A couple week ago i've started learning API Interface for different websites. In this fact sometimes you have to encode your "photo" or "document.body" to send request.
Functions to encode and decode Base64 was already created by others. Unfortunately i have troubles with running it on Windows R 2008, also speed was terrible.
I try to find alternative way to code data.
I've read about Microsoft "XMLDOM" and created a one simple function to Encode / Decode data to base64binary, base64url
Thanks for Ghads on Wordpress i coverted a part of his lines from VBscript to AutoIT
; Function: base64($vCode [, $bEncode = True [, $bUrl = False]])
; Description: Decode or Encode $vData using Microsoft.XMLDOM to Base64Binary or Base64Url.
; IMPORTANT! Encoded base64url is without @LF after 72 lines. Some websites may require this.
; Parameter(s): $vData - string or integer | Data to encode or decode.
; $bEncode - boolean | True - encode, False - decode.
; $bUrl - boolean | True - output is will decoded or encoded using base64url shema.
; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns output data
; On Failure - Returns 1 - Failed to create object.
; Author (s): (Ghads on Wordpress.com), Ascer
Func base64($vCode, $bEncode = True, $bUrl = False)
Local $oDM = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
If Not IsObj($oDM) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 1)
Local $oEL = $oDM.createElement("Tmp")
$oEL.DataType = "bin.base64"
If $bEncode then
$oEL.NodeTypedValue = Binary($vCode)
If Not $bUrl Then Return $oEL.Text
Return StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace($oEL.Text, "+", "-"),"/", "_"), @LF, "")
If $bUrl Then $vCode = StringReplace(StringReplace($vCode, "-", "+"), "_", "/")
$oEL.Text = $vCode
Return $oEL.NodeTypedValue
EndFunc ;==>base64