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By default _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromMemory() creates a GDIPlus bitmap which is not compatible with GDI bitmap format. GDI bitmaps are needed to send them to pic controls etc. Of course you can convert the saved in memory image to GDI format directly setting the 2nd parameter to True but then you have to use GDI functions for resizing. I personally somehow prefer GDIPlus load the image using _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromMemory() but as GDIPlus Resize it using _GDIPlus_ImageResize() or _GDIPlus_ImageScale() convert the resized image to GDI by using _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap() send the GDI image to your picture control dispose the GDI / GDIPlus resources Give it a try.2 points
AutoIt GUI Creators (Designers)
nguyentoannta3 reacted to TheSaint for a topic
As many of you may not be aware, of much about AutoIt's humble beginnings, and aspects related to the first GUI version of AutoIt, I thought it might be nice to create a historical reference here for all the many GUI creators that have been created by various people over the years. NOTE - While one could argue, that this topic might be better placed in one of the Chat forums, I would argue, that it links to heaps of good code. While much may be redundant in that code, it is still interesting and forms a great perspective. Many are bound to find useful elements at the very least. Koda, is no doubt the most well-known GUI creator now, but there was a time, when CyberSlug's legendary GUIBuilder (first known as AutoBuilder) ruled the roost, and AutoIt coder's saw it as a Godsend. AutoIt coding was much simpler back then of course. Below, will be a timeline, of any AutoIt GUI creators listed in forum pages. It will be added to by myself as I find them or as others here find them and place a link in a subsequent post ... PLEASE HELP! Comments welcome too. (Also note, that this is also intended to include updates, branches etc by others) Apr 20 2004 - AutoBuilder by CyberSlug. Sep 27 2004 - An interesting topic, where CyberSlug talks about the future of AutoBuilder (etc) and renaming to GUIBuilder and you see the first mentions and links to updates by others (including myself & livewire). Nov 05 2004 - A topic where lookfar is working on a SciTE replacement, talks about starting a Form Designer. Aug 10 2005 - GuiBuilder first update by TheSaint. Sep 26 2005 - GUIBuilder updates by livewire (he also talks about transferring his efforts to Koda). Nov 02 2005 - KODA FormDesigner v1.3 by lookfar Nov 03 2005 - Seemingly interesting topic about forms by tonedeaf Dec 26 2005 - AutoIt Studio(beta) by BillLuvsU Jan 09 2006 - AutoBuilder update (or branch) by _^__darkbytez (livewire also posts). Feb 19 2006 - Koda v1.5 by lookfar Sep 07 2006 - Koda v1.7.3.0 by Lazycat Jan 07 2007 - Form/GUI Builder by FlintBrenick Jun 10 2007 - Gorganizer by _Kurt (more of an assister than actual GUI maker) Jun 27 2007 - Basic GUI Designer by Mast3rpyr0 May 03 2008 - Autoit Programmer's Desktop (APD) by Ealric Jul 11 2008 - Gui Designer by Alek Aug 11 2008 - Gorganizer update by _Kurt Jun 19 2009 - Easy GUI by Mat Aug 13 2009 - GUI Script Creator by Pandemic (not sure this qualifies, but it made me think of templates) Aug 16 2010 - Creation Gui by AZJIO Jan 22 2012 - ISN AutoIt Studio by ISI360 (includes ISN Form Studio 2, a GUI editor) Mar 19 2012 - Arduino GUI Programmer by nikosliapis (creates a specific type of GUI) Aug 01 2012 - GuiBuilder Resurrected update/branch to GUIBuilder by baroquebob Dec 01 2012 - Form Builder beta (v1.0.6) by BuckMaster Jan 12 2015 - GUIBuilderNxt update by jaberwacky of GUIBuilder v0.8 (as a new prototype, modified to work with latest AutoIt) (not a update to the Resurrected version) Aug 12 2016 - The GuiBuilder Return by DFerrato as an update to GUIBuilder, Jan 17 2017 - GUIBuilder Project by TheSaint (a work in progress based on CyberSlug's original ... and later versions, updated by Roy, TheSaint & others). May 29 2019 - The GuiBuilder Return by DFerrato as an update to GUIBuilder, His new and improved version. May 9 2022 - GuiBuilderPlus by kurtykurtyboy as an update to GUIBuilder. A new an improved version with more to come. There are a significant number of creators/designers that have been started and never completed. +++++ STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION +++++ P.S. Well that's it from me tonight. I know of at least one other major creator, but cannot recall it's name or the name of the coder, though I think it starts with 'L'. Bound to be a few I've missed, and some I cannot seem to find their first appearance here (Koda, Form Builder, etc), but there may be an obvious reason for that. Will probably rely on feedback from others now that I've got the ball rolling. NOTE - If anyone wants to discuss any of these programs above or give some background history, then by all means do so. I will cross-reference (link to) any important comments.1 point -
Updating XML Keys within a TAG
Earthshine reacted to mLipok for a topic
But I guess that you download old not recent version XML_1.1.1.13.zip.1 point -
Thanks, UEZ! Sorry I didn't get a chance to get back here earlier... I want to take this opportunity once more to express my strong and genuine gratitude for all the excellent help you've provided to me over the years! I'm already relying on your great tools/code for converting images to base 64 with compression/decompression and placing those images into pic controls (among other things). I am already using GDI+ for everything, but as you can see from my OP, I needed to know which GDI+ functions and algorithm to use, which you've solved very well. Thanks again!1 point
1 point
Skysnake, Because a then Dev changed the source code to require the #pragma - but, as we have discovered in this thread, also added something to Aut2Exe to make its addition automatic if the function call was direct. Not every usage instance of every function appears in the examples - otherwise the Help file would be several times larger than it already is. There is a clear and unambiguous statement in the Help file telling coders that if they need an InputBox then they need the #pragma as well. Personally, I see no reason to add anything more. M231 point
SSH using Plink / Putty
charlieb reacted to badcoder123 for a topic
I have no idea on how to use any of that but I think this is what you're looking for? $input = InputBox("Key", "Enter the numeric key.") Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'putty -i key.ppk -R ' & $input & ':localhost:22 user@mycompany.com -pw testing123', "", @SW_SHOW) ;Change flag to @SW_HIDE1 point -
MsgBox(32, "Host Domain Name", "Example1: " & _GetDomainName1()) MsgBox(32, "Host Domain Name", "Example2: " & _GetDomainName2()) ;~ Returns Workgroup or Domain Name Func _GetDomainName1() Local $objWMISvc = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2") Local $colItems = $objWMISvc.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem") For $objItem In $colItems $strComputerDomain = $objItem.Domain If $objItem.PartOfDomain Then Return "Computer Domain: " & $strComputerDomain Else Return "Workgroup: " & $strComputerDomain EndIf Next EndFunc ;~ Only works when computer is connected to a domain Func _GetDomainName2() Local $objSysInfo = ObjCreate("AdSystemInfo") Return $objSysInfo.DomainDNSName EndFunc1 point
like "wmic computersystem get domain"1 point
So you need to domain name of the domain to which the Computer was joined, not the domain of the logged in user? Jos1 point
can you just read the return from whoami?1 point
Isn't using @LogonDomain easier? Jos1 point
_ScreenCapture_Capture doesnt saves the image
DynamicRookie reacted to BrewManNH for a topic
You're wrong about that, there's a desktop.ini in the Public\Desktop and one in the user's desktop, both will be shown if you have show hidden files checked. It's extremely easy to check if the desktop.ini file is a virus, open it in Notepad. If it's not the standard Windows ini file, delete it, if it is stop worrying.1 point -
[SOLVED] Detect Double Click
PoojaKrishna reacted to Deye for a topic
Here is another one for you to try : #include <Misc.au3> ; Used for the _IsPressed HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_ExitScript") ;Hot key Esc to Exit script $nCountSingleClick = 0 ;Left click count $nCountDoubleClick = 0 ;Double Click count $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") OnAutoItExitRegister('_DllClose') $Clicks = 0 $DblClickSpeed = 200 While 1 ; Loop until user presses ESc to exit the Recorder If _IsPressed("01") Then ; If left mouse is pushed. $hTimer = TimerInit() ;Start the timer again $Clicks += 1 $pos = MouseGetPos() ; Get the position. If $Clicks >= 2 Then $Clicks = 0 $nCountDoubleClick += 1 ToolTip($nCountDoubleClick & ") " & "Double Click X: " & $pos[0] & ', Y: ' & $pos[1]) ;Double click EndIf While (_IsPressed("01")) ;Wait until user releases button Sleep(10) WEnd EndIf If $Clicks And Int(TimerDiff($hTimer)) > $DblClickSpeed Then $Clicks = 0 $nCountSingleClick += 1 ToolTip($nCountSingleClick & ") " & 'Single Click X: ' & $pos[0] & ', Y: ' & $pos[1]) EndIf WEnd Func _ExitScript() Exit EndFunc ;==>_ExitScript Func _DllClose() DllClose($hDLL) EndFunc ;==>_DllClose1 point -
1 point
What's the problem? Not needed how? If input box is going to be used then add that directive. The only "issue" is the use of imperative sentence, because if the InputBox() function is detected inside the script Aut2Exe does everything by itself. InputBox("AA", "Bb") However, obviously this wouldn't work without the #pragma: Execute('InputBox("AA", "Bb")') ...the last time I checked.1 point
hi, Here's an example: $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") $ObjConn = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") $ObjConn.open("SmarteeWackyMalformedParameters") If @error Then ConsoleWrite("ObjOpen Failed dude :(") Else ConsoleWrite("ObjOpen Success!! hahaha we did it :), Query away :)") EndIf Func MyErrFunc() ConsoleWrite("AutoItCOM Test" & @CRLF & "We intercepted a COM Error !" & @CRLF & _ "err.description is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.description & @CRLF & _ "err.windescription:" & @TAB & $oMyError.windescription & @CRLF & _ "err.number is: " & @TAB & Hex($oMyError.number, 8) & @CRLF & _ "err.lastdllerror is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.lastdllerror & @CRLF & _ "err.scriptline is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.scriptline & @CRLF & _ "err.source is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.source & @CRLF & _ "err.helpfile is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.helpfile & @CRLF & _ "err.helpcontext is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.helpcontext & @CRLF) SetError(1) EndFunc ;==>MyErrFunc Hope this helps, -smartee1 point
change text of a label
Professor_Bernd reacted to somdcomputerguy for a topic
Use GUICtrlSetData like this $var = GUICtrlCreateLabel(... GUICtrlSetData($var...1 point