Welcome, so you thought you post your 7577 lines of code in our forum, tell us it doesn't work and ask for help.
There is a codebox option <> in the forum editor to organize your scriptfile into, which won't create this big ass long posts, but for these kind of lengthy scripts you simply attach the file.
So you've identified that there are frames invoived. That's good. Now you need to figure out which frame contains the desired element. Then you would add something like this --
oFrame = _IEFrameGetCollection($ie, 0) ; assumes the first frame is the desired one
$networkTab = _IEGetObjById($oFrame, 'mmNet') ; get id of network div
_IEAction($networkTab, 'click') ; click on Network tab
@noobee88 I always suggest, when working with spaces and quotes, do write it out to the console first and then try it at the command line. So does this output:
ConsoleWrite("C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe a -m0 -v500000k M:\TEMPRAR\" & $rarName & " M:\Mix\" & $dirName & "\*.*" & @CRLF)
copied into a command line window, give you what you want?