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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2016 in all areas

  1. Version 3.1.0


    Here is an UDF for managing printers. Features are : - add, remove or rename a printer - add or remove a driver - add or remove a TCP/IP printer port - add or remove a LPR printer port - connect to a remote printer - enum printers and there configuration and properties - pause resume or cancel all jobs of a printer - checks if a printer exists - print a test page - set the default printer
    1 point
  2. Jon

    Where is au3record.exe?

    It has been removed from the main installer from v3.3.14.1 as it triggers many AV false positives. You can find an old version here: https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/files/archive/autoit/ autoit-v3.3.14.0.zip A little explanation of the rather strange link above: If we give you a direct link to the file (or the zip file which includes it) the site gets flagged as hosting malware (yes really!) - so what you have is a link to the AutoIt archive page and the name of the zip file you need to download from it.
    1 point
  3. - _____ _____ _ _ - |_ _|___ ___ ___ _ _| __|___ ___|_|___| |_ - | | | -_| -_| | | |__ | _| _| | . | _| - |_| |___|___|_|_|_ |_____|___|_| |_| _|_| - By TarreTarreTarre|___|Build '1.0.0' |_| + F5 = Run script + F6 = Build 'AU3' + F7 = Build 'EXE' + F8 = Options GUI + F10 = Exit TeenyScript All example code and documentation moved to: http://teenyscript.tarre.nu/documentation Official Github repo: http://github.com/tarreislam/teenyscript F.A.Q Q: What is TeenyScript? A: TeenyScript is a Superset of AutoIt which makes it more advanced Q: How does it work? A: TeenyScript code are parsed into native AutoiT code Q: Does it depend on anything else than AutoIt? A: Just one dependency, that is AutoitObject, the best UDF ever created for AutoIt, besides that, only Native AutoIt is used Features "Anonymous" functions Endless scope nesting OOP (powered by AutoitObject) User-friendly integration Powerful macros Namespaces Lists Project support, for easy deployment Userfriendly GUI for userfriendly Tasks for the Userfriendly person And much more To come You decide, I am happy to do requests! Install and Update TeenyScript HOW TO GET STARTED Run TeenyScript.au3 Now this should see something like this in your console Code Press F8 and navigate to the misc tab to install SciTE calltips Run \ Build \ Compile How to run with Sublime Text Here is some examples of TeenyScript code ;Basic List usage $Example_A = Func() ; Create a list Local $myList = { 'Name': 'Tarre' } ; Add \ Change data on $MyList $myList{'Age'} = 25 ; Create MySecondList Local $MySecondList = { "Name" => "John", "Age" => "00" } ; Using variable instead of a string Local $KeyName = "Age" Local $KeyVal = 1337 $MySecondList{$KeyName} = $KeyVal ; You may also pass lists to lists. however this has to be done in this fashion. Local $oList = {'myList': $myList, 'mySecondList' => $MySecondList} ; Return the objects Return $oList EndFunc();call the function on the variable ; Loop through list and print their values $Example_B = Func() Local $MyList = {'A': 'Hello FROM A', 'B': 'Hello FROM B', 'C': 'Hello FROM C'} Local $aNames = ['A', 'B', 'C'] For $i = 0 To UBound($aNames) -1 MsgBox(0,0,$myList{$aNames[$i]}) Next EndFunc #MAIN MsgBox(0,"Example A 1", $Example_A.myList.Name) MsgBox(0,"Example A 2", $Example_A.myList.Age) MsgBox(0,"Example A 3", $Example_A.mySecondList.Name) MsgBox(0,"Example A 4", $Example_A.mySecondList.Age) $Example_B(); Execute examble B Here is a non class nested function calculator example (calculator.ts.au3) $calculator = Func($a, $and, $b) $division = Func($a, $b) if Not $a or Not $b Then Return "Error dividing 0" EndIf Return $a/$b EndFunc Switch $and Case '+' Return $a + $b Case '-' Return $a - $b Case '/' Return $division($a, $b) Case '*' Return $a * $b EndSwitch Return "Unkown attribute "&$and EndFunc #MAIN ConsoleWrite($calculator(25, '*', 25)&@CRLF) ConsoleWrite($calculator(25, '/', 0) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite($calculator(1, '^', 2) & @CRLF) teeny-script.zip (OLD) TeenyScript beta2.zip (OLD) teeny-script Beta 4.zip (OLD) teeny-script Beta 5.zip (OLD) teeny-script BETA 6.zip (OLD) TeenyScript Beta 7.zip (OLD) teeny-script Beta 8.zip (OLD) TeenyScript-master 1.0.0.zip (OLD) TeenyScript-1.1.0.zip (OLD) TeenyScript-1.2.0.zip (OLD) TeenyScript-2.0.0.zip (OLRD, Release notes) TeenyScript-2.1.3.zip (Newest 2016-09-16, Release notes)
    1 point
  4. coffeeturtle, Quite a steep learning curve, but well worth the effort. I started out reading this site -although there are plenty of others. Good luck - and try not to let your brain bleed too much over the keyboard! M23
    1 point
  5. echoAwoo, If all you want is a container, then I suggest the #region...#endregion directives. Look in SciTE Help under <Lexer features> to see how it works. M23
    1 point
  6. I think that the Global Options file for SciTe has an option in the section # Window sizes and visibility. remove comment for the line: #toolbar.large=1
    1 point
  7. Excel 2010 and the script from post #3 do not crash. Run "LargeData Error.au3 on a different computer and/or another version of Excel.
    1 point
  8. New version: Added _Photoshop_SelectionFill Added _Photoshop_GetDocs Added _Photoshop_DocGetHistoryState, _Photoshop_DocGetHistoryStateCount, _Photoshop_DocGetHistoryStates Added _Photoshop_HistoryStateGetName, _Photoshop_HistoryStateIsSnapshot Added _Photoshop_DocGetActiveLayer, _Photoshop_DocSetActiveLayer _Photoshop_DocGetLayer can now return ArtLayer or LayerSet object Added _Photoshop_ObjectGetType Renamed _Photoshop_ArtLayerGetName to _Photoshop_LayerGetName Renamed _Photoshop_ArtLayerSetName to _Photoshop_LayerSetName Renamed _Photoshop_ArtLayerGetBlendMode to _Photoshop_LayerGetBlendMode Renamed _Photoshop_ArtLayerSetBlendMode to _Photoshop_LayerSetBlendMode Renamed _Photoshop_ArtLayerGetOpacity to _Photoshop_LayerGetOpacity Renamed _Photoshop_ArtLayerSetOpacity to _Photoshop_LayerSetOpacity Renamed _Photoshop_ArtLayerGetBounds to _Photoshop_LayerGetBounds Renamed _Photoshop_ArtLayerSetBounds to _Photoshop_LayerSetBounds Renamed _Photoshop_ArtLayerMergeDown to _Photoshop_LayerMergeDown Renamed _Photoshop_ArtLayerTranslate to _Photoshop_LayerTranslate Added _Photoshop_LayerSetGetLayer, _Photoshop_LayerSetGetLayerCount, _Photoshop_LayerSetGetLayers Added _Photoshop_LayerIsVisible, _Photoshop_LayerSetVisible Added _Photoshop_LayerDelete Added _Photoshop_LayerRotate, _Photoshop_LayerResize Some of these changes are SCRIPT BREAKING, so remember to update your scripts! Adobe Photoshop UDF
    1 point
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