This one finds out who is the one who has opened an excel file with write privilege:
#include <File.au3>
Local $sFile = ; fullpath to an excel file
Local $sOpened = _ExcelFileOpened($sFile)
If @error Then ; nobody has opened this excel file
If @error = 1 Then
ConsoleWrite("You can open the excel file and write to it." & @CRLF)
ElseIf @error = 2 Then
ConsoleWrite("File does not exist." & @CRLF)
ElseIf @error = 3 Then
ConsoleWrite("File ist not an excel file." & @CRLF)
ElseIf @extended = 1 Then
ConsoleWrite("This excel file is already opened by you with write privilege" & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite("This excel file is opened by " & $sOpened & @CRLF & "You can't write to the file therefor it will not be opened." & @CRLF)
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name ..........: _ExcelFileOpened
; Description ...: Returns who has the excel file opened with write privilege
; Syntax ........: _ExcelFileOpened($sFile)
; Parameters ....: $sFile - must be an excel file
; Return values .: Success - name of who has opened the excel file with write privilege, sets @extended to:
; |1 - if I am the one
; Failure - 0, sets @error to:
; |1 - excel file is not opened
; |2 - file does not exist
; |3 - file is not an excel file
; Author ........: Simpel
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _ExcelFileOpened($sFile)
; check if file exists
If FileExists($sFile) = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
; check if file is an excel file
Local $iDelimiter = StringInStr($sFile, ".", 0, -1) ; splits suffix
Local $sExtension = StringTrimLeft($sFile, $iDelimiter) ; only file extension
If StringLeft($sExtension, 3) <> "xls" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
; if excel has created a temporary excel file with a ~$ prefix then it is already opened
$iDelimiter = StringInStr($sFile, "\", 0, -1) ; splits file from path
Local $sTempFile = StringLeft($sFile, $iDelimiter) & "~$" & StringTrimLeft($sFile, $iDelimiter) ; adds prefix ~$ at excel filename
Local $iTempFileExist = FileExists($sTempFile) ; if this file exists then the excel file is opened
If $iTempFileExist = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; is not opened
Local $sOwnerTempFile = _Owner($sTempFile) ; owner of the excel temp file is the one with write privilege
; find out who I am
Local $sTestFile = _TempFile() ; needs file.au3
FileWrite($sTestFile, "") ; create a test file (I am definitely the owner)
If @error Then
Return $sOwnerTempFile ; returns only the one with write privilege to the excel file
Local $sMe = _Owner($sTestFile) ; this is me
; look if I am the one created the temp excel file
If $sOwnerTempFile = $sMe Then
Return SetError(0, 1, $sMe) ; returns me opened excel file with write privilege and sets @extended to 1
Return $sOwnerTempFile ; returns the one with write privilege to the excel file
Func _Owner($sFile) ; the one who saved it last - code by siao?
Local $secUtil = ObjCreate("ADsSecurityUtility")
Local $secDesc = $secUtil.GetSecurityDescriptor($sFile, 1, 1)
Local $sOwner = $secDesc.Owner
$secUtil = Null
Return $sOwner
Regards, Conrad