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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2016 in all areas

  1. 109,373 downloads

    A Tutorial for new people * Over 19 InterActive GUI's * Over 50 Step-by-Step Scripts * Verbal Instructions * Complete with Demonstrations. * and Answers * Exe Format for New People Written completely with AutoIt to Demonstrate some of the Capabilities of AutoIt May not Work with Windows 98 ( tested once = fail) Re-Testing is now possible ( Click "Search Help" then type in "me dummy, you fix" ) Enjoy!!! Valuater 8)
    1 point
  2. This is a cool program I made to hide a window! Tell me how I can make more improvements. Hide Window.au3
    1 point
  3. NorhanFoda

    FEN, SAN and PGN

    @czardas That's a great effort ! I was wondering if you have a C++ library that convert pgn file to a series of FEN strings for each move I need it urgently, please
    1 point
  4. Will have a look at it tomorrow
    1 point
  5. Just realize that the Wiki really serves as our "Quick Start Guide" because it is continually updated. I would suggest (if you have not already done so) familiarizing yourself with the Wiki to see what subjects you plan to cover that aren't covered there. There is also the Welcome to AutoIt 1-2-3 (currently undergoing retooling) that serves as a training tool for people new to AutoIt. No intention to discourage your work, of course, just an awareness of what the forum standards are for new users wanting to learn the language.
    1 point
  6. Yes, I can. The StringReplace function doesn't do the replacement action inside $sString. Instead it takes the value of $sString, does the replacement and returns the result of the replacement. This works: #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <StringConstants.au3> Local $sString = "0.0" $sReplacementResult = StringReplace($sString, ".", "B") MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Nuova stringa", $sReplacementResult) ; You could of course also store the result of the replacement right back into the same string variable: ; $sString = StringReplace($sString, ".", "B") ; MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Nuova stringa", $sString)
    1 point
  7. TheDcoder

    Best Coding Practices

    I will be looking forward to it
    1 point
  8. Are you planning to make your guide publically available or is it just a quick reference for yourself?
    1 point
  9. PeteF

    Best Coding Practices

    Is that "it", as in.. It is a nice day (1) or is it... "IT" as in.. I work in the IT department. (2) 1 or 2?
    1 point
  10. PeteF

    Best Coding Practices

    Yeah, so far my biggest frustration is the absence of seamless debugging features I had in VB6. I miss the "immediate window" and it's ability to query variables or issue commands as the program is running. I have installed dbug.au3, but it's a bit awkward compared to the VB6 IDE debugging features. It's just going to take some practice and getting used to. Info on Debugging is the one area I found greatly lacking among all the AutoIt and SciTE help resources. I searched the HELP file in SciTE on debug and found nothing useful at all. Spent hours searching and viewing youtube videos and only found one video on using dBug.au3 . That's why I was hoping for 1 good thorough book that covered all the bases for an AutoIt newbie. I'll figure it out, it's just going to take more time than I originally planned for, especially since I'm taking the time to document all the questions & answers as I encounter them. I've got about 7 pages so far of my own custom AutoIt Quick start & Reference guide. Thanks to you and EVERYONE for the help & encouragement to date. -pete
    1 point
  11. Ok, there's more. I tried it, apparently there's a close button somewhere in the quick windows that ninite opens and closes which is not the final close button you're looking for and clicking it works, but does nothing, then your loop quits, then the final popup comes and the script doesn't find that button any more. This works for me. It feels way wonky but sometimes you have to do some wonkiness to work around a weird 3rd-party GUI #RequireAdmin #include <Array.au3> Run("C:\tmp\nin.exe") $handle = 0 While True While True Sleep(10) If getCloseButtonHandle() Then If ControlClick("Ninite", "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:Close; INSTANCE:1]") Then ToolTip("Clicked OK!") ExitLoop EndIf EndIf WEnd ; Wait for a possible next Ninite window containing a close button ; if it exists after a second, keep the loop going, otherwise exit Sleep(1000) $handle = getCloseButtonHandle() If Not getCloseButtonHandle() Then ExitLoop WEnd Func getCloseButtonHandle() Return ControlGetHandle("Ninite", "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:Close; INSTANCE:1]") EndFunc ;==>getCloseButtonHandle /edit2: be sure to repair the link to your ninite exe
    1 point
  12. water

    Excel open XML File

    No, it doesn't hurt But it takes ages to become a genius Understanding Microsofts COM model is not easy, but writing Office UDFs like I did (Word, Excel, Outlook, ExcelChart) helps a lot
    1 point
  13. TheDcoder

    Best Coding Practices

    As you are new, the correct capitalization of AutoIT is AutoIt
    1 point
  14. 232showtime

    Best Coding Practices

    Help File is the best book I used for autoit...
    1 point
  15. kaisies

    Best Coding Practices

    I dev'd in VB6 for a few years, writing a few major applications w/database/file access. Autoit was an easy pickup for me (I had dabbled in it for years) and it continues to be easy to learn/understand most code. A TON of code is available online if you do enough digging. A lot of my VB6 code was hobbled together with excel sheets, so its fantastic to see that code is available in autoit and its very well supported (although I don't use Autoit to write to excel, I've moved to other things) If you knew how to code VB6 well, I doubt you'll struggle with Autoit. WMI queries, objects and ptr's are certainly more advanced, but very doable in autoit as well. Edit: Personally I've always used Functions prefixed with a _ to be functions that return something, and no _ is a function that does not return. Just what I do.
    1 point
  16. PeteF

    Best Coding Practices

    Ok, thank you, "convention" , that's the word I was looking for. Thanks for the answers, I'll put them to good use. FYI: As a newbie to AutoIT, I'm documenting all my questions & answers as they arise and creating a kind of Quick Start Reference Guide for AutoIT for the VB6 programmer. It should be a very useful document when I'm done and something I'll share with the community. -pete
    1 point
  17. water

    Excel open XML File

    Maybe (can't test at the momen): ; XlXmlLoadOption Enumeration: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff194637(v=office.14).aspx Global $xlXmlLoadImportToList = 2 ; Places the contents of the XML data file in an XML table Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() Global $oWorkbook = $oExcel.Workbooks.OpenXML("d:\test1.xml", Default, $xlXmlLoadImportToList)
    1 point
  18. @DuyAnh that screenshot looks amazingly like a CAPTCHA image, am I correct?
    1 point
  19. As far as #3, no you won't find a book worth purchasing. There have been a few published, but they almost immediately become outdated as the language is evolving all the time. Your best resource is right here on the forum; there is very little you could want to do with AutoIt that someone has not already attempted, and you have the real time advice and knowledge of users, devs and even the owner from time to time.
    1 point
  20. Well, not to be a PITA, but: maybe there is a better way, and then, maybe there isn't. Quite hard to tell if there's a better way of doing what you're trying to do if it is unclear what you're trying to do and how you're trying to do it In short, you probably shouldn't be having the problems you're having unless either you run into some strange race condition or you have some sort of mistake in your script, both of which people could probably answer to if there was a better explanation or an example script that reproduces the problem. So posting a working reproducer would help. For Word, there's a large UDF (Word.au3) that allows all sorts of interactions with Word that may enable you to do things better. For browser interactions, the same things go. For hotkey setting you shouldn't need much more than HotKeySet.
    1 point
  21. Simple Reg Save script. I like to use it for getting the required information to crack login hashes. SaveReg.au3
    1 point
  22. Hello AutoIt-Fans. The main reason why I wrote this script was to simulate the entire keyboard with just the joypad. Mostly I need it when I play retro games on an emulator like CCS64 or VICE emulator, PCSXR, ... So maybe someone can use it too. In the configuration file macroJoy.cfg you can define your macros. A macro has two parts, a button sequence-line and the commands-line. If all buttons of a sequence-line (one by one or simultaneously, depending on pushType) are pressed, the functions in the commands-line will be invoked. The following functions are currently available: sendkey, run, focus, killproc, cursor, sleep. If you like you can add some custom functions in includes/functions.au3. Below you will find a configuration example and a brief description. The program resides in the system tray. Use the menu item Check JoyData to test your macros or see the joystick button codes. Project files can be downloaded from Github macroJoy Source code.zip Enjoy!! [config] ;sequenceNN: process;pushType;joynum;time;joyid,code;joyid,code,... ;process: 0=ignore process / processID or process name e.g.: notepad.exe ;pushType: 1=simultaneous, 2=one by one ;JoyPort: 1-15 ;time(pushType 1): [idle-repeat time in ms] or 0=off / (pushType 2): [timeout in ms] or 0=no timeout ;joyid: 1-8 ;code: integer value ;commandNN: func,para1,para2,...;func,para1,para2,... ;functions ;sleep pause execution para1: time in ms ;sendKey simulate keystrokes para1: sequence of keys / para2(opt): 0=default 1=send raw (see autoit docs "send" for details) ;focusA focus to the specified window name para1: window name ;killpidfile kill process from pid-file para1: text file with a process id ;focusB focus to the specified window name para1: window name (Works better, but may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.) ;killproc kill process by name or process id para1: process name or process id ;run run a program para1: program name / para2(opt): show_flag / para3(opt): opt_flag (see autoit docs "run" for details) ;cursor hide/set or toggle mouse cursor para1: 0=hide 1=show 2=toggle sequence01=0;2;1;2000;8,128;8,0;8,64 command01=sendKey,!{F4},0;sleep,1000;sleep,5000;focusA,Kodi sequence02=0;2;2;3000;8,128;8,0;8,128;8,0;8,64;8,0;8,64 command02=sendKey,{F2},0 ;XINPUT: <Start> sequence03=ccs64.exe;1;1;0;8,128 command03=sendKey,{ESC down},0;sleep,100;sendKey,{ESC up},0 ;XINPUT: <Square> sequence04=ccs64.exe;1;1;0;8,4 command04=sendKey,{z down},0;sleep,100;sendKey,{z up},0 ;XINPUT: <R1>+<D-Up> sequence05=ccs64.exe;1;1;0;8,32;7,0 command05=sendKey,{F1 down},0;sleep,300;sendKey,{F1 up},0 ;XINPUT: <R1>+<D-Right> sequence06=ccs64.exe;1;1;0;8,32;7,9000 command06=sendKey,{F3 down},0;sleep,300;sendKey,{F3 up},0 ;XINPUT: <L3> Toggle Mouse Cursor On/Off sequence07=0;1;1;0;8,256 command07=cursor,2 ;XINPUT: <R3> Run Notepad and open desktop.ini, killproc after 3 seconds sequence08=0;1;1;0;8,512 command08=run,notepad.exe "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\desktop.ini",c:\;sleep,3000;killproc,notepad.exe
    1 point
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