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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2018 in all areas

  1. $str = "CD1894EF" msgbox(0, '' , stringregexpreplace($str , "(.)(.)" , "$2$1")) ;DC8149FE
    3 points
  2. @behdadsoft Try to create ImageList with 32 bit color depth (third parameter = 5) Local $hImageList = _GUIImageList_Create(50, 20, 5)
    2 points
  3. RTFC


    Version 5.5


    Eigen4AutoIt Features: free, fast matrix computing environment for Windows (runs under Wine on Linux and Mac) built upon the robust Eigen code base (open-source), with many enhancements simple, intuitive functions, with extensive online documentation supports integer, single, and double precision, in real and complex matrices Tutorials with scripts, plus Test scripts for each function section easily exchange data between native binary files (.mat) and ASCII, Excel, and Xbase files, or AutoIt arrays 32-bit (x86-mode) and 64-bit (x64-mode) support in x64-mode, matrices can be any size that fits into available virtual memory (>4GB), and can be shared between processes over one thousand alias wrappers for flexibility and ease-of-use The Eigen4AutoIt thread is here: This computing environment allows you to do matrix I/O (memory & files), matrix arithmetic, transformation, reduction, and decomposition, solve systems of linear equations, and perform statistics. Most functions can act on integer, real, or complex matrices (or the latter's real/imaginary parts separately). Much of the actual complexity of using Eigen in its native C++ environment has been hidden for AutoIt users, through extensive bounds and error checks, an intuitive function-naming convention, a large help file, and detailed tutorials and test examples.
    1 point
  4. @nacerbaaziz I understand now. I thought that you were creating tools for people who use screen readers. I didn't realize that you use a screen reader also.
    1 point
  5. It is the Scintilla control in file scilexer.dll, not SciTE, and It has been done a few times already and a prime example is: Jos
    1 point
  6. E4A Version 4.3 is released today. New features include: _Eigen_Find and _Eigen_FindAll, returning either cell offset(s) or row & col coordinates of a specified value, plus associated funcs _Eigen_ConvertOffset_ToRowCol & _Eigen_ConvertRowCol_ToOffset; to locate cells satisfying other conditions, use _Eigen_ConditMask first, and use its output as input here (finding value unity (1)) _Eigen_InsertRows/Cols and _Eigen_DeleteRowsCols, to change the dimensions of an existing matrix _Eigen_GetMin/MaxValue, _Eigen_GetRow/Col_ofMin/MaxValue wrapper functions _Eigen_CreateMatrix_Random_Integer & _Eigen_SetRandom_Integer (also works in integer matrices) Hope it helps.
    1 point
  7. The errors are the result of script breaking changes. In 2009, as @funkey has createted the script, the script runs. I haven't tried but i think when you uses a tool which creates a DLL and pack there your png-files (renamed to .ico?) owntab will work.
    1 point
  8. Typical tonycst remark...isn't it? Jos
    1 point
  9. This will avoid that error in case no parameter was provided: For $x = 1 To $CMDLINE[0] ; If $CMDLINE[$x] = "/Run" Then StartMonitoring() ; Next Jos
    1 point
  10. Let me get a clot and the glass round thing from the cupboard and polish it up a little so I can check.... hang on...
    1 point
  11. Eigensheep

    AutoIt Editor

    Another editor, and nothing special. I just thought it finally warranted posting. I still use SciTE by preference. But on computers where AU3 is not installed (eg. at school) I have a copy of the autoit directory and this on my USB stick. The screenshot below should show what it looks like. Features: Text editor New,Open,Save Compile Run Error check Beta/Production Switch "No save" option - the file is not saved before running/ compiling/ error checking Version checker (top right) with website link Multiple "Tabs" New, Next, Previous, Close, Save Some problems I am aware of are: Empty files reading "0" on tab-change and unknown errors on opening some files. You also need SciLexer.dll to run it (not posted, but readily available.) I would be really grateful for any comments/ problems/ ideas/ improvements. Oh and btw, the files "highlighter.au3.txt", "Scintilla.h.au3" and "SciteInclude.au3" should go in the same directory as the main file. I didn't write all of it, just some, but I forget where I found the code - so if it was you then thank you! Let me know and I can put your name in somewhere. Also, the "windows" in the filename doesn't refer to the OS. It's my way of differentiating versions. The source is long which is why I haven't posted it. (But it is included in the zip) Editor.zip
    1 point
  12. Szhlopp

    Force update/redraw gui

    _WinAPI_RedrawWindow ($GUI) ; Also sends $WM_PAINT GUISetBkColor(0xF0F0F0) Both redraw the window
    1 point
  13. Maybe this is a nice one to start with: .. but you will soon see that building an editor like SciTE takes effort. Jos
    0 points
  14. In the topic "Running Scripts", no, i dont see it. I agree there should be an example such as that.
    0 points
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