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  1. As the WebDriver UDF - Help & Support thread has grown too big, I started a new one. The prior thread can be found here.
    1 point
  2. water

    $var = !$var

    $var = Not $var
    1 point
  3. I am wondering why you think this should work at all? You are creating an boolean result to which $User will be set. One way is to do it like this: Global $user = '|user1|user2|user3|user4|' If StringInStr($user, "|" & $userid & "|") Then ; EndIf also for the records: these kind of tests will always fail: as Not $user will be evaluated as first step! Jos
    1 point
  4. water

    Autoit error APPCRASH

    Your script does not do any error checking after working with an Excel object. So if the statement fails the next will be executed and might crash the script. Either use the Excel UDF and check @error after each call to an _Excel_* function (as is done ine ach example script provided with the Excel UDF) or add your own COM error handler (check the help file for ObjEvent for an example).
    1 point
  5. Ans1021

    Autoit error APPCRASH

    Exactly I throw the same error for that reason I did it that way of the sent code, because the #inlcude <excel.au3> threw the same error. The OFFICE version is 2016 telefonos.txt
    1 point
  6. Earthshine

    Autoit error APPCRASH

    ok, thanks. using the Code Tags <> it should look like this, so others can easily read and copy. Now we can look at it. #include <File.au3> GLOBAL $g_bPaused = FALSE MAIN_ALTAMIRA_MN() Func MAIN_ALTAMIRA_MN() HOTKEYSET("{PAUSE}", "HOTKEYPRESSED") HOTKEYSET("{ESC}", "HOTKEYPRESSED") $MSGBOX_ALT = MSGBOX($MB_YESNO, "MENSAJE", "?Deseas Ejecutar Script - Altamira?") SELECT ;************************* CASE $MSGBOX_ALT = 6 ;YES ;************************* $VENT_ALT = WINACTIVATE("https://pagina web", "") $VAL_ALT = WINGETTITLE($VENT_ALT) WINSETSTATE("https://pagina web", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) IF($VAL_ALT == "https://pagina web") THEN ;INICIO IF_1 $cont1_alt = 0 ;Inicializa contador para registro que no ingresa Local $iCountLines $iCountLines = _FileCountLines("D:\ROBOT\Telefonos.txt") ; Recuperar el n?mero de l?neas en el script actual MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Existen " & $iCountLines & " l?neas en este archivo.") ;muestra la cantidad encontrada $file = FileOpen("D:\ROBOT\Telefonos.txt", 0) ;abre el archivo de texto Local $oExcel = ObjCreate("Excel.Application") ;~ $oExcel.visible = 1 $oExcel.workbooks.add LOCAL $FECHAX_ALT = @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & "_" & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC Local $i = 0 local $a = 1 While $i <= $iCountLines $Result = FileReadLine($file) ; lee el archivo indicado If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop WINACTIVATE("https://pagina web", "") $cont1_alt = $cont1_alt + 1 TOOLTIP("Registro: ( " & $cont1_alt & " de " & $iCountLines & " )", 20, 100, "Status Robot OnLine", 1, 1) MOUSECLICK("left", 260, 133, 2) ;Caja de texto Consulta Numero SEND("{DEL}") SEND($Result) SEND("{TAB}") SEND("{ENTER}") SEND("{TAB}") SEND($Result) SEND("{TAB}") SEND("{ENTER}") SEND("{TAB}") SEND($Result) SEND("{TAB}") SEND("{ENTER}") ;Copiar contenido de busqueda Consulta Numero MOUSECLICKDRAG($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, 277, 159, 667, 279) SEND("^c") $cont_cons_num = StringReplace(CLIPGET(),@CRLF, "") ;Copiar contenido de busqueda Saldo en supercargas MOUSECLICKDRAG($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, 277, 360, 667, 485) SEND("^c") $cont_saldo_supercargas = StringReplace(CLIPGET(),@CRLF, "") ;Copiar contenido de busqueda Saldo en bolsas MOUSECLICKDRAG($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, 277, 561, 667, 690) SEND("^c") $cont_saldo_bolsas = StringReplace(CLIPGET(),@CRLF, "") MOUSECLICK("left", 670, 370, 3) ;Caja de texto Consulta Numero LOCAL $FECHA_ACTUAL = @MDAY & "-" & @MON & "-" & @YEAR & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC $oExcel.activesheet.cells($a+1, 1).value = $Result $oExcel.activesheet.cells($a+1, 2).value = $FECHA_ACTUAL $oExcel.activesheet.cells($a+1, 3).value = @IPAddress1 $oExcel.activesheet.cells($a+1, 4).value = $cont_cons_num $oExcel.activesheet.cells($a+1, 5).value = $cont_saldo_supercargas $oExcel.activesheet.cells($a+1, 6).value = $cont_saldo_bolsas $a = $a + 1 $i = $i + 1 WEnd Local $filename = "D:\ROBOT\Resultados\Resultado_" & $FECHAX_ALT & ".xls" $oExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = 0 $oExcel.Application.ScreenUpdating = 0 $oExcel.ActiveWorkBook.SaveAs($filename, 1, Default, Default, Default, Default, 2, 1) $oExcel.Quit ELSE ;MEDIO IF_1 MSGBOX(16, "Alerta", "Abrir Aplication", 0) ENDIF ;FIN IF_1 ;************************ CASE $MSGBOX_ALT = 7 ;NO ;************************ ENDSELECT EndFunc FUNC HOTKEYPRESSED() SWITCH @HOTKEYPRESSED CASE "{PAUSE}" $g_bPaused = NOT $g_bPaused WHILE $g_bPaused SLEEP(100) TOOLTIP('EXCLAMACION "PAUSA"', 0, 0) WEND TOOLTIP("") CASE "{ESC}" MSGBOX($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "INFO", "SCRIPT TERMINADO.") EXIT ENDSWITCH ENDFUNC ================================
    1 point
  7. Nope, the GuiGetMsg() has an build in 10 ms delay and making that more will cause all kinds of issues with capturing the messages from the gui! So removing the sleep() will not cause a close loop without a pause. Jos
    1 point
  8. I wonder how you can compare perl scripts and customized behavior Windows GUI, using AutoIt or whatever else. You seem to be upset by Windows' GUI complexity when trying to achieve non-standard behavior and that isn't surprising: no GUI-ed OS is simple in this regard. You're drowning yourself in cosmetic details. Rather focus on having the real job done first using a bare-bone interface (even console I/O will do) and when the core job is working fine, only then add a GUI harness, simple at first then make it prettier/sophisticated as you feel need.
    1 point
  9. RTFC

    array in array

    If so, I would suggest you do not use arrays at all (and certainly not nested arrays!), but matrices instead.
    1 point
  10. There should never be a sleep() statement in a close message loop. Jos
    1 point
  11. HoangQuandlk, See my reply to your other post. M23
    1 point
  12. HoangQuandlk, Welcome to the AutoIt forum. Unfortunately you appear to have missed the Forum rules on your way in. Please read them now - particularly the bit about not discussing CAPTCHAs - and then you will understand why you will get no help and this thread will now be locked. I have removed the details from your other post - please do not post about this again. But see you soon with a legitimate question I hope. M23
    1 point
  13. Earthshine

    Autoit error APPCRASH

    So you want us to help you but you dont post your code?
    1 point
  14. Subz

    RegWrite with Windows 10

    @flaritycat - Although policies no longer work in Windows 10, just for future reference remember to use HKLM for accessing 32-bit keys and HKLM64 for 64-bit keys for example: Local $sHKLM = @OSArch = 'x64' ? 'HKLM64' : 'HKLM' RegWrite($sHKLM & "\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU", "NoAutoUpdate", "REG_DWORD", "0") RegWrite($sHKLM & "\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU", "AUOptions", "REG_DWORD", "2") RegWrite($sHKLM & "\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU", "ScheduledInstallDay", "REG_DWORD", "0") RegWrite($sHKLM & "\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU", "ScheduledInstallTime", "REG_DWORD", "3")
    1 point
  15. Why are you wanting to bypass a captcha?
    0 points
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