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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2016 in all areas

  1. Just keep breathing, a step at a time and you'll be fine.
    2 points
  2. Well not really bashing them, just based on my experiences with both. I prefer AutoIt, the syntax is much better to work with, and it seems a lot more stable. Edit: then again, I don't just use AutoIt as an automation suite, I use it for software development. I create an alpha in AutoIt, work out bugs and such, then if need be I port it to another language, like C, or Cpp. Which Aut tends to be good for quick dev.
    2 points
  3. I did this just for fun. #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WinAPIEx.au3> #include <WinAPIMisc.au3> Beep() _Beep(500,1000,50) _Beep(500,1000,30) _Beep(500,1000,10) _Beep(500,1000,5) _Beep(500,1000,3) _Beep(500,1000,1) ;~ Traslated from http://stackoverflow.com/a/19772815 Func _Beep($iFrequency = 500, $imsDuration = 1000, $iVolume = 100);Volume 1 to 100 Local Const $PI = 3.141592653589 Local Const $TAU = 2 * $PI Local Const $iFormatChunkSize = 16 Local Const $iHeaderSize = 8 Local Const $iFormatType = 1 Local Const $iTracks = 1 Local Const $iSamplesPerSecond = 44100 Local Const $iBitsPerSample = 16 Local Const $iFrameSize = Floor($iTracks * (($iBitsPerSample + 7) / 8)) Local Const $iBytesPerSecond = $iSamplesPerSecond * $iFrameSize Local Const $iWaveSize = 4 Local Const $iSamples = Floor($iSamplesPerSecond * $imsDuration / 1000) Local Const $iDataChunkSize = Int($iSamples * $iFrameSize) Local Const $iFileSize = ($iWaveSize + $iHeaderSize + $iFormatChunkSize + $iHeaderSize + $iDataChunkSize) Local Const $sTagWAVHeader = "char ChunkID[4];int ChunkSize;char Format[4];char Subchunk1ID[4];" & _ "int Subchunk1Size;short AudioFormat;short NumChannels;int SampleRate;" & _ "int ByteRate;short BlockAlign;short BitsPerSample;char Subchunk2ID[4];" & _ "int Subchunk2Size;" Local $sTagWAVHeaderAndData = $sTagWAVHeader & "short AudioWave[" & $iDataChunkSize / 2 & "]" Local $tWAVHeader_Data = DllStructCreate($sTagWAVHeaderAndData) $tWAVHeader_Data.ChunkID = "RIFF" $tWAVHeader_Data.ChunkSize = $iFileSize $tWAVHeader_Data.Format = "WAVE" $tWAVHeader_Data.Subchunk1ID = "fmt " $tWAVHeader_Data.Subchunk1Size = $iFormatChunkSize $tWAVHeader_Data.AudioFormat = $iFormatType $tWAVHeader_Data.NumChannels = $iTracks $tWAVHeader_Data.SampleRate = $iSamplesPerSecond $tWAVHeader_Data.ByteRate = $iBytesPerSecond; $tWAVHeader_Data.BlockAlign = $iFrameSize $tWAVHeader_Data.BitsPerSample = $iBitsPerSample $tWAVHeader_Data.Subchunk2ID = "data" $tWAVHeader_Data.Subchunk2Size = $iDataChunkSize Local $iAmplitude = 16383 / (100 / $iVolume) Local $iShort = 0 $iTheta = $iFrequency * $TAU / $iSamplesPerSecond For $iStep = 0 To $iSamples - 1 $iShort = Int($iAmplitude * Sin($iTheta * ($iStep))) DllStructSetData($tWAVHeader_Data, "AudioWave", $iShort, $iStep + 1) Next _WinAPI_PlaySound(DllStructGetPtr($tWAVHeader_Data), $SND_MEMORY) EndFunc ;==>_Beep Saludos
    2 points
  4. FrankSchneidewind, I bet you put it in the "normal style" rather than the "extended style" position - this is how it should look: $Form1 = GUICreate("DVD Videosoft Updater", 306, 110, 390, 222, Default, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES) M23
    1 point
  5. Melba23

    dllcall hang..

    JohnOne, I imagine the difference is that RunWait is waiting for an external program to terminate, whereas MsgBox is internal to the script itself - but I am not at all sure of that. M23
    1 point
  6. Melba23

    dllcall hang..

    JohnOne, It is. Run this: AdlibRegister("_Func", 1000) RunWait("notepad.exe") ConsoleWrite("Arrived here at " & @SEC & "!" & @CRLF) Func _Func() ConsoleWrite("Adlib at " & @SEC & @CRLF) EndFunc The Adlib fires every second as that is using a timer from outside the script itself - the final ConsoleWrite waits until you close the Notepad window. M23
    1 point
  7. Jos

    Learning the Functions

    Ok, let me be clear with you: Make sure you read our forumrules and sick to them and you'll be fine. Jos
    1 point
  8. FrankSchneidewind, How about this? M23
    1 point
  9. This actually should work for both the included and Full SciTE versions. The main difference is that the Full version would run au3check by default unless a directive is used to not run it. @Ambient, Show the full SciTE output pane info when running or compiling your script so we can tell what version you are running, in case you are interested. Jos
    1 point
  10. Ah. Understood For most intents and purposes (in the traditional encryption sense), "one way" means one direction...meaning encrypt only. Hashing algorithms for example (MD5, SHA, etc.) do one way encryption. to produce the hash value. The method used to generate the hash value should be very difficult to reverse. If you are interested in encryption I'd highly recommend looking at the _Crypt* functions in the help file. Either way, keep on scriptin'
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Just a clarification, DevCon does not require installation on your target PCs. You have to install the Windows DDK in order to get the tools you want, but you can do this on a virtual machine and then later revert.
    1 point
  13. actually the files are available one post after (post #54). also, have you looked into DevCon?
    1 point
  14. Look here: https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/User_Defined_Functions#Hardware for: Device Management (by weaponx)
    1 point
  15. Just put a one dollar note in your cdtray and run FileCopy('path to cdtray\one dollar.$$$','https://www.autoitscript.com/donate') The dollar will transfered asap.
    1 point
  16. Ok I found what went wrong, it seems it doesn't work with "Adjust for best performance" in performance options. Your code works great with default performance options! Thanks you!
    1 point
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