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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2017 in all areas

  1. UDF to control FireFox via MozRepl: Edit-> Please see new FF.au3 Thread for updates past V0.6.0.1b-10. FF.au3 (V0.6.0.1b-10) Changelog Changes since V0.6.0.0b: V0.6.0.1b-10 - Added: __IsIP: IPV6 Support (IVP6, HexCompressed, 6Hex4Dec, Hex4DecCompressed) V0.6.0.1b-9 - Added: __FFStartProcess: 64bit support - Added: __FFIsURL: support for intranet - Changed: _FFQuit now closes FireFox with multiple windows - Fixed: Connection-limit to MozRepl V0.6.0.1b-8 (by Danp2) - Changed: _FFTabExists to allow search by href - Changed: _FFTabSetSelected to allow selection by href - Changed: SelectWin to check individual tabs - Added: FFau3.SearchTabURL helper function - Fixed: __FFStartProcess - Fixed: _FFGetPosition V0.6.0.1b-7 - New: Internal function: __FFMultiDispatchEvent: Dispatches multiple events on one element - Added: _FFDisPatchEvent can now simulate MouseEvents: click, mousedown, mouseup, mouseover, mousemove, mouseout - Added: Global constants $_FF_Event_* - Changed: Removed connection-limit to MozRepl - Optimized: __FFFilterString - Optimized: __FFB2S (Bool to string) - Optimized: __FFIsIP V0.6.0.1b-6 - Added: Internal function __FFSetTopDocument() - Changed: Default values for _FFXpath: _FFXPath($sQuery, $sAttribute = "", $iReturnType = 9, $iFilter = 0) - Changed/Fixed: _FFSearch($sSearchString[, $bCaseSensitive = False[, $bWholeWord = False[, $bSearchInFrames = True]]]) !!! Now you can use as $sSearchString RegExp, too! - Fixed: _FFAction _FFClick _FFFormSubmit _FFLoadWait _FFDisPatchEvent _FFOpenURL _FFTabAdd _FFTabClose _FFTabSetSelected now updating the FFau3.WCD-object (window.content.document) - Fixed: Different problems after _FFTabAdd - Fixed: Different problems after _FFOpenURL - Fixed: Error in _FFAu3Option() V0.6.0.1b-4 - Changed: Default values for _FFXpath: _FFXPath($sQuery, $sAttribute = "", $iReturnType = 9, $iFilter = 0) - Fixed: Different problems after _FFTabAdd - Fixed: Different problems after _FFOpenURL - Fixed: Errorin _FFAu3Option() V0.6.0.1 - Added: Option $_FF_SEARCH_MODE works now for: _FFLinkClick _FFImageClick - Added: _FFClick: Parameter $bLoadWait - Added: _FFLoadWait: Parameter $bStop = stops pageloading after timeout - Added: _FFAu3Option: "LoadWaitStop" - Added: Global var $_FF_LOADWAIT_STOP - Updated: _FFXPath: some optimizations (shorter command strings to send) - Optimized: _FFFormOptionSelect - Optimized: _FFLoadWait - Fixed: _FFGetPosition: Removed error if "MozillaContentWindowClass" is not found - Fixed: _FFSearch: Error with non-ASCII-chars - Fixed: _FFLinkClick: Error with non-ASCII-chars - Fixed: _FFImageClick: Error with non-ASCII-chars - Fixed: _FFAction("alert", ...): Error with non-ASCII-charsFor compatibily for older scripts and more functions, please use this UDF: http://thorsten-willert.de/Themen/FFau3/FF.au3/FFEx.au3 Function list: _FFAction _FFClick _FFCmd _FFConnect _FFDialogWait _FFDisConnect _FFDispatchEvent _FFFormCheckBox _FFFormGetElementsLength _FFFormOptionSelect _FFFormRadioButton _FFFormReset _FFFormSubmit _FFFrameEnter _FFFrameLeave _FFGetLength _FFGetObjectInfo _FFGetPosition _FFGetValue _FFImageClick _FFImageGetBySize _FFImageMapClick _FFIsConnected _FFLinkClick _FFLinksGetAll _FFLoadWait _FFLoadWaitTimeOut _FFObj _FFObjDelete _FFObjGet _FFObjNew _FFOpenURL _FFPrefGet _FFPrefReset _FFPrefSet _FFQuit _FFReadHTML _FFReadText _FFSearch _FFSetValue _FFStart _FFTabAdd _FFTabClose _FFTabDuplicate _FFTabExists _FFTabGetSelected _FFTabSetSelected _FFTableWriteToArray _FFWindowClose _FFWindowGetHandle _FFWindowOpen _FFWindowSelect _FFWriteHTML _FFXPath Requirement(s).: Latest Version of FireFox and the AddOn MozRepl !!! Don't forget to start MozRepl. FF-menu: Extras/Menu or check there "Activate on startup". Documentation: - English - German - Russian (by Valery) - Englisch CHM, user-calltips ... FF.au3 extensions: - _FF_DM.au3 (UDF for the FireFox Download-Manager) [Forum] - _FFEx.au3 (more functions and compatibly fixes for older scripts): ; _FFDisPatchKeyEvent ; _FFFormGetLength ; _FFGetValueById ; _FFGetValueByName ; _FFSetValueById ; _FFSetValueByName ; _FFTabCloseAll ; _FFTabGetLength ; _FFTableGetCell ; _FF_Call ; _FF_CookiesAllow ; _FF_CookiesDeny ; _FF_CookiesRemoveAll ; _FF_CookiesSetAccess ; _FF_EmptyCache ; _FF_EmptyCookies / _FF_CookiesRemoveAll ; _FF_EmptyHistory ; _FF_FormSetFileInput ; _FF_GetContentXY ; _FF_GetCurrentURL ; _FF_GetStatus ; _FF_GetTitle ; _FF_MozRepl_Detect ; _FF_ResetTitle ; _FF_TabGetAllTitles ; _FF_TabGetAllURLs ; _FF_TabReloadAll UDFs for FireFox AddOns: - _FF_FireFM [Forum] - _FF_FoxBox.au3 [Forum] - _FF_Screengrab.au3 [Forum] Misc: - _FF_AutoLogin [Forum] - _FF_RecordForm [Forum] - YouTube-API-Wrapper [Forum] Known problems: - The _FFTab* functions doesn't work, if you have the FF-AddOn TabMixPlus installed (this AddOn seems to override some internal FF-functions) More examples and stuff are on my homepage. Stilgar
    1 point
  2. iamtheky

    Variable names

    with assign? $queue0 = "TEST_FAIL" $send = "TEST_SUCCESS" $queuenumber = 0 Assign("queue" & $queuenumber , $send) msgbox(0, '' , $queue0)
    1 point
  3. A20017, Just check which ListBox has focus: While 1 If _IsPressed("2E", $dll) Then ; Wait for key to be released to avoid multiple firing the code below While _IsPressed("2E", $dll) Sleep(10) WEnd ; Detect focused ListBox Switch _WinAPI_GetFocus() Case $hListBoxGlobal $indice = _GUICtrlListBox_GetCurSel($hListBoxGlobal) _GUICtrlListBox_DeleteString($hListBoxGlobal, $indice) Case $hListBoxMain $indice = _GUICtrlListBox_GetCurSel($hListBoxMain) _GUICtrlListBox_DeleteString($hListBoxMain, $indice) Case $hListBoxMini $indice = _GUICtrlListBox_GetCurSel($hListBoxMini) _GUICtrlListBox_DeleteString($hListBoxMini, $indice) EndSwitch EndIf WEnd Good enough? M23
    1 point
  4. jchd

    Read from 2 SQLite tables...

    Answer to 1rst post: what is the relationship between the 2 tables? You're asking for the cross product of the two tables (= sets) and that is exactly what the SQL engine yields. Maybe you want to list all rows from both tables. If so, use: select * from table1 union all select * from table2 Note: I suspect that if both tables have the same columns and semantics, they should be merged and a column added to discriminate between Rockwell or Siemens. 2nd post: select MYCOLUMN from ... Note that select * from ... is 99.99% of the time a very bad idea.
    1 point
  5. Melba23

    SciTE lost its tools?

    TheDcoder, SciTE4AutoIt3 has been like that since I have been using AutoIt - the "tools" only show up when you are editing a saved .au3 file. Why would you want to use them on a non-AutoIt file anyway? What purpose would it serve? M23
    1 point
  6. Jooshxp, It still counts as "game interaction" - and so not allowed. Thread locked. InunoTaishou, People still argue after we point them at the rules - as is the case here - so what makes you think they would pay any attention to a registration question? Botters always claim that they are a "special case" - with which classification I entirely agree, although not quite in the sense they mean it. M23
    1 point
  7. Kitty Kat you are a Genius! That actually worked! How do I prevent invisible characters from appearing in my code in the future?
    1 point
  8. Why should this be better? The help file for AutoIt is provided in two different ways. IMHO none of them is "better" than the other in this case. My goal here is to get an explanation for this weird behavior with the online help file and Edge.
    1 point
  9. highlighting is by default true as most of the times that makes life easier when you are misdetecting your controls in the complex hierarchy of controls. moving mouse cursor is highly dependent on the control supporting invoke yes/no _UIA_action($oUIElement,"invoke") is implemented like this Case "invoke" $obj2ActOn.setfocus() Sleep($UIA_DefaultWaitTime) $tPattern = _UIA_getPattern($obj2ActOn, $UIA_InvokePatternId) $tPattern.invoke() and the "leftclick", "left", "click", "leftdoubleclick", "leftdouble", "doubleclick", "rightclick", "right", "rightdoubleclick", "rightdouble", "middleclick", "middle", "middledoubleclick", "middledouble", "mousemove", "movemouse" are all using ;~ Mouse should move to keep it as userlike as possible MouseMove($x, $y, 0) ;~ mouseclick($clickAction,Default,Default,$clickCount,0) If Not StringInStr($strAction, "move") Then MouseClick($clickAction, $x, $y, $clickCount, 0) EndIf Why should the mouse not move? I can remember starting x,y and set it back after clicking but to me that sounds not adding any value If you want that you have to fallback to sendmessage functions which are not allways equally reliable or consistent https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb775985(v=vs.85).aspx SendMessage( HWND, BM_CLICK, 0, 0);
    1 point
  10. Over the past year of use, I've made a few mods (but not much), and core code is unchanged. I discovered that the function got slower over time, and was cursing windows until I realised my font data file had been bloated horrifically with logging of unrecognised characters. I thus added a cleaner function to remove them. I've also slightly altered the default options, with defaults for initial training (when logging is useful) and another set once usage is stable (when it probably isn't) which also stops asking for user input. I thus thought an update was in order. I'll claim much of the kudos offerred by dmob, as civilcalc's code and subsequent discussion was only a stub, but did give me an idea of how to start with screen OCR (which is why my post appeared under hers in the first place - I was hoping for a bit of constructive input, but it never eventuated). Hopefully the 700 downloads so far of my code mean at least someone other than me is using it. Cheers David OCR.au3_PixelGetColor.au3
    1 point
  11. 1 point
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