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The following script reads the whole Word document and splits it line by line into an array: #include <Word.au3> #include <Array.au3> Global $sPath = "C:\temp\test.docx" Global $oWord = _Word_Create() Global $oDoc = _Word_DocOpen($oWord, $sPath) Global $oRange = $oDoc.Range Global $sText = $oRange.Text Global $aLines = StringSplit($sText, @CR) _ArrayDisplay($aLines)2 points
UDF to control FireFox via MozRepl: FF_V0.6.0.1b-15_au3 Change Log: Original thread: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/95595-ffau3-v0601b-10/1 point
Hi, I would like to share this simple project which aims to be a first approach in order to use AutoIt as scripting language for mobile automation (Android). This project is an ImperiusGeorge client for mobile test automation that support native Android apps. You can find more information at https://ohtejera.github.io/ImperiusAutoIt and here's the link to the project on Github: https://github.com/ohtejera/ImperiusAutoIt Best regards. Henry1 point
Yea, probably should be this: DllCall("OpenWith.dll", "none", "OpenWithW", "handle", Null, "handle", Null, "wstr", $CmdLine[1], "int", 0)1 point
Ok, lets take this from the start: copy the line I posted in a new script that has the correct encoding, save and run it. check the created file.ini. if still wrong then zip the 2 files and PM the zip file to me. ps: which Scite version are you using? Jos1 point
DllCall("OpenWith.dll", "none", "OpenWithW", "handle", Null, "str", $CmdLine[1], "int", 0)1 point
GUIListViewEx - BugFix Version 6 Apr 24
Tankbuster reacted to Melba23 for a topic
Tankbuster, There is currently no way to remove the internal drag/drop from a single ListView - mostly because no-one has ever asked for that functionality. I will look at how it might be implemented. As for the tooltip question: I see what you mean and I will look into why that happens. M23 Edit: I see the tooltip problem and I am working on fixing it. Edit 2: I think I have both changes working. Note that if you use single cell selection you need to change the _Init $iAdded value as I have used its old value for the new functionality: ; + 64 - No external drag ; + 128 - No external drop ; + 256 - No delete on external drag/drop ; + 512 - No drag/drop < new functionality ; + 1024 - Single cell selection (forces single selection) < used to be 512 How does it work for you? M231 point -
GUIListViewEx - BugFix Version 6 Apr 24
Tankbuster reacted to Melba23 for a topic
Tankbuster, Nothing to do with the EventMonitor function. I did not test for a valid return before trying to access the item text to create the tooltip - hence the crash when the code tries to do so. Try this version: <snip> M231 point -
Try this: MsgBox(0, "", DecToBase(11, 2)) Func DecToBase($iInt, $iBase) ; for bases 2 to 9 Local $iRem, $sRet = '' While $iInt > $iBase -1 $iRem = Mod($iInt, $iBase) $sRet = $iRem & $sRet $iInt = Int(($iInt - $iRem) /$iBase) WEnd Return $iInt & $sRet EndFunc ;==> DecToBase To reverse the process you can use this: MsgBox(0, "", BaseToDec('1011', 2)) Func BaseToDec($sInt, $iBase) ; bases 2 to 9 only Local $iRet = 0, $iLen = StringLen($sInt) For $i = 1 To $iLen $iRet += StringMid($sInt, $i, 1) * $iBase ^ ($iLen - $i) Next Return $iRet EndFunc ;==> BaseToDec1 point
Msgbox(0,"", StringRegExpReplace(FileRead("1.txt"), '<.*?>\R?|&[^;]+;', "") )1 point
Local $aLTesto_body_Html=StringRegExp($result[2], '<span[^>]+>([^<]+)</span>', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH)1 point
@meoit , this only works for GUIs created by AutoIt. As I understand the OP he tries to automate a third party GUI. @AmarjeetSinghMatharu, Welcome to AutoIt and the forum! I suggest something like this: ControlCommand("<title>", "<text>", <controlID>, "TabRight", "") Replace the <> (including the <>) with the values of the window you try to automate.1 point
This is an example how to access/query different kind of Databases with AutoIt. The demo contains also test Databases, so the script functions for most of the provided database connections. Databases covered here: Oracle (no demo database for this one) MS SQL Server (no demo database for this one) SQLite (requires installation of the SQLite ODBC driver software available here: http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/ ) Of course SQLite is natively available in AutoIt but in some cases it might be preferable to use the ODBC approach accessing the database via the same scripted method, for example if you use different Databases in the same script, it is much easier to code. Excel DBase DBF MS Access CSV Text driver (semicolon delimited and comma delimited) The example script is based on Kinshima’s Oracle SQL example . I like the Dim by pack method, much better than redim one row at the time, which too slow. All the databases have the same data content (‘Timeline_of_space_exploration’) to keep the examples similar for every database. The result of each SQL will be displayed in Arraydisplay, togheter with a window containing the ADO-less connection string (yellow) and SQL. #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=Comprehensive DSN-Less Database connection demo #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=DSN-Less Database connection demo #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=GreenCan #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <array.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) Global $oODBC_Connection = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") Global $oODBC_RecordSet = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset") Global $bODBC_conn = False Global $oErrADODB = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_ErrADODB") Global $bConn_error = False Global $sConnectionString, $sSQL Global Const $iDark_Blue = 0x2601D3 Global Const $iLight_Green = 0xEAFFE8 Global Const $iYellow = 0xFFFF99 ; setup GUI to display SQL Global $hGUI_View_SQL = GUICreate("SQL", 500, 500, 10, 10, $WS_CAPTION);, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) Global $hConnString = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 5, 3, 490, 38, BitOR($ES_AUTOHSCROLL, $ES_READONLY, $ES_WANTRETURN, $WS_HSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $iDark_Blue) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iYellow) Global $ViewSQL = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 5, 45, 490, 450, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_AUTOHSCROLL, $ES_READONLY, $ES_WANTRETURN, $WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $iDark_Blue) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iLight_Green) GUISetState() #========== Demo ============= Global $sDatabaseLocation = @ScriptDir & "\TestDatabases" #========== Oracle ============= ;~ #cs ;~ Not demo-able except if you have an Oracle instance ;~ #ce $sConnectionString = 'DRIVER={Oracle in OraClient11g_home1};DBQ=myDatabase.world;uid=myUserID;pwd=myPassword;' $sSQL = 'SELECT sysdate AS "Sysdate Raw", to_char(sysdate, ''Dy DD/MM/YY HH24:MI'') AS "Now" FROM dual' Format_SQL($sSQL, $sConnectionString) MsgBox(0,"Oracle SQL","You require to have access to an Oracle instance and modify the connection string before proceeding without error." & @CRLF & "The current Connection string will generate a COM error.") Query($sConnectionString, $sSQL, 500, "SQL Oracle") #========== MS SQL Server ============= MsgBox(0,"MS SQL Server","You require to have access to a SQL Server instance and modify the connection string before proceeding without error." & @CRLF & "The current Connection string will generate a COM error.") $sConnectionString = 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=ServerNameorIP;DATABASE=DatabaseServer;Trusted_Connection=no;uid=myUserID;pwd=myPassword;' $sSQL = 'SELECT 18 AS "Circle Radius",round(PI() * power(18,2) ,3) AS "Surface of circle", round(PI() * 18 * 2,3) AS "Circumference of circle"' Format_SQL($sSQL, $sConnectionString) Query($sConnectionString, $sSQL, 500, "MS SQL Server") #========== SQLite ============= #cs Accessing SQLite via ODBC requires installation of the SQLite ODBC driver software available here: http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/ Note: You will have to install the 32-bit driver, as far as I could test, x6' version, sqliteodbc_w64 doesn't function on my x64 Windows You can access SQLite natively FROM AutoIt For example look at my topics - SQLite Report generator http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/149767-sqlite-report-generator/#entry1068258 - SQLite demonstration of native recognition of BLOB object in Listview http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/150876-sqlite-demonstration-of-native-recognition-of-blob-object-in-listview/#entry1078492 #ce $sConnectionString = 'DRIVER=SQLite3 ODBC Driver;Database=' & $sDatabaseLocation & '\Timeline_of_space_exploration.xdb;LongNames=0;Timeout=1000;NoTXN=0;SyncPragma=NORMAL;StepAPI=0;' ;~ $sConnectionString = 'DRIVER=SQLite3 ODBC Driver;Database=D:\SQLite\Netline.db;LongNames=0;Timeout=1000;NoTXN=0;SyncPragma=NORMAL;StepAPI=0;' $sSQL = 'SELECT * FROM space_exploration;' Format_SQL($sSQL, $sConnectionString) Query($sConnectionString, $sSQL, 500, "SQLite") #========== Excel ============= #cs The sheet range to be queried has a name defined AS SpaceTable Check the Excel sheet by selecting all (Ctrl-A) #ce $sConnectionString = 'DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};dbq=' & $sDatabaseLocation & '\Timeline_of_space_exploration.xlsx;' $sSQL = 'SELECT Format (Date, ''dd-MM-yyyy'') AS "Event", Mission_Achievements AS "Mission Achievements", Country, Organization, Mission_Name AS "Mission Name" ' & _ ' FROM SpaceTable ORDER BY Date' Format_SQL($sSQL, $sConnectionString) Query($sConnectionString, $sSQL, 500, "SQL Microsoft Excel") #========== DBase DBF ============= #cs Old Borland/Clipper Database #ce $sConnectionString = 'DRIVER={Microsoft dBase Driver (*.dbf)};Dbq='& $sDatabaseLocation & ';' $sSQL = 'SELECT Format (DATE, ''dd MMM yyyy'') AS "Event", MISSION AS "Mission Achievements", Country, ORG AS "Organization", MNAME AS "Mission Name" ' & _ ' FROM SPACE.DBF WHERE (((DATE) Between #22/04/1900# And #22/04/2015# +1)) AND UCASE(Country) <> ''USA'' ORDER BY Date' Format_SQL($sSQL, $sConnectionString) Query($sConnectionString, $sSQL, 500, "SQL DBase") #========== MS Access ============= #cs The MSAccess Example.mdb is protected with following password: DatabaseSQL #ce $sConnectionString = 'DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=' & $sDatabaseLocation & '\Example.mdb;uid=;pwd=DatabaseSQL;' $sSQL = 'SELECT Format (Date, ''dd MMM yyyy'') AS "Event", Mission_Achievements AS "Mission Achievements", Country, Organization, Mission_Name AS "Mission Name" ' & _ ' FROM Timeline_of_space_exploration WHERE (((Date) Between #22/04/1900# And #22/04/2015# +1)) ORDER BY Date' Format_SQL($sSQL, $sConnectionString) Query($sConnectionString, $sSQL, 500, "SQL MS Access") #========== CSV Text driver, semicolon delimited ============= #cs Some variations of the same SQL requires schema.ini in the same folder AS the text file https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms709353(v=vs.85).aspx schema.ini settings: [Timeline_of_space_exploration_semicolon.txt] ColNameHeader=True Format=Delimited(;) MaxScanRows=1 #ce $sConnectionString = 'DRIVER={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=' & $sDatabaseLocation & ';Extensions=asc,csv,tab,txt;' $sSQL = 'SELECT Format (Date, ''dd MMM yyyy'') AS "Event", Mission_Achievements AS "Mission Achievements", Country, ' & _ 'Organization, Mission_Name AS "Mission Name" FROM Timeline_of_space_exploration_semicolon.txt ORDER BY Date' Format_SQL($sSQL, $sConnectionString) Query($sConnectionString, $sSQL, 500, "SQL Text semicolon delimited") #========== CSV Text driver, comma delimited ============= #cs schema.ini settings: [Timeline_of_space_exploration.csv] ColNameHeader=True Format=Delimited(,) DecimalSymbol=. MaxScanRows=1 #ce $sSQL = 'SELECT Format (Date, ''dd MMM yyyy'') AS "Event", Mission_Achievements AS "Mission Achievements", Country, ' & _ 'Organization, Mission_Name AS "Mission Name" FROM Timeline_of_space_exploration.csv ORDER BY Date' Query($sConnectionString, $sSQL, 500, "SQL Text comma delimited") ; USA only $sSQL = 'SELECT Format (Date, ''dd MMM yyyy'') AS "Event", Mission_Achievements AS "Mission Achievements", Country, ' & _ 'Organization, Mission_Name AS "Mission Name" FROM Timeline_of_space_exploration.csv WHERE (((Date) Between #22/04/1900# And #22/04/2015# +1)) and UCASE(Country) = ''USA''' Format_SQL($sSQL, $sConnectionString) Query($sConnectionString, $sSQL, 500, "SQL Text comma delimited - USA Only") #========== End Demo ============= Exit Func Query($sConnectionString, $sSQL, $iMaxRows, $sTitle) If _ODBC_OpenConnection($sConnectionString) Then Local $aRecords = _ODBC_GetRecords($sSQL, 500, $iMaxRows) _ODBC_CloseConnection() ; set header string Local $sHeader = "" For $i = 0 to UBound($aRecords, 2) - 1 $sHeader &= $aRecords[0][$i] & "|" Next $sHeader = StringTrimRight($sHeader, 1) ; trim of last separator _ArrayDisplay($aRecords, _ $sTitle & " - " & "Query result: " & UBound($aRecords)-1 & " rows" & (UBound($aRecords)-1 = $iMaxRows ? " (result limited to " & $iMaxRows & " rows)" : "") , _ "1:" & UBound($aRecords)-1, _ 0, _ Default, _ $sHeader) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Query Func _ExeSQL($sSQL) If Not IsObj($oODBC_Connection) Then Return -1 $oODBC_Connection.Execute($sSQL) If $oErrADODB.number Then MsgBox($MB_YESNO + $MB_ICONERROR + $MB_DEFBUTTON2, "_ExeSQL", $sSQL & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'Error. ' & @CRLF & 'Exiting.') Exit Else Return 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ExeSQL Func _ODBC_CloseConnection() $bODBC_conn = False Return $oODBC_Connection.Close EndFunc ;==>_ODBC_CloseConnection Func _ODBC_OpenConnection($sConnectionString) If Not IsObj($oODBC_Connection) Then Return -1 If Not @Compiled Then ConsoleWrite ("@@ Debug(" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : " & $sConnectionString & @CR) $oODBC_Connection.ConnectionString = ($sConnectionString) $bConn_error = False $oODBC_Connection.Open If $bConn_error = True Then Return False EndIf $bODBC_conn = True Return True EndFunc ;==>_ODBC_OpenConnection Func _ODBC_GetRecords($sSQL, $iArrayIncrement = 250, $iRows = 0) ; syntax: _ODBC_GetRecords(SQL, ArrayIncrement, MaxRows) If Not $bODBC_conn Then MsgBox($MB_OK, 'Error', 'Connection failure') Return EndIf If $iArrayIncrement = 0 Then $iArrayIncrement = 250 If Not IsObj($oODBC_Connection) Then Return -1 If Not IsObj($oODBC_RecordSet) Then Return -2 _ODBC_OpenRecordset($sSQL) Local $aRecords[1][1] If $oODBC_RecordSet.EOF = True Then _ODBC_CloseRecordSet() Return False EndIf $oODBC_RecordSet.MoveFirst Local $x = 0 ReDim $aRecords[1][$oODBC_RecordSet.Fields.Count] For $objField In $oODBC_RecordSet.Fields $aRecords[0][$x] = $objField.Name $x += 1 Next Local $iAIn = UBound($aRecords) + $iArrayIncrement ReDim $aRecords[$iAIn][$oODBC_RecordSet.Fields.Count] $oODBC_RecordSet.MoveFirst Local $y = 0 Do $x = 0 $y += 1 For $objField In $oODBC_RecordSet.Fields $aRecords[$y][$x] = $objField.Value $x += 1 Next If $y = $iAIn - 1 Then $iAIn += $iArrayIncrement ReDim $aRecords[$iAIn][$oODBC_RecordSet.Fields.Count] EndIf $oODBC_RecordSet.MoveNext If $iRows > 0 Then If $y = $iRows Then ;_ArrayDisplay($aRecords, @ScriptLineNumber) ReDim $aRecords[$y + 1][$oODBC_RecordSet.Fields.Count] ;_ArrayDisplay($aRecords, @ScriptLineNumber) Return $aRecords EndIf EndIf Until $oODBC_RecordSet.EOF ReDim $aRecords[$y + 1][$oODBC_RecordSet.Fields.Count] _ODBC_CloseRecordSet() Return $aRecords EndFunc ;==>_ODBC_GetRecords Func _ODBC_OpenRecordset($sSQL); If Not IsObj($oODBC_Connection) Then Return -1 If Not IsObj($oODBC_RecordSet) Then Return -2 Return $oODBC_RecordSet.Open($sSQL, $oODBC_Connection, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_ODBC_OpenRecordset Func _ODBC_CloseRecordSet() Return $oODBC_RecordSet.Close EndFunc ;==>_ODBC_CloseRecordSet Func _ErrADODB() MsgBox($MB_ICONWARNING, "ADODB COM Error", "We intercepted a COM Error !" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "err.description is: " & @TAB & $oErrADODB.description & @CRLF & _ "err.windescription:" & @TAB & $oErrADODB.windescription & @CRLF & _ "err.number is: " & @TAB & Hex($oErrADODB.number, 8) & @CRLF & _ "err.lastdllerror is: " & @TAB & $oErrADODB.lastdllerror & @CRLF & _ "err.scriptline is: " & @TAB & $oErrADODB.scriptline & @CRLF & _ "err.source is: " & @TAB & $oErrADODB.source & @CRLF & _ "err.helpfile is: " & @TAB & $oErrADODB.helpfile & @CRLF & _ "err.helpcontext is: " & @TAB & $oErrADODB.helpcontext _ ) ConsoleWrite($oErrADODB.description & @CR) $bConn_error = True Return SetError(@error, @error, 1) EndFunc ;==>_ErrADODB Func Format_SQL($sSQL, $sConnectionString) ; format SQL script a bit ; the formating does not consider UNION, Local $stempSQL, $sSQLPart1, $sSQLPart2, $sSQLPart3, $sSQLPart4, $sSQLPart5, $sSQLPart6 $stempSQL = $sSQL ; LIMIT - should be after FROM ! If StringInStr($stempSQL, "LIMIT", 0, -1) > 0 Then If StringInStr($stempSQL, "LIMIT", 0, -1) > StringInStr($stempSQL, "FROM", 0, -1) Then $sSQLPart6 = @CRLF & "LIMIT" & @CRLF & @TAB & StringTrimLeft($stempSQL, StringInStr($stempSQL, "LIMIT", 0, -1) + 5) $stempSQL = StringStripWS(StringTrimRight($stempSQL, StringLen($stempSQL) - StringInStr($stempSQL, "LIMIT", 0, -1) + 1), 2) EndIf EndIf ; ORDER BY - should be after FROM ! If StringInStr($stempSQL, "ORDER BY", 0, -1) > 0 Then If StringInStr($stempSQL, "ORDER BY", 0, -1) > StringInStr($stempSQL, "FROM", 0, -1) Then $sSQLPart5 = @CRLF & "ORDER BY" & @CRLF & @TAB & StringTrimLeft($stempSQL, StringInStr($stempSQL, "ORDER BY", 0, -1) + 8) $stempSQL = StringStripWS(StringTrimRight($stempSQL, StringLen($stempSQL) - StringInStr($stempSQL, "ORDER BY", 0, -1) + 1), 2) EndIf EndIf ; GROUP BY - should be after FROM ! If StringInStr($stempSQL, "GROUP BY", 0, -1) > 0 Then If StringInStr($stempSQL, "GROUP BY", 0, -1) > StringInStr($stempSQL, "FROM", 0, -1) Then $sSQLPart4 = @CRLF & "GROUP BY" & @CRLF & @TAB & StringTrimLeft($stempSQL, StringInStr($stempSQL, "GROUP BY", 0, -1) + 8) $stempSQL = StringStripWS(StringTrimRight($stempSQL, StringLen($stempSQL) - StringInStr($stempSQL, "GROUP BY", 0, -1) + 1), 2) EndIf EndIf ; WHERE - should be after FROM ! If StringInStr($stempSQL, "WHERE", 0, -1) > 0 Then If StringInStr($stempSQL, "WHERE", 0, -1) > StringInStr($stempSQL, "FROM", 0, -1) Then $sSQLPart3 = @CRLF & "WHERE" & @CRLF & @TAB & StringTrimLeft($stempSQL, StringInStr($stempSQL, "WHERE", 0, -1) + 5) $stempSQL = StringStripWS(StringTrimRight($stempSQL, StringLen($stempSQL) - StringInStr($stempSQL, "WHERE", 0, -1) + 1), 2) EndIf EndIf ; INNER JOIN If StringInStr($stempSQL, "INNER JOIN", 0, -1) > 0 Then $stempSQL = StringReplace($stempSQL, "INNER JOIN", @CRLF & @TAB & @TAB & "INNER JOIN") EndIf ; FROM If StringInStr($stempSQL, "FROM", 0, -1) > 0 Then $sSQLPart2 = @CRLF & "FROM" & @CRLF & @TAB & StringTrimLeft($stempSQL, StringInStr($stempSQL, "FROM", 0, -1) + 4) $stempSQL = StringStripWS(StringTrimRight($stempSQL, StringLen($stempSQL) - StringInStr($stempSQL, "FROM", 0, -1) + 1), 2) EndIf ; SELECT If StringInStr($stempSQL, "SELECT", 0, 1) > 0 Then $sSQLPart1 = "SELECT" & @CRLF & @TAB & StringReplace(StringReplace(StringTrimLeft($stempSQL, StringInStr($stempSQL, "SELECT", 0, 1) + 6),", ", ",") , ",", "," & @CRLF & @TAB) $stempSQL = StringStripWS(StringTrimRight($stempSQL, StringLen($stempSQL) - StringInStr($stempSQL, "SELECT", 0, 1) + 1), 2) EndIf GUICtrlSetData ( $hConnString, $sConnectionString) GUICtrlSetData ( $ViewSQL, $sSQLPart1 & $sSQLPart2 & $sSQLPart3 & $sSQLPart4 & $sSQLPart5 & $sSQLPart6 & @CRLF ) EndFunc ;==>Format_SQL Script and database packs SQL demo DSN-less connections (multi-DB).zip GreenCan1 point
#include <FF.au3> #include <Array.au3> Local $url = 'orderpage.html' _FFConnect(Default, Default, 3000) _FFWindowSelect($url, 'href', False) _FFTabSetSelected($url, 'href') $ffarray=_FFTableWriteToArray("Table13","id") _ArrayDisplay($ffarray) With the above code, the array would get created but it's contents were incorrect. I found what appears to be a bug in _FFTableWriteToArray. Find the following line in FF.au3: $aTable[$j][$i] = $aRows[$i + 1] and change it to: $aTable[$j][$i] = $aRows[$j + 1]1 point
That should read: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Remove=RT_MENU, 166, 2057 Jos1 point