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7/8/2018: Uploaded a new SciTe4AutoIt3.exe v18.708.1148.0 installer. It has been over a year since the last update of the full SciTE4AutoIt3 installer whch mainly had to do with the fact that Neil was moving toward v4 of SciTE and I wanted to wait for a stable version. Any help with testing this version before general release is appreciated. Also any feedback is welcome in caseI missed something or suggestions for improvement before releasing. ==> SciTE4AutoIt3 v18.708.1148.0 Enjoy, Jos Addition/Changes/Fixes in the current installer: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-7-2018 *** Merged the SciTE v 4.1.0 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE. (Jos) This is a major change from the previous version so ensure you update all files including LUA or else you will get errors! - SciLexer au3: Fixed issues with nested CommentBlocks not always showing the correct color. - SciLexer au3: Change any line starting with # and no recognised keyword to be shown with the Pre-Processor in stead of default. - Changed Shortcut for AU3INFO to Ctrl+Shift+F6. - Moved the session restore logic for (save.session.advanced=1)into SciTE in stead of LoadSession.lua as that was clearing the recent files list of the last session when opening a file by double cliking it. This is fixed with this change. Default remains 0 so when a file is double clicked the last session isn't restored unless you add this to SciTEuser.properties: "save.session.advanced=1" - updated Tools.lua replacing [s%] with [ /t] to avoid empty lines being stripped by those functions. (Thanks Enyby) *** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v18.708.1148.0 (Jos) - 17.224.935.1 Added /autoit3dir to au3stripper commandline, when provided to AutoIt3Wrapper., to ensure the included files are for the correct AutoIt3 directory - 17.224.935.2 Added directives: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_CompanyName= ;Company field #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalTrademarks= ;Trademark field - 17.224.935.5 Fixed Versioning when files contain backets -> () - 17.224.935.6 Added support for : #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3stripper_Stop_OnError= ;(Y/N) Continue/Stop on Warnings.(Default=N) - 17.224.935.7 added INI support for: [Other] Au3Stripper_Stop_OnError=n - 17.224.935.10 Minor changes in console messages - 17.224.935.11 Modifications from JPM: - add #AutpIt3Wrapper_Res_Cursor_Add - "clean" a little bit AutoIt3Wrapper.au3 *** Updated Au3Stripper v18.708.1148.0 (Jos) - 17.224.935.1 Fixed crash when an include file contains longer record than 4096 characters. - 17.224.935.2 Changed /rsln to replace @ScriptLineNumber in the Master script with "XXX/YYY". XXX is the master script linenumber, YYY is the Merged script linenumber. - 17.224.935.3 Fixed issue detecting #cs #ce when a space was missing after the directive. - 17.224.935.4 Changed Close/Open logic for Tracelog to (hopefully) avoid the hardcrash. - 17.224.935.5 improved speed avoiding rereading include files to determine the max rec len. - 17.224.935.6 improved speed by re-coding the check for long records. - 17.224.935.7 Made sure the returncode is the highest from all iterations in stead of the last iteration. - 17.224.935.8 fix for reported bug: https://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/ticket/3623#comment:4 - 17.224.935.9 added support for #autoit3wrapper_autoit3dir - 17.224.935.10 Fixed support for #autoit3wrapper_autoit3dir when followed by linecomment Stop processing when include file isn't found. - 18.624.1847.1 strip the leading and trailing double quotes from the autoit3dir directive to avoid an error when they are specified. - 18.624.1847.2 Fixed Hardcrash in the Include logic - 18.624.1847.3 Fixed Hardcrash in Func stripping logic by enlarging the base table size - 18.702.1556.1 Fixed regression bug with the Translate option. - 18.703.1808.2 Fixed regression bug with the Stripping FUNC logic for the first found FUNC. *** Updated SciTEConfig v18.708.1148.0 (Jos) - 17.224.935.1 No updates *** Updated Tidy v18.708.1148.0 (Jos) - 17.224.935.1 Added option to copy comments from #CS to #CE. Default is to copy the comments. Added Tidy Parameters: /Skip_CE_Comment or /scec will skip this copy action Added INI option: * * * Add comment to #CE/#CommentEnd and make it the same as the #CS/CommentStart Comments. ce_comment=1 - 17.224.935.2 Fix issue with Copy comments on comment start - end - 17.224.935.4 Fix another issue with Copy comments on comment start - end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==> ScitillaHistory page containing all SciTE-Scintilla updates. ==> Visit the SciTE4AutoIt3 Download page for the latest versions ==> Check the online documentation for an overview of all extra's you get with this installer.1 point
U don't have to use if always use else if like this If Worksheets("K-PMIXc").Range("C12").Value = "Calc01" Then Call Calc01 elseif Worksheets("K-PMIXc").Range("C12").Value = "Calc02" Then Call Calc02 ;----- End If or use switch case like Switch Worksheets("K-PMIXc").Range("C12").Value Case "Calc01" Call Calc01 Break Case "Calc02" Call Calc02 ;.. ;... ;... EndSwitch Or use ternary operators1 point
a program protect .exe with password - (Moved)
ibrahem reacted to JLogan3o13 for a topic
Moved to the appropriate forum. Moderation Team1 point -
Hello you could do this: (tested with Excel 2013) #include <Array.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> Local $aBooks[0][3] Local Const $OBJID_NATIVEOM = 0xFFFFFFF0 Local $hExcelControl = ControlGetHandle("[CLASS:XLMAIN]", "", "EXCEL71") Local $tGUID = _WinAPI_GUIDFromString('{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}') ;IID_IDispatch Local $pGUID = DllStructGetPtr($tGUID) Local $aCall = DllCall("Oleacc.dll", "long", "AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "hwnd", $hExcelControl, "dword", $OBJID_NATIVEOM, "ptr", $pGUID, "idispatch*", 0) If $aCall[0] = $S_OK Then Local $oExcel = $aCall[4].Application ReDim $aBooks[$oExcel.Workbooks.Count][3] Local $iIndex = 0 For $oWorkbook In $oExcel.Workbooks $aBooks[$iIndex][0] = $oWorkbook $aBooks[$iIndex][1] = $oWorkbook.Name $aBooks[$iIndex][2] = $oWorkbook.Path $iIndex += 1 Next _ArrayDisplay($aBooks) EndIf Tested with 100 workbooks. It takes about 500 milliseconds for listing in my machine. Saludos1 point
Tested to work under Win7. Should work with Vista as well. Usage: WinSetVolume("title", 50) - Set volume (0-100) WinSetVolume("title", "mute") - Mute WinSetVolume("title", "unmute") - Unmute WinSetVolume("title", "toggle") - Toggles mute state Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. Please note: For non-English platforms you'll need to alter the $localized string (e.g. for Dutch: $localized = "Dempen voor ").Setting the volume to 0 is not the same as muting.This function doesn't respect the WinTitleMatchMode setting, it will always match titles as if in mode 1.On how it functions: The keypress after setting the slider's position is needed to trigger Windows to adjust the volume, otherwise it won't become effective. Just FYI, if you wondered.Since there's no easy way to determine whether or not a given window is muted, the volume level is being re-set which results in unmuting (though it possibly already was), so we're certain of it's state. Afterwards it 'presses' the mute button, if applicable.Any questions, bug reports or ideas are welcome. I appreciate if you let me know if this was of use to you. #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <GuiSlider.au3> Func WinSetVolume($targetTitle, $targetVolume = "toggle") Const $localized = "Mute for " $currentActive = WinGetHandle("[active]") $mixerPid = Run(@SystemDir & "\SndVol.exe -r", "", @SW_HIDE) $mixerHandle = WinWaitActive("[CLASS:#32770]") WinActivate($currentActive) $iSlider = 1 $iButton = 2 While 1 $currentButton = ControlGetText("[CLASS:#32770]", "", "[CLASS:ToolbarWindow32; INSTANCE:" & $iButton & "]") If @error Then ProcessClose($mixerPid) Return 0 ElseIf StringInStr($currentButton, $localized & $targetTitle, 1) = 1 Then If NOT ($targetVolume == "toggle") Then $sliderHandle = ControlGetHandle("[CLASS:#32770]", "", "[CLASS:msctls_trackbar32; INSTANCE:" & $iSlider & "]") If IsInt($targetVolume) Then $setVolume = -($targetVolume-100) Else $setVolume = _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($sliderHandle) EndIf If $setVolume < 100 Then _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($sliderHandle, $setVolume+1) ControlSend("[CLASS:#32770]", "", "[CLASS:msctls_trackbar32; INSTANCE:" & $iSlider & "]", "{UP}") Else _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($sliderHandle, $setVolume-1) ControlSend("[CLASS:#32770]", "", "[CLASS:msctls_trackbar32; INSTANCE:" & $iSlider & "]", "{DOWN}") EndIf EndIf If $targetVolume == "toggle" OR $targetVolume == "mute" Then ControlCommand("[CLASS:#32770]", "", "[CLASS:ToolbarWindow32; INSTANCE:" & $iButton & "]", "SendCommandID", 305) WinClose($mixerHandle) Return 1 EndIf $iSlider += 1 $iButton += 2 WEnd EndFunc1 point
@adom Your questions are to be reviewed given the updated UDF from TheReal. It seems that separator doesn't have to be checked or removed anymore. Anyway, if your asking for a string of xx Chars, you'll receive it in the $var that was waiting for it as soon as MaxLengh was received, or nothing or few chars in $var if nothing or few received at the end of timeout: $var = _CommAPI_ReceiveString(Const $hFile[, $iTimeout = 1[, $iMaxLength = 0[, $sSeparator = ""]]]) Then, it depends on what you intend to do with $var. But the receiving buffer will be emptied from the amount you were wating for, or the few chars that were received at timeout. The discarded receveided chars from counterpart depend on the size of the COM buffer and how fast you can manage the received $var before asking again a $var = _CommAPI_ReceiveString(...). Especially if you don't manage the flow control (XON/XOFF, DSR, others) TheReal, pls, am I right ? Thoms1 point
Older full version of SciTE for AutoIt v3.3.8.1
FrancescoDiMuro reacted to snap2 for a topic
I have an older app that is build in v3.3.8.1 and can only find downloads for SciTE-Lite version 2.28 but would like get the full version for AutoIt v3.3.8.1. Is this download still available?0 points