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mesale0077 asked me whether I could code some CSS loading animations from different web sites. These are the results using GDI+ (AutoIt v3.3.12.0+ required!): _GDIPlus_MonochromaticBlinker.au3 / _GDIPlus_RotatingBokeh.au3 _GDIPlus_SpinningCandy.au3 / _GDIPlus_SteamPunkLoading.au3 _GDIPlus_IncreasingBalls.au3 / _GDIPlus_PacmanProgressbar.au3 _GDIPlus_StripProgressbar.au3 / _GDIPlus_RingProgressbar.au3 _GDIPlus_LineProgressbar.au3 / _GDIPlus_SimpleLoadingAnim.au3 _GDIPlus_TextFillingWithWater.au3 / _GDIPlus_MultiColorLoader.au3 _GDIPlus_LoadingSpinner.au3 / _GDIPlus_SpinningAndPulsing.au3 _GDIPlus_TogglingSphere.au3 / _GDIPlus_CloudySpiral.au3 _GDIPlus_GlowingText.au3 (thanks to Eukalyptus) / _GDIPlus_HypnoticLoader.au3 _GDIPlus_RotatingRectangles.au3 / _GDIPlus_TRONSpinner.au3 _GDIPlus_RotatingBars.au3 / _GDIPlus_AnotherText.au3 (thanks to Eukalyptus) _GDIPlus_CogWheels.au3 (thanks to Eukalyptus) / _GDIPlus_DrawingText.au3 (thanks to Eukalyptus) _GDIPlus_GearsAnim.au3 / _GDIPlus_LEDAnim.au3 _GDIPlus_LoadingTextAnim.au3 / _GDIPlus_MovingRectangles.au3 _GDIPlus_SpinningAndGlowing.au3 (thanks to Eukalyptus) / _GDIPlus_YetAnotherLoadingAnim.au3 _GDIPlus_AnimatedTypeLoader.au3 / _GDIPlus_Carousel.au3 Each animation function has a built-in example how it can be used. AiO download: GDI+ Animated Wait Loading Screens.7z (previous downloads: 1757) Big thanks to Eukalyptus for providing several examples. Maybe useful for some of you Br, UEZ PS: I don't understand CSS - everything is made out of my mind, so it might be different from original CSS examples1 point
FreeBasic Graphical Examples build 2019-05-08
argumentum reacted to UEZ for a topic
Here some graphical examples written completely in FreeBasic just for fun. _WinAPI_SetWindowTitleIcon Check for Numeric Entry in an EditBox using RegEx CreateWindowEx (hGUI) Example FB 3D Starfield Rotating Flight FB File2Bas Code Generator FB Fire Particles FB Fireworks FB GFX Examples FB Image to Trapezoid Transformation FB Layered Parallax Effect FB Plasma FB Puristic Clock FB Rotating Cube FB Rotating Earth FB Rutt Etra Izer Effect FB Simple Recursive Tree Generator FB Snowfall FB Tunnel Flight FB Water Effect FMOD Examples GDI - GDI+ 3D Sinus Wave GDI - GDI+ Animated Pythagoras Tree GDI - GDI+ Bezier Lines GDI - GDI+ Particles - Repulsive Force Sim v2.0 GDI - GDI+ Plasma v5 Booster GDI - GDI+ Random Pattern GDI - GDI+ Space Flight GDI - GDI+ Tunnel Flight - WipeOut Style GDI Classic Raytraced Tunnel GDI Elastic Twister Effect GDI Exploding Pixels GDI Infinite Image Zoom Flight GDI Liquid Pixels GDI Mandelbrot GDI Particle Repulsion Grid GDI Particles Mouse Attraction GDI Starfield GDI The Nautilus Raymarcher GDI Worm Tunnel Flight GDI+ 3D Starfield Scrolling v1 Booster GDI+ 3D Starfield Scrolling v3 Booster GDI+ Convert Bitmap to ASCII GDI+ GIF Anim to ASCII Player GDI+ Image Painting GDI+ Impossible Possible GDI+ Kaleidoscope GDI+ Performance Test - Au3 vs FB GDI+ Polar Clock GDI+ Rotating Earth GDI+ Spiral Text GDI+ Star Wars Scroller GDI+ Streamer GDI+ Swiss Railway Clock GDI+ The MATRIX Ini Read - Write Rutt_Etra_Izer_Booster Stack TitchySID uFMOD Download: FreeBasic Examples build 2019-05-08.rar I will add new examples from time to time. FreeBasic source codes are also included.1 point -
Removing admin account from windows 10 login screen
JohnOne reacted to JLogan3o13 for a topic
Are you looking to make it impossible for someone to log in with the account altogether, or just hide it from the login screen? If the latter, there is a group policy that can do this (if not on Win10 Home): Computer Configuration/Windows Settings/Security Settings/Local Policies/Security Options Interactive logon: Do not display last user name1 point -
It's something in _OL_MailSignatureGet which gets called by _OL_MailSignatureSet. I will need to modify _OL_MailSignatureGet to properly handle this errors and report them back to the calling function which then should properly handle this error and report it back to the calling script. I will test this new version with #RequireAdmin and post the modified code ASAP.1 point
_OL_MailSignatureSet calls _OL_MailSignatureGet to check if the specified signature exists. When #Requireadmin is set then the script is executed as the Admin user. This user doesn't have any signatures (not even the default). This situation is not handled by _OL_MailSignatureSet and hence it crashes. I suggest to end your script if it is run as admin: #RequireAdmin If IsAdmin() Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Do not run this script with admin rights!")1 point
Welcome to AutoIt and the forum! Could you please post your code as text so anyone trying to help you can play with the code? Details can be found here:1 point
Yes, it should be possible. You should start by creating a DiskQuotaControl object with ObjCreateInterface. Initialize the object and use FindUserName to obtain a pointer to an IDiskQuotaUser interface. Create a DiskQuotaUser object and call GetQuotaLimit and GetQuotaUsed. Here is some code to get started: #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You MUST use proper setting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #include <WinAPIDiag.au3> Opt( "MustDeclareVars", 1 ) Global Const $sCLSID_DiskQuotaControl = "{7988B571-EC89-11CF-9C00-00AA00A14F56}" Global Const $sIID_IDiskQuotaControl = "{7988B572-EC89-11CF-9C00-00AA00A14F56}" Global Const $stag_IDiskQuotaControl = _ ; There's only added parameter types for used methods "Initialize hresult(wstr;bool);" & _ "SetQuotaState hresult();" & _ "GetQuotaState hresult();" & _ "SetQuotaLogFlags hresult();" & _ "GetQuotaLogFlags hresult();" & _ "SetDefaultQuotaThreshold hresult();" & _ "GetDefaultQuotaThreshold hresult();" & _ "GetDefaultQuotaThresholdText hresult();" & _ "SetDefaultQuotaLimit hresult();" & _ "GetDefaultQuotaLimit hresult();" & _ "GetDefaultQuotaLimitText hresult();" & _ "AddUserSid hresult();" & _ "AddUserName hresult();" & _ "DeleteUser hresult();" & _ "FindUserSid hresult();" & _ "FindUserName hresult(wstr;ptr*);" & _ "CreateEnumUsers hresult();" & _ "CreateUserBatch hresult();" & _ "InvalidateSidNameCache hresult();" & _ "GiveUserNameResolutionPriority hresult();" & _ "ShutdownNameResolution hresult();" Global Const $sIID_IDiskQuotaUser = "{7988B574-EC89-11CF-9C00-00AA00A14F56}" Global Const $stag_IDiskQuotaUser = _ ; There's only added parameter types for used methods "GetID hresult();" & _ "GetName hresult();" & _ "GetSidLength hresult();" & _ "GetSid hresult();" & _ "GetQuotaThreshold hresult();" & _ "GetQuotaThresholdText hresult();" & _ "GetQuotaLimit hresult(int64*);" & _ "GetQuotaLimitText hresult();" & _ "GetQuotaUsed hresult(int64*);" & _ "GetQuotaUsedText hresult();" & _ "GetQuotaInformation hresult();" & _ "SetQuotaThreshold hresult();" & _ "SetQuotaLimit hresult();" & _ "Invalidate hresult();" & _ "GetAccountStatus hresult();" Example() Func Example() Local $oErrorHandler = ObjEvent( "AutoIt.Error", "ErrorHandler" ) ; Create DiskQuotaControl object Local $oDiskQuotaControl = ObjCreateInterface( $sCLSID_DiskQuotaControl, $sIID_IDiskQuotaControl, $stag_IDiskQuotaControl ) If Not IsObj( $oDiskQuotaControl ) Then Return ConsoleWrite( "$oDiskQuotaControl ERR" & @CRLF ) ConsoleWrite( "$oDiskQuotaControl OK" & @CRLF ) ; Initialize DiskQuotaControl to C-drive with read-only access Local $hResult = $oDiskQuotaControl.Initialize( "C:\", False ) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Add volume root >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If $hResult Then Return ConsoleWrite( "Initialize ERR: 0x" & Hex( $hResult ) & " (" & _WinAPI_GetErrorMessage( $hResult ) & ")" & @CRLF ) ConsoleWrite( "Initialize OK" & @CRLF ) ; Find user Local $pUser $hResult = $oDiskQuotaControl.FindUserName( "User name", $pUser ) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Add user name >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If $hResult Then Return ConsoleWrite( "FindUserName ERR: 0x" & Hex( $hResult ) & " (" & _WinAPI_GetErrorMessage( $hResult ) & ")" & @CRLF ) ConsoleWrite( "FindUserName OK" & @CRLF ) ; Create IDiskQuotaUser object Local $oDiskQuotaUser = ObjCreateInterface( $pUser, $sIID_IDiskQuotaUser, $stag_IDiskQuotaUser ) If Not IsObj( $oDiskQuotaUser ) Then Return ConsoleWrite( "$oDiskQuotaUser ERR" & @CRLF ) ConsoleWrite( "$oDiskQuotaUser OK" & @CRLF ) ; Quota limit Local $iLimit $hResult = $oDiskQuotaUser.GetQuotaLimit( $iLimit ) If $hResult Then Return ConsoleWrite( "GetQuotaLimit ERR: 0x" & Hex( $hResult ) & " (" & _WinAPI_GetErrorMessage( $hResult ) & ")" & @CRLF ) ConsoleWrite( "GetQuotaLimit OK" & @CRLF ) ConsoleWrite( "$iLimit = " & $iLimit & @CRLF ) ; Quota used Local $iUsed $hResult = $oDiskQuotaUser.GetQuotaUsed( $iLimit ) If $hResult Then Return ConsoleWrite( "GetQuotaUsed ERR: 0x" & Hex( $hResult ) & " (" & _WinAPI_GetErrorMessage( $hResult ) & ")" & @CRLF ) ConsoleWrite( "GetQuotaUsed OK" & @CRLF ) ConsoleWrite( "$iUsed = " & $iUsed & @CRLF ) EndFunc ; Use an error handler under development. Eg. comma instead of semicolon ; in the interface description will be caught by such an error handler. Func ErrorHandler( $oError ) ConsoleWrite( @ScriptName & " (" & $oError.scriptline & ") : ==> COM Error intercepted!" & @CRLF & _ " err.number is: " & @TAB & "0x" & Hex($oError.number) & @CRLF & _ " err.windescription:" & @TAB & $oError.windescription & _ " err.description is: " & @TAB & $oError.description & @CRLF & _ " err.source is: " & @TAB & $oError.source & @CRLF & _ " err.helpfile is: " & @TAB & $oError.helpfile & @CRLF & _ " err.helpcontext is: " & @TAB & $oError.helpcontext & @CRLF & _ " err.lastdllerror is: " & @TAB & $oError.lastdllerror & @CRLF & _ " err.scriptline is: " & @TAB & $oError.scriptline & @CRLF & _ " err.retcode is: " & @TAB & "0x" & Hex($oError.retcode) & @CRLF ) EndFunc1 point
No worries, will check it out. I had started to change the indents to proper tabs, but didn't get far yet .... no further than in the last one you've modified, probably. I won't do anything more now (checking etc), until I've finished doing some tests with another program I'm working on.1 point
1 point
Not sure where I found this (help file, forum, wiki, one of them)... The comment is mine, believe it. Your script will still be running after it deletes itself, that's your chance to put the new file in it's place. Func _SelfDelete($iDelay = 0); - this is serious! MAKE A BACKUP, OR YOU'LL REGRET IT. Local $sCmdFile FileDelete(@TempDir & "\scratch.bat") $sCmdFile = 'ping -n ' & $iDelay & ' > nul' & @CRLF _ & ':loop' & @CRLF _ & 'del "' & @ScriptFullPath & '"' & @CRLF _ & 'if exist "' & @ScriptFullPath & '" goto loop' & @CRLF _ & 'del ' & @TempDir & '\scratch.bat' FileWrite(@TempDir & "\scratch.bat", $sCmdFile) Run(@TempDir & "\scratch.bat", @TempDir, @SW_HIDE) EndFuncEdit: found the original post: here. Q12 - about half way down the page.1 point
Here's an example of a batch file that will replace an old file with new: @echo off ping localhost move "newlydownloadedexe.exe" "oldexe.exe" /Y Note that I use ping at the beginning, this is so that your script will have time to close before overwriting begins.1 point