I know you already had your question answered, but I figured I'd post this one up too if anyone else comes by this:
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
In this script we will learn how to create multiple checkboxes, and then use a button to determine which are checked or unchecked.
GuiCreate("GUI Tutorial: CheckBox 2",280,60) ; Create the GUI to display
$CheckBox1 = GuiCtrlCreateCheckBox("Checkbox 1", 15,10) ; Create the GuiCtrl CheckBox, assign var CheckBox1 to it.
$CheckBox2 = GuiCtrlCreateCheckBox("Checkbox 2", 190,10) ; Create the GuiCtrl CheckBox2, assign var CheckBox2 to it.
$SubmitButton = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Submit", 115, 35) ; Create the GuiCtrl SubmitButton, assign var SubmitButton to it
GuiSetState() ; Set GUI state to show to display the GUI
While 1 ; Start a while statement to capture the commands from the GUI
$GuiMsg = GuiGetMsg() ; Set the var GuiMsg to the commands from the GUI
Select ; Begin a select statement
Case $GuiMsg = $Gui_Event_Close ; A "If" statement for the command from the GUI, in this case the close button on the GUI
Exit ; Tell the program to exit if the command from the GUI is infact the close button
Case $GuiMsg = $SubmitButton ; A "If" statement for the command from the GUI, in this case the submit button on the GUI
$CheckBoxStatus1 = GuiCtrlRead($CheckBox1) ; Read the status for CheckBox1
$CheckBoxStatus2 = GuiCtrlRead($CheckBox2) ; Read the status for CheckBox2
If $CheckBoxStatus1 = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then ; If CheckBox1 was checked and clicked, then display a MsgBox to show it was unchecked
MsgBox(0, "GUI Tutorial: CheckBox 2", "Checkbox 1 is unchecked") ; Display this MsgBox if CheckBox1 is unchecked
ElseIf $CheckBoxStatus1 = $GUI_CHECKED Then ; If CheckBox1 was unchecked and clicked, then display a MsgBox to show it was checked
MsgBox(0, "GUI Tutorial: CheckBox 2", "Checkbox 1 is checked") ; Display this MsgBox if CheckBox1 is checked
EndIf ; End If/ElseIf statement for CheckBox1
If $CheckBoxStatus2 = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then ; If CheckBox2 was checked and clicked, then display a MsgBox to show it was unchecked
MsgBox(0, "GUI Tutorial: CheckBox 2", "Checkbox 2 is unchecked") ; Display this MsgBox if CheckBox2 is unchecked
ElseIf $CheckBoxStatus2 = $GUI_CHECKED Then ; If CheckBox2 was unchecked and clicked, then display a MsgBox to show it was checked
MsgBox(0, "GUI Tutorial: CheckBox 2", "Checkbox 2 is checked") ; Display this MsgBox if CheckBox2 is checked
EndIf ; End If/ElseIf statement for CheckBox1
EndSelect ; End the select statement
WEnd ; End the while statement