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A simple endless kaleidoscope made on a RichEdit control (hit esc to exit) Idea is from this link: http://www.calormen.com/jsbasic/ select the "Rod's Color Pattern" demo and run it on the Apple 2 emulator on that web page to see the original Apple II version. ; Idea from this link: http://www.calormen.com/jsbasic/ ; get the "Rod's Color Pattern" from the "Select a sample..." combo and run it ; #include <GuiRichEdit.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_TheEnd") ; Global $iHwidth = 40, $iVheight = 40; width and height of screen Global $sBuffer = _StringReplay(_StringReplay(" ", $iHwidth + 1) & @CRLF, $iVheight) ;to fill the RichEdit Global $sChar = " " Global Const $aApplesoft_color[16] = [ _ ; LoRes colors in Applesoft basic 0x000000, _ ; 0x0 = 00 = Black 0XFF00FF, _ ; 0x1 = 01 = Magenta 0X0000A0, _ ; 0x2 = 02 = Dark Blue 0X800080, _ ; 0x3 = 03 = Purple 0X006400, _ ; 0x4 = 04 = Dark Green 0X808080, _ ; 0x5 = 05 = Grey 0X0000CD, _ ; 0x6 = 06 = Medium Blue 0XADD8E6, _ ; 0x7 = 07 = Light Blue 0XA52A2A, _ ; 0x8 = 08 = Brown 0XFFA500, _ ; 0x9 = 09 = Orange 0XD3D3D3, _ ; 0xA = 10 = Light Grey 0XFFC0CB, _ ; 0xB = 11 = Pink 0X008000, _ ; 0xC = 12 = Green 0XFFFF00, _ ; 0xD = 13 = Yellow 0X00FFFF, _ ; 0xE = 14 = Aqua 0xFFFFFF]; ; 0xF = 15 = White Global $MyGui = GUICreate("", 335, 630, -1, -1, $WS_POPUPWINDOW, BitOR($WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, $WS_EX_COMPOSITED, $WS_EX_LAYERED)) $hGlass = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, 335, 630, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) ; Protect the RichEdit and allows to drag the GUI around GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) ; This is like a glass over the underlying RichEdit GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 2) ; Cursor is an arrow (instead of the default I-beam) ; ; This RichEdit is used to simulate the LoRes Graphic of tha Apple 2 (40x40 pixels) Global $hGR = _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create($MyGui, $sBuffer, 0, 0, 335, 630, BitOR($ES_READONLY, $ES_MULTILINE)) _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetSel($hGR, 0, -1) _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetFont($hGR, 10, "Courier new") _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetBkColor($hGR, 0xffffff) GUISetState() ; Main loop ; --------- While 1 For $W = 3 To 50 For $x = 19 To 1 Step -1 For $y = 19 To 0 Step -1 $xy = $x + $y $iColor = Mod(Int($y * 3 / ($x + 3) + $x * $W / 12), 16) $sChar = ChrW(32 + $iColor) ; comment this if you don't want chars (only color) If $iColor > 15 Then $iColor = 15 Print($sChar, $x, $xy, $iColor) Print($sChar, $xy, $x, $iColor) Print($sChar, 40 - $x, 40 - $xy, $iColor) Print($sChar, 40 - $xy, 40 - $x, $iColor) Print($sChar, $xy, 40 - $x, $iColor) Print($sChar, 40 - $x, $xy, $iColor) Print($sChar, $x, 40 - $xy, $iColor) Print($sChar, 40 - $xy, $x, $iColor) Next Next Next WEnd ; Print a char to Htab (Horiz. pos), Vtab (Vert pos) on the RichEdit ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ Func Print($sChar = "", $iHtab = 1, $iVtab = 1, $iColor = 0xffffff) _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetSel($hGR, GetAbsPos($iHtab, $iVtab), GetAbsPos($iHtab, $iVtab) + 1, True) _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharBkColor($hGR, $aApplesoft_color[$iColor]) _GUICtrlRichEdit_ReplaceText($hGR, $sChar, False) EndFunc ;==>Print ; From Htab Vtab (1 based) to Absolute position within the RichEdit ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- Func GetAbsPos($iHtab = 1, $iVtab = 1, $iScreenWidth = $iHwidth) Return ($iVtab - 1) * ($iScreenWidth + 2) + $iHtab EndFunc ;==>GetAbsPos ; returns one or more chars replicated n times ; Example: ConsoleWrite(_StringReplay('*', 5) & @CRLF) Func _StringReplay($sChars = "", $iRepeats = 0) $sChars = String($sChars) $iRepeats = Int(Abs(Number($iRepeats))) Return StringReplace(StringFormat('%' & $iRepeats & 's', ""), " ", $sChars) EndFunc ;==>_StringReplay Func _TheEnd() If WinActive("[ACTIVE]") = $MyGui Then _GUICtrlRichEdit_Destroy($hGR) Exit EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TheEnd8 points
Not much we can do to assist with just a screenshot. Give us something that we can use to help you. Post the URL, the HTML, etc.1 point
pixelsearch reacted to argumentum for a topic
@Matt_Murdoch, as @Melba23 said, it's no longer needed but, there are the files1 point -
Matt_Murdoch reacted to Melba23 for a topic
Matt_Murdoch, Welcome to the AutoIt forums. Most of the function in this UDF are now included in the standard AutoIt install, so there is no need to download it. M231 point -
Usually an underscore in front of the function name means it's a user defined function not a native function, but it's just a convention. You can find user defined function without underscore prefix. Anyway it has nothing to do with the functionality, whatever your function is name it runs in the same way.1 point
There is no difference, but we tend to use the underscore prefix to indicate that it is an UDF in stead of an internal function. Jos1 point
Pretty cool. A GDI+ version would be pretty cool too I imagine1 point
For this example of Notepad windows to work for you, your window handles will need to be entered into the array, $aWinHwds. Press Esc key to exit this example when run. #include <Array.au3> HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Terminate") ; Press Esc key to exit. Global $aWinHwds[6] ; <<<<< Change for the number of windows required. (eg. $aWinHwds[20] will generate 20 windows) Local $iNumOfCols = 4 ; <<<<< Change for number of columns of windows per row on desktop. Local $iWinWidth = Int(@DesktopWidth / $iNumOfCols), $iWinHeight = Int(@DesktopHeight / Ceiling(UBound($aWinHwds) / $iNumOfCols)) For $i = 0 To UBound($aWinHwds) - 1 $iPid = Run("notepad.exe") ProcessWait($iPid) $aWinHwds[$i] = WinGetHandle("", "") ; Add the active window's handle to $aWinHwds Array WinMove($aWinHwds[$i], "", Mod($i, $iNumOfCols) * $iWinWidth, Int($i / $iNumOfCols) * $iWinHeight, $iWinWidth + 13, $iWinHeight + 10) Next While 1 For $i = 0 To UBound($aWinHwds) - 1 If WinExists($aWinHwds[$i], "") = 0 Then ; Check if any windows have been deleted. _ArrayDelete($aWinHwds, $i) ; This re-dimensions the $aWinHwds array. ExitLoop ; Exits For-Next loop. Will re-order windows in next For-Next loop with new UBound($aWinHwds) value. Else WinMove($aWinHwds[$i], "", Mod($i, $iNumOfCols) * $iWinWidth, Int($i / $iNumOfCols) * $iWinHeight, $iWinWidth + 13, $iWinHeight + 10) EndIf Next If UBound($aWinHwds) = 0 Then ExitLoop ; Exit script if all generated windows have been deleted. Exits While-Wend loop. Sleep(50) WEnd Func _Terminate() ; Close all created windows For $i = UBound($aWinHwds) - 1 To 0 Step -1 WinClose($aWinHwds[$i], "") Next Exit EndFunc ;==>_Terminate Another method is right click on the bottom task bar near the right hand side of the desktop and a context menu will pop up. To re-arrange the windows on the desktop select either:- Cascade windows, Show windows stacked, Show windows side by side, or, Show the desktop, from the menu. And another shell object method. ; https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb774094(v=vs.85).aspx $objShell = ObjCreate("Shell.Application") $objShell.ToggleDesktop ; Show desktop Sleep(2000) $objShell.ToggleDesktop ; Re-instste previous desktop MsgBox(0, "ToggleDesktop 2nd time", "", 2) $objShell.TileHorizontally MsgBox(0, "TileHorizontally", "", 2) $objShell.TileVertically MsgBox(0, "TileVertically", "", 2) $objShell.CascadeWindows MsgBox(0, "CascadeWindows", "", 2) MsgBox(0, "The End", "Sorry about messing up all your windows", 2)1 point
You must have the ActiveDirectory module available for import (usually done by installing RSAT). In reply to a question posed on the AD UDF thread. How to dump an array of users from AD with a partial Last Name: #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> $sName = inputbox("Get AD User Info" , "AD Lastname (or partial)") $sName = "*" & $sName & "*" $sCommands = "powershell -Command import-module ActiveDirectory; Get-ADUser -LDAPfilter '(name=" & $sName & ")'" $iPID = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $sCommands, "", @SW_SHOW , $stdout_child) $sOutput = "" While 1 $sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID) If @error Then ExitLoop EndIf WEnd $aOut = stringsplit($sOutput, @LF , 2) for $i = ubound($aOut) - 1 to 0 step -1 $aOut[$i] = StringStripWS($aOut[$i] , 8) If stringinstr($aOut[$i] , "GivenName") And Stringright($aOut[$i] , 1) <> ":" Then $aOut[$i] = stringtrimleft($aOut[$i] , 10) ElseIf stringinstr($aOut[$i] , "Surname") And Stringright($aOut[$i] , 1) <> ":" Then $aOut[$i] = stringtrimleft($aOut[$i] , 8) Else _ArrayDelete($aOut , $i) EndIf next ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aOut) Local $aFullName[0] For $i = 0 to ubound($aOut) - 1 step 2 _ArrayAdd ($aFullName , $aOut[$i] & " " & $aOut[$i + 1]) Next $aFullNameUnique = _ArrayUnique($aFullName, 0 ,0 ,0 ,0) _ArrayDisplay($aFullNameUnique)1 point
I posted a solution as the ones previously posted didn't work with Opt("MouseCoordMode",2) And for the sake of anyone who is using the Forums search functions for answers before re-posting questions, I thought it may be appropriate there was a working solution in this thread. I apologise if this is offensive. wakido1 point