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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2018 in all areas

  1. This is yet another instance of the XY problem.
    2 points
  2. In general we call this idea robotics. If you are not knowing more at the moment then pixelchecksum and want to buy a machine for just that you are most likely not on the right track. Some directions if you want to build this with au3 scripts Excel udf Winhttp udf Faq31 And in some bank insurance companies its even prohibited to do this on production systems
    1 point
  3. oh you want to doubleclick? my bad...this also works #include <Misc.au3> Global $State = 0 Global $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT Clicky() Func Clicky() While 1 If _IsPressed("70") Then $State = 1 ; F1 While $State = 1 MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT) MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT) Sleep(5000) If _IsPressed("1b") Then $State = 0 ; ESC WEnd WEnd Endfunc
    1 point
  4. you can also get the source of an html page using commands like InetGet(), InetRead(), _INetGetSource(), _IEDocReadHTML()
    1 point
  5. iCrypto, This works for me: #include <File.au3> Local $aLines $hFile = FileOpen("dateien.txt") While 1 $sPath = FileReadLine($hFile) ; This reads the next line on each pass If @error Then ExitLoop ; Stop when there are no more lines to read _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\" & $sPath, $aLines, $FRTA_NOCOUNT) ; Read file into an array _FileWriteFromArray(@ScriptDir & "\" & $sPath, $aLines, 1) ; Rewrite the file without the first line WEnd FileClose($hFile) Please ask if you have any questions. M23
    1 point
  6. Hi Chimp! Thanks a lot for your example - it saved me a lot work! I had to parse a table with almost 1400 rows (and lots of rowspans) in an 1.5MB HTML file, and got some performance issues. Here is how I solved them: First, I adapted the HTML tag position search in _ParseTags to search starting on the last tag found position, so StringInStr doesn't need to count thousands of "<tr" tags every iteration. Then, _ArraySort failed (too many rows...). So, to get the tag list pre-sorted, I search for the first opening and first closing tag. If the opening is before the closing, write to $aThisTagsPositions and find the next opening; if the closing is before the next opening, write to $aThisTagsPositions and find the next closing. This made it possible to read that huge HTML file in less than 90 seconds. Just replace the code on lines 208-216 with this: Local $iNextOpenPosition = StringInStr($sHtml, $sOpening, 0, 1) Local $iNextClosePosition = StringInStr($sHtml, $sClosing, 0, 1) Local $iOpenCount = 1 ; 2) find in the HTML the positions of the $sOpening <tag and $sClosing </tag> tags For $i = 1 To $iNrOfThisTag * 2 ;search all the opening and closing tags If ($iNextOpenPosition < $iNextClosePosition) And $iNextOpenPosition <> 0 Then $aThisTagsPositions[$i][0] = $iNextOpenPosition $aThisTagsPositions[$i][1] = $sOpening ; it marks which kind of tag is this $aThisTagsPositions[$i][2] = $iOpenCount; nr of this tag $iOpenCount += 1 $iNextOpenPosition = StringInStr($sHtml, $sOpening, 0, 1, $aThisTagsPositions[$i][0] + 1) Else $aThisTagsPositions[$i][0] = $iNextClosePosition + StringLen($sClosing) - 1 $aThisTagsPositions[$i][1] = $sClosing ; it marks which kind of tag is this $iNextClosePosition = StringInStr($sHtml, $sClosing, 0, 1, $aThisTagsPositions[$i][0] + 1) EndIf Next
    1 point
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