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You have to change Local $sImage = FileOpen(FileRead($IMAGE_PATH)) to Local $sImage = FileRead(FileOpen($IMAGE_PATH))1 point
WMIC command error - need advices
Earthshine reacted to LisHawj for a topic
@Jos and @JLogan3o13, Thank you for your patience, LOL. I know you run into folks like me all the time, but I applaud your generosity with your knowledge. Please keep making new scripter like myself work harder to learn the trade while at the same time nudging us in the right direction. I have FOUND the culprit with your help! Thank you!!! $var1 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\Enstart64.exe'" $var2 = " GET version" $var3 = " datafile where name='" $iVer =RunWait(@ComSpec & " /k " & "wmic.exe" & $var3 & $var1 & $var2, @SystemDir, @SW_SHOW) MsgBox(0,"", $iVer)1 point -
File List to Array
Earthshine reacted to BrewManNH for a topic
This is how I'd do it. Run(@ComSpec & " /k " & "robocopy.exe " & "'C:\testUsers\" & $FileList[$i] & "' " & "'C:\_Installation\Tes13\" & $FileList[$i] & "' /E /B /COPYALL /W:0 /R:0")1 point -
1 point
When you set the text on the button, you should be able to know what you set it to shouldn't you? You have to code what to put in it during creation, or even during an update to the text, so just access that.1 point
Can't get List View values from the App.
Earthshine reacted to Danp2 for a topic
I think he means the thread itself is too long to read.1 point -
If the built-in functions don't work, then you could try IUIAutomation.1 point
You need to use GuiCtrlRead to get the value of the button in your MsgBox GuiCtrlRead($aButiD[$INDEX1])1 point
Thanks for the link, Subz. I went over and read through it already. I like the straight XML DOM use. I ended up using the XML UDF almost exclusively for my solution (except for the $oNode_enum.Text on line 12 - it was just too easy lol): Local $aNodeNames = ["field1","field2","field3","field4","field5","field6","field7","field8","optionSetting"] Local $aData = [["name12","email","choice1","choice2","choice3","choice4","choice5","choice7","true"], _ ["name13","email","choice1","choice2","choice3","choice4","choice5","choice7","true"], _ ["name14","email","choice1","choice2","choice3","choice4","choice5","choice7","true"]] ;~ BEGIN Preparation Local $oNodes_coll = _XML_SelectNodes($oXMLDoc, "//Data[dataType='T1']/dataDetails/friendlyName") Local $iNodeCount = @extended Local $aDataTemp[$iNodeCount][UBound($aData, 2)] Local $iNum = 0 For $oNode_enum In $oNodes_coll $aDataTemp[$iNum][0] = $oNode_enum.Text $iNum += 1 Next _ArrayAdd($aDataTemp, $aData) _ArrayDedupe($aDataTemp) _ArrayDelete($aDataTemp, "0-" & $iNodeCount - 1) $aData = $aDataTemp $aDataTemp = 0 ;~ END Preparation ;~ BEGIN Add data to XML Local $aXSI[1][2] = [['xsi:type','Type1']] For $iOuter = 0 To UBound($aData, 1) - 1 _XML_CreateChildWAttr($oXMLDoc, '/ArrayOfData', 'Data') _XML_CreateChildWAttr($oXMLDoc, '//Data[last()]', 'Enabled', Default, 'true') _XML_CreateChildWAttr($oXMLDoc, '//Data[last()]', 'dataType', Default, 'T1') _XML_CreateChildWAttr($oXMLDoc, '//Data[last()]', 'dataDetails', $aXSI) For $iInner = 0 To UBound($aNodeNames) - 2 _XML_CreateChildWAttr($oXMLDoc, '//Data[last()]/dataDetails', $aNodeNames[$iInner], Default, $aData[$iOuter][$iInner]) Next _XML_CreateChildWAttr($oXMLDoc, '//Data[last()]', $aNodeNames[UBound($aNodeNames) - 1], Default, $aData[$iOuter][UBound($aNodeNames) - 1]) Next ;~ END Add data to XML ;~ BEGIN Cleanup Local $sXmlAfterTidy = _XML_Tidy($oXMLDoc, "utf-8", False) $sXMLAfterTidy = StringRegExpReplace($sXMLAfterTidy, "\t", " ") $sXmlAfterTidy = StringRegExpReplace($sXmlAfterTidy, "(\w+)(/>)", "\1 \2") ;~ END Cleanup ;~ My array dedupe func - _ArrayDedupe(ByRef $aArray[, $bReplace = False]) ;~ Deduplicates an array based on the values in $aData[$x][0] keeping either first or last depending on $bReplace Func _ArrayDedupe(ByRef $aArray, $bReplace = False) Local $i = 0 Local $a1 = $aArray Do Local $a2 = _ArrayFindAll($a1, $a1[$i][0]) If $bReplace Then $a2[0] = UBound($a2) - 1 Else _ArrayPush($a2, "0", 1) EndIf _ArrayDelete($a1, $a2 ) $i += 1 Until $i >= UBound($a1) $aArray = $a1 EndFunc I prefer to stay away from COM stuff unless I have to because I've run into code processors in the past (obfuscators and such) that have a hard time deciphering COM objects using ".Method" notation. While I'm past the point of using an obfuscator (for many reasons noted on this forum) I may be running other things on my code like codescanner or codecrypter, and I prefer to avoid as many issues as possible. Feel free to comment on my code. I'm always looking for the best/most efficient way to do things so if anyone has constructive criticism please don't hesitate to let me know. Edit - I almost forgot, don't try to use my _XML_Tidy as is - I extended that function in my XML.au3 to include an additional parameter for whether to keep the "standalone" declaration that's automatically added. The program I'm exporting to doesn't like that parameter.1 point
well, just to don't leave this unsolved... the 'main' issue in this case was due to the fact that if you want to color a text, you have to: first print the text on the RichEdit (or replace an old text with a new one as in my case here) and then, after the text has been placed, select the new text and set foreground and background colors as needed. I was instead doing in "reverse order", that is setting the foreground and background colors for the incoming text, before to place the new text on the richedit, and in this way I got strange results. Anyway, on the help about the _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharColor() function I read: "Sets the background color of selected text or, if none selected, sets the background color of text inserted at the insertion point" and this last part of the sentence made me think I could set the colors before the text, but doing so was the cause of the problem. here the modified listings to see the differences example: #include '.\TextMode_udf.au3' #include <ie.au3> $oIe = _IECreate() ; just to see the original picture $hGUI = GUICreate("Ansi viewer", 700, 420, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_COMPOSITED) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) ; $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test beastie ANSI", 590, 20, 100, 60) $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test face_2 ANSI", 590, 100, 100, 60) $Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test flower ANSI", 590, 180, 100, 60) $Button4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test belinda ANSI", 590, 260, 100, 60) $Button5 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test bambi 'text'", 590, 340, 100, 60) $Button6 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Clear screen", 15, 370, 555, 30) ; ; create a richedit _TextMode_GUICtrl_Create($hGUI, 10, 15, 80, 25, 9, "consolas") ; "Lucida console" ; "Terminal" ; "Courier new" GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, HWnd($hGUI)) ; While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $Button1 _IENavigate($oIe,"http://artscene.textfiles.com/ansi/artwork/.png/beastie.ans.png", 0) $sMessage = BinaryToString(InetRead("http://artscene.textfiles.com/ansi/artwork/beastie.ans")) _Test($sMessage) Case $Button2 _IENavigate($oIe,"http://artscene.textfiles.com/ansi/artwork/.png/face_2.ans.png", 0) $sMessage = BinaryToString(InetRead("http://artscene.textfiles.com/ansi/artwork/face_2.ans")) _Test($sMessage) Case $Button3 _IENavigate($oIe,"http://artscene.textfiles.com/ansi/artwork/.png/flower.ans.png", 0) $sMessage = BinaryToString(InetRead("http://artscene.textfiles.com/ansi/artwork/flower.ans")) _Test($sMessage) Case $Button4 _IENavigate($oIe,"http://artscene.textfiles.com/ansi/artwork/.png/belinda.ans.png", 0) $sMessage = BinaryToString(InetRead("http://artscene.textfiles.com/ansi/artwork/belinda.ans")) _Test($sMessage) Case $Button5 _IENavigate($oIe,"http://artscene.textfiles.com/vt100/bambi.vt", 0) $sMessage = BinaryToString(InetRead("http://artscene.textfiles.com/vt100/bambi.vt")) _Test($sMessage) Case $Button6 _TextMode_CLS() EndSwitch WEnd _IEQuit($oIe) Exit ; Func _Test($sMessage) $sMessage = _StringToCodepage($sMessage, 437) _TextMode_Print($sMessage); parse the ANSI string and print result to the RichEdit EndFunc ;==>_Test ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/121847-convert-text-string-from-codepage-437-or-850-to-1252/ Func _StringToCodepage($ansi, $codepage) Local $struct = DllStructCreate("byte[" & StringLen($ansi) * 2 + 4 & "]") ;platz für UTF16 $string = _WinAPI_MultiByteToWideCharEx($ansi, DllStructGetPtr($struct), Number($codepage), $MB_PRECOMPOSED) ; $MB_USEGLYPHCHARS) ;Ansi-String in Codepage umwandeln Return BinaryToString(DllStructGetData($struct, 1), 2) EndFunc ;==>_StringToCodepage TextMode_udf.au3 #include <array.au3> #include <GuiRichEdit.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> ; ===== !! PRE ALPHA CODE FOR EARLY TESTING !! ===== ; 'paper' dimension in chars (columns and lines) Global $iHwidth = 80 ; width of screen (nr. of chars per line) Global $iVheight = 24 ; height of screen (nr. of lines) ; Font and size (a monospaced font is MANDATORY!) Global $iFontSize = 12, $sFontName = "Consolas" ; "Terminal" ; "Perfect DOS VGA 437 Win" ; "Courier New" ; "Lucida Sans Typewriter" ; "Lucida Console" ; Global $iTabStop = 8 ; Horizontal tab stops (Historically tab stops where every 8th character) Global $iCharSet = 134 ; 134 ; see --> _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetFont() #cs the character set - one of: $ANSI_CHARSET - 0 $BALTIC_CHARSET - 186 $CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET - 136 $DEFAULT_CHARSET - 1 $EASTEUROPE_CHARSET - 238 $GB2312_CHARSET - 134 $GREEK_CHARSET - 161 $HANGEUL_CHARSET - 129 $MAC_CHARSET - 77 $OEM_CHARSET - 255 $RUSSIAN_CHARSET - 204 $SHIFTJIS_CHARSET - 128 $SYMBOL_CHARSET - 2 $TURKISH_CHARSET - 162 $VIETNAMESE_CHARSET - 163 #ce ; ; the screen text buffer Global $sBuffer = "" Global $_hVintageGui, $hScreen[2] ; initialize cursor position Global $iCursorPosX = 1 ; horizontal position Global $iCursorPosY = 1 ; vertical position Global $iCursorPushX = $iCursorPosX ; Save X (for a later pull) Global $iCursorPushY = $iCursorPosY ; Save Y (for a later pull) Global $iVisibleLayer = 0 ; there are 2 screens (0 and 1) ; possible text modes. ; To set a text mode use _TextMode_Mode($mode). Without a parameter it returns current mode Global Enum $Normal, $Inverse, $Blink, $Flash ; Text attributes (to be set each for himself True/False) Global $Bold = False Global $Italic = False Global $Underline = False Global $aAttribute[2] = ['-', '+'] ; False = - True = + ; Color names Global Enum $Black, $Red, $Green, $Yellow, $Blue, $Magenta, $Cyan, $White , _ $BrightBlack, $BrightRed, $BrightGreen, $BrightYellow, $BrightBlue, $BrightMagenta, $BrightCyan, $BrightWhite ; Set ANSI color values (GRB color values from here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors) Global $aColor[16] $aColor[$Black] = 0x000000 ; 00 = Black bk .......0 $aColor[$Red] = 0x000080 ; 01 = Red rd .....128 $aColor[$Green] = 0x008000 ; 02 = Green gn ...32768 $aColor[$Yellow] = 0x008080 ; 03 = Yellow yl ...32896 $aColor[$Blue] = 0x800000 ; 04 = Blue bu .8388608 $aColor[$Magenta] = 0x800080 ; 05 = Magenta mg .8388736 $aColor[$Cyan] = 0x808000 ; 06 = Cyan cy .8421376 $aColor[$White] = 0xC0C0C0 ; 07 = White wt 12632256 $aColor[$BrightBlack] = 0x808080 ; 08 = Bright Black BK .8421504 $aColor[$BrightRed] = 0x0000FF ; 09 = Bright Red RD .....255 $aColor[$BrightGreen] = 0x00FF00 ; 10 = Bright Green GN ...65280 $aColor[$BrightYellow] = 0x00FFFF ; 11 = Bright Yellow YE ...65535 $aColor[$BrightBlue] = 0xFF0000 ; 12 = Bright Blue BU 16711680 $aColor[$BrightMagenta] = 0xFF00FF ; 13 = Bright Magenta MG 16711935 $aColor[$BrightCyan] = 0xFFFF00 ; 14 = Bright Cyan CY 16776960 $aColor[$BrightWhite] = 0xFFFFFF ; 15 = Bright White WT 16777215 ; default text colors Global Static $iDefaultForeground = $BrightWhite Global Static $iDefaultBackground = $Black Global $iActiveFGColor = $iDefaultForeground Global $iActiveBGColor = $iDefaultBackground ; ensure creation of only one TextMode 'control' Global $bControlExists = False HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_EndANSI") ; press 'esc' to end ; create a control to be placed on a parent GUI Func _TextMode_GUICtrl_Create($hWnd, $iLeft = 0, $iTop = 0, $i_Hwidth = $iHwidth, $i_Vheight = $iVheight, $i_FontSize = $iFontSize, $s_FontName = $sFontName, $i_DefaultForeground = $iDefaultForeground, $i_DefaultBackground = $iDefaultBackground) If $bControlExists = True Then Return ; if default values are changed then set also global variables accordingly $iHwidth = $i_Hwidth $iVheight = $i_Vheight $sFontName = $s_FontName $iFontSize = $i_FontSize $iDefaultForeground = $i_DefaultForeground $iDefaultBackground = $i_DefaultBackground ; fill the buffer $sBuffer = _StringReplay(_StringReplay(" ", $i_Hwidth) & @CRLF, $i_Vheight - 1) & _StringReplay(" ", $i_Hwidth) ; a string of width * height blank spaces + @crlf #cs ; determine the size of the screen according to the font parameters (by @Melba23) Local $aWinDim = _StringSize($sBuffer, $i_FontSize, 400, 0, $s_FontName) $aWinDim[2] += _StringSize(" ", $i_FontSize, 400, 0, $s_FontName)[2] Local $iWidth = $aWinDim[2], $iHeight = $aWinDim[3] ; Screen dimensions #ce Local $iWidth = 567, $iHeight = 354 ; Screen dimensions (fixed here just for the test) ; a transparent layer above the rich edit to protect it from clicks and to allow dragging of the GUI Local $hGlass = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) ; This is like a glass over the underlying RichEdit GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 2) ; Cursor is an arrow (instead of the default I-beam) $hScreen[0] = HWnd(_GUICtrlRichEdit_Create($hWnd, "", $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, BitXOR($ES_READONLY, $ES_MULTILINE))) ; DllCall('user32.dll', 'uint_ptr', 'SetTimer', 'hwnd', 0, 'uint_ptr', 0, 'uint', 500, 'ptr', DllCallbackGetPtr(DllCallbackRegister('__SwitchScreen', 'none', 'hwnd;uint;uint_ptr;dword'))) _TextMode_CLS() ; Initialize and clear the screen $bControlExists = True Return $hScreen EndFunc ;==>_TextMode_GUICtrl_Create ; From Htab Vtab (1 based) to absolute within the screen buffer Func __GetAbsPos($iHtab = 1, $iVtab = 1, $iScreenWidth = $iHwidth) Return ($iVtab - 1) * ($iScreenWidth + 1) + $iHtab EndFunc ;==>__GetAbsPos ; From Absolute To Htab Vtab (1 based) Func __GetTabsPos($iAbsolutePos = 1, $iScreenWidth = $iHwidth) Local $aXY[2] $aXY[0] = Mod($iAbsolutePos - 1, $iScreenWidth) + 1 ; Horizontal position within the Screen (column) $iHtab $aXY[1] = Int(($iAbsolutePos - 1) / $iScreenWidth) + 1 ; Vertical position within the Screen (row) $iVtab Return $aXY EndFunc ;==>__GetTabsPos ; don't show drawing activity (draw behind the shenes) Func _TextMode_PauseRedraw() _GUICtrlRichEdit_PauseRedraw($hScreen[0]) EndFunc ;==>_TextMode_PauseRedraw ; show what's been drawn Func _TextMode_ResumeRedraw() _GUICtrlRichEdit_ResumeRedraw($hScreen[0]) EndFunc ;==>_TextMode_ResumeRedraw ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _TextMode_Print ; Description ...: Main printing function ; Syntax ........: _TextMode_Print([$sString = ""[, $iHtab = $iCursorPosX[, $iVtab = $iCursorPosY[, $iForegroundColor = $iActiveFGColor[, ; $iBackgroundColor = $iActiveBGColor]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sString - [optional] a string value. Default is "". ; $iHtab - [optional] column where to start printing ; $iVtab - [optional] row where to start printnting ; $iForegroundColor - [optional] wanted foreground color ; $iBackgroundColor - [optional] Wanted bckground color ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _TextMode_Print($sString = "", $iHtab = $iCursorPosX, $iVtab = $iCursorPosY, $iForegroundColor = $iActiveFGColor, $iBackgroundColor = $iActiveBGColor) If $iHtab = Default Then $iHtab = $iCursorPosX If $iVtab = Default Then $iVtab = $iCursorPosY ; Local $aString = __StringSplitKeepTokens($sString) ; break the string to find the control characters Local $iStartingHtab = $iHtab ; Local $iActiveFGColor = $iForegroundColor ; Local $iActiveBGColor = $iBackgroundColor Local $sANSI_Escape Local $aParameters[1] ; remove escape sequences ; $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "(?x) (\x1B \[ (?:\s*\d*\s*;?)* [[:alpha:]])", "") ; split string on ansi escape sequences and control codes (if any) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ; Main RegExp pattern by @jchd (Thanks to @jchd) https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/192953-regexp-and-ansi-escape-sequences/?do=findComment&comment=1386039 ; pattern also modified by @mikell (Thanks to @mikell) https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/192953-regexp-and-ansi-escape-sequences/?do=findComment&comment=1387160 Local $aStringChunks = StringRegExp($sString, "(?x)(?(DEFINE) (?<ANSI_Escape> \[ (?:\s*\d*\s*;?)* [[:alpha:]]) )(?| \x1B(?&ANSI_Escape) | [\x01-\x1A\x1C-\x1F] | \x1B(?!(?&ANSI_Escape)) | (?:[^\x01-\x1F] (?!(?&ANSI_Escape)))+ )", 3) ; _ArrayDisplay($aStringChunks, "Debug") For $iChunk = 0 To UBound($aStringChunks) - 1 ; check presence of escape sequences or control chars $sANSI_Escape = StringReplace($aStringChunks[$iChunk], " ", "") ; clean unneeded (and disturbing)spaces If StringLeft($sANSI_Escape, 2) = Chr(27) & "[" Then ; it is a CSI (Control Sequence Introducer) ; ConsoleWrite("Debug: CSI -> " & $sANSI_Escape & @CRLF) ; get ansi escape sequence parameters $aParameters = "" $aParameters = StringSplit(StringMid(StringTrimRight($sANSI_Escape, 1), 3), ";") ; extract the parameters of this sequence $aParameters[0] = StringRight($sANSI_Escape, 1) ; gat the final character (put it in [0]) ; ReDim $aParameters[6] ; _ArrayDisplay($aParameters, "Debug") ; ; ANSI Escape squence interpreter ; ------------------------------- Select Case $aParameters[0] == "a" ; HPR Move cursor right the indicated # of columns. $iHtab += Number($aParameters[1]) + ($aParameters[1] = 0) $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] == "d" ; VPA Move cursor to the indicated row, current column. $iHtab = Number($aParameters[1]) $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] == "e" ; VPR Move cursor down the indicated # of rows. $iVtab += Number($aParameters[1]) + ($aParameters[1] = 0) $iCursorPosY = $iVtab Case $aParameters[0] == "f" ; HVP Move cursor to the indicated row, column. ReDim $aParameters[3] ; mandatory 2 parameters $iVtab = Number($aParameters[1]) + ($aParameters[1] = 0) $iCursorPosY = $iVtab $iHtab = Number($aParameters[2]) + ($aParameters[2] = 0) $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] == "g" ; TBC Without parameter: clear tab stop at current position. ; ? Case $aParameters[0] == "h" ; SM Set Mode ; ? Case $aParameters[0] == "l" ; RM Reset Mode ; ? Case $aParameters[0] == "m" ; SGR Set attributes. ; _ArrayDisplay($aParameters,"Debug") For $iParam = 1 To UBound($aParameters) - 1 Switch Number($aParameters[$iParam]) Case 0 ; reset all attributes to their defaults _TextMode_SetDefaultColors() $iForegroundColor = $iDefaultForeground $iBackgroundColor = $iDefaultBackground _TextMode_SetMode($Normal) $Bold = False $Italic = False $Underline = False Case 1 ; set bold $Bold = True Case 4 ; set underscore $Underline = True Case 5 ; set blink _TextMode_SetMode($Blink) Case 7 ; set reverse video _TextMode_SetMode($Inverse) Case 8 ; concealed (foreground becomes background) _TextMode_SetMode($Inverse) Case 22 ; bold off $Bold = False Case 24 ; underline off $Underline = False Case 25 ; blink off _TextMode_SetMode($Normal) Case 27 ; reverse video off _TextMode_SetMode($Normal) Case 28 ; concealed off _TextMode_SetMode($Normal) ;#cs Case 30 To 37 ; set foreground color $iForegroundColor = _TextMode_SetActiveForeColor(Number($aParameters[$iParam]) - 30) ; ConsoleWrite("Debug: foreground=" & $aParameters[$iParam] & @CRLF) ;#ce Case 38 ; set default foreground color ; 38;2;# foreground based on index (0-255) ; 38;5;#;#;# foreground based on RGB Case 39 ; set default foreground (using current intensity) Case 40 To 47 ; set background color $iBackgroundColor = _TextMode_SetActiveBackColor(Number($aParameters[$iParam]) - 40) ; ConsoleWrite("Debug: Background=" & $aParameters[$iParam] & @CRLF) ; #cs Case 48 ; 48;2;# background based on index (0-255) ; 48;5;#;#;# background based on RGB Case 49 ; set default background (using current intensity) Case 90 To 97 ; set foreground bright color $iForegroundColor = _TextMode_SetActiveForeColor(Number($aParameters[$iParam]) - 82) Case 100 To 107 ; ; set background bright color $iBackgroundColor = _TextMode_SetActiveBackColor(Number($aParameters[$iParam]) - 92) ; #ce EndSwitch Next Case $aParameters[0] == "n" ; DSR Status report ; ? Case $aParameters[0] == "q" ; DECLL Set keyboard LEDs. ; ESC [ 0 q: clear all LEDs ; ESC [ 1 q: set Scroll Lock LED ; ESC [ 2 q: set Num Lock LED ; ESC [ 3 q: set Caps Lock LED Case $aParameters[0] == "r" ; DECSTBM Set scrolling region; parameters are top and bottom row. Case $aParameters[0] == "s" ; ? Save cursor location. _PushCursor() Case $aParameters[0] == "u" ; ? Restore cursor location. _PullCursor() $iHtab = $iCursorPosX $iVtab = $iCursorPosY Case $aParameters[0] == "`" ; HPA Move cursor to indicated column in current row. $iHtab = Number($aParameters[1]) $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] == "@" ; ICH Insert the indicated # of blank characters. Case $aParameters[0] == "A" ; CUU Move cursor up the indicated # of rows. ; ConsoleWrite("Debug: " & Number($aParameters[1]) - ($aParameters[1] = 0) & @CRLF) $iVtab -= Number($aParameters[1]) - ($aParameters[1] = 0) $iCursorPosY = $iVtab Case $aParameters[0] == "B" ; CUD Move cursor down the indicated # of rows. $iVtab += Number($aParameters[1]) + ($aParameters[1] = 0) $iCursorPosY = $iVtab Case $aParameters[0] == "C" ; CUF Move cursor right the indicated # of columns. $iHtab += Number($aParameters[1]) + ($aParameters[1] = 0) $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] == "D" ; CUB Move cursor left the indicated # of columns. $iHtab -= Number($aParameters[1]) - ($aParameters[1] = 0) $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] == "E" ; CNL Move cursor down the indicated # of rows, to column 1. $iVtab += Number($aParameters[1]) + ($aParameters[1] = 0) $iCursorPosY = $iVtab $iHtab = 1 $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] == "F" ; CPL Move cursor up the indicated # of rows, to column 1. $iVtab -= Number($aParameters[1]) - ($aParameters[1] = 0) $iCursorPosY = $iVtab $iHtab = 1 $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] == "G" ; CHA Move cursor to indicated column in current row. $iHtab = Number($aParameters[1]) $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] == "H" ; CUP Move cursor to the indicated row, column (origin at 1,1). ReDim $aParameters[3] ; mandatory 2 parameters $iVtab = Number($aParameters[1]) + ($aParameters[1] = 0) $iCursorPosY = $iVtab $iHtab = Number($aParameters[2]) + ($aParameters[2] = 0) $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] == "J" ; ED Erase display (default: from cursor to end of display). ReDim $aParameters[2] ; mandatory 1 parameters Switch Number($aParameters[1]) Case 0 ; Pn=0: erases from active position to end of display. __Sub_Print(_StringReplay(" ", $iHwidth - $iHtab + 1), $iHtab, $iVtab, $iDefaultForeground, $iDefaultBackground) If $iVtab < $iVheight Then For $y = $iVtab + 1 To $iVheight __Sub_Print(_StringReplay(" ", $iHwidth), 1, $y, $iDefaultForeground, $iDefaultBackground) Next EndIf Case 1 ; Pn=1: erases from the beginning of display to active position. __Sub_Print(_StringReplay(" ", $iHtab), 1, $iVtab, $iDefaultForeground, $iDefaultBackground) If $iVtab > 1 Then For $y = 1 To $iVtab - 1 __Sub_Print(_StringReplay(" ", $iHwidth), 1, $y, $iDefaultForeground, $iDefaultBackground) Next EndIf Case 2 ; Pn=2: erases entire display and move cursor to the top-left. _TextMode_CLS() $iHtab = 1 $iVtab = 1 EndSwitch Case $aParameters[0] == "K" ; EL Erase line (default: from cursor to end of line). __Sub_Print(_StringReplay(" ", $iHwidth - $iHtab + 1), $iHtab, $iVtab, $iActiveFGColor, $iActiveBGColor) Case $aParameters[0] == "L" ; IL Insert the indicated # of blank lines. Case $aParameters[0] == "M" ; DL Delete the indicated # of lines. Case $aParameters[0] == "P" ; DCH Delete the indicated # of characters on current line. __Sub_Print(_StringReplay(" ", $aParameters[1]), $iHtab, $iVtab, $iActiveFGColor, $iActiveBGColor) Case $aParameters[0] == "X" ; ECH Erase the indicated # of characters on current line. __Sub_Print(_StringReplay(" ", $aParameters[1]), $iHtab, $iVtab, $iDefaultForeground, $iDefaultBackground) EndSelect ; ; is it a single Control character ? (http://jkorpela.fi/chars/c0.html) ElseIf StringLen($sANSI_Escape) = 1 And (AscW($sANSI_Escape) >= 0 And AscW($sANSI_Escape) <= 0x1F) Then ; and 1 = 2 ; ConsoleWrite("Debug: ctrl -> " & @TAB & "[" & Ascw($sANSI_Escape) & "]" & @TAB & "[" & Asc($sANSI_Escape) & "]" & @TAB & "<-----------------------------" & @CRLF) ; control character interpreter ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $aParameters[0] = $sANSI_Escape Select Case $aParameters[0] = Chr(7) ; Bell, rings the bell Beep(900, 150) Case $aParameters[0] = Chr(8) ; Backspace <-- $iHtab -= 1 $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] = Chr(9) ; Horizontal tab ; (Historically tab stops were every 8th character) If $iHtab >= 0 Then $iHtab = $iHtab + (Mod($iHtab, $iTabStop) * -1) + $iTabStop Else $iHtab = $iHtab + (Mod(Abs($iHtab) - 1, $iTabStop) + 1) EndIf $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] = Chr(10) ; Line Feed @LF (move cursor down by 1 line) $iVtab += 1 $iCursorPosY = $iVtab Case $aParameters[0] = Chr(11) ; Vertical tab (move cusros up by 1 line) $iVtab -= 1 $iCursorPosY = $iVtab Case $aParameters[0] = Chr(12) ; Form Feed ; Case $aParameters[0] = Chr(13) ; Carriage Return @CR (move cursor to the beginning of this line) $iHtab = 1 $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] = Chr(24) ; backspace with deletion (Cancel) $iHtab -= 1 __Sub_Print(" ", $iHtab, $iVtab, $iActiveFGColor, $iActiveBGColor) $iCursorPosX = $iHtab Case $aParameters[0] = Chr(30) ; LF + a partial CR (Carriage Return stops below previous HTab) ; (custom private) $iVtab += 1 $iHtab = $iStartingHtab $iCursorPosX = $iHtab $iCursorPosY = $iVtab Case $aParameters[0] = Chr(31) ; move cursor to the right by 1 char --> ; ConsoleWrite(".") $iHtab += 1 $iCursorPosX = $iHtab EndSelect Else ; print the text ; ConsoleWrite("Debug: FG=" & $iActiveFGColor & @TAB & "BG=" & $iActiveBGColor & @CRLF) ; $aStringChunks[$iChunk] = StringReplace(StringStripCR(_StringToCodepage($aStringChunks[$iChunk], 437)), @LF, "") __Sub_Print(StringReplace($aStringChunks[$iChunk], ChrW(0), ""), $iHtab, $iVtab, $iForegroundColor, $iBackgroundColor) $iHtab = $iCursorPosX $iVtab = $iCursorPosY ; $iForegroundColor = $iDefaultForeground ; $iActiveFGColor ; ; $iBackgroundColor = $iDefaultBackground ; $iActiveBGColor ; EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_TextMode_Print ; keep only the string portion that will fall into the the screen (parts outside the screen will be discarded) Func __Sub_Print($sString = "", $iHtab = $iCursorPosX, $iVtab = $iCursorPosY, $iForegroundColor = $iActiveFGColor, $iBackgroundColor = $iActiveBGColor) Local $iStringFullLen = StringLen($sString) Local $iStringLen = $iStringFullLen If Not $iStringLen Then Return ; no string to print Local $iStringEnd = $iHtab + $iStringLen - 1 $iCursorPosX = $iHtab + $iStringLen $iCursorPosY = $iVtab If _ ; check if all the string falls outside the printable area $iHtab > $iHwidth Or _ ; over the right edge $iVtab > $iVheight Or _ ; below the bottom $iVtab < 1 Or _ ; over the top edges $iStringEnd < 1 _ ; over the left edge Then Return ; adjust string if only a part has to be Printed If $iHtab < 1 Then ; remove the part outside on the left $sString = StringRight($sString, $iStringEnd) $iStringLen = StringLen($sString) $iHtab = 1 EndIf If $iStringEnd > $iHwidth Then ; removes the exceeding part on the right $sString = StringTrimRight($sString, $iStringEnd - $iHwidth) $iStringLen = StringLen($sString) EndIf Local $iAnchor = __GetAbsPos($iHtab, $iVtab) - 1 Local $iActive = $iAnchor + $iStringLen Switch _TextMode_Mode() Case $Normal ; print normal text on both layers __PokeText(0, $sString, $iAnchor, $iActive, $iForegroundColor, $iBackgroundColor) Case $Inverse ; switch foreground and background colors and print on both layers __PokeText(0, $sString, $iAnchor, $iActive, $iBackgroundColor, $iForegroundColor) Case $Blink ; to be continued .... __PokeText(0, $sString, $iAnchor, $iActive, $iForegroundColor, $iBackgroundColor) Case $Flash ; to be continued .... __PokeText(0, $sString, $iAnchor, $iActive, $iForegroundColor, $iBackgroundColor) Case Else EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>__Sub_Print ; Place string on the "screen" buffer Func __PokeText($iLayer, $sString, $iAnchor, $iActive, $iForeColor, $iBackColor) ; select the part of the screen buffer to be replaced with the incoming $sString _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetSel($hScreen[$iLayer], $iAnchor, $iActive, True) _GUICtrlRichEdit_ReplaceText($hScreen[$iLayer], $sString, False) ; test _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetSel($hScreen[$iLayer], $iAnchor, $iActive, True) ; test ; set styles for the incoming text _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetFont($hScreen[$iLayer], $iFontSize, $sFontName, $iCharSet) _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharColor($hScreen[$iLayer], __PeekColor($iForeColor)) _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharBkColor($hScreen[$iLayer], __PeekColor($iBackColor)) ; set or unset bold, italic, underline according if the rispective variable is set to true or false _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharAttributes($hScreen[$iLayer], $aAttribute[$Bold] & 'bo' & $aAttribute[$Italic] & 'it' & $aAttribute[$Underline] & 'un') ; place the text on the screen ;; _GUICtrlRichEdit_ReplaceText($hScreen[$iLayer], $sString, False) _GUICtrlRichEdit_Deselect($hScreen[$iLayer]) EndFunc ;==>__PokeText #cs Func _GUICtrlRichEdit_AppendTextColor($hWnd, $sText, $iColor) Local $iLength = _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetTextLength($hWnd, True, True) Local $iCp = _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetCharPosOfNextWord($hWnd, $iLength) _GUICtrlRichEdit_AppendText($hWnd, $sText) _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetSel($hWnd, $iCp-1, $iLength + StringLen($sText)) _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharColor($hWnd, $iColor) _GuiCtrlRichEdit_Deselect($hWnd) EndFunc #ce Func _PushCursor($sAction = "Push") Local Static $iCursorPushX = $iCursorPosX Local Static $iCursorPushY = $iCursorPosY If $sAction = "Push" Then $iCursorPushX = $iCursorPosX $iCursorPushY = $iCursorPosY EndIf Local $aXY[2] = [$iCursorPushX, $iCursorPushY] Return $aXY EndFunc ;==>_PushCursor Func _PullCursor() Local $aXY = _PushCursor("Pull") $iCursorPosX = $aXY[0] $iCursorPosY = $aXY[1] EndFunc ;==>_PullCursor ; if you pass a number 0-15 it returns a predefined color from the $aColor[] array. ; if the number is > 15 and <= 0xFFFFFF it returns the same number, while if the passed ; number is out of range it return 0 ($Black)and sets @error Func __PeekColor($iColor) $iColor = Number($iColor) If $iColor >= 0 And $iColor < UBound($aColor) Then Return $aColor[$iColor] ; predefined colors ElseIf $iColor >= UBound($aColor) And $iColor <= 0xFFFFFF Then Return $iColor ; value is <= 0xFFFFFF Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; if out of range return Black and set error EndIf EndFunc ;==>__PeekColor ; clear the screen (fill screen buffer with spaces) ; (for 'crazy' effects you could also select another char instead of the space and custom colors) Func _TextMode_CLS($sFillChr = " ", $iForegroundColor = $iActiveFGColor, $iBackgroundColor = $iActiveBGColor) ; clear the screen ; fill screen with white spaces (screen buffer) _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetText($hScreen[0], _StringReplay(_StringReplay($sFillChr, $iHwidth) & @CRLF, $iVheight - 1) & _StringReplay($sFillChr, $iHwidth)) _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetSel($hScreen[0], 0, -1, True) ; select whole screen ; set parameters _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetFont($hScreen[0], $iFontSize, $sFontName, $iCharSet) ; Set Font _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharColor($hScreen[0], __PeekColor($iForegroundColor)) ; Set Foreground default color _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharBkColor($hScreen[0], __PeekColor($iBackgroundColor)) ; Set Background default color _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetSel($hScreen[0], 0, 0, False) ; set cursor to home $iCursorPosX = 1 $iCursorPosY = 1 EndFunc ;==>_TextMode_CLS Func _TextMode_SetDefaultColors($iForeColor = $iDefaultForeground, $iBackColor = $iDefaultBackground) If $iForeColor = Default Then $iForeColor = $iDefaultForeground If $iForeColor < $Black Or $iForeColor > $BrightWhite Or $iForeColor = "" Then $iForeColor = $iActiveFGColor If $iBackColor = Default Then $iBackColor = $iDefaultBackground If $iBackColor < $Black Or $iBackColor > $BrightWhite Or $iBackColor = "" Then $iBackColor = $iActiveBGColor $iActiveFGColor = $iForeColor $iActiveBGColor = $iBackColor Local $aDefaultColors = [$iActiveFGColor, $iActiveBGColor] Return $aDefaultColors EndFunc ;==>_TextMode_SetDefaultColors Func _TextMode_SetActiveForeColor($iForeColor = $iActiveFGColor) If $iForeColor = Default Then $iForeColor = $iDefaultForeground If $iForeColor < $Black Or $iForeColor > $BrightWhite Then $iForeColor = $iActiveFGColor $iActiveFGColor = $iForeColor Return $iActiveFGColor EndFunc ;==>_TextMode_SetActiveForeColor Func _TextMode_SetActiveBackColor($iBackColor = $iActiveBGColor) If $iBackColor = Default Then $iBackColor = $iDefaultBackground If $iBackColor < $Black Or $iBackColor > $BrightWhite Then $iBackColor = $iActiveBGColor $iActiveBGColor = $iBackColor Return $iActiveBGColor EndFunc ;==>_TextMode_SetActiveBackColor ; Get / Set active TextMode effect Func _TextMode_Mode($iMode = -1) Local Static $iTextMode If $iMode >= $Normal And $iMode <= $Flash Then $iTextMode = $iMode Return $iTextMode EndFunc ;==>_TextMode_Mode ; set Normal or Inverse or Blink or Flash Func _TextMode_SetMode($iMode = $Normal) If $iMode >= $Normal And $iMode <= $Flash Then Return _TextMode_Mode($iMode) Else Return _TextMode_Mode() EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TextMode_SetMode ; check if is within color ranges Func _IsRGB($iColor) Return $iColor >= 0x000000 And $iColor <= 0xFFFFFF EndFunc ;==>_IsRGB ; move the TextMode GUI to Func _TextMode_GUIMoveTo($iX = 5, $iY = 5, $_hGUI = $_hVintageGui) If IsHWnd($_hGUI) Then WinMove($_hGUI, "", $iX, $iY) EndFunc ;==>_TextMode_GUIMoveTo Func _EndANSI() _GUICtrlRichEdit_Destroy($hScreen[0]) Exit EndFunc ;==>_EndANSI ; returns one or more chars replicated n times ; Example: ConsoleWrite(_StringReplay('*', 5) & @CRLF) Func _StringReplay($sChars = "", $iRepeats = 0) $sChars = String($sChars) $iRepeats = Int(Abs(Number($iRepeats))) Return StringReplace(StringFormat('%' & $iRepeats & 's', ""), " ", $sChars) EndFunc ;==>_StringReplay1 point
You might also want to check the Autoit3 process information with Process Explorer to figure out whether it is consuming too many handles or or anomalies. Jos1 point
It's hardly surprising to have to wait forever trying to perform such task. In your example, we have the following (run this snippet): Local $aLine = [ _ "17,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,15,16,20,22,24,26,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", _ "16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,16,17,21,26,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", _ "23,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,23,25,26,28,29,35,36,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", _ "27,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,34,37,39,40,41,42,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", _ "27,14,16,17,18,19,20,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,35,36,37,38,39,40,42,43,44,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", _ "24,20,24,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", _ "16,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", _ "14,35,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," _ ] Local $iEntries, $iCount = 1 For $i = 0 To UBound($aLine) - 1 $iEntries = Int($aLine[$i]) $iCount *= $iEntries ConsoleWrite("Line " & $i & " has " & $iEntries & " entries, " & $iCount & " combinations until now." & @LF) Next So your code is going to evaluate 36,705,312,000 (36.7 billion) combinations of 8 numbers, each one having to be scanned for duplicate entries. First point: it's going to take forever, whatever powerful language and smart coding you use if you stick to the brute force algorithm. Corollary: 800 times forever is a long wait: store water and food. Second point: AutoIt arrays are limited to 2^24 (16 777 216) entries, so if you end up having more than this limit valid arrays, they won't fit in one. Since it looks like (from that sample only) that there are a lot of duplicate values and that values in each line are in sorted increasing order, you could (not surely) benefit from a setpwise approach. Below letters A,B,C,... are placeholders, not your A, B, C; [*] is an unknown, but this value is bounded. For instance, for step 1 (lines 0 & 1) the maximum entries [*] would be 17×16 = 272. For step 2, [*] would be Ubound($A)×23 after $A has been ReDim-ed, and so on. Form the resulting array $A[*][2] of valid combinations of lines 0 and 1 Form the resulting array $B[*][3] of valid combinations of $A and line 2 Form the resulting array $C[*][4] of valid combinations of $B and line 3 Form the resulting array $D[*][5] of valid combinations of $C and line 4 Form the resulting array $E[*][6] of valid combinations of $D and line 5 Form the resulting array $F[*][7] of valid combinations of $E and line 6 Form the final resulting array $G[*][8] of valid combinations of $F and line 7 Of course you'll have to take care of not overflowing AutoIt arrays max entries. If I had time I'd sketch up something in SQLite along these lines (yes I'm mad about it). EDIT: I also question the actual use context.1 point
Search for "timer" in the help file.1 point
Mailslot data is simply written/read as bytes, so it can be composed of anything as long as you know what data-types you're sending/receiving. For example, you can collect any data-types you want into a structure and just send that struct as a single message... (in this case two int's, a double, and a widestring) #include <APIErrorsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> Global $BytesWritten, $BytesRead Global $Struct = "int;int;double;wchar[512]" Global $tBuffer = DllStructCreate($Struct), $InBuffer = DllStructCreate($Struct) Global $hMailslot = _WinAPI_CreateMailslotW("\\.\Mailslot\Montaigne", DllStructGetSize($InBuffer), 1000) If $hMailslot = $INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then Exit Global $hMailslotOut = _WinAPI_CreateFileEx("\\.\Mailslot\Montaigne", $OPEN_EXISTING, $GENERIC_WRITE, BitOR($FILE_SHARE_READ, $FILE_SHARE_WRITE), $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) DllStructSetData($tBuffer, 1, -4) DllStructSetData($tBuffer, 2, 55) DllStructSetData($tBuffer, 3, 2.2) DllStructSetData($tBuffer, 4, "Que sçay-je?") _WinAPI_WriteFile($hMailslotOut, DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer), DllStructGetSize($tBuffer), $BytesWritten) _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hMailslotOut) _WinAPI_ReadFile($hMailslot, DllStructGetPtr($InBuffer), DllStructGetSize($InBuffer), $BytesRead) ConsoleWrite("Bytes Written: " & $BytesWritten & @LF & "Bytes Read: " & $BytesRead & @LF) MsgBox(0, "", DllStructGetData($InBuffer, 1) & @LF & DllStructGetData($InBuffer, 2) & @LF & DllStructGetData($InBuffer, 3) & @LF & DllStructGetData($InBuffer, 4)) _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hMailslot) Exit Func _WinAPI_CreateMailslotW($sFilePath, $iSize, $iTimeout, $tSecurity = 0) Local $aRet = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'handle', 'CreateMailslotW', 'wstr', $sFilePath, 'dword', $iSize, 'dword', $iTimeout, 'struct*', $tSecurity) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) If $aRet[0] = Ptr(-1) Then Return SetError(10, _WinAPI_GetLastError(), 0) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc This is actually an absurd example (as it's a single process sending a message into its own mailslot to duplicate structure contents it already has), but it was the simplest way to show how it works. In reality the client programme would be sending the $tBuffer message, while the server programme converts it to the $InBuffer struct, but you get the idea. Mailslots don't actually care where the data originates (whether in a separate process or not).1 point
Autoseek, First, welcome to the AutoIt forums. The easiest way to do this is to use an accelerator key and check if the focus is on the required input: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> $hGUI = GUICreate("Tracker", 380, 300) $cAddInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 15, 15, 200, 18) $hAddInput = GUICtrlGetHandle($cAddInput) $cExtraInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 15, 45, 200, 18) $cAddButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("New", 230, 15, 60, 20) $cEnterPressed = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUISetState() Global $aAccelKeys[][2] = [["{ENTER}", $cEnterPressed]] GUISetAccelerators($aAccelKeys) While 1 $iMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $iMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $cEnterPressed If _WinAPI_GetFocus() = $hAddInput Then ; Run the button case ContinueCase EndIf Case $cAddButton MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Hi", "Something should happen") EndSwitch WEnd You can check that if the focus is on the other input then the {ENTER} key does not action. All clear5? M231 point
Can't get List View values from the App.
Earthshine reacted to Vasud for a topic
Thanks for your response Danp2... Link which you sent is too long. Since i need quick solution, can you help me out with the script that will get items from list view.0 points