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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2018 in all areas
Hi @BrianTheLibrarian. Your question is more JS related than AutoIt. The page https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Gamification-Assessments-3465703 contains the download button with the url: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/FreeDownload/Gamification-Assessments-3465703 that page loads the script: https://static-assets.teacherspayteachers.com/js-min/customer/items/free_download.js?rand=1515580196 and one of the last lines contains: window.location=cfg.free_download.link if you open the developer console in the browser of your coosing on page: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/FreeDownload/Gamification-Assessments-3465703 and run the line cfg.free_download.link you will get the link: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Download/Classroom-Gamification-Assessments-3465703 that link will send status code 302 Moved Temporarily and send your browser to the link: https://downloads.teacherspayteachers.com/3/3465/3465703/fd8841b303a3705d56cfedd3278bc561?Sqio3qRJOWKrNllCbXeE-OD38_Djua8yrcAaEERXJKCnVRtrNT74JYbXn5TsTYIX&file_name=GamificationAssessments.pdf So you can either get the JS variable from the download site, or just take the URL https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Download/<The string after /FreeDownload/ on first link> if it works as i think.2 points
Best practice for replacing string between specific characters
Earthshine and one other reacted to ViciousXUSMC for a topic
This is one time I feel RegEx is better than the string functions, is shorter, and does exactly what is needed without a complicated pattern. czardas version works well, it does strip the pipes and have you add them back in the new text is the only thing I can see to be aware of.2 points -
because the OP obv lacks fundamentals and taking the UDF route they learn about arrays? I'd imagine all *string*replace* function recommendations would help exactly the same. Except this, this one might be a brutal first take: Local $sString = "start|original text|end" $delim = "|" $newstring = "New Text" $sReplace = StringReplace($sString , stringmid($sString , stringinstr($sString , $delim) , StringInStr($sString , $delim , 0 , 2) - stringinstr($sString , $delim) + 1) , $delim & $newstring & $delim) msgbox(0, '' , $sReplace)2 points
Question - $GUI_DROPACCEPTED isn't working in windows10 x64
Earthshine reacted to ViciousXUSMC for a topic
I am going to place my bet that it's a UAC / Admin privilege issue. Not specific to the OS but rather the configuration of the instance it is being tested against.1 point -
Check progress of a script
Theodoor reacted to Earthshine for a topic
add logging. log every step, you can make it DEBUG or TRACE level or whatever you want. I am a logging fool. using the example given in that thread i got this from the test >"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\AutoIt3.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "D:\OneDrive\Build\Development\AutoIT\LogViewer\logtest.au3" /UserParams +>10:40:15 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v.17.224.935.0 SciTE v. Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_10/ CPU:X64 OS:X64 Environment(Language:0409) CodePage:0 utf8.auto.check:4 +> SciTEDir => C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE UserDir => C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper SCITE_USERHOME => C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE >Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3 input:D:\OneDrive\Build\Development\AutoIT\LogViewer\logtest.au3 +>10:40:15 AU3Check ended.rc:0 >Running:(\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "D:\OneDrive\Build\Development\AutoIT\LogViewer\logtest.au3" --> Press Ctrl+Alt+Break to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop 01\10\2018 10:40:15 Trace A TRACE message 01\10\2018 10:40:15 Debug A DEBUG message 01\10\2018 10:40:15 Info A INFO message 01\10\2018 10:40:15 Warning A WARN message 01\10\2018 10:40:15 Error A ERROR message 01\10\2018 10:40:15 Fatal A FATAL message 01\10\2018 | DESKTOP-9VCE6D3 | Trace | A TRACE message 01\10\2018 | DESKTOP-9VCE6D3 | Info | A INFO message 01\10\2018 | DESKTOP-9VCE6D3 | Warning | A WARN message 01\10\2018 | DESKTOP-9VCE6D3 | Trace | A TRACE message 01\10\2018 | DESKTOP-9VCE6D3 | Error | A ERROR message 01\10\2018 | DESKTOP-9VCE6D3 | Fatal | A FATAL message 01\10\2018 | DESKTOP-9VCE6D3 | Error | A ERROR message +>10:40:15 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:0 +>10:40:15 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished. >Exit code: 0 Time: 0.60861 point -
Best practice for replacing string between specific characters
Earthshine reacted to ViciousXUSMC for a topic
I am not strong at it, but have enough skill to make use of it. For unknown values it has really helped me automate a lot of things. This is my best friend: https://regex101.com/ Also lets you link to show examples: https://regex101.com/r/M34RkR/11 point -
Would this work for you, provided you're positive that input file exists? Local $nFile = @ScriptDir & "\new.csv" FileDelete($nFile) FileWrite($nFile, StringRegExpReplace(FileRead(@ScriptDir & "\data.tsv"), "\t", ","))1 point
Best practice for replacing string between specific characters
Earthshine reacted to czardas for a topic
LOL1 point -
unpopular opinion: the folk who crutch on regex suck with stringops and take unnecessary penalties1 point
Best practice for replacing string between specific characters
Earthshine reacted to czardas for a topic
Yeah, I wanted to use the simplest syntax. I'll leave it to you guys to fix. RegExp patterns don't constitute beginner level code IMO.1 point -
Best practice for replacing string between specific characters
Earthshine reacted to genius257 for a topic
Nice, but on the odd chance the string contains a newline sequence it won't work without (?s) My suggestion: '(\|[^|]*\|)'1 point -
Best practice for replacing string between specific characters
Earthshine reacted to czardas for a topic
Of course you can - if you know how.1 point -
SciTE4AutoIt3 - encoding/input problem
Earthshine reacted to Jos for a topic
mmm professional help .... guess I do need to setup that hotline for support and charge an hefty fee. As to your issue: Have you checked what the encoding is when you open the files that is displayed wrong as thye default has changed from ANSI to UTF8 w/o BOM unless highvalue ANSO characters are found in the file? Check under file/encoding what it is for that file. As to defaults for ANSI codepage: there are several setting in SciTEGlobal.properties which you could override by specifying your own defaults in SciTEUSer.properties. Don't do that in SciTEGlobal.properties as that file is updated with each release. Look in the at the SciTE documentation page for these keywords: code.page output.code.page character.set Jos1 point -
mysql and sqlite3 is possible do a query innerjoin??
Earthshine reacted to jchd for a topic
Querying any kind of SQL join is forcibly addressed to one RDBMS engine, hence all the tables must reside in DBs handled by this one engine. MySQL and SQLite don't know how to use each other DB format. I've had to perform such task and one solution is to copy one table from one DB into the other one, then query the join there. You must be careful to avoid inconsistancies if ever the DB containing the source table may cause changes in the other DB in the meantime.1 point -
Sorry to ask, but what is a rectangle with radius?1 point
How to get system independent date format
Earthshine reacted to water for a topic
How about _Date_Time_GetSystemTime?1 point -
HTML Pretty Print UDF
natedog102 reacted to genius257 for a topic
Hey @natedog102. So here's the most i'll do on the script for now: prettyhtml.au3 What's missing that i know of without your special case examples, would be start tags without end tags. There's just too many for me to do without some kind of usage of the end product for me ^^, see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#syntax-tag-omission The "An ... element's ... tag may be omitted if ..." cases are many and very specific for each case Anyway i hope the updated script may help a little.1 point -
Many ideas, see controlclick and mouseclick that should be enough to get you started Use the info tool to get information about the ok button If you have scite, you can open this tool in the menu "Tools" -> Au3Info1 point
I saw this code here: http://zoomquilt.org/ and here: http://arkadia.xyz and thought how this can be implemented in AutoIt. Here the results. The Zoomquilt: ;coded by UEZ build 2018-01-10, idea and images taken from http://zoomquilt.org/ ;thanks to spudw2k for the MouseZoom function #pragma compile(Icon, "c:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Icons\au3.ico") #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=y #Au3Stripper_Parameters=/so /pe /rm #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=del /f /q "%scriptdir%\%scriptfile%_stripped.au3" #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> _GDIPlus_Startup() Global $hGUI, $iFPS = 0, $iShowFPS = 0, $bExit, $iW, $iH Global Const $sTitle = "GDI Image Zoom v2.1.2 coded by UEZ" AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Downloader() GDIPlus_ZoomImage() AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Func GDIPlus_ZoomImage($bMultimonitor = False) $bExit = False Local $i, $aImages[46], $hImage, $hObj ConsoleWrite("Loading images from local disk..." & @CRLF) Local $fTimer = TimerInit() For $i = 0 To UBound($aImages) - 1 $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile(@ScriptDir & "\Images\TheZoomquilt" & StringFormat("%02i.jpg", $i)) $aImages[$i] = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hImage) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) Next ConsoleWrite(UBound($aImages) & " images loaded in " & TimerDiff($fTimer) & " ms" & @CRLF) Local $tDim = DllStructCreate($tagBITMAP) DllCall("GDI32.dll", 'int', 'GetObject', 'int', $aImages[0], 'int', DllStructGetSize($tDim), 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($tDim)) $iW = $tDim.bmWidth $iH = $tDim.bmHeight Local $hFullScreen = WinGetHandle("[TITLE:Program Manager;CLASS:Progman]"), $aFullScreen[4], $iW_Dt, $iH_Dt $aFullScreen = WinGetPos($hFullScreen) If $bMultimonitor Then $iW_Dt = $aFullScreen[2] $iH_Dt = $aFullScreen[3] Else $iW_Dt = @DesktopWidth $iH_Dt = @DesktopHeight $aFullScreen[0] = "" $aFullScreen[1] = "" EndIf $hGUI = GUICreate($sTitle, $iW_Dt, $iH_Dt, $aFullScreen[0], $aFullScreen[1], $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) GUISetCursor(16, 1) ;create canvas elements Local Const $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hGUI) Local Const $hHBitmap = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap($hDC, $iW_Dt, $iH_Dt) Local Const $hDC_backbuffer = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) Local Const $DC_obj = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC_backbuffer, $hHBitmap) Local Const $hMemDC = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) _WinAPI_SetStretchBltMode($hDC_backbuffer, $STRETCH_DELETESCANS) Local Const $hCanvas = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHDC($hDC_backbuffer) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($hCanvas, $GDIP_SMOOTHINGMODE_HIGHQUALITY) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetPixelOffsetMode($hCanvas, $GDIP_PIXELOFFSETMODE_HIGHQUALITY) Local Const $hBrush_Clr = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(0xFF000000), _ $hBrush_FPS = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(0xFFFFFFFF), _ $hFormat_FPS = _GDIPlus_StringFormatCreate(), _ $hFamily_FPS = _GDIPlus_FontFamilyCreate("Arial"), _ $hFont_FPS = _GDIPlus_FontCreate($hFamily_FPS, 8), _ $tLayout_FPS = _GDIPlus_RectFCreate(0, 0, 130, 16) $iFPS = 0 GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit_About") AdlibRegister("CalcFPS", 1000) Local $a[3], $b = 1, $c, $x, $e, $y, $w, $h, $w2 = $iW_Dt / 2, $h2 = $iH_Dt / 2, $q, $r If $iW_Dt > 1.5 * $iH_Dt Then $q = $iW_Dt $r = 0.75 * $iW_Dt Else $q = 1.5 * $iH_Dt $r = 0.75 * $iH_Dt EndIf Do For $e = 0 To 2 $a[$e] = $aImages[Mod(Floor($b) + $e, UBound($aImages))] Next $c = 2^(Mod($b, 1)) For $e = 0 To 2 $x = $w2 - $q / 2 * $c $y = $h2 - $r / 2 * $c $w = $q * $c $h = $r * $c $hObj = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hMemDC, $a[$e]) _WinAPI_StretchBlt($hDC_backbuffer, $x, $y, $w, $h, $hMemDC, 0, 0, $iW, $iH, $SRCCOPY) $c *= 0.5 Next $b += MouseZoom() IF $b < 0 Then $b = UBound($aImages) - $b _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawStringEx($hCanvas, "FPS: " & $iShowFPS & " @ " & $iW_Dt & "x" & $iH_Dt & " px", $hFont_FPS, $tLayout_FPS, $hFormat_FPS, $hBrush_FPS) _WinAPI_BitBlt($hDC, 0, 0, $iW_Dt, $iH_Dt, $hDC_backbuffer, 0, 0, $SRCCOPY) $iFPS += 1 If $bExit Then ExitLoop Until Not Sleep(0) AdlibUnRegister("CalcFPS") ;release resources _GDIPlus_FontDispose($hFont_FPS) _GDIPlus_FontFamilyDispose($hFamily_FPS) _GDIPlus_StringFormatDispose($hFormat_FPS) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($hBrush_Clr) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($hBrush_FPS) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hCanvas) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hMemDC, $hObj) _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hMemDC) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC_backbuffer, $DC_obj) _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hDC_backbuffer) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hHBitmap) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hGUI, $hDC) For $i = 0 To UBound($aImages) - 1 _WinAPI_DeleteObject($aImages[$i]) Next GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc ;==>GDIPlus_ZoomImage Func MouseZoom() ;https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/functions/math/map/ Local $iInput = MouseGetPos(1), $iInMin = 0, $iInMax = @DesktopHeight, $iOutMin = 1, $iOutMax = -1, $iStep = 0.025 Return (($iInput - $iInMin) * ($iOutMax - $iOutMin) / ($iInMax - $iInMin) + $iOutMin) * $iStep EndFunc ;MouseZoom() Func _Exit_About() $bExit = True EndFunc ;==>_Exit_About Func CalcFPS() ;display FPS $iShowFPS = $iFPS $iFPS = 0 EndFunc ;==>CalcFPS Func Downloader() Local $i, $A = StringSplit("FUjD9hf gbHhxTR 8YyzJdR xP3aNkR 2Qi4fQr E6pW5Ky zmtWIBF Af7LtYp TuXy30d 3nKGLr2 hNoWscB mSBvv3K f4wJ70e mIt9XmM M4TkAyh P4L4qhd hNM6bTv VoT8JXM jqcGH0B DYVoN8n bOPQkOI NeaTfJ1 18ppMNr FZ3d8Jv HsoX2RP mjv4kzI 6rpJbef pySKauq WjNQYRV Ffooo8y Xei5XfD T5A415r LiV0VNB nGcwiO4 b1Gdjjy GE828iy eSQ7SLe 1mPyGgL GNtwJIr KxBlU7E aKXhms5 9Quu2wu Y07quDf r0yC5Qa 273fCkD 2wMyCUw FUjD9hf", " ", 2) Local $sURL For $i = 0 To UBound($A) - 1 If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Images\TheZoomquilt" & StringFormat("%02i.jpg", $i)) Then If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Images") Then DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Images") $sURL = "http://imgur.com/" & $A[Mod(20 + $i, 46)] & ".jpg" ConsoleWrite("Downloading " & $sURL & ": " & InetGet($sURL, @ScriptDir & "\Images\TheZoomquilt" & StringFormat("%02i.jpg", $i), 8) & " bytes" & @CRLF) ToolTip("Downloading images...Please wait! -> " & $i + 1 & " / " & UBound($A), MouseGetPos(0), MouseGetPos(1)) EndIf Next ToolTip("") EndFunc ;==>Downloader Arkadia: ;coded by UEZ build 2018-01-10, idea and images taken from http://arkadia.xyz ;thanks to spudw2k for the MouseZoom function #pragma compile(Icon, "c:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Icons\au3.ico") #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=y #Au3Stripper_Parameters=/so /pe /rm #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=del /f /q "%scriptdir%\%scriptfile%_stripped.au3" #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> _GDIPlus_Startup() Global $hGUI, $iFPS = 0, $iShowFPS = 0, $bExit, $iW, $iH Global Const $sTitle = "GDI Image Zoom v2.2.1 coded by UEZ" AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Downloader() GDIPlus_ZoomImage() AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Func GDIPlus_ZoomImage($bMultimonitor = False) $bExit = False Local $i, $aImages[49], $hImage, $hObj ConsoleWrite("Loading images from local disk..." & @CRLF) Local $fTimer = TimerInit() For $i = 0 To UBound($aImages) - 1 $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile(@ScriptDir & "\Images\Arkadia" & $i & ".jpg") $aImages[$i] = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hImage) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) Next ConsoleWrite(UBound($aImages) & " images loaded in " & TimerDiff($fTimer) & " ms" & @CRLF) Local $tDim = DllStructCreate($tagBITMAP) DllCall("GDI32.dll", "int", "GetObject", "int", $aImages[0], "int", DllStructGetSize($tDim), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tDim)) $iW = $tDim.bmWidth $iH = $tDim.bmHeight Local $hFullScreen = WinGetHandle("[TITLE:Program Manager;CLASS:Progman]"), $aFullScreen[4], $iW_Dt, $iH_Dt $aFullScreen = WinGetPos($hFullScreen) If $bMultimonitor Then $iW_Dt = $aFullScreen[2] $iH_Dt = $aFullScreen[3] Else $iW_Dt = @DesktopWidth $iH_Dt = @DesktopHeight $aFullScreen[0] = "" $aFullScreen[1] = "" EndIf $hGUI = GUICreate($sTitle, $iW_Dt, $iH_Dt, $aFullScreen[0], $aFullScreen[1], $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) GUISetCursor(16, 1) ;create canvas elements Local Const $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hGUI) Local Const $hHBitmap = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap($hDC, $iW_Dt, $iH_Dt) Local Const $hDC_backbuffer = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) Local Const $DC_obj = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC_backbuffer, $hHBitmap) Local Const $hMemDC = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) _WinAPI_SetStretchBltMode($hDC_backbuffer, $STRETCH_DELETESCANS) Local Const $hCanvas = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHDC($hDC_backbuffer) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($hCanvas, $GDIP_SMOOTHINGMODE_HIGHQUALITY) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetPixelOffsetMode($hCanvas, $GDIP_PIXELOFFSETMODE_HIGHQUALITY) Local Const $hBrush_Clr = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(0xFF000000), _ $hBrush_FPS = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(0xFFFFFFFF), _ $hFormat_FPS = _GDIPlus_StringFormatCreate(), _ $hFamily_FPS = _GDIPlus_FontFamilyCreate("Arial"), _ $hFont_FPS = _GDIPlus_FontCreate($hFamily_FPS, 8), _ $tLayout_FPS = _GDIPlus_RectFCreate(0, 0, 130, 16) $iFPS = 0 GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit_About") AdlibRegister("CalcFPS", 1000) Local $a[3], $b = 1, $c, $x, $e, $y, $w, $h, $w2 = $iW_Dt / 2, $h2 = $iH_Dt / 2, $q, $r If $iW_Dt > 1.5 * $iH_Dt Then $q = $iW_Dt $r = 0.75 * $iW_Dt Else $q = 1.5 * $iH_Dt $r = 0.75 * $iH_Dt EndIf Do For $e = 0 To 2 $a[$e] = $aImages[Mod(Floor($b) + $e, UBound($aImages))] Next $c = 2^(Mod($b, 1)) For $e = 0 To 2 $x = $w2 - $q / 2 * $c $y = $h2 - $r / 2 * $c $w = $q * $c $h = $r * $c $hObj = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hMemDC, $a[$e]) _WinAPI_StretchBlt($hDC_backbuffer, $x, $y, $w, $h, $hMemDC, 0, 0, $iW, $iH, $SRCCOPY) $c *= 0.5 Next $b += MouseZoom() IF $b < 0 Then $b = UBound($aImages) - $b _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawStringEx($hCanvas, "FPS: " & $iShowFPS & " @ " & $iW_Dt & "x" & $iH_Dt & " px", $hFont_FPS, $tLayout_FPS, $hFormat_FPS, $hBrush_FPS) _WinAPI_BitBlt($hDC, 0, 0, $iW_Dt, $iH_Dt, $hDC_backbuffer, 0, 0, $SRCCOPY) $iFPS += 1 If $bExit Then ExitLoop Until Not Sleep(0) AdlibUnRegister("CalcFPS") ;release resources _GDIPlus_FontDispose($hFont_FPS) _GDIPlus_FontFamilyDispose($hFamily_FPS) _GDIPlus_StringFormatDispose($hFormat_FPS) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($hBrush_Clr) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($hBrush_FPS) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hCanvas) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hMemDC, $hObj) _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hMemDC) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC_backbuffer, $DC_obj) _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hDC_backbuffer) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hHBitmap) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hGUI, $hDC) For $i = 0 To UBound($aImages) - 1 _WinAPI_DeleteObject($aImages[$i]) Next GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc ;==>GDIPlus_ZoomImage Func MouseZoom() ;https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/functions/math/map/ Local $iInput = MouseGetPos(1), $iInMin = 0, $iInMax = @DesktopHeight, $iOutMin = 1, $iOutMax = -1, $iStep = 0.025 Return (($iInput - $iInMin) * ($iOutMax - $iOutMin) / ($iInMax - $iInMin) + $iOutMin) * $iStep EndFunc ;MouseZoom() Func _Exit_About() $bExit = True EndFunc ;==>_Exit_About Func CalcFPS() ;display FPS $iShowFPS = $iFPS $iFPS = 0 EndFunc ;==>CalcFPS Func Downloader() Local $sURL, $i For $i = 0 To 48 If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Images\Arkadia" & $i & ".jpg") Then If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Images") Then DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Images") $sURL = "http://arkadia.xyz/images/arkadia" & $i & ".jpg" ConsoleWrite("Downloading " & $sURL & ": " & InetGet($sURL, @ScriptDir & "\Images\Arkadia" & $i & ".jpg", 8) & " bytes" & @CRLF) ToolTip("Downloading images...Please wait! -> " & $i + 1 & " / " & $i, MouseGetPos(0), MouseGetPos(1)) EndIf Next ToolTip("") EndFunc ;==>Downloader The missing images will be download and saved to script dir in folder images. Due to internal integer format of the GDI functions the screen is little bit wobbling. Happy watching.1 point
HTML Pretty Print UDF
natedog102 reacted to genius257 for a topic
hmmm I imagine it might be an easy fix with StringStripWS(..., 1+2) Hmmm i suspect it might be the cases i have a tough time testing for myself ^^ examples would be greatly appreciated Oh yeah, it helps The more bugs i know of, the more i can try to improve it ^^1 point