Try this. You can edit it to give you what you want
#include <Array.au3>
#include <Date.au3>
#include <Excel.au3>
Local $v_Return = Column_GetValues(@ScriptDir & '\Test.xls')
If Not IsArray($v_Return) Then
MsgBox(0, 'C Cell', $v_Return)
_ArrayDisplay($v_Return, 'C Cell')
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Syntax ........: Column_GetValues($s_WorkBook[, $i_ReturnArray = 0])
; Parameters ....: $s_WorkBook - The string path to the excel file
; $i_ReturnArray - Integer 0 or 1
; Return values .: Success - 0: Returns a delimited string and shows a message box for every match
; - 1: Returns an array
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func Column_GetValues($s_WorkBook, $i_ReturnArray = 0)
Local $o_Excel = _Excel_Open(False)
Local $o_Workbook = _Excel_BookOpen($o_Excel, $s_WorkBook)
Local $s_ColumnLetter = _Excel_ColumnToLetter($o_Workbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count)
Local $as_RangeRead = _Excel_RangeRead($o_Workbook, Default, $s_ColumnLetter & '2:' & $s_ColumnLetter & $o_Workbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count)
Local $s_CellC = ''
For $i = 0 To UBound($as_RangeRead) - 1
If _DateStandardToCalcDate($as_RangeRead[$i]) < Number(StringRegExpReplace(_NowCalcDate(), '\D', '')) Then
If Not $i_ReturnArray Then MsgBox(0, 'Row: ' & $i + 2 & ' Cell C', _Excel_RangeRead($o_Workbook, Default, 'C' & $i + 2))
$s_CellC &= _Excel_RangeRead($o_Workbook, Default, 'C' & $i + 2) & '|'
; trim the trailing delimter
$s_CellC = StringTrimRight($s_CellC, 1)
If $i_ReturnArray Then Return StringSplit($s_CellC, '|')
Return $s_CellC
EndFunc ;==>Column_GetValues
Func _DateStandardToCalcDate($s_Date)
If Not StringRegExp($s_Date, "^(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2})/(\d{4})$") Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
Local $s_DateNew = StringRegExpReplace($s_Date, "(\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{4})", "$3/$1/$2")
$s_DateNew = StringRegExpReplace($s_DateNew, "(\d{2})/(\d)/(\d{4})", "$3/$1/0$2")
$s_DateNew = StringRegExpReplace($s_DateNew, "(\d)/(\d{2})/(\d{4})", "$3/0$1/$2")
$s_DateNew = StringRegExpReplace($s_DateNew, "(\d)/(\d)/(\d{4})", "$3/0$1/0$2")
Return Number(StringRegExpReplace($s_DateNew, '\D', ''))
EndFunc ;==>_DateStandardToCalcDate