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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2018 in all areas

  1. if you insist on using the "Send to" feature, then first write your script to accept the file name as the command line argument - in AutoIt, that would be $CmdLine[1]. look it up in the help file: AutoIt \ Using AutoIt \ Command Line Parameters. then, compile your script and place the executable in the "SendTo" folder, either for your user profile only or for all users. see here on how to locate and customize the "SendTo" folder. once this is working for a single file, enhance your script to accommodate for multiple files and folders.
    2 points
  2. I've recently taken over the development of an extension for Visual Studio Code, which I've found to have a great mix of features as a code editor. I've recently been able to get the extension to a point that it could launch scripts from the editor, open the help docs on a highlighted keyword, and launch the Info app. I'm still working on wrapping my head around the inner workings of VSCode to be able to implement advanced features like Intellisense but would appreciate any feedback (bugs, feature requests, new different snippets) in this thread or on the GitHub page where I'm maintaining the extension. You check out the extension on the VSCode Marketplace here and view the code on GitHub here. Edit: Go to http://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/windows for information on installing Visual Studio Code. See http://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/extension-gallery for information on installing extensions to VS Code.
    1 point
  3. Are you aware that windows can reuse the pid of a closed process? So same pid in both arrays could be a completely different process.
    1 point
  4. Thanks, OP gets all the credit for that but, I thought it pretty interesting myself I think it would be especially useful if combined with Enum[Modules/Threads/Windows]
    1 point
  5. Melba23

    Stripping characters

    phucbk2344, Welcome to the AutoIt forums. Firstly, please give your threads meaningful titles - we know you want help or you would not have posted! Next, what is this number? From where do you get the values? One obvious suggestion is to use concatenation like this: Global $aArray[] = [328162, 309523, 660752, 436852, 435093, 459196, 078322, 028224] $sResult = "" For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 $sResult &= $aArray[$i] & "-" Next $sResult = StringTrimRight($sResult, 1) ConsoleWrite($sResult & @CRLF) But without more info it is difficult to be more precise. M23
    1 point
  6. To terminate a string you need single or double quotes! Depends on how you start the string
    1 point
  7. Subz

    array and loop problems

    Remove the Sleep after PixelSearch otherwise your @error is returning Sleep function error rather than the PixelSearch function error.
    1 point
  8. Never seen that before, show code.
    1 point
  9. Long time lurker, first time poster just to answer this...because I had the same need earlier this week. I mod'd the latest Metro UDF to include the tab code posted earlier in the thread.... It's dirty because I'm not as swift as some of the other folks here, but it works marginally well and themes correctly. I haven't torture tested it but I'll attach a moded Metro example UDF, it doesn't work so hot with the "Themes Demo", maybe someone else can sort that out. I did have to include the old "GUICtrlOnHover.au3" to make the mash-up work, someone else can probably do better. It's attached below, feel free to use but BBs19 will probably spit on my butchery MetroGUI_UDF_Tab.au3 GUICtrlOnHover.au3 Example.au3
    1 point
  10. S3d.au3 This UDF enables you to draw simple 3D graphics. Features: Simple and easy to useDoesn't require external libraries. You don't need OpenGL or DirectX. Available Functions: _S3d_SelectGraphic($hGraphic, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iSmooth = 2) _S3d_SelectPen($hPen) _S3d_SelectBrush($hBrush) _S3d_SelectFont($hFont) _S3d_SelectFormat($hFormat) _S3d_SetClipCount($iCount) _S3d_Dist($nPos1X = 0, $nPos1Y = 0, $nPos1Z = 0, $nPos2X = 0, $nPos2Y = 0, $nPos2Z = 0) _S3d_DistFromCamera($nPosX = 0, $nPosY = 0, $nPosZ = 0) _S3d_SetCamera($nCameraX, $nCameraY, $nCameraZ, $nTargetX, $nTargetY, $nTargetZ, $nVAngle = 0, $nFAngle = 0.8, $nFScale = 1000) _S3d_SetCameraEx($nCameraX, $nCameraY, $nCameraZ, $nXYAngle = 0, $nXZAngle = 0, $nVAngle = 0, $nFAngle = 0.8, $nFScale = 1000) _S3d_SetLocalMatrix($n00 = 1, $n01 = 0, $n02 = 0, $n03 = 0, $n10 = 0, $n11 = 1, $n12 = 0, $n13 = 0, $n20 = 0, $n21 = 0, $n22 = 1, $n23 = 0, $n30 = 0, $n31 = 0, $n32 = 0, $n33 = 1) _S3d_MultiplyLocalMatrix($n00 = 1, $n01 = 0, $n02 = 0, $n03 = 0, $n10 = 0, $n11 = 1, $n12 = 0, $n13 = 0, $n20 = 0, $n21 = 0, $n22 = 1, $n23 = 0, $n30 = 0, $n31 = 0, $n32 = 0, $n33 = 1, $fRefresh = True) _S3d_LocalTranslate($nX, $nY, $nZ, $fRefresh = True) _S3d_LocalScale($nX, $nY, $nZ, $fRefresh = True) _S3d_LocalRotateX($nAngle, $fDeg = False, $fRefresh = True) _S3d_LocalRotateY($nAngle, $fDeg = False, $fRefresh = True) _S3d_LocalRotateZ($nAngle, $fDeg = False, $fRefresh = True) _S3d_GetLocalMatrix() _S3d_SetLocalMatrixEx(ByRef $aMatrix) _S3d_GetPos($nX, $nY, $nZ) _S3d_InitCurrentPos() _S3d_MoveTo($nX, $nY, $nZ = Default) _S3d_Clear($nColor = 0xFF000000) _S3d_Line($nX1, $nY1, $nZ1, $nX2, $nY2, $nZ2) _S3d_LineTo($nX, $nY, $nZ) _S3d_Box($nX1, $nY1, $nZ1, $nX2, $nY2, $nZ2) _S3d_Arrow($nX1, $nY1, $nZ1, $nX2, $nY2, $nZ2, $nLen = 30, $nAngle = 0.6) _S3d_Circle($nX, $nY, $nZ, $nRad, $fFill = False) _S3d_Polygon($aPoints, $fFill = False) _S3d_RegPolygon($nX, $nY, $nZ, $nRad, $iNum, $fFill = True) _S3d_Star($nX, $nY, $nZ, $nRad1, $nRad2, $iNum, $fFill = True) _S3d_Square($nX1, $nY1, $nZ1, $nX2, $nY2, $nZ2, $nX3, $nY3, $nZ3, $nX4, $nY4, $nZ4, $fFill = True) _S3d_MoveTo2($nXL, $nYL, $nZL, $nXR, $nYR, $nZR) _S3d_RibbonTo($nXL, $nYL, $nZL, $nXR, $nYR, $nZR) _S3d_String($sString, $nX, $nY, $nZ) New version!S3d.zip v1.3.1 (09/JUN/2014) * Archives S3d.zip v1.3.0 (05/SEP/2013) S3d.zip v1.2.3 (16/AUG/2013) Enjoy!
    1 point
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