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  1. #include <WinAPI.au3> ;~ #RequireAdmin try to un-comment if not work for you Local $hFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile(@ScriptDir & "\Test.dmp", 1) ; Creates a new file. If a file exists, it is overwritten _DumpFile(@AutoItPID, $hFile) _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) Func _DumpFile($iPID, $hFile, $dDumpType = 0) Local $hProcess = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "handle", "OpenProcess", "dword", 0x0450, "bool", 0, "dword", $iPID) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) $aResult = DllCall("dbghelp.dll", "bool", "MiniDumpWriteDump", "handle", $hProcess[0], "dword", $iPID, "handle", $hFile, "dword", $dDumpType, "dword", "", "dword", "", "dword", "") DllCall("kernel32.dll", "bool", "CloseHandle", "handle", $hProcess[0]) If $aResult[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False) Return $aResult[0] EndFunc
    2 points
  2. Well honestly I'm not 100% sure, i believe the local variables gets cleaned up by the garbage collector when the function ends. Personally i just leave it like that, but that question might be worth searching for in the forum, i believe I've seen it discussed. It was fun for me too Haha! Why thank you
    1 point
  3. JLogan3o13

    time move

    @rafath this forum is dedicated to helping people with their own scripts; it is not a buffet where you place an order and someone barfs up code for you. Why don't you show what effort you have done on your own toward converting this?
    1 point
  4. water

    Opening word in background

    Then simply click on the "Like this" button
    1 point
  5. water

    Opening word in background

    This seems to work: #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <Word.au3> Local $oWord = _Word_Create() If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Word UDF: _Word_DocFindReplace Example", _ "Error creating a new Word application object." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Local $oDoc = _Word_DocOpen($oWord, "C:\Temp\Test.docx") If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Word UDF: _Word_DocFindReplace Example", _ "Error opening 'Test.docx'." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) ClipPut("This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!This is a test!12345678") _Word_DocFindReplace($oDoc, "Line 1", "^c", $wdReplaceOne) If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Word UDF: _Word_DocFindReplace Example", _ "Error replacing text in the document." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Word UDF: _Word_DocFindReplace Example", "Paragraph control character successfully replaced.")
    1 point
  6. water

    Opening word in background

    You could test with _Word_DocFindReplace and pass "^c" as the replacement text as suggested in the web article.
    1 point
  7. Yes a include is missing, but there's a 2. error (typo): #include <FileConstants.au3> $szFile = "test.htm" $szText = FileRead($szFile) $szText = StringReplace($szText, "hello", "ö") $hFile=FileOpen($szFile,$FO_OVERWRITE + $FO_UTF8) FileWrite($hFile,$szText) FileClose($hFile) and maybe you need other mode: $hFile=FileOpen($szFile,$FO_OVERWRITE + $FO_ANSI)
    1 point
  8. #include <WinAPI.au3> Global $hGui = GUICreate("") Global $lblLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0) ConsoleWrite($hGui & @LF) ConsoleWrite(_WinAPI_GetParent(GUICtrlGetHandle($lbl)) & @LF)
    1 point
  9. water

    Opening word in background

    There seems to be a limit of 255 characters: http://gregmaxey.mvps.org/word_tip_pages/find_replace_long_string.html
    1 point
  10. Either you leave the header as ISO and use FileOpen with the ANSI mode to write the file, or switch to full Unicode and switch the header to UTF8. The later solution is universal, not the former.
    1 point
  11. If you use _Word_Create function first, then you can call it the first parameter as false. Then you can open a doc with _Word_DocOpen. You never see an instance of MSword because the application object is hidden.
    1 point
  12. _Word_DocOpen doesn't include support for the "visible" parameter of the Documents.Open method that the function is wrapping. To add that you'd need to add 2 parameters to this line. Local $oDoc = $oAppl.Documents.Open($sFilePath, $bConfirmConversions, $bReadOnly, $bAddToRecentFiles, _ $sOpenPassword, "", $bRevert, $sWritePassword, "", $iFormat) After the $iformat parameter you'd need to add the Encoding parameter, and then either True or False for the visible parameter.
    1 point
  13. DasBo

    Dig UDF for AutoIt

    As I can't post a new topic to the example scripts forum, I will post it here. It would be nice, if one of the mods could move it to the right forum. Thanks! Ok, now for the interesting part: Some days ago I needed bonjour service discovery from within an AutoIt script. I searched the forum for a suitable solution, but didn't find any that really worked (especially for multicast dns queries for custom resource record types, as needed for bonjour service discovery). Thus I wrote my own. "Unfortunately", after the function was almost finished (and after I learned almost everything about name resolution, I never wanted to know before ), I stumbled upon an even better solution for my primary problem. Well - While I don't use it myself now, I hope somebody finds this function useful anyway. It is virtually a 'dig' like application written in AutoIt. It is well documented inside the source code (at last I hope so) and if you want to learn more about name resolution or really need a _Dig() function for your next AutoIt script, feel free to use the function for whatever you want. The parameters are described in the header comment and _Dig() returns a multi line string containing a 'dig' like output, you may easily parse with AutoIt string functions. Some examples are given below the UDF source. #include-once #Include <String.au3> #Include <Date.au3> ; You may add more "<rrtype>=<value>" pairs to $sDig_rr_types, if you want, ; but keep in mind, that you also need to add a portion of parsing code ; in DecodeRData(), if you want the ressource record data to be decoded. ; If your rrtype cannot be parsed, it will be returned undecoded in a ; generic format according to RFC 3597. Global Const $sDig_rr_types="A=1 NS=2 CNAME=5 SOA=6 WKS=11 PTR=12 MX=15 TXT=16 AAAA=28 SRV=33 A6=38 ANY=255" ; You may add more "<rrclass>=<value>" pairs to $sDig_rr_classes, if you want... Global Const $sDig_rr_classes="IN=1 ANY=255" Global $bDig_amsg ; holds the complete dns answer message Global $iDig_ptr ; Pointer needed for reading the answer message Global $iDig_q_count ; QDCOUNT (No. of messages in the question section) Global $iDig_a_count ; ANCOUNT (No. of messages in the answer section) Global $iDig_au_count ; AUCOUNT (No. of messages in the authority section) Global $iDig_ar_count ; ARCOUNT (No. of messages in the aditional section) Global $sDig_output ; the dig output will be saved here... ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Dig ; Description ...: Queries a DNS server and returns the result in a 'dig' like format (not exactly, but near) ; to be parsed by yourself :-) ; Syntax.........: _Dig($sDig_domain[, $sDig_server = ""[, $iDig_port = 53[, $sDig_type = "A"[, $sDig_class = "IN" _ ; [, $sDig_proto = "UDP"[, $sDig_timeout = 1]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sDig_domain - Domain to query ; $sDig_server - [optional] DNS server to query (default: primary DNS server set for the NIC @IPAddress1) ; $iDig_port - [optional] port to be used for the query (default: 53) ; $sDig_type - [optional] ressource record type to be queried (default: "A") ; $sDig_class - [optional] ressource record class to be queried (default: "IN") ; $sDig_proto - [optional] IP protocol to be used (default: "UDP") ; $sDig_timeout - [optional] Timeout in seconds to wait for a response (default: 1) ; Return values .: Success - a string formatted similar to a 'dig' query ; Failure - "", sets @error: ; |1 - something went wrong (sorry, no specific error messages at the moment) ; Author ........: Andreas Börner (mail@andreas-boerner.de) ; Modified.......: Andreas Börner (mail@andreas-boerner.de) ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Dig($sDig_domain,$sDig_server=Default,$iDig_port=Default,$sDig_type=Default,$sDig_class=Default,$sDig_proto=Default,$sDig_timeout=Default) ; Check & replace 'Default' values for optional parameters if $sDig_server=Default Then $sDig_server="" if $iDig_port=Default Then $iDig_port=53 if $sDig_type=Default Then $sDig_type="A" if $sDig_class=Default Then $sDig_class="IN" if $sDig_proto=Default Then $sDig_proto="UDP" if $sDig_timeout=Default Then $sDig_timeout=1 ; the dig output will be saved here... $sDig_output="" ; if no DNS server is provided, get the primary DNS server for the @IPAddress1 network adapter if $sDig_server="" then $sDig_server=GetPrimaryDNS() $sDig_proto=StringUpper($sDig_proto) ; random hex number (2 bytes) serving as a handle for the data that will be received Local $dig_id = Hex(Random(0, 65535, 1), 4) ; set query flags (16 bit): ; ........ ........ ; 0 QR (Query/Response Flag) (0: query / 1: for response) ; 0000 Opcode (Operation Code) (0: standard query) ; 0 AA (Authoritative Answer Flag) (always 0 in a query) ; 0 TC (Truncation Flag) (always 0 in a query) ; 1 RD (Recursion Desired) (we want recursive answers, if possible) ; ; 0 RA (Recursion Available) (always 0 in a query) ; 000 Z (Zero) (Three reserved bits set to zero) ; 0000 RCode (Response Code) (always 0 in a query) ; Local $dig_flags="0100" ; in a regular query there is one question (=> QDCOUNT=1) and no answers (ANCOUNT=AUCOUNT=ARCOUNT=0) $dig_counters="0001000000000000" ; Encode the domain to standard DNS name notation Local $sDig_domain_binary=EncodeName($sDig_domain) ; Encode the ressource record type and class to their binary equivalents Local $sDig_type_binary = EncodeType($sDig_type) Local $sDig_class_binary = EncodeClass($sDig_class) ; this is the complete query: <id/handle> <query-flags> <ressource-record-counters> <rr-type> <rr-class> Local $dig_request = $dig_id & $dig_flags & $dig_counters & $sDig_domain_binary & $sDig_type_binary & $sDig_class_binary ; this is our query ; In TCP mode, an additional length information (PDU length) has to be preceeded (the length of the whole request in bytes) ; To simplify matters, this length is calculated from the string length of $dig_request, divided by two. ; (Please note, that $dig_pdulen remains empty, if UDP protocol is used) Local $dig_pdulen="" if $sDig_proto="TCP" Then $dig_pdulen=Hex(StringLen($dig_request)/2,4) ; Now the request string can be completed finally $dig_request="0x" & $dig_pdulen & $dig_request ; start TCP or UDP service & open a socket ; (Shutdown TCP/UDP service, if no socket could be opened and return an error to the caller) Local $dig_sock if $sDig_proto="TCP" Then TCPStartup() $dig_sock = TCPConnect($sDig_server, $iDig_port) If @error Then TCPShutdown() SetError(1) Return "" EndIf Else UDPStartup() $dig_sock = UDPOpen($sDig_server, $iDig_port) If @error Then UDPShutdown() SetError(1) Return "" EndIf EndIf ; measure the query time for "Query time:" output ; (ok, it's more like 'just for fun...' :-) Local $query_time=TimerInit() ; send query to the TCP or UDP socket if $sDig_proto="TCP" Then TCPSend($dig_sock, $dig_request) Else UDPSend($dig_sock, $dig_request) EndIf ; waiting for the response... Local $tik = 0 Do ; receive the response from the TCP or UDP socket if $sDig_proto="TCP" Then $bDig_amsg = TCPRecv($dig_sock, 512,1) Else $bDig_amsg = UDPRecv($dig_sock, 512,1) EndIf Sleep(100) Until $bDig_amsg <> "" Or TimerDiff($query_time)>$sDig_timeout*1000 $query_time=Round(TimerDiff($query_time)) ; Stop TCP/UDP service (not needed anymore) if $sDig_proto="TCP" Then TCPShutdown() ; While a dns response via UDP immediately starts with the Message ID, a TCP response ; is preceeded by a 2 byte PDU length (as well as the request; see above) and the ; message id follows at position 3 in the response data. As we don't need the PDU ; length for anything, we cut it from the responseand throw it away $bDig_amsg=BinaryMid($bDig_amsg,3) Else UDPShutdown() EndIf ; from here, there is no more difference in handling TCP or UDP responses ; check response & message ID... If $bDig_amsg = "" or StringMid(BinaryMid($bDig_amsg, 1, 2), 3) <> $dig_id Then ; received nothing - or something, but not our DNS response SetError(1) Return "" EndIf ; ############ Output the formatted response ############### ;########################################################### ; initialize the global message pointer $iDig_ptr=1 ; output some 'dig' like headers $sDig_output&="; <<>> DiG for AutoIt 1.0.0 (" & $sDig_proto & ") <<>> " & $sDig_domain & " @" & $sDig_server & "#" & $iDig_port & " " & $sDig_type & @LF $sDig_output&=";; Got answer:" & @LF ; read ID's, flags & counters from message header $dig_id=ReadHex2Int(2) $dig_flags=ReadHex2Int(2) $iDig_q_count=ReadHex2Int(2) $iDig_a_count=ReadHex2Int(2) $iDig_au_count=ReadHex2Int(2) $iDig_ar_count=ReadHex2Int(2) ; extract some boolean flags from $dig_flags (see query generation above for more info) $dig_flags_flags="" if BitAND($dig_flags,32768) then $dig_flags_flags&=" qr" ; QR if BitAND($dig_flags,1024) then $dig_flags_flags&=" aa" ; AA if BitAND($dig_flags,512) then $dig_flags_flags&=" tr" ; TR if BitAND($dig_flags,256) then $dig_flags_flags&=" rd" ; RD if BitAND($dig_flags,128) then $dig_flags_flags&=" ra" ; RA ; extract opcode & rcode... ; mask 15th to 12th bit for opcode and shift result to get the integer opcode $dig_flags_opcode=BitShift(BitAND($dig_flags,30720),11) ; mask 4th to 1st bit for response code (no additional shift necessary) $dig_flags_rcode=BitAND($dig_flags,15) ; output flags, ID's & counters $sDig_output&=";; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: " & $dig_flags_opcode & ", status: " & $dig_flags_rcode & ", id: " & $dig_id & @LF $sDig_output&=";; flags:" & $dig_flags_flags & "; QUERY: " & $iDig_q_count & ", ANSWER: " & $iDig_a_count & ", AUTHORITY: " & $iDig_au_count & ", ADDITIONAL: " & $iDig_ar_count & @LF ; output ressource record sections if $iDig_q_count>0 Then $sDig_output&=@LF & ";; QUESTION SECTION:" & @LF & ";" ReadResourceRecords("q") ; forward an error from ReadRessourceRecords to the caller if @error Then SetError(1) return "" EndIf EndIf if $iDig_a_count>0 Then $sDig_output&=@LF & ";; ANSWER SECTION:" & @LF ReadResourceRecords("a") ; forward an error from ReadRessourceRecords to the caller if @error Then SetError(1) return "" EndIf EndIf if $iDig_au_count>0 Then $sDig_output&=@LF & ";; AUTHORITY SECTION:" & @LF ReadResourceRecords("au") ; forward an error from ReadRessourceRecords to the caller if @error Then SetError(1) return "" EndIf EndIf if $iDig_ar_count>0 Then $sDig_output&=@LF & ";; ADDITIONAL SECTION:" & @LF ReadResourceRecords("ar") ; forward an error from ReadRessourceRecords to the caller if @error Then SetError(1) return "" EndIf EndIf $sDig_output&=@LF & ";; Query time: " & $query_time & " msec" & @LF ; Sorry - there is no reliable way to determine the origin of the received dns response ; using the AutoIt TCP / UDP functions, as TCPRecv() / UDPRecv() does not reveal the ; TCP / UDP headers to the end user and we have nothing to output on the SERVER line ; ";; SERVER:" ; ok, the last two are easy... $sDig_output&=";; WHEN: " & _Now() & @LF $sDig_output&=";; MSG SIZE rcvd: " & BinaryLen($bDig_amsg) & @LF ; Done... Return $sDig_output EndFunc ;==>_Dig ; read a ressource record section from the response message Func ReadResourceRecords($section_id) Local $i,$count Local $name_dec,$type_dec,$class_dec,$ttl_dec,$rd_len,$data_dec Switch $section_id case "q" $count=$iDig_q_count case "a" $count=$iDig_a_count case "au" $count=$iDig_au_count case "ar" $count=$iDig_ar_count case Else SetError(1) return "" EndSwitch for $i=1 to $count ; every ressource record contains a name, a type and a class $name_dec=DecodeName() $type_dec=DecodeType() $class_dec=DecodeClass() ; only ANSWER, AUTHORITY & ADDITIONAL records contain a ttl and record data $ttl_dec="" $data_dec="" if $section_id<>"q" Then $ttl_dec=ReadHex2Int(4) $rd_len=ReadHex2Int(2) $iDig_ptr_end=$iDig_ptr+$rd_len $data_dec=DecodeRData($rd_len,$type_dec) EndIf $sDig_output&=$name_dec & @TAB & $ttl_dec & @TAB & $class_dec & @TAB & $type_dec & @TAB & $data_dec & @LF Next EndFunc ; encode a literal domain name to standard DNS name notation Func EncodeName($sDig_domain) Local $ret="",$i,$sDig_domain_array ; split domain name into separate labels (a label means everything in front of a dot) $sDig_domain_array = StringSplit($sDig_domain, ".") ; append every label with it's preceeded length value to the return value For $i = 1 To $sDig_domain_array[0] ; append label length (1 byte) and label (as binary) to the encoded name $ret&=Hex(BinaryLen($sDig_domain_array[$i]), 2) & StringTrimLeft(StringToBinary($sDig_domain_array[$i]), 2) Next ; add a zero length value to finish the encoded name $ret&="00" return $ret EndFunc ; decode standard DNS name notation to a literal domain name ; this is only the starter for a (possibly) recursive DecodeNameRec() run Func DecodeName() Local $ret $ret=DecodeNameRec($iDig_ptr) ; It doesn't look "right" to simply add a period, if $ret is empty ; but I taxed my brain and didn't find the solution to handle the case ; of a zero length label INSIDE the label decoding function and not as a ; special case. If somebody knows the solution (there MUST be some ; stupidly simple solution...), please let me know. :-) ; If you want to hurt your brain, simply dig for a non-existent host ; or IP - you should get a zero length label in the authority section. if $ret="" then $ret="." $iDig_ptr+=@extended return $ret EndFunc ; recursive decode DNS name notation ; DecodeNameRec() calls itself recursively if it stumbles upon a pointer to another ; label in the response message Func DecodeNameRec($offset) local $data,$data_dec="",$offset_ptr,$len Local $offset_add=0 while 1 $len=ReadHex2Int(1,$offset+$offset_add,False) ; a label is followed by a pointer or the name consists of a pointer only (0b11xxxxxx) => need to decode recursive if BitAND(192,$len)=192 then ; get the pointer offset (filter the upper two bits (pointer identifier) from the value) $offset_ptr=BitAND(ReadHex2Int(2,$offset+$offset_add,False),16383)+1 ; DecodeNameRec() is called recursive targetting the offset in the ; response message, until a label is found that DOES NOT end with a pointer ; the decoding is complete, if all recursions returned $data_dec&=DecodeNameRec($offset_ptr) ; offset the read position behind the pointer $offset_add+=2 ExitLoop ; a label is followed by a label length (i.e. no pointer) Else ; offset the read position behind the label length value $offset_add+=1 ; label length zero => the name is completly decoded => return to caller if $len=0 then ExitLoop $data=BinaryMid($bDig_amsg,$offset+$offset_add,$len) $data_dec&=_HexToString(StringMid($data,3)) & "." ; offset the read position behind the label $offset_add+=$len EndIf WEnd ; return the new offset (to DecodeName() if this is the 1st recursion level) ; (Hint: a new offset from the 2nd recursion level and below, i.e. if DecodeNameRec() returns to itself, ; is ignored, because it must not change the global read position.) SetExtended($offset_add) Return $data_dec EndFunc ; encode ressource record type from string to 16 bit hex value Func EncodeType($rr_type) Local $ret ; search the integer value according to $rr_type in $sDig_rr_types $ret=StringRegExp(" " & $sDig_rr_types & " "," " & StringUpper($rr_type) & "=([0-9]+) ",1) ; if found: return this integer value hex encoded (16 bit) if not @error then Return Hex($ret[0],4) ; if not found... Else ; ...test, if $rr_type was given as a generic rrtype according to RFC 3597 ("TYPExxx") ; and return xxx value hex encoded (16 bit) if StringLeft(StringUpper($rr_type),4)="TYPE" Then Return Hex(StringMid($rr_type,5),4) ; ...else, set @error=1 and return RR type "ANY" (255) Else SetError(1) return "00FF" EndIf EndIf EndFunc ; decode ressource record type from 16 bit hex value to string Func DecodeType($advance=True) Local $ret="" $rr_type=ReadHex2Int(2,$iDig_ptr,$advance) ; search the name according to $rr_type value in $sDig_rr_types $ret=StringRegExp(" " & $sDig_rr_types & " "," ([0-9,A-Z]+)=" & $rr_type & " ",1) ; if found: if not @error then Return $ret[0] ; if not found return unknown rrtype as "TYPExxx" according to RFC 3597 Else return "TYPE" & $rr_type EndIf EndFunc ; encode ressource record class from string to 16 bit hex value Func EncodeClass($rr_class) Local $ret ; search the integer value according to $rr_class in $sDig_rr_classes $ret=StringRegExp(" " & $sDig_rr_classes & " "," " & StringUpper($rr_class) & "=([0-9]+) ",1) ; if found: return this integer value hex encoded (16 bit) if not @error then Return Hex($ret[0],4) ; if not found... Else ; ...test, if $rr_class was given as a generic rrclass according to RFC 3597 ("CLASSxxx") ; and return xxx value hex encoded (16 bit) if StringLeft(StringUpper($rr_class),5)="CLASS" Then Return Hex(StringMid($rr_class,6),4) ; ...else, set @error=1 and return RR class "ANY" (255) Else SetError(1) return "00FF" EndIf EndIf EndFunc ; decode ressource record class from 16 bit hex value to string Func DecodeClass($advance=True) Local $ret="" $rr_class=ReadHex2Int(2,$iDig_ptr,$advance) ; search the name according to $rr_class value in $sDig_rr_classes $ret=StringRegExp(" " & $sDig_rr_classes & " "," ([0-9,A-Z]+)=" & $rr_class & " ",1) ; if found: if not @error then Return $ret[0] ; if not found return unknown rrclass as "CLASSxxx" according to RFC 3597 Else return "CLASS" & $rr_class EndIf EndFunc ; decode ressource record data types ; Currently DecodeRData() decodes only the most important ressource record types ; record types, that are unknown, are returned in a generic (undecoded) format defined ; in RFC 3597 (see below) Func DecodeRData($len,$type_dec,$advance=True) local $ret="",$i,$data ; decode known rr types Switch $type_dec ; IPv4 internet address record case "A" $ret&=ReadHex2Int(1) ; IP - 1st octet (no preceding dot) for $i=2 to 4 ; IP - 2nd to 4th octet $ret&="." & ReadHex2Int(1) Next ; IPv6 internet address record case "AAAA" ; convert binary to hex value & insert colons for $i=1 to 8 ; short IPv6 notation Pt. 1: strip up to 3 leading zeros from every group (but leave one zero untouched) $data=StringRegExpReplace(Hex(BinaryMid($bDig_amsg,$iDig_ptr,2)),"^0{1,3}","") $ret&=$data & ":" $iDig_ptr+=2 Next ; short IPv6 notation Pt. 2: replace the first occurrence ; of one or more consecutive groups of :0 with a colon ; (and trim the last colon) ; (Hint: this approach does not necessarily return the shortest possible notation, ; as it always compresses the FIRST occurrence of at least one ":0", ; even if there is a longer group somewhere else in the address.) $ret=StringTrimRight(StringRegExpReplace($ret,"(:0)+",":",1),1) ; mail exchange record case "MX" $ret&=ReadHex2Int(2) ; mx preference $ret&=" " & DecodeName() ; mx host name ; canonial name record ; name server record ; pointer record case "CNAME","NS","PTR" $ret=DecodeName() ; host name / ns name ; start of authority record case "SOA" $ret&=DecodeName() ; Primary Nameserver $ret&=" " & DecodeName() ; Admin Mailbox (first dot is equivalent to '@') $ret&=" " & ReadHex2Int(4) ; Serial Number $ret&=" " & ReadHex2Int(4) ; Refresh interval $ret&=" " & ReadHex2Int(4) ; Retry Interval $ret&=" " & ReadHex2Int(4) ; Expiration Limit $ret&=" " & ReadHex2Int(4) ; Minimum TTL ; service locator record case "SRV" $ret&=ReadHex2Int(2) ; Priority $ret&=" " & ReadHex2Int(2) ; Weight $ret&=" " & ReadHex2Int(2) ; Port $ret&=" " & DecodeName() ; host name ; text record ; sender policy framework record case "SPF","TXT" ; Althrough the RDLENGTH field already contains a 2-byte length for the TXT/SPF record (as for any other ressource record type) ; the record itself consists of zero or more strings, preceeded by a single byte length value. These strings have to be ; read one after another. $ret='' $data=BinaryMid($bDig_amsg,$iDig_ptr,$len) while BinaryLen($data)>0 $string_len=int("0x"&Hex(BinaryMid($data,1,1))) $ret&='"' & BinaryToString(BinaryMid($data,2,$string_len)) & '" ' $data=BinaryMid($data,$string_len+2) ; cut $data after $string_len bytes (plus 1 for the length byte itself) WEnd $ret=StringTrimRight($ret,1) $iDig_ptr+=$len ; all unknown ressource record data are returned in a generic (undecoded) hex format case Else $ret="\# " & $len & " " & hex(BinaryMid($bDig_amsg,$iDig_ptr,$len)) ; return rdata of unknown record types according to RFC 3597 $iDig_ptr+=$len EndSwitch Return $ret EndFunc ; read $len bytes from the response message ; if not explicitly given, read starts from the current global read position ; if not explicitly False, global read position is set behind the read data Func ReadHex2Int($len,$offset=$iDig_ptr,$advance=True) Local $ret $ret=Int("0x"&hex(BinaryMid($bDig_amsg,$offset,$len))) if $advance then $iDig_ptr+=$len return $ret EndFunc ; get primary dns server from the network adapter with @IPAddress1 from NetworkAdapterConfiguration WMI object Func GetPrimaryDNS() Local $ret ; some constants & variables needed for the WMI object Const $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10 Const $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20 Local $colNICs="", $NIC, $strQuery, $objWMIService ; query the network adapter configuration to $colNICs $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2") $colNICs = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($strQuery, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) ; search @IPAddress1 in result object / if found, set return value to the first DNSServerSearchOrder element If IsObj($colNICs) Then For $NIC In $colNICs if $NIC.IPAddress(0)==@IPAddress1 then $ret=$NIC.DNSServerSearchOrder(0) ExitLoop EndIf Next Else SetError(-1, "No WMI Objects Found for class: Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration", "") EndIf ; free the WMI object $objWMIService = "" $colNICs = "" $NIC = "" Return $ret EndFunc Here are some examples for usage: #include "_Dig.au3" ; simple dig for "wikipedai.org" (using the first configured dns server of your primary NIC) ConsoleWrite(_Dig("wikipedia.org") & @crlf) ; dig for "wikipedia.org", explicitly querying a 'Level 3 Communications' dns server ConsoleWrite(_Dig("wikipedia.org","") & @crlf) ; do a reverse lookup for IP ; Technically a reverse lookup query doesn't differ in any way from a standard/forward query. ; To indicate, that you want the server to return a host name for your IP and not the other way round ; you just have to provide your IP in the in-addr format: Reverse the four octets of your IP and append ; '.in-addr.arpa'. ; ; I know, the dig command line tool knows the -x option for reverse lookups - But for this _Dig() function ; you have to do all the hard work for yourself... :-) (Ok, at least you don't need to THINK for yourself ;-) $ip="" $in_addr=StringRegExpReplace($ip,"([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)","\4\.\3\.\2\.\1") & ".in-addr.arpa" ConsoleWrite(_Dig($in_addr,"",110) & @crlf) ; dig for "wikipedia.org", querying a 'German Privacy Foundation' dns server at the alternative port 110 ConsoleWrite(_Dig("wikipedia.org","",110) & @crlf) ; dig CNAME records for "en.wikipedia.org" (using the first configured dns server of your primary NIC, Port 53) ConsoleWrite(_Dig("en.wikipedia.org",Default,Default,"CNAME") & @crlf) ; digging around in the chaosnet class ; Ok, this is some advanced and mostly theoretical example: ; You will rarely want to dig for chaosnet class records, but modern bind versions misuse the chaosnet class ; to provide some system and version information about themselves. Thus, you may dig some dns server ; for TXT records of the domain "version.bind" and it may return it's version information. But don't expect ; to much, as often this version information is garbled for security reasons (compare the output of the two ; examples below). ; ; This example also shows how to deal with custom/exotic record types & classes: As I don't wanted to include ; every possible type & class keyword, _Dig() doesn't know the record class "CH" for chaosnet and will return ; no records but an error. But according to RFC 3597 a dns query client should be able to deal with generic ; types and classes in the form "TYPE<tid>" and "CLASS<cid>". So does _Dig() and you may use 'CLASS3' as the ; class parameter to retrieve records from the Chaosnet class. ; ; There is a quite comprehensive list for record types on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_DNS_record_types ; RFC 2929 holds a list of all defined record classes: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2929.txt ConsoleWrite(_Dig("version.bind","",Default,"TXT","CLASS3") & @crlf) ConsoleWrite(_Dig("version.bind","",Default,"TXT","CLASS3") & @crlf) ; One more example for generic types: Instead of digging for the record type 'CNAME', you may use 'TYPE5' ; alternatively, to get the same result: ConsoleWrite(_Dig("en.wikipedia.org",Default,Default,"TYPE5") & @crlf) ; This is an example for bonjour service discovery with _Dig(), ; which is actually nothing more than a mDNS query to a multicast dns server on your local network: ConsoleWrite(_Dig("_workstation._tcp.local","",5353,"ANY")) ; dig for "wikipedai.org" in TCP mode ; (please note, that not all dns servers accept dns over tcp requests; ; especially home lan routers often refuse connection to Port 53/TCP) ConsoleWrite(_Dig("wikipedia.org","",Default,Default,Default,"TCP") & @crlf) ; dig for "wikipedai.org" (waiting max. 5 seconds for a reply) ConsoleWrite(_Dig("wikipedia.org",Default,Default,Default,Default,Default,5) & @crlf) Ok - Have fun!
    1 point
  14. Also look at the best answer: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Google%20Docs/thread?tid=541020dc61ae94c5&hl=en Just create a IE object, give URL something like https://spreadsheets.google.com/formResponse?formkey=dHNSSjMxSG1yZUVESlpyVE92aXBncVE6MQ&ifq&entry.1.single=A&entry.2.single=B&entry.3.single=C&entry.0.single=D&submit=Submit and navigate to that URL.
    1 point
  15. I know this post is old, Here is what I do to update google spreadsheet 1) Create a form 2) Fill the form using the elements of the IE page or even BETTER Prepopulate the form using URL parameters https://docs.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=160000
    1 point
  16. AdmiralAlkex

    DLLopen failed

    Install SciTE4AutoIt3 if you haven't, then add the following line to the top of your script: #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n Or if you're to lazy to copy-paste (like me ) then press Tools > Compile > Select "Use X86 version." > Save Only.
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