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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi, You can include an sqlite.dll with your script, check out: All from memory and install at run time
    1 point
  2. Amazing! That fixed it. I really appreciate the lightning fast response, I'll PayPal some money (or my boss rather )
    1 point
  3. Do stories of encountering software written in autoit in the wild count? Some small company once hired me to maintain a VPS with data mining bots on windows because the previous guy was constantly having to maintain the VPS because the programs he created were unstable and crashing the VPS. I discovered the programs were autoit scripts. Being a fan of the language I was quite amused at how much data these three programs were processing, a chain of API requests and SQL queries. One program was constantly making requests to several APIs and got several tens of keys, then passed it to the next program who would make a call for each of those keys, then the next program would create several queries for each of those keys. It was really testing its limits. There was an API call that dealt with having to MD5 hash a key and the guy used a javascript processing program (not even nodejs, ie or whatever else) to run some MD5 hashing code, it would launch that program once a second.. I was surprised the guy wasn't able to recognize an MD5 hashing function in javascript when he saw one yet wrote all these programs.. I told my employer this was the wrong language for the job so I replaced everything with my own stuff but I did keep a version of the autoit bots maintained just because I wanted to see them functioning and doing that job cause I thought it was kinda cute somehow, probably because how elaborate it was using all these components to deal with things he didn't know how to properly deal with. Replaced the JS md5 hashing function and that JS interpreter with a simple "_Crypt_HashData" call, created a logging system to catch where the crash happened and realized after 3 days of running it built a ridiculous SQL query that killed the server and it could run for weeks with no issues after that, but still it was quite laggy compared to its successor so I had to let it die... Autoits limit is it's single threaded and developing functionality to circumvent this can be more costly than doing everything in another language that is well suited for the task.
    1 point
  4. JLogan3o13


    Disagreeing with a thread being locked is one thing, sending petulant PMs stating no one can stop you from game automation is enough to earn you a 3 day vacation from posting. Think about whether you want to be a part of the community or just a simple script kiddie.
    1 point
  5. It looks like this choice was mortog's I agree with searching strings, so regex should work too Local $array[4] = ["1", "3", "6", "9"] Local $string = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" Local $bFound = False For $i = 0 To UBound($array)-1 If StringRegExp($string, '(^|,)' & $array[$i] & '(,|$)') Then $bFound = True ExitLoop EndIf Next MsgBox(0, "Return", "Found = " & $bFound)
    1 point
  6. Could please a developer of AutoIt respond to this? How does Eval handle the problem of finding the Variable? AutoIt HAS to store the names of the variants somewhere, right? Please consider the following code. I have had this problem when reading Ini Files. I worked around it by just passing the variable name to the function. But this is not really satisfying. global $iniFile = "test.ini" main() func main() local $helloWorld readConfigVar($helloWorld,"helloWorld") MsgBox(0,"debug",$helloWorld) EndFunc func readConfigVar(byref $variable,$varName) local $buffer $buffer = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\" & $iniFile,"test",$varName,"default") if StringCompare($buffer,"default")=0 Then msgbox(0,"Warning","Could not read variable " & $varName & " " & @ScriptDir & "\" & $iniFile,300) Exit Else $variable = $buffer EndIf EndFunc Place the test ini file in the same folder as the script. Contents of test.ini: [test] helloWorld = "This is a test string"
    1 point
  7. DW1

    Print out a variable name

    closest thing I could come up with requires you call the function with a string: $Something = 'test value' VarWrite('$Something') Func VarWrite($Var) ConsoleWrite($Var & ' = ' & Execute($Var) & @CRLF) EndFunc
    1 point
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