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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2018 in all areas

  1. And again a brand new update for the ISN Autoit Studio is out now! (Version 1.07) Many improvements in speed are made in this release! (Especial for big scripts) So happy testing! Changelog (by Google translator) -> ISN AutoIt Studio: <- ----------------------------------- [Fixes] - Various bugfixes - Indenting a lot of text with tabulator now works much faster. (And will not crash the ISN anymore) - The function "Repeat" or "Undo" in the Script Editor reacts faster with a lot of text. (And will not crash the ISN anymore) - When marking blank lines in the Script Editor, the ISN AutoIt Studio freezes for a few seconds. This is now fixed. - Fixed a bug that caused autocomplete not to work properly in some Scintilla controls (code deposit, code snippet). Bug with MustDeclareVars and the DBUG Tool fixed. - Fixed input problems after CTRL + G. - fixed bug with the scaling of the start logo and the small debug window [Improvements] - Speed with larger files has been greatly improved. (Also when copying / pasting text into the script editor) - The function "Mark last modified function in script tree" has been extended: Now an immediate marking can be selected. So as soon as the Coursor is placed in a function, the function is marked in the script tree. - revised the "Script Tree Settings" section in the program settings - All Scintilla controls (debug console, code deposit, code snippet etc.) now have a consistent context menu in the style of the "main editor" - Many hotkeys for the script editor (lines, bookmark, duplicate, etc.) now also work for other Scintilla Controls in ISN AutoIt Studio - The script tree of ISN AutoIt Studio now runs in its own thread. Thus, the script tree has now no more speed influence on the ISN AutoIt Studio! As a result, the generation of the script tree is now a bit faster. (Results are cached, for example, to be loaded faster when changing tabs) - The scroll position of the script editor is restored when the tab is changed! Added loading animation in the script tree - Autocomplete for variables and functions in the project runs much faster and no longer blocks the ISN AutoIt Studio. The internal list is now updated each time the script tree is updated. (So the "Save" command is executed) - Updated French translation (thx to Swirti) - Updated Russian translation (thx to 74LS00) - The list of "Recently opened items" (in the Welcome window) now automatically sorts items that are no longer available. Thus, no "holes" more in the list. - The project management can now be opened at any time. An open project does not have to be closed anymore. [New Features] - Autocomplete can now only be displayed from the second character on for UDF functions. To be found in the program settings under "Script Editor". - The filter for the script tree now supports wildcards (eg _test *). - A hotkey can now be assigned for the "Create temporary AutoIt script" function. - Added "Select All" function in the context menu of the Script Editor - The ISN AutoIt Studio now supports multiple paths for projects. In addition to the "main path", you can now specify additional folders that are searched for ISN projects. (See program settings -> program paths) - In project management, all projects from additional project paths are now displayed and grouped by folder. (For grouping Win Vista or higher is necessary) - In project management, projects can now simply be moved from one project folder to the other via drag and drop. -> ISN Form Studio 2: <- ----------------------------------- [Fixes] - Various bugfixes - Changing the tab pages in the Control Editor and GUI properties is now faster. (thx to lyogadi) [New Features] - In the GUI properties, the GUI code can now be packed into a function on request. (With the GUI handle as the return value) -> Plugin SDK: <- ----------------------------------- [Fixes] - Fixed a bug in the function "_ISNPlugin_ArrayStringToArray" that could cause the plugin to crash. - Bug fixed in the function "_ISNPlugin_Wait_for_Message_from_ISN_AutoIt_Studio".
    2 points
  2. You might also use _WinAPI_DragQueryFileEx (with flag 1 - files only)
    1 point
  3. WinGetCaretPos() returns position relative to foreground window but MouseClick() has absolute (desktop) position. So you have to get position of your window by WinGetPos() and add your caret's X value to window's X value.
    1 point
  4. Use @extended Local $string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvmxyz" MsgBox(0, "", _StringPos($string, "d") ) Func _StringPos($sString, $sSearch) StringRegExp($string, "\Q" & $sSearch & "\E", 1) Return @error ? 0 : @extended - StringLen($sSearch) EndFunc
    1 point
  5. Local $BA[] = ["Sin", "Tan", "Cos", "Exp", "Log", "7", "8", "9", "+", "C", "4", "5", "6", "-", "SqRt", "1", "2", "3", "*", ".", "0", "(", ")", "/", " = "] $hGui = GUICreate("Calc", 360, 400, 229, 138, 0x10000000 + 0x20000000 + 0xC00000 + 0x80000) ;VISIBLE, MINIMIZEBOX, CAPTION, POPUP, SYSMENU $D = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 8, 344, 31, BitOR(0x00000080, 2)) ;$ES_AUTOHSCROLL, $ES_RIGHT For $j = 0 To UBound($BA) - 1 ;make the buttons $BA[$j] = GUICtrlCreateButton($BA[$j], Mod($j, 5) * 70 + 7, Int($j / 5) * 70 + 50, 65, 63) $sB = GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") Next While Execute(Assign("j", GUIGetMsg()) And $j <> -3) If $j > 0 And Assign("sB", GUICtrlRead($j)) And Call($sB, GUICtrlRead($D)) Then GUICtrlSetData($D, Call($sB, GUICtrlRead($D))) ;Sqrt; Tan; Cos.. Execute($j - $D > 0xDEAD - @error And GUICtrlSetData($D, ($sB = "C" Or $sB = " = ") ? Execute(StringLeft($sB, 1) & GUICtrlRead($D)) : GUICtrlRead($D) & $sB)) WEnd 11 lines with a bit different method Still 11 Lines but its a bit more concise back to dynamic 'C' and '=' buttons and I showed how to add more named functions like Tan() Cos() Sin()
    1 point
  6. Jon

    AutoIt v3.3.14.3 Released

    AutoIt v3.3.14.3 has been released. Thanks to everyone involved, both visible and behind the scenes. Download it here. Complete list of changes: History
    1 point
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