 15 Details 3 about the right pane of the windows explorer Example 16 Details 4 about the right pane of the windows explorer Example 17 Details 5 about the right pane of the windows explorer WITH CACHING Example 18 Details 6 about the right pane of the windows explorer WITH VIRTUAL ITEMS Example 19 Eventhandling examples Example 20 Eventhandling examples Example 21a Eventhandling examples Internet Explorer Example 21b Eventhandling examples Internet Explorer Example 22 Eventhandling examples Follow focus Example 23 Eventhandling examples structure changed Example 24 Eventhandling examples IUIAutomationEventHandler Example 25 SAFEARRAYS Example 26 IACCESSIBLE / MSAA Example 27 IACCESSIBLE2 / MSAA Example 28 IACCESSIBLE / MSAA events Example 29 IACCESSIBLE2 events Example 30 ISimpleDOM Example 31 Notepad window move, maximize, minimize Example 32 Three browsers doing the same stuff with small differences in scripting only .. TODO Build recorder Enhance the spy with a nicer UI UI for the repository (now in the script with dot notation) Enhance mapping / identifying on multiple properties instead of 1 combined with index If speed becomes an issue use the caching logic of the MS UIA framework Add the other patterns later Generalize the concept of System Under Test of starting the SUT (for testing framework purposes) Remote running of scripts Fix issue on finding within dynamic context ... edit august 18th 2013 initial post Only zip files are needed to download , just unzip in 1 directory edit july 2016 Made V0_63 and examples works with AutoIt v3.3.14 Windows 10 tested Simple spy gives some basic code as a present Chrome latest versions seems to be having issues with IUIAutomation on tabs/buttons of mainwindow use MSAA for accessing tabsheets / buttons more cleanup to be in UDF style More comments in the source see changelog.txt for previous changes edit september 2017 All examples fixed for the IE, Firefox and Chrome browser Some small but essential fixes in UIAWrappers edit april 2018 Enhanced logic on fallback / dynamic search, still not perfect, to slow Retested with latest Chrome, FF, Edge and IE11 and some extensions to show how to get text from the webpage (examples 5,6,7) Some small bugfixes Some comments as given in forum incorporated edit may 2019 Speed enhancements on especially fallback searching UIA.CFG works now in a better way to turn on/off debug, highlighting, debug2file More stable and consistent behavior Internal cleanup and refactoring of bigger functions Checked with W10 (not tested on W7) Added some W10 properties Run with on W10 UIA_V0_51.zip EXAMPLES_V0_5.zip UIA_V0_63.zip EXAMPLES_V0_63.zip UIA_V0_64.zip EXAMPLES_V0_64.zip EXAMPLES_V0_66.zip UIA_V0_66.zip EXAMPLES_V0_70.zip UIA_V0_70.zip1 point
AutoIt GUI Creators (Designers)
nguyentoannta3 reacted to TheSaint for a topic
As many of you may not be aware, of much about AutoIt's humble beginnings, and aspects related to the first GUI version of AutoIt, I thought it might be nice to create a historical reference here for all the many GUI creators that have been created by various people over the years. NOTE - While one could argue, that this topic might be better placed in one of the Chat forums, I would argue, that it links to heaps of good code. While much may be redundant in that code, it is still interesting and forms a great perspective. Many are bound to find useful elements at the very least. Koda, is no doubt the most well-known GUI creator now, but there was a time, when CyberSlug's legendary GUIBuilder (first known as AutoBuilder) ruled the roost, and AutoIt coder's saw it as a Godsend. AutoIt coding was much simpler back then of course. Below, will be a timeline, of any AutoIt GUI creators listed in forum pages. It will be added to by myself as I find them or as others here find them and place a link in a subsequent post ... PLEASE HELP! Comments welcome too. (Also note, that this is also intended to include updates, branches etc by others) Apr 20 2004 - AutoBuilder by CyberSlug. Sep 27 2004 - An interesting topic, where CyberSlug talks about the future of AutoBuilder (etc) and renaming to GUIBuilder and you see the first mentions and links to updates by others (including myself & livewire). Nov 05 2004 - A topic where lookfar is working on a SciTE replacement, talks about starting a Form Designer. Aug 10 2005 - GuiBuilder first update by TheSaint. Sep 26 2005 - GUIBuilder updates by livewire (he also talks about transferring his efforts to Koda). Nov 02 2005 - KODA FormDesigner v1.3 by lookfar Nov 03 2005 - Seemingly interesting topic about forms by tonedeaf Dec 26 2005 - AutoIt Studio(beta) by BillLuvsU Jan 09 2006 - AutoBuilder update (or branch) by _^__darkbytez (livewire also posts). Feb 19 2006 - Koda v1.5 by lookfar Sep 07 2006 - Koda v1.7.3.0 by Lazycat Jan 07 2007 - Form/GUI Builder by FlintBrenick Jun 10 2007 - Gorganizer by _Kurt (more of an assister than actual GUI maker) Jun 27 2007 - Basic GUI Designer by Mast3rpyr0 May 03 2008 - Autoit Programmer's Desktop (APD) by Ealric Jul 11 2008 - Gui Designer by Alek Aug 11 2008 - Gorganizer update by _Kurt Jun 19 2009 - Easy GUI by Mat Aug 13 2009 - GUI Script Creator by Pandemic (not sure this qualifies, but it made me think of templates) Aug 16 2010 - Creation Gui by AZJIO Jan 22 2012 - ISN AutoIt Studio by ISI360 (includes ISN Form Studio 2, a GUI editor) Mar 19 2012 - Arduino GUI Programmer by nikosliapis (creates a specific type of GUI) Aug 01 2012 - GuiBuilder Resurrected update/branch to GUIBuilder by baroquebob Dec 01 2012 - Form Builder beta (v1.0.6) by BuckMaster Jan 12 2015 - GUIBuilderNxt update by jaberwacky of GUIBuilder v0.8 (as a new prototype, modified to work with latest AutoIt) (not a update to the Resurrected version) Aug 12 2016 - The GuiBuilder Return by DFerrato as an update to GUIBuilder, Jan 17 2017 - GUIBuilder Project by TheSaint (a work in progress based on CyberSlug's original ... and later versions, updated by Roy, TheSaint & others). May 29 2019 - The GuiBuilder Return by DFerrato as an update to GUIBuilder, His new and improved version. May 9 2022 - GuiBuilderPlus by kurtykurtyboy as an update to GUIBuilder. A new an improved version with more to come. There are a significant number of creators/designers that have been started and never completed. +++++ STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION +++++ P.S. Well that's it from me tonight. I know of at least one other major creator, but cannot recall it's name or the name of the coder, though I think it starts with 'L'. Bound to be a few I've missed, and some I cannot seem to find their first appearance here (Koda, Form Builder, etc), but there may be an obvious reason for that. Will probably rely on feedback from others now that I've got the ball rolling. NOTE - If anyone wants to discuss any of these programs above or give some background history, then by all means do so. I will cross-reference (link to) any important comments.1 point -
Try this regex line: Local $aResult = StringRegExp($sData, "https?:\/\/(?:www.)?(.*)\.\w*[\/]*", $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) Jos1 point
and if not all .com do they all end with 'script' as exampled? idk why it doesnt work on those sites, lots of flavors of PCRE. Most of my autoit regex dont work with Splunk and vice versa #include <Array.au3> #include <Constants.au3> example() Func example() Local $aData = [ _ "http://autoit.script.com/blabla1/", _ "http://autoit-script.com/blabla2/blabla/", _ "http://autoitscript.com/bla-bla-bla3/", _ "http://autoit%20script.com", _ "http://autoit_script.com/" _ ] Local $sData = _ArrayToString($aData, @CRLF) Local $aResult = StringRegExp($sData, "\/\/(.+?script)", $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) If IsArray($aResult) Then _ArrayDisplay($aResult) EndFunc1 point
is it always .com? edit: i was messing this up fiece #include <Array.au3> #include <Constants.au3> example() Func example() Local $aData = [ _ "http://autoit.script.com/blabla1/", _ "http://autoit-script.com/blabla2/blabla/", _ "http://autoitscript.com/bla-bla-bla3/", _ "http://autoit%20script.com", _ "http://autoit_script.com/" _ ] Local $sData = _ArrayToString($aData, @CRLF) Local $aResult = StringRegExp($sData, "\/\/(.+?)\.com", $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) If IsArray($aResult) Then _ArrayDisplay($aResult) EndFunc1 point
I don't know whether you are asking why your example didn't work or for a suggestion that will work. If it is the latter, then the snippet below is one way that you could do it. #include <Array.au3> #include <Constants.au3> example() Func example() Local $aData = [ _ "http://autoitscript.com/blabla1/", _ "http://autoitscript.com/blabla2/blabla/", _ "http://autoitscript.com/bla-bla-bla3/", _ "http://autoit%20script.com", _ "http://autoit_script.com/" _ ] Local $sData = _ArrayToString($aData, @CRLF) Local $aResult = StringRegExp($sData, "https?://([-\w.~%]+)", $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) If IsArray($aResult) Then _ArrayDisplay($aResult) EndFunc1 point
Do something and again do it after 2 min
FrancescoDiMuro reacted to Jos for a topic
Reading through this thread I have no clue what you are trying to automate here and it feels you are going out of your way to keep it vague...so: Please explain now first what this whole effort is about in enough detail for us to understand, before this thread is allowed to continue! Jos Ps: Others: stay out for the moment.1 point -
You have a double quote at one end of the Wm, and a single at the other.1 point
How to restart a loop if there is an @error?
FrancescoDiMuro reacted to Danp2 for a topic
Your code makes no sense, especially after the last edit. You can't expect to use $jsEval within the Do loop where it is being created.1 point -
@BrewManNH Yes... it works, allowing you to retrieve a reference the the browser's eval function. Original discussion is here.1 point
Do something and again do it after 2 min
user4157124 reacted to Danp2 for a topic
This looks very suspicious. Why would you be creating an executable named Firefox.exe and the title of "Google - Mozilla Firefox"?1 point -
GUI CREATION RELATED I think it is worth adding some elements that have an impact on how GUI's are created. I am not specifically looking for these tools or addons etc, so please advise if you think something belongs here, as I will just add what attracts my notice. NOTE - I'm getting the notion, that it could become hard to draw a line with these, and we might end up with an awful lot. Definitely a handy reference though. Sep 24 2004 - GUI Dev Stuff by Jon (back where it all started to happen in earnestness) Sep 10 2006 - XSkin.au3... Skin your GUI by Valuater Oct 24 2006 - ShapedGUI Creator by Ed_Maximized Feb 19 2007 - EzSkin_1-2-3 by Valuater Mar 02 2007 - _GuiCreateGrid() by MrCreatoR Jun 14 2007 - PNG as GUI, drop shadows, curved edges, you name it by lod3n (think this qualifies) May 10 2008 - How to convert GUI scripts to v3.2.12.0 by Jon Jun 10 2008 - PNG as GUI, drop shadows, curved edges etc UDF by goldenix Sep 08 2008 - _GUIFrame UDF by kip Dec 31 2008 - Perforated image in GUI by GreenCan Mar 08 2009 - Add a drop shadow to native AutoIt GUI Forms and Dialogs by rover Jun 21 2009 - A runtime control move/re-size utility by Malkey Sep 25 2009 - Multiple PNG images as GUI elements by JRowe (seemingly qualifies) Aug 01 2010 - GUIExtender - Original version by Melba23 Sep 10 2010 - GUIFrame UDF update by Melba23 Mar 09 2011 - _GUIDisable UDF by guinness Dec 19 2011 - Tab control example: Tabs and subtabs on demand by LarsJ Sep 09 2012 - GUISpoiler UDF by MrCreatoR Oct 19 2012 - GUIExtender - New Version by Melba23 Dec 25 2012 - GUI design concepts by guinness Jan 15 2014 - GUI Fun! by Ascend4nt Apr 24 2014 - Spotlight + Focus GUI by Ascend4nt (think this qualifies) May 7 2014 - MetroGUI UDF v4 by BBs19 Oct 09 2015 - Borderless GUI without WS_POPUP, with Drag, Resize & AeroSnap by BBs19 June 10 2023 - Glance - GUI library for AutoIt, based on Windows api by kcvinu +++++ STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION +++++ Please Help!1 point
Welcome to the AutoIt forum. Unfortunately you appear to have missed the Forum rules on your way in. Please read them now - particularly the bit about not discussing game automation - and then you will understand why you will get no help and this thread will now be locked. See you soon with a legitimate question I hope. The Moderation team0 points