XSkin.au3 Demonstration Page Basics: 1. A Skinned GUI Only 2. A Skinned GUI and Button 3. A Skinned GUI, Button and XSkinMsgBox 4. A Skinned GUI, Button and XSkinInputBox 5. A Skinned GUI, Button and XSkinTrayBox 6. A Skinned GUI, Slider and XSkinProgress 7. A Skinned GUI and XSkinIcon 8. A Skinned GUI, XSkinIcon and XSkinIconButton 9. A Skinned GUI, XSkinButton and XSkinButton *** HOW TO USE GUIGetMsg() *** Intermediate: 1. A Skinned GUI, Icon and MouseOver ( color ) 2. A Skinned GUI and XSkinToolBar.au3 - Plug-in Advanced: 1. All Inclusive Demo 2. A Skinned GUI and XSkinShell.au3 - Plug-in 3. All Inclusive Demo with 2 GUI's Development: 1. Understanding the Skin.dat 2. Design and Layout of Images 3. Finalizing the Skin Folder Custom Skin Designs A Very Helpful Color Chart Designer - Big Daddy Defacto - HeavenlyBodies - Lizondo - Leadore - DarkRed - Universal - Skilled - Light-Green - Sleek Prodbox - Blackhole - Carbon - Rezak - SteelStyle - AzuriX **NEW** Designer - Michel Claveau mci O1 & mci 02 & mci 03 - mci 04 Designer - Valuater BlackJack - Valor NEW** Designer - AzKay Noir - MsgPlus! Designer - JoshDB Dock Skin Designer - Joscpe Mid Gray - XSkin Help File Designer - JamesB Royale (Blue) Just started.... more to come 8)