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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2018 in all areas

  1. orbs

    DriveMapAdd don't work

    @error 0 means OK, no error.
    1 point
  2. Same way, use _StringBetween #include <String.au3> $s = "blablabla vous envoie ce message : " Msgbox(0,"", _StringBetween($s, "", ' vous envoie')[0] ) It's a pretty nice solution if you don't feel sure with regex OK, here is an example #include <Array.au3> $s = "[ANAH][88][Demandeur][45896_1529768635] Question concernant mon dossier " $a = StringRegExp($s, '\[([^\]]+)\]', 3) _ArrayDisplay($a) explanations : the brackets are escaped when used as literals because they are special characters In the capturing group, [...] is a character class (refer to the help file), and ^\] means "a char which is not a closing bracket" So literally, the expression \[([^\]]+)\] means : "get one or more chars, included in brackets, which are not a closing bracket"
    1 point
  3. ripdad

    sound level sampling

    Seems the MCI script I posted earlier, refuses to work on some computers. I simplified the BASS script above that careca posted -- I hope it works for you. Tested on a Toshiba with Win7... BASS Audio Levels.zip
    1 point
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